Annotated-Artifact 20 237 20 20virtual 20lesson

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Des Moines Area Community College

INTASC Standards
Artifact Reflection Form

Teaching Standard/Competency/Outcome Addressed:

InTASC Standard #7: Planning for Instruction

Course Competency #2 (EDU218) Demonstrate an understanding of various methods for

successful delivery of instruction.

Essential Learning Outcome #1 Discipline knowledge

Course: EDU 218 and SDV 164

Date of Implementation: March 2024

Title of Artifact: Virtual Lesson
● How did this assignment help you to learn about planning for instruction?
● Completing this assignment challenged me to think of not only a lesson, but also
possible questions and/or difficulties that would occur and how I would solve
them virtually rather than in an in-person classroom.
● How did this assignment help you to demonstrate how to successfully deliver
instruction to your students?
● This assignment required me to be detailed in the lesson portion as well as
continually ask questions to check for understanding and lastly, be clear in the
assessment portion to assure that each student would meet the standards
● How did the assignment help you to learn about the discipline of education?
● In order to teach others, the teacher themselves have to have a perfect
understanding of the subject being taught as well as a straightforward way to
teach it. Not to mention, the teacher has to put time aside in order to think of
each and every possible scenario of what to do in case a class does not meet the
standard and how to assure that each students needs are met.

(Explain what you gained from completing this assignment/artifact.)
For the InTasc Standard #7:Planning for Instruction, I was told to create a virtual lesson
that required to show their comprehension of an Iowa Core Standard. By doing this, I was
able to think of more ways of how to incorporate technology into my lessons which will
be beneficial for not only myself in the future, but also my students. As time has
progressed, more and more of education has switched to technology so by completing
this artifact, I have shown that I am capable and my future students will be able to learn
and benefit from it. Lastly, completing this artifact has put me into a position of thinking
with a broader perspective which included how to meet each and every one of my future
students needs.

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