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MEASURES: Safety guide before, during and

after volcanic eruptions.
AFTERVOLCANIC Residents living near the danger
ACTIVITIES zone during volcanic eruptions.
Name: Jaedeene B. Las-egan WHY
Subj ect : Science
Sect ion: Gr ade 9 The following mitigation
measures will help you keep your
loved ones safe.



09*** - HOSPITAL
W HAT IS A t h ing s t o do bef o r e a 4. If you are dr iving a vehicle, pull to the side of the
road and stop if there is a heavy ashfall.

VOLCANIC v o l c anic er upt io n: 5. As soon as the ashfall taper s, scr ape off the ash
that has accum m ulated on roof tops to prevent collapse.
1. Know the signs of an im pending er uption such as the
ERUPTION? increase in the frequency of volcanic quakes accom panied 6. W hen notified, im m ediately evacuate to safer
grounds. Stay in the evacuation center until fur ther
by r um bling sounds, change in color of steam em ission
- Volcanic er uption occur s w hen from w hite to gr ay, and dr ying up of vegetation, spr ings, instr uctions. D o not attem pt to leave the place unless told

m agm a from deep inside the ear th and w ells around the volcano. to do.
2. Know the com m unity?s safety plans by m onitor ing the
pushes up through the m antle and latest advisor ies and w ar nings, know ing the location of the
7. T horoughly w ash utensils before eating. Cover
w ater container s and food to avoid contam ination w ith ash.
cr ust. evacuation site, and prepar ing your fam ily?s go bag.
3. Each per son should be aw are of the danger s that volcanic 8. Keep your pets in their shelter or inside the house
- Volcanic er uption releases lava, er uptions.Volcanic er uptions are ex pected to caush ash
to prevent them from inhaling ash.
falls w hich in tur n could har m hum ans, anim als, plants,
steam and gases into the atm osphere. equipm ents, and str uctures. Beyond that, fine volcanic ash 9. Stay aw ay from r iver s and stream s for possible
is also often respir able w hich can cause pulm o- respir ator y
lahar flow.
s IGNS OF IMPENDING diseases if inhaled over prolonged per iod.
4. Prepare all necessar y things to br ing in case of evacuation:

VOLCANIC ERUPTION gas m ask or clean cloth, candles, m atches, flashlights, ex tr a

batter ies. D on?t for get to prepare your disaster kit ahead of
t h ing s t o do af t er a
- An increase in the frequency and
tim e. v o l c anic er upt io n:
5. Know w hich areas are covered by the danger zones.
1. Wear m asks w hen cleaning.
intensity of felt ear thquakes.
- N oticeable steam ing or fum arolic
t h ing s t o do dur ing a 2. After rem oving the ash, clean the roof and gutter
w ith w ater to prevent cor rosion.

activity and new or enlar ged areas of v o l c anic er upt io n: 3. Shake loose the ash from plants, fur niture, and
w indow s before cleaning them w ith w ater. Cover
hot ground. 1. Stay calm . Cover your nose and m outh w ith m ask or your nose w hile cleaning.
clean cloth and w ear protective goggles. 4. Wait for fur ther announcem ents related to the
- Subtle sw elling of ground sur face. volcanic er uption.
2. If you are outside, im m ediately seek cover in case of ash
- Sm all changes in heat flow. or rock falls. Wear glasses to protect your eyes and avoid
all low- lying places.
- Changes in the com position or relative 3. If you are inside a house, listen to the r adio for updates and
developm ents regarding the volcanic er uption. Close all
abundances of fum arolic gases. w indow s and door s of the house and your car to prevent
ashes from getting inside.

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