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User Manual for FzBillar Application

PM Assignment
Rusira Amarasinghe

Date: 01-05-2024 Page 1 | 14

1. Document Control

1.1. Table of Content

1. Document Control.........................................................................................................................2
1.1. Table of Content........................................................................................................................2
2. Overview/ Application Description................................................................................................3
3. Functional Requirements...............................................................................................................4
3.1. User Stories...............................................................................................................................4
Quotation module.............................................................................................................................4
Story ID 01 – Creating a new quotation.........................................................................................4
Story ID 02 – Filtering and search new quotations........................................................................5
Story ID 03 – Function of the action column..................................................................................6
Invoice module..................................................................................................................................8
Story ID 04 – Filtering and search invoices....................................................................................8
Story ID 05 – Functions of the action column................................................................................9
Client module..................................................................................................................................10
Story ID 06 – Add or Update clients in the system.......................................................................10
Currency module.............................................................................................................................12
Story ID 07 – Add new currency...................................................................................................12
Story ID 08 – Function of the action column................................................................................13

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2. Overview/ Application Description

This CR is for simplifying the functionalities/features of the VW where the objective is to simplify the
process of manual wallet creation. This implementation is helpful to minimize operational works that
the operations team is facing when the Manual Wallet Onboarding process. The new and improved
process will be reduced to a single input and two clicks. Client ID from T24, submit and approve
button from inputter and authorizer.

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3. Functional Requirements
3.1. User Stories
Quotation module
Story ID 01 – Creating a new quotation
Story ID: 01 Title: Creating a new quotation
User Story:

Users can create a new Quotation

Acceptance Criteria:

 Enter the customer’s name from the drop down. Client names are fetching from
the clients’ page that existed in the system.

 Assign a project name for the quotation.

 Give a brief description about the project scope.

 Enter the financials according to the tasks.

 Enter the tasks with the releasing dates.

 Enter the payments that we have received with the description and dates.

 Include terms related to the quotation.


 Client, project title, scope of work should be filled.


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Story ID 02 – Filtering and search new quotations
Story ID: 02 Title: Filtering and search new quotations
User Story:

Users can filter or search the previously added quotation list

Acceptance Criteria:

 Can select clients from the clients dropdown and filter specific client’s quotations.

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 Can select quotation status and filter the quotations by status.

 Clear filter direct users to clear the filter what they add.

 By using the search bar, users can get the quotations they need. For that they can
use quotation id, title, client name, status or amount to retrieve the data.



Story ID 03 – Function of the action column

Story ID: 03 Title: Function of the action column
User Story:

Users can View, Update, Delete quotations through the action column.

Acceptance Criteria:

 From the view, users can get a full detailed doc from a printable sheet.

 Users can download quotations through the view screen.

 Users can update the field in existed quotations.

 Users can delete the unwanted quotations.

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 Can’t change the clients name when updating a quotation.

 Only pending quotations can be deleted.
 There are no restrictions when updating the values of pending quotations.
 When we come to an approved quotation, they will inform the risk of changing the
 We can’t perform action update view or delete with the cancelled quotations.


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Invoice module
Story ID 04 – Filtering and search invoices
Story ID: 04 Title: Filtering and search invoices
User Story:

Users can filter invoices or they can search and extract the specific records.

Acceptance Criteria:

 Users can select the client from the dropdown and get the invoices for that
particular client

 Users can select the quotation from the dropdown and retrieve data through the
quotation ID.

 Users can input the time period for the quotation and retrieve the data for that
certain period of time

 Or else by selecting the tabs shown (All, This month, Next month, Due) and can get
the total values of invoiced or to be invoiced.

 User can select the invoice status and filter the needed invoices.

 By using the search bar, users can get the invoices they need. For that they can use
quotation id, invoice date, amount, invoiced amount, due, note, client name or
status to retrieve the data.



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Story ID 05 – Functions of the action column
Story ID: 05 Title: Functions of the action column
User Story:

Users can create new invoices and update existed invoices.

Acceptance Criteria:

 Users can create new invoices by using existed quotation IDs.

 User can edit or update the invoices that already made.


 Can’t updated completed, ignored invoices

 Can’t select the partially invoiced status without changing the invoice amount or
next invoice date.
 When updating, users can’t change the original invoice amount.

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Client module
Story ID 06 – Add or Update clients in the system
Story ID: 06 Title: Add new clients to the system
User Story:

Users can add new clients to the system or Update existed client’s details in the system.

Acceptance Criteria:

 User can add new clients by clicking create new client button.

 While creating a new customer, users can get client’s Bank accounts from the
dropdown that have assign to clients through the Bank details page before.

 User can update details of an existed client by clicking action button that appeared
on last column.

 User can search clients by using key words like customer name, code, email,
phone, country or company


 When creating a new client, users have to fill all the text boxes that has shown (*)


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Currency module
Story ID 07 – Add new currency
Story ID: 07 Title: Add new currency
User Story:

Users can add new currency to the system.

Acceptance Criteria:

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 Users can add new currencies to the system by inserting country code and the


 When creating a new currency, users have to fill all the text boxes that has shown
(*) mark.


Story ID 08 – Function of the action column

Story ID: 07 Title: Function of the action column
User Story:

Users can update or delete currency records by using action column buttons.

Acceptance Criteria:

 Users can update either currency code or currency name.

 Users can delete unwanted currency records.


 When updating a currency, users have to fill all the text boxes that has shown (*)
 If that particular currency used in quotations or currently active, users can’t
update or delete it. It has shown through the labels.


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