Asti Diniati Ujian Akhir Semester English Grammar in Spoken Discourse

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Nama: Asti Diniati

St. Number: 2202010009
Class: Reguler Pagi Semester 3

Instruction: Please answer the questions below. Don’t forget you need to be careful to answer it.
Good luck ☺
1. Based on your opinion, what is English spoken discourse?
2. What the differences between English spoken discourse and English written discourse?
Please explain.
3. What is English spoken discourse used for?
4. Please explain the advantages and disadvantages of spoken language.
5. Please explain the features of spoken language.

1. Spoken discourse is an interactive speech between two or more people, which is a broad-
based language phenomenon in daily life.
2. Spoken language mostly takes place in the form of a dialogue with another speaker.
Written language, on the other hand, is generally more structured, formal, impersonal and
3. To communicate information to your students, answer their questions, guide their
discussions, or give directions.
4. One crucial advantage of oral communication is its immediacy, allowing for real-time
feedback and instant clarification during conversations.On the other hand, one major
drawback of oral communication is its lack of permanence, which can lead to
misunderstandings or discrepancies in the information conveyed.
5. Spoken language has more words that refer to the speaker, more quantifiers and hedges,
and less abstractness. Spoken texts are: more fragmented - more simple sentences and
more use of coordination and, but, so, because rather than subordination (embedding)
lexically less dense.

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