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Strategic and Applied Digital

Module Code: MKT741(CRN52021)
Year: 2023/24
Module Code: MKT741 (CRN52021)

Course/s: MSc Marketing; Bus. Devel. & Innovation

Departments of Management Leadership and Marketing

Ulster University Business School

Dr John Bustard
Module Coordinator

Room Number BC-10-217


Phone Number 028 9536 5187

Office Hours Mon 12.00 -2.00pm; Wed: 2.00 – 4.00pm

Information provided within the module handbook is subject to change.

MKT741 Strategic and Applied Digital Marketing

Table of Content

Welcome.................................................................................................................................. 3

1. Module Overview and Communication.................................................................................4

2. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Graduate Attributes (GAs) in your module. . .5

3. Aim and Learning Outcomes................................................................................................7

4. Assessment and Feedback.................................................................................................. 8

5. Learning Resources........................................................................................................... 13

6. Organisation and Management..........................................................................................15

7. Student Voice and Support Services..................................................................................23

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[Module Code] [Module Title]



Your Ulster adventure continues here…

We are #ReadyForUU and looking forward to helping you negotiate your module experience. You
have worked hard to get to this point, and we aim to support you in deepening your knowledge of
Digital Marketing Communications at the Digital and Marketing nexus.

Very much looking forward to working with you!

Kind regards,
Dr John Bustard,
Module Coordinator
January 2024

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MKT741 Strategic and Applied Digital Marketing

1. Module Overview and Communication

Module Details

Module Title Strategic and Applied Digital Marketing

Module Code MKT741 Module Level 7

Credit points 20 Module Status Core

Semester 2 Location Campus/Out centre

Delivery Mode Face-to-face

Contact Details and Communication Methods

Dr John Bustard (See cover sheet for contact details)

Teaching Staff [Dr John Bustard]

Contact Details Email:, Office Hours: Mon 12-2; Wed: 2 – 4pm

If you require advice on any aspect of the module, please read the
guidance provided here, in the Module Handbook.
For General Queries, please utilise the class Discussion Board. For
Specific Queries or studies advice, you can avail of the ‘Virtual Office
Hours’. Contact any member of the teaching team by email to arrange a
suitable appointment. Please note, we aim to respond to all queries within
Queries and
48 hours during the working week.

Key announcements will be presented during tutor-led activities.

Out of class communication including notifications, reminders, etc will be
distributed via the Blackboard Announcement tool. You will receive a
duplication of the announcement direct to your student email inbox. It is
essential that you check your emails regularly.
It also advisable that you download the ‘Blackboard’ App as an alternative
to access these announcements, notifications, and reminders as well as

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Academic Year 2023/24 – Semester
[Module Code] [Module Title]

2. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and

Graduate Attributes (GAs) in your module

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The UN SDGs are a comprehensive set of global goals to end poverty, protect our planet, and
improve living conditions of the Global Population. This module is designed to enable you to develop
the subject relevant knowledge and competencies to contribute to a sustainable future aligned with
the UN SDGs.
The following Sustainable Development Goal(s) are embedded in this module of learning:




E = Embedding

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[Module Code] [Module Title]

Graduate Attributes (GAs)

Ulster University’s Graduate Attributes are a high-level set of competencies, developing universal
understandings, skills, qualities, and values.
As a result of engaging with this module you will have opportunities to develop and practise the
following selected attributes:

Thriving Individual D A Engaged Learner D A

Enhancing Potential Subject Specialist

Confidence and Resilience Creative Problem Solver
Well-being Researcher
Growth Mindset Critical Thinker

Collaborative Professional D A Active Citizen D A

Responsible Team Player Citizen with Integrity

Effective Communicator Inclusive Citizen
Enterprising Innovator Sustainable Citizen
Digital Fluent Professional Future Thinker

D = Developed
A = Assessed

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MKT741 Strategic and Applied Digital Marketing

3. Aim and Learning Outcomes

Module Rationale
Becoming strategic in the application of digital marketing communications has become the central
focus for entrepreneurs, enterprises and organisations seeking to reach, engage, co-create and
develop deeper relationships with their consumer 'tribes'. In an age of ubiquitous connectivity and a
demand for real-time and personalised engagement, this module will give participants an
understanding of what that means for those involved in delivering richer and more productive
consumer experiences through digital marketing platforms. This module seeks to provide learners
with practical, real-world examples of technologies meeting the demands of such connected
consumers and utilises a project based approach to promote active, deeper learning of the unfolding
opportunities through digital marketing.
Overall Aim of the Module
• Know how innovative Digital Marketing communications can develop marketing and business
decision making
• Do effective work to undertake real life marketing projects using appropriate decision-making
• Be able to demonstrate skills in the effective use of digital marketing technology to solve business
challenges and present business ideas and results creatively
Learning Outcomes

What you should be able to do by the end of this module?

Successful participants will be able to:

1) Apply skills and demonstrate effective use of digital and information technology to solve and
present business ideas and results.
2) Conduct analysis and evaluation of a range of different data sources to assess the validity and
reliability for marketing strategy and decision making.
3) Illustrate a practical ability with and understanding of digital technology and analytical software
programmes that are used within marketing and business decision making.
4) Perform effectively within a team to undertake real life marketing projects demonstrating
comprehension of appropriate decision-making techniques.

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MKT741 Strategic and Applied Digital Marketing

4. Assessment and Feedback

What you need to do to demonstrate achievement of learning?

Summary Assessment Information

This module will be assessed via two items of assessment

Percentage (%) and

Type Assessment method and Feedback due
word count
submission date: date

Format: Report (Coursework) -

Group Consultancy Exercise +3 weeks post
Coursework 1 75% (5,000 words)
Submission date & week number: submission date

Word Count: 5,000

Format: Oral assessment
(Practical: Podcast/Vodcast) 25% (5 minute, well
+3 weeks post
Coursework 2 produced. With intro,
Submission date & week number: submission date
detail and evidence)
Word Count:

Assessment Guidance
1) Word count includes the title page, contents page, in-text references and citations but excludes
tables, reference list and appendices.
2) Your work should include references to relevant journal articles and other good quality
information sources and should be properly laid out using the Harvard system of referencing.
More detailed guidance is available in the ‘Guide to Referencing in the Harvard Style’. We
encourage you to make good use of all the support services offered by your Faculty Subject
Librarian, further details are in the Learning Support Services Section.
3) You should refer to the assessment criteria to provide fuller details of the marking criteria for each
classification band.
4) In addition, you should refer to the standard assessment guidelines as presented in your Course
Handbook/Support Area, this includes guidance and policies on referencing style, plagiarism, etc.
5) We recommend the use of Studiosity which offers constructive feedback on draft written
submissions within 24 hrs.
6) Coursework must be submitted by the dates specified. Coursework submitted after the
deadline, without prior approval, is not normally accepted. For further guidance on the late
submission of coursework, please see the course handbook.
7) Non-compliance with the word limit will result in a penalty being applied in accordance with the
University Word Limit Policy which can be found on your Course Support Area in Blackboard.

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MKT741 Strategic and Applied Digital Marketing

Coursework 1
Assessment Task

Digital Marketing Strategy for Case Company

Coursework 1 – BRIEF
a) The assignment may take the form of a group report:
b) Written word-processed report of not more than 5000 words. Word count includes the title page,
contents page, in-text references and citations and includes tables, although not the reference list
and appendices. The Teaching & Learning policy at Ulster suggests tables that are created by
students and are the students work should be included in word count.
c) The group consultancy exercise will be based around a live national/international case study
where the consultancy teams will be required to assess the appropriateness and extent of a
digital engagement by a case company.
d) The exercise will require consultancy teams to develop a management report which will involve
the following;
- conduct primary and secondary research,
- understand and interpret the case context both internally within the specific case company and
at the level of industry and market analysis,
- utilise Google analytics and/or other appropriate marketing technology (MarTech),
- propose evidence-based recommendations and examples of content and strategy that the case
company can take forward with respect to a digital marketing strategy.
e) In groups participants will conduct a digital audit and create a digital strategy of a live project case
with a particular focus on the various digital marketing elements and using an appropriate
framework of analysis such as SOSTAC.
f) As part of the process, create a content strategy and create examples of this content for
presentation to the client.
g) Detailed guidance will be given in the seminars in Day 1 and Day 3 to explore the SOSTAC
elements for the case company and provide advice on the use of mediums/technologies for this
assessment exercise.
h) This element of coursework accounts for 75% of the overall assessment with an individual
element contained within. Students should refer to the marking criteria attached to provide them
with fuller details of marking criteria for each classification band.

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MKT741 Strategic and Applied Digital Marketing

i) Completed assignments must be submitted via Turnitin by 1pm on Friday 22nd March 2024.
This date and time is final, and a late submission will be penalised by the deduction of marks.
j) All submitted assignments should have the file name:
i) "MKT741AssignmentNumberGroupNumber"
ii) e.g. MKT741Assignment1Group3.

Coursework 1 – FEEDBACK
Written feedback on the assessment will be provided via Blackboard by the 3rd working week post

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To aid student understanding, we will also explain the rubric/marking proforma to you in an assessment preparation session during the module but below
is the rubric and expected outcomes at each level.

Classification % Content Application of Theory Knowledge and Evidence of Referencing Presentation, Grammar
Range Understanding Reading and and Spelling

Distinction 70 – Critical insightful evaluation Extensive evidence of Exceptional knowledge and Extensive Outstanding Outstanding, well-directed
100 and synthesis of complex advanced applications and/or conceptual understanding of evidence of referencing and presentation, logically and
high level of originality and empirical results, where complex and/or specialised integrating bibliography coherently structured, using
reflection. Demonstrates the applicable, informed principles and concepts and the supplementary correct grammar, spelling
ability to pursue research at extensively by current development and advancement sources and citation
Doctoral level research and practice in the of ideas and practice
Commendation 60 – 69 Critical evaluation and Clear evidence of relevant Wide knowledge and depth of Evidence of Comprehensive Excellent presentation,
synthesis of complex issues applications and/or empirical understanding of complex and/or extensive referencing and logically structured, using
and material which includes results, where applicable, specialised principles and reading of bibliography correct grammar and citation
an original and reflective informed by current research concepts and the development supplementary
approach and practice in the area of ideas and practice sources

50 – 59 Some critical evaluation and Evidence of relevant Appropriate knowledge and Evidence of Adequate Orderly presentation, clear
Pass synthesis of key issues and applications and/or empirical depth of understanding of key reading referencing and structure and acceptable
material results, where applicable with principles and concepts with supplementary bibliography grammar and spelling
some links to current research some understanding of their sources
in the area development in practice

Fail 45 – 49 Some evaluation and Occasional relevant Basic knowledge and depth of Limited Limited Adequate presentation and
synthesis of issues and applications and/or empirical understanding of key principles evidence of referencing and structure, grammar, spelling
(marginal) material results, where applicable and concepts only reading bibliography and citation

31 – 44 Limited evaluation and Limited applications and/or Limited and/or superficial Minimal Inadequate Poor presentation and
Fail synthesis of issues and empirical results, where knowledge of key principles and evidence of referencing and structure, grammar, spelling
material applicable concepts reading bibliography and citation

0 – 30 Little or no evaluation and Little or no evidence of Virtually devoid of any evidence Little or no Inadequate Inadequate presentation,
Fail synthesis of issues and relevant application and/or of knowledge and understanding evidence of referencing and structure, grammar, spelling
material empirical results reading bibliography and citation
Coursework 2
Assessment Task

5 Minute Podcast Reflection Integrating New Digital Marketing Knowledge

of Strategic and Applied Digital Marketing

Coursework 2 – BRIEF
a) The assignment may take the form of a recorded multimedia presentation (using Panopto).
Students are required to create a 5-minute podcast reflecting on their project experience and
highlighting the major new knowledge which they have acquired in the process of carrying out the
project. They must use academic citations and current research and data to enhance the
communication. The finished podcast and required documentation (see appendix 2) and show
notes (see template in appendix 6) must be submitted via the online submission area in the
assessment folder on Blackboard (this includes a list of references used in the podcast - simply
weave these references within your podcast).
b) Detailed guidance will be given in the seminars in Day 4 to explore how to successfully create a
podcast and materials to support the development will also be provided via Blackboard.
c) This element of coursework accounts for 25% of the overall assessment. Students should refer to
the marking criteria attached to provide them with fuller details of marking criteria for each
classification band.
d) Completed assignments must be submitted via Turnitin by 1pm on 9th April 2024. This date
and time is final, and a late submission will be penalised by the deduction of marks.
e) All submitted assignments should have the file name: - [Insert Last Name and first name]
MKT741 (52021) Digital Marketing Communications
f) View additional ‘Standard Assessment Guidance,’ for further guidance applicable to all
coursework elements.
g) All submitted assignments should have the file name:
i) "SurnameFirstNameBNumber"
ii) e.g. BrownJohnB00001234_AssignmentOne.

Coursework 2 – FEEDBACK
Written feedback on the assessment will be provided via Blackboard by the 3rd working week post
MKT741 Strategic and Applied Digital Marketing


To aid student understanding, it is advisable to explain the rubric/marking proforma to your students in an assessment preparation session.
Classification Range Structure – Contents, sequence, Knowledge and Evidence of reading of Production values, Experiential and Reflective Learning
% timing, title of proposed research understanding of proposed literature relevant to Presentation and
and accompanying documentation research topic proposed research topic Creativity 20
10 30 20 20
With Excellent topic choice and title. A well- Very convincing and Excellent evidence of Sound levels were Critically evaluates the complex contextual
commendation 70 – planned presentation. Logical structure informative delivery of relevant relevant and recent consistent throughout. Voice factors that contributed to their learning through
[Excellent work] 100 consisting of an introduction, research topic material. literature acknowledging was clear and intelligible the experiential learning cycle and makes plans
development of discussion, conclusion Appropriate content set in key authors in the subject throughout. Excellent rhythm that create opportunities to apply learning in
and a concise summary. Excellent use context to the overall research domain with excellent and pace and consistently diverse future contexts related to the subject.
of the allotted time. No overrun or topic. Information presented is evaluation of the key reinforced the narrative. Successfully draws conclusions by connecting
failure to use all the time available. precisely related to the issues. Elements of the podcast examples from the concrete experience of the
Extensive range of accompanying presentation, no deviation into were utilised as to create module to theory/concepts from digital
documentation covering learning log, peripheral areas. interest, making this video marketing and/or group work perspectives
timeline of meetings (minutes) agreed both informative and
action and activities, plus meeting engaging.
evaluation sheets.
Pass Very good topic choice and title. A Convincing and informative Comprehensive range of Sound levels were Evaluates the complex contextual factors that
[Very Good 60 – good presentation. Logical structure delivery of relevant research relevant literature consistent. Voice was contributed to their learning through the
quality work] 69 consisting of an introduction, topic material. Good content reviewed, acknowledging intelligible. Good presence experiential learning cycle and makes plans
development of discussion, conclusion set in context to the overall key authors in the subject and delivery, rhythm and that create opportunities to apply learning in
and a concise summary. Very good research topic. Information domain. Evidence of very pace of speech which diverse future contexts related to the subject.
use of the allotted time. Good range of presented is related to the good critical analysis and reinforced the narrative. Draws conclusions by connecting examples
accompanying documentation covering presentation, some deviation evaluation. Elements of the podcast from the concrete experience of the module to
learning log, timeline of meetings into peripheral areas. were utilised as to create theory/concepts from digital marketing and/or
(minutes) agreed action and activities, interest, making this video group work perspectives
plus meeting evaluation sheets. informative.
Pass Good topic choice and title. An Somewhat convincing and Acceptable range of Sound levels were Some evaluation of the complex contextual
[Acceptable 50 – acceptable presentation. Acceptable informative delivery of relevant literature consistent. Voice was factors that contributed to their learning through
work] 59 structure. Problems with use of the research topic material. acknowledging some key intelligible. Acceptable the experiential learning cycle and makes
allotted time. Adequate range of Content acceptably set in authors in the subject presence and delivery, some plans that create opportunities to apply
accompanying documentation covering context to the overall research domain. Some critical rhythm and pace of speech learning in diverse future contexts related to
learning log, timeline of meetings topic. Information presented is analysis and evaluation of which reinforced the the subject. Some attempt at developing
(minutes) agreed action and activities, vaguely related to the key issues. narrative. Some elements conclusions by connecting examples from the
plus meeting evaluation sheets. presentation, clear deviation of the podcast were utilised concrete experience of the module to
into peripheral areas. as to create interest. theory/concepts from digital marketing and/or
group work perspectives
Fail Weak topic choice and unclear title. A Unconvincing and little Unacceptable range of Sound levels were not Omits to evaluate the complex contextual
0 – 49 weak presentation. Illogical structure. informative delivery of relevant literature used with little or consistent. Voice was factors that contributed to their learning through
(Unacceptable Severe problems with use of the research topic material. no critique or critique or intelligible. Weak presence the experiential learning cycle and does not
work) allotted time. Limited range of Content not adequately set in evaluation of issues. and delivery, rhythm and make plans that create opportunities to apply
accompanying documentation covering context to the overall research pace of speech. Some learning in diverse future contexts related to
learning log, timeline of meetings topic. Information presented is elements of the podast were the subject. Fails to draw conclusions by
(minutes) agreed action and activities, only loosely related to the not suitable. connecting examples from the concrete
plus meeting evaluation sheets. presentation, strong deviation experience of the module to theory/concepts
into peripheral areas. from digital marketing and/or group work

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MKT741 Strategic and Applied Digital Marketing

5. Learning Resources
A list of current learning resources specifically chosen to build
your knowledge and understanding for this module

Reading List
Also available online via Key Links:
Books/Journal Article/Publications Required Reading (Must read)

Chaffey, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2019) Digital marketing. Pearson UK.

Chaffey, D. and Smith, P. R. (2022) Digital marketing excellence: Planning, optimizing and
integrating online marketing. 6th ed. London: Routledge.

Smith, P.R. (2021) The SOSTAC (c) Guide to your perfect digital marketing plan 2021. PR Smith.

Books/Journal Article/Publications Recommended Reading (Should read/Could read)

Chaffey, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, E. (2016) Digital marketing: strategy, implementation and practice.
6th ed. New York: Pearson.

Ryan, D. (2020) Understanding digital marketing: Marketing strategies for engaging the digital
generation. Kogan Page Publishers.

Tuten, T.L. and Solomon, M.R. (2017) Social media marketing. Sage.

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MKT741 Strategic and Applied Digital Marketing

Useful Journals

Beckers, S.F., van Doorn, J. and Verhoef, P.C. (2017) Good, better, engaged? The effect of
company-initiated customer engagement behavior on shareholder value. Journal of the Academy
of Marketing Science, 1-18.
Confos, N. and Davis, T. (2016) Young consumer-brand relationship building potential using digital
marketing. European Journal of Marketing. Vol. 50 No. 11, p.1993-2017.
De Pelsmacker, P., Van Tilburg, S. and Holthof, C. (2018) Digital marketing strategies, online
reviews and hotel performance. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 72, pp.47-55.
Hendrix, P.E. (2015) How digital technologies are enabling consumers and transforming the
practice of marketing, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 22(2), 149-150
Kannan, P.K. (2017) Digital marketing: A framework, review and research agenda. International
Journal of Research in Marketing, 34(1), pp.22-45.
Leeflang, P.S.H., Verhoef, P.C., Dahlstrom, P. and Freundt, T. (2014) Challenges and solutions for
marketing in a digital era, European Management Journal, 32, 1-12
Saura, J.R., Palos-Sánchez, P. and Cerdá Suárez, L.M. (2017) Understanding the digital marketing
environment with KPIs and web analytics. Future Internet, 9(4), p.76.
Vieira, V.A., de Almeida, M.I.S., Agnihotri, R. and Arunachalam, S., 2019. In pursuit of an effective
B2B digital marketing strategy in an emerging market. Journal of the Academy of Marketing
Science, 47(6), pp.1085-1108.

Useful Library Databases and Websites

Please visit:


Library’s Support Services

In collaboration with teaching staff, your Subject Librarian will be delivering timetabled workshops to
ensure you are able to make the best use of the Library’s services and information resources in
successfully completing your coursework. Furthermore, if you need specific help with an assignment
or dissertation then you can make an appointment to meet with your Subject Librarian by email,
phone or through using the appointments schedule.
Online support is also available by accessing the Library’s Faculty Guides as these provide help in
developing your information and research skills by identifying the best learning resources available,
forming effective literature searches, offering academic writing support and adopting the best
referencing techniques.

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MKT741 Strategic and Applied Digital Marketing

Blackboard Learning Support

If you require help or support with any of the digital learning tools utilised within your module, please
view Ulster’s Blackboard Student Support area. The Blackboard Helpdesk can be contacted via

028 9536 7188, or by e-mail to

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MKT741 Strategic and Applied Digital Marketing

6. Organisation and Management

Types of learning activities that will make up your weekly timetable

MKT741 Strategic and Applied Digital Marketing, is a 20-credit point module, this requires
approximately 200 hours of your commitment, distributed through the following learning and teaching
activities over a block period or through a 15-week semester. For a description of the nature of the
learning activities please refer to your course handbook.

Summary of Learning Activities

Learning Activities: Block 1 Indicative Total Hours

Weekly Hours (200 hours)
Lecture and Class Activities 2 hours 24

Seminar or Seminar Activities 1 hour 12

Other, Directed Learning Activities 3 hours 36

Independent Study: Block 1 Indicative Guide

Assigned Reading and Note-taking 3 hours 45

Assessment Activities and Seminar Preparation 5.5 hours 83

The teaching and learning plan provides a more detailed overview of content on a weekly basis.
Module delivery will typically consist of a two-hour lecture and a one-hour Seminar although format
may vary slightly between weeks/sessions.
Lecture: DAY, Time, Room TBA (see Timetable online for up to date room listings)
Seminar 1: DAY, Time, Room TBA
Seminar 2: DAY, Time, Room TBA

Seminars – please refer to the teaching and learning plan below for the seminar topic. Attendance at
seminars is most important and therefore will be monitored.

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MKT741 Strategic and Applied Digital Marketing

Teaching and Learning Plan

The teaching plan/order of weekly topics is subject to change. The list below provides an
outline summary of weekly activities and further information is available on BBL in the
relevant week’s folder. Students will be expected to engage in all prescribed activities
that contribute towards final assessment.

BlockDay/ L&T Curriculum Content/Topic Title Independent/Directed

Methods/ Topic Study, includes:
Title Required Reading,
Seminar Preparation,
and/or Assessment
Preparation and due

Day 1 Lecture Module Welcome: MKT741 Reading:

Strategic & Applied Dig Mkting
09:15 – 10:45 Chpt 1 Chaffey (2019)
Introductions and Student Voice –
John Bustard Chpt 1 Smith (2017)
Expectations of the module:
MKT741 & Introduction to Digital
Overview of Module Handbook:
Overview of the Blackboard Area:

Day 1 Lecture 2 Lecture Title: The Digital Reading:

Marketing Landscape
11:00 – 12:30 Chpt 1, 2 & 3Chaffey
Content: Broad view of Digital (2019)
John Bustard
Marketing and technology and Chapter 1: Smith and
cultural impacts Zook (2019)

Day 1 Seminar 1 Seminar Topic/Task: Seminar: Chpt 2, 3 & 9 Chaffey

Case Study Introduction, (2019)
1:15 – 2:30
Assessment Requirement + Group
Grainne Formation + Persona Creation for
Bannon: Shareit Segmentation and Targeting

Day 1 Lecture 3 Lecture Title: Designing Digital Chpt 7 Chaffey (2019)

2:45 – 4:15
John Bustard Content: UX and Design
perspectives, cases and

Day 2 Lecture 1 Lecture Title: Digital Marketing Reading:

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MKT741 Strategic and Applied Digital Marketing

BlockDay/ L&T Curriculum Content/Topic Title Independent/Directed

Methods/ Topic Study, includes:
Title Required Reading,
Seminar Preparation,
and/or Assessment
Preparation and due

Strategy and Models Chpt 4 & 5 Chaffey

09:15 – 10:45 Content: a) Introduction to Digital
Marketing Planning. b)The
John Bustard
Criticality of Situation Analysis c)
Stages in Digital Marketing
Planning d) Digital Marketing

Day 2 Lecture 2 Learning Objectives: Search Engine Reading:

Optimisation with Nicola (Glow
11:00 – 12:30 Chpt 8, 9 & 10 Chaffey
John Bustard
Content: a) Understanding SEO
Fundamentals and Search b)
Keyword Research and Content
Optimization c) Technical SEO
and Website Optimisation

Day 2 Workshop Lecture Title: Applying Marketing Reading:

1 Technology and Integrating AI into
Chpt 9 & 10 Chaffey
Marketing Strategy – Digital
1:15 – 2:30 (2019)
Strategist, Stephen McClelland,
Profile Tree.

Day 2 Lecture 3 Lecture Title: The Social Reading:

2:45 – 4:15 Chpt 9 & 10 Chaffey
Content: Strategic Social Media (2019)
Emma Burdett
Planning and Management b)
Halligan & Shah,
Advanced Content Creation and
Curation c) Analytics,
Measurement, and ROI
Assessment d) Understanding of
Legal, Ethical, and Social

Day 3 Lecture/ Lecture Title: Applying Design Reading:

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MKT741 Strategic and Applied Digital Marketing

BlockDay/ L&T Curriculum Content/Topic Title Independent/Directed

Methods/ Topic Study, includes:
Title Required Reading,
Seminar Preparation,
and/or Assessment
Preparation and due

Workshop 1 Thinking to Digital Marketing Beckers et al. (2017)

Strategy – Case Focused.
09:15 – 12:15 Kozinets (2009; 2015,
Content: A hands on experience 2019)
Rachel Withers
working through a design thinking Chpt 1 King (2018)
process focused on your case

Day 3 Lecture 2 Lecture Title: Data Driven Reading:

Marketing: Test and Learn:
1:00 – 3:00 Chpt 10 Chaffey
(Agile Marketing) (2019)
Lisa Venney
Content: Analysis and application Chpt 5 & 8 Chaffey
of technology in support of data (2019)
driven insights

Day 3 Seminar 1 Seminar Topic/Task: Feedback + Seminar Preparation:

Solution Development Focus and Review Module
3:15 – 4:15
next steps toward assessment Handbook
completion + Prior Examples and

Day 4 Seminar 1 Seminar Topic: Building Digital Reading:

Strategy Holistically
9:15 -10:45 N/A
Content: Update on progress and
strategy and development
activities to develop data driven

Day 4 Lecture 2 Lecture Title: Individual Reading:

Reflection – Workshop to Support
11:00 – 12:30 N/A
Reflection Development for 2nd
Assessment Task – MKT741
Content: How to build a podcast
and leveraging Panopto platform
for high quality content creation

Day 4 Rest of Bookable Appointments for Prep with

Time Specific Group Queries questions/queries to
support your report’s

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MKT741 Strategic and Applied Digital Marketing

BlockDay/ L&T Curriculum Content/Topic Title Independent/Directed

Methods/ Topic Study, includes:
Title Required Reading,
Seminar Preparation,
and/or Assessment
Preparation and due



DATE March 2024
Group Report


DATE April 2024

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MKT741 Strategic and Applied Digital Marketing

7. Student Voice and Support Services

How we support you

As a course team, we incorporate the key partnership principles set out in the joint UU &
UUSU Student Voice Guidelines and proactively engage with the democratic election of
UUSU academic student reps (Faculty Reps, School/Dept Reps & Course Reps) to ensure
that student opinion is heard at Ulster. We respect your views and welcome your
honest and constructive feedback on the module.
There are several ways to do this:
You can contact your Module Coordinator about any queries related to your learning
experiences on the module as/when you have them.
You can voice your opinions through the formal Staff/Student Consultative Committee
process by contacting one of the elected UUSU Course Reps in your class.
You will have the opportunity to give feedback on the module through completing the online
Student Module Feedback Survey.

UUSU Advice Bureau Service

If you are experiencing difficulties that are impacting your studies, you can contact the
Advice Bureau in the Students’ Union (UUSU). You can get advice and guidance on issues
such as - complaints, appeals, housing problems, disciplinaries, and info on various support
providers available. To have a chat with the team, contact UUSU online.

UU Student Wellbeing Service

Ulster University’s Student Wellbeing team is available to help you manage common
pressures many students experience while studying in higher education. Common pressures
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Academic Year 2023/24 – Semester
MKT741 Strategic and Applied Digital Marketing

Appendix 1:
Assignment Guidelines
Group Report: Online submission from group leader only: 1pm Friday 22nd March 2024
via Turnitin. One nominated team member should do this on behalf of the group.
Individual contribution statements should be appended to the main report.
Technical issues
8) Length: 5,000 words MAXIMUM including the title page, contents page, in-text
references and citations and includes tables, although not the reference list and
appendices. The Teaching & Learning policy at Ulster suggests tables that are
created by students and are the students work should be included in word count.
● Report format:
a) 2,000-word literature review reviewing the theory base impacting ‘digital
marketing strategy’ culminating with focus on the key digital marketing theme/topic
focusing your overall strategy. This serves to underpin the more applied second
section of the report and clarifies the strategic framing of this approach.
b) 3,000-word strategy supported by a digital marketing audit (industry, company,
customers, competitors) and providing a focused digital marketing strategy
supporting the case company.
c) Word-processed, Arial 12-point font, Single-spaced and single sided, A4,
Separate the bibliography and reference sections. A bibliography consists of
background material that is read but not cited in the assignment. A references
section must include all the references that were cited throughout the assignment.
d) Inclusion of each individual’s completed self/peer assessment form (appendix 5).
Word Limits: Students must self-declare word counts and any other specified
measurements related to the assessment. The following penalties are applied for work
exceeding word count or other requirements in relation to the length of a piece of assessed

+10% - no penalty
+>10% - 20% - 5% penalty
+>20% - 30% - 10% penalty
+>30% - 40% - 15% penalty
+>40% - 50% - 20% penalty
+>50% - maximum mark of 40% UG/ 50%PG

 Introduction (clearly setting the scene for the report) and aims and objectives of the
project clearly stated, explained and justified (10)
 Background Research using appropriate methods and sources – comprehensive
description of data collection and data analysis (15)
 Comprehensive discussion on the findings - extensive evidence of relevant data to
satisfy project objectives (20)
 Analysis /synthesis of data to include your ideas (20)
 Appropriate conclusions drawn and relevant recommendations made to the
organisation (20)
 Harvard Style Referencing – you must use industry reports and academic sources to
justify your project and use appropriate writing style and grammar (15)

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Academic Year 2023/24 – Semester
MKT741 Strategic and Applied Digital Marketing

Students will work in groups of 4 or 5 to complete the Digital Audit project detailed below.
Each group should submit one group report to the Turnitin in the module area within BBL by
1 p.m. Friday 22nd March, 2024. Ensure to attach each individual’s self/peer assessment to
this document (see appendix 4 and 5 for more information). Failure to do so for that
individual will result in zero for the element which is self/peer assessed.

CASE COMPANY BRIEF: Belfast AR Spin Out Company

Company Name Shareit-Biz (Online Platform for Business Networking and Resource
Contact Grainne Bannon
Mission Our mission is to create a vibrant, interactive online community for
small businesses and entrepreneurs, providing a platform for
networking, resource sharing, and collaboration to foster business
growth and innovation.
Goals Goals:
(a) Develop a digital marketing strategy focused on leveraging social
media to build a strong online community of small businesses and
(b) Analyse and optimise the existing branding & marketing materials
(website, digital assets, social media presence).
(c) Identify and target potential partnerships and collaborative
opportunities nationally and internationally, with a focus on
community building and resource sharing.
(d) Conduct a competitor analysis to understand market positioning
and identify unique selling points for Shareit-Biz.
Shareit-Biz aims to be a leading platform for business networking and
collaboration. The brand requires a solid digital presence to attract and
engage its target audience effectively.

Budget The budget for the digital marketing strategy is capped at £2,000 over a
6-month period. Your report should include a cost-benefit analysis and
forecast the return on investment for this budget.

Project Background:

As consultants, your task is to create a digital marketing strategy for, with
the following focus:
● Community Building through Social Media
● Website Content Enhancement and SEO Optimisation
● Brand Positioning and Messaging
● Utilisation of Digital Channels for Engagement and Growth
● Brand Asset Utilisation and Development

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Academic Year 2023/24 – Semester
MKT741 Strategic and Applied Digital Marketing

Project Aim:

Your task is to create a digital strategy for with a focus on harnessing the
power of social media to build a strong, interactive business community.

You should:
 Develop an integrated marketing communications (IMC) plan for
This plan should be based on research including market analysis, customer persona
development, and brand perception studies.

 Propose a Digital Content Strategy that includes the use of social media platforms,
blog content, email marketing, and other relevant digital channels. Emphasise
community engagement and resource sharing.

 Provide visual representations of your proposed digital marketing assets and an

implementation plan for the strategy.

 Develop recommendations for the continuous growth and engagement of the Shareit-
Biz community, ensuring the brand stays relevant and impactful.

The budget for the digital marketing strategy is capped at £2,000 over a 6-month period.
Your report should include a cost-benefit analysis and forecast the return on investment for
this budget.

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Academic Year 2023/24 – Semester
Appendix 2:
Coursework 2: Individual Reflective Piece including Podcast (25%)

The second piece of coursework (5-minute podcast, accounting for 25% of module marks) requires the
student to write and record an individual reflection of their experience with the module which is
interwoven with theoretical perspectives to provide evidence of the new knowledge acquired as a result
of this module.

This piece of work should include an element of critical self-appraisal, in terms of what the student felt
they have learnt about Strategic and Applied Digital Marketing as a result of the module experience. To
this end the student is required to share knowledge and understanding of one critical aspect of their
digital marketing strategy supported with appropriate further theory, processes and approaches. The
Individual Reflective Report will be marked according to the marking criteria provided below:

Key Criteria:

Documentation: Are the accompanying script and references of MSc standard? Is there evidence of
appropriate meeting management e.g. timeline of meetings (minutes) agreed action and activities? Is
evidence provided of appropriate project management approach? (5 marks)

Experiential and reflective Learning: Does the student use an appropriate reflective method to
describe learning achieved through module experience, including the Digital Strategy? (5 marks)

Theory: Is it underpinned by theoretical knowledge and is this knowledge synthesised and presented
with underpinning sources? (5 marks)

Knowledge: Business acumen – Evaluating one critical elements of their group report, does it contain a
realistic assessment of the Digital Marketing Strategy that their group proposed? (5 marks)

Presentation: Is it well communicated and formatted? (5 marks)

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Appendix: 3







All Student Names:

All Student Nos: ______________________________________________________________________________________

___________________ _________________________________________________________________________________


Lecturer: Dr John Bustard

Date Due: 22nd March 2024

(NB: Latest submission time is 1pm on the due date unless otherwise advised)

Submitted work is subject to the following assessment policies:

1. Coursework must be submitted by dates as specified by the Course Committee.

2. Students may seek prior consent from the Course Director to submit coursework after the official deadline; such
requests must be accompanied by a satisfactory explanation, and in the case of illness by a medical certificate.
3. Coursework submitted without consent after the deadline will not normally be accepted and will therefore receive a
mark of zero.

I declare that this is all my own work and does not contain unreferenced material copied from any other
source. If it is shown that material has been plagiarised, or I have otherwise attempted to obtain an unfair
advantage for myself or others, I understand that I may face sanctions in accordance with penalties as
determined by the University. A mark of zero may be awarded and the reason for that mark will be recorded
on my file.

Student’s Signature ……………………………………….. Date …………………………..

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Self and Peer Assessment

The tutors mark for the report will be modified according to a peer assessment weighting of each
member of the group. The individual mark for each student may therefore be subsequently adjusted
within the group according to individuals' contributions to the project. Should the group dynamics be
successful then all students will receive the same mark. In this situation, group members will have
completed the peer/self assessment form (appendix 7) with each member obtaining an equal 100 marks.
Where the group has been less successful, students can distribute the total marks for the group
contribution as they deem appropriate. For example, a group of 5 students have the equivalent of 5 times
100 marks in other words 500 marks to distribute between the group members.

All group members must make a comment on how they distributed the marks and why. The peer/self
assessment forms (appendix 5) will be considered by the tutor in conjunction with the record of group
meetings form before final presentation marks are issued. Individual marks reallocated within a group
MUST be submitted to the tutor on the sheet provided (appendix 3) along with your group report
submission on the 22nd March 2024.

Example of self and peer assessment form on following page and blank peer form in appendix 5.

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GROUP NAME: Group 4: Essential Research Team

Assessment of others is an important skill. You should take time to complete this form, reflecting
carefully on the efforts of all group members. You should critically evaluate all contributions to the
report, forcing yourself to be objective, unbiased and honest! Your responses will be shared with team
members and submitted with the final report (as an appendix).

You are allocated 100 times (the total number in the group) marks, which you have to divide between
each member of your group, including yourself. This mark should represent each individual’s
contribution to the report and written group work. If the group has worked well together then marks are
pretty even. However, if the group did not work well, and some members ‘freeloaded’ or provided
substandard analysis, this ought to be reflected in the marks (as see in table 1).

Table 1: Peer Review example.

Group Members Mark Given if Group Mark given if group
works well member chooses to
distribute marks

Mark 100 125

Adele 100 105
Paul 100 80
Una 100 90
Marie 100 100

TOTAL (should = 100* 500 500

no. in group)



Academic Year 2023/24 Page 12 of 40


Each member of the group is to submit the following form. Take time to complete this form, reflecting
carefully on the efforts of all group members. You should critically evaluate all contributions to the
presentation and report, forcing yourself to be objective, unbiased and honest! Your responses will be

GROUP NAME: ______________________

NAME OF STUDENT ASSESSOR: ______________________

Group Members Mark Given

TOTAL (should = 100* no. in group)



Academic Year 2023/24 Page 13 of 40

Appendix 6: MKT741 – Strategic and Applied Digital Marketing 2023-2024
Audio Podcast Assessment
Podcast Show Notes

(Your Podcast Name)…………………………………………………..

Individual Name:
Podcast Title:
Podcast Subtitle (if any):

In this episode of [Your Podcast Title], we discuss:

● Add Topic 1
● Add Topic 2

Podcast outline:
Topic 1:

Questions discussed

Empirical Resources cited/quoted

1. …
2. …

Topic 2:

Questions discussed

Empirical Resources cited/quoted

1. …
2. …

Music Source (If utilised, use instructions given in the link below to attribute Creative Commons
licensed materials:

Documentation (learning log, timeline of meetings (minutes) agreed action and activities, plus meeting
evaluation sheets?):

Academic Year 2023/24 Page 14 of 40

Appendix 7 Example Meeting Notes and timeline of meetings.
Date: 4.3.22
Team Meeting Time: 12-3pm
Location: Belfast Campus
Carolina McGivern and Alexis Irvine

Division of Group Report tasks
Agenda item:
A substantial amount of work to do. Research required before we can begin Situation Analysis.
Overview of [Case Company] – strengths/weaknesses. Discussion of models to use.

Action items Person responsible Deadline

 Research – SEO/Social Media/Keywords Alexis 8/3/22

 Introdcution and Lit Review Carolina 11/3/22

Date: 15.3.22
Team Meeting Time: 12-.30-1.30pm
Location: Belfast Campus
Carolina McGivern and Alexis Irvine

Review and further division of Group Report
Agenda item: tasks
Review of Alexis’s research and draft sections. Review of Carolina’s Intro and Lit Review. Discussion
of further division of tasks – Carolina Situation Analysis and Objectives, Alexis – Strategy, Tactics,
Actions and Control.

Academic Year 2023/24 Page 15 of 40

Action items Person responsible Deadline
 First draft of Strategy and Tactics Alexis 21/3/22

 PESTEL, SWOT, TOWS, P5F Carolina 21//3/22

Date: 16.3.22
Team Meeting Time: 12-.30-1.30pm
Location: Remote via
Carolina McGivern and Alexis Irvine

Stategy and Objectives
Agenda item:
Review of current draft sections, annotations made for revisions. Discussion and agreement of report
objectives and strategy plus useful resources to study.

Action items Person responsible Deadline

 Revisions to current draft Alexis 21/3/22

 Revisions to current draft Carolina 21//3/22

Academic Year 2023/24 Page 16 of 40

Date: 22.3.22
Team Meeting Time: 12-.30-1.30pm
Location: Remote via
Carolina McGivern and Alexis Irvine

Review draft sections
Agenda item:
Swap completed sections to date for the other to review. Completion of Situation Anaylsis, Objectives
and Strategy.
Discussion of tactics, budget and rebrand. Next sections to complete – Tactics/Actions.

Action items Person responsible Deadline

 Work on first draft Tactics and Actions Alexis 25/3/22

 Further research into models and journals Carolina 25//3/22

Academic Year 2023/24 Page 17 of 40

Date: 25.3.22
Team Meeting Time: 9.30-3pm
Location: Campus
Carolina McGivern and Alexis Irvine

Full review of first draft sections and work left to
Agenda item: complete
Further reading to substantiate report with credible citations. Agreement on KPI’s, RACE and continuity
of such througout report. Review of all completed sections to date and division of tasks to complete.

Action items Person responsible Deadline

 Actions, Control, example graphics, References Alexis 29/3/22

 VPC for Climate Essentials, improve targeting/persona Carolina 29//3/22

sections, Conclusions and Recommendations

Date: 29.3.22
Team Meeting Time: 12.30-1.30pm
Location: Remote via
Carolina McGivern and Alexis Irvine

Report formatting, Conclusions &
Agenda item: Recommendations, Peer Assessment
Final decision of report fomatting to include font/size of tables, justification, headings, table of contents,

Action items Person responsible Deadline

 Table of contents, consistency check, appendicies. Alexis 31/3/22

 Reference check, fomatting of citations, Conclusions & Carolina 31//3/22

Recommendations review.

Academic Year 2023/24 Page 18 of 40

Date: 31.3.22
Team Meeting Time: 9.30-5pm
Carolina and Alexis

Final review of Group Report – all sections.
Agenda item: Completiton of Peer Assessment. Upload Report
via TurnitIn.
Formatting, word count, alignment, check against assessment reuqirements. Peer assesment dicsussion
and completion.

Action items Person responsible Deadline

 Final formatting review. Alexis 31/3/22

 Reference check of final document – Upload assessment. Carolina 31//3/22

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Digital Group Meeting Planner Example:

Digital Comms Group Report Meeting Planner

Start: 25.02.22 End: 01.04.22
Week Notes Mon Notes Tue Notes Wed Notes Thu Notes Fri Sat/Sun
Week [March] 1 2 3 Group meeting – 4 5/6
12-3pm @ Belfast
1 Campus
Actions:- Division
of sections –
Alex: Company
-Website SECO
-Social Media
Keywords Analysis
Intro + Lit Review

Week Alex – Sent 7 8 9 10 11 12/13

first draft of Caroline
2 sections via
email to
– Sent
Caroline first
draft of
Intro +
Week 14 12.30-1.30 15 12.30-1.30pm 16 17 18 19/20
Video meeting Video meeting
3 via Teams to
divide further
via Teams –
Discussion and
sections agreement on
Objectives and

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