Revised Essay 3

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Antonio Coronado

Professor Jason Dew

English 1302

Revised Essay 3

The Costs of Over Consumption

In the modern economic environment of today, consumerism has become a standard for

many individuals. Consumerism consists of the economic relationship that encourages the never-

ending mass acquisition of goods and services within a free market environment. This paper

delves into why overconsumption being a derivative of consumerism is detrimental for the

consumer and the environment. Regarding the perception of satisfaction for the consumer that

engages in overconsumption, the authors Yoonjae, L. & Sangyeon, S. pg 1-6 “Pursuit of

Happiness by consumption: spending time vs spending money”. Showcase that consumers

acquiring goods with a regard to the monetary value undervalue the perception of satisfaction for

that specific purchase. Within an overconsumption sphere this leads to the issue that consumers

are never satisfied with new acquisitions, as they reach out to acquire more and more to feel

content in the next new acquisition. This also leads into the problem that over consumers

undervalue personal value, as the perception of the value of time and monetary is vanished. By

spending excessive amounts of time and money acquiring and managing possessions, over

consumers do not value personal work effort and miss out on other experiences such as personal

development, relationships, and pastime activities. The mode of overconsumption leads to a

never-ending cycle of lower quality of content and a sense of unachievable fulfillment.

Additionally, overconsumption leads to a perception of unsatisfaction and discontent, as the joy

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derived from each new acquisition is short-lived and quickly replaced by the search for the next


The discourse of overconsumption and the environment also leads to the exploitation of

the fragile consumer perception. Within the example of the author Turner. R. pg 5-8 “Discourses

of consumption in US-American culture”. The author comments of a print ad for Dasani water, a

brand produced by the Coca Cola Company, showing an image of a Dasani bottle nestled

amongst bright green, dew-sprinkled leaves at the top of a stem, as though the bottle were a

flower or fruit growing from the plant. On the other side of the page in large text, the

advertisement states: “Better by Design: Up to 30% made from plants.” In smaller writing it

continues: “The pure, crisp taste of DASANI now comes in a better bottle. Made from up to 30%

plant-based Sustainability 2010, 2 2291 materials and still a 100% recyclable bottle, PlantBottle

TM packaging brings you fresh-tasting water in a bottle designed with the planet in mind”. The

author presents that by drawing on consumer concern over the environmental impact of plastic

water bottles, this ad tells consumers that they can help the planet by buying more bottled water,

as long as it‟s Dasani bottled water. Further analyzing the company takes an aim at consumers

presenting that this mode of consuming watered bottle is sustainable as this plastic bottle is

“recycled” the company capitalizes on the “recycled” factor to allow for the mode of over

consumption of this bottled water future creating a perception that the consumer is doing a favor

for the environment by consuming this plastic water bottle.

Within a consumeristic sphere many individuals that engage in over consumption fall

towards credit to purchase these never-ending goods or services, such as within the perspective

of Anthes, W. L. pg 2-4 “Financial illiteracy in America: A perfect storm, a perfect opportunity.”

The author comments on the example of credit cards being a double-edged sword since many
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individuals over consuming would not be able to accomplish these acquisitions without the use

of credit. Unfortunately, as the authors present the vast numbers of individuals using this credit

are not using this accessibility wisely, for instance, as presented by the author the statistic of

“One in five families with an annual income below $50,000 is spending 40% of its after tax

dollars to service debt.” The authors also present the statistic that “The average American

household carried $9,205 in credit card debt in 2005, If a household made a payment of $184.10

each month (2% of the original amount owed), it would take 7 years and 9 months to pay off the

debt, assuming an average 18% interest rate-and the family would spend an additional $7,956.58

in interest.” By overconsuming a consumer within a retrospective glance back at the amount of

capital squandered and regret if the purchase of that new item was worth the time and money by

wanting to purchase it. Additionally, within an over-consumeristic sphere of constantly searching

for new acquisitions, individuals often experience the detrimental costs of having to pay almost

double what they would have paid if they did not fall back into credit.

Not only dose over overconsumption lead to individuals paying almost double for certain

acquisitions, but the mode of overconsumption also leads to a poor understanding of the concepts

of financial literacy; this leads to a poor personal financial state for the individual. The author

Peng, Q. pg 6-12 “What’s the impact of financial literacy on saving rate?” conducted extensive

research and concluded that the mode of overconsumption leads to a situation where the

individuals do not regard the potential expense for the future. This can further lead to a

detrimental situation if there is an emergency for instance, such as medical, it would be very

challenging for the individual to cover this expense. Additionally, the mode of overconsumption

can also lead to anxiety or stress, as these individuals would not have the monetary acquisition

power for the future and may even default in the ability to pay outstanding bills; further creating
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an uncertain doubtful environment. By following the mode of over consumption, consumers

experience financial instability where they are exposed to uncertainty and volatility in the ability

to cover expenses. This also develops poor savings; this means that consumers that overconsume

would have to work more to be able to cover basic expenses and potentially even have to retire at

a much older age. The mode of overconsumption brings a heavy toll in the consumer; both in the

short term and long term.

Overconsumption additionally brings financial strain for the economy that can affect the

consumer as within the works of Furqani, H. el al pg 1-4 “Debt-based economy”. The authors

referenced Karamouzis and Minsky (1987) who observed the phenomenon of debt throughout

the centuries and concluded that most of the economic and financial crises that occurred in the

world were caused by uncontrollable debt factors. This is because debt continues to grow with

interest bringing the economic system towards a bubble that is prone to bursting due to economic

growth that is no longer compatible with the growth of financial assets. The mode of over

consumption encourages the buildup of debt from factors such as “buy now, pay later.” By

overconsuming goods and services individuals contribute to creating a fragile economic sphere,

where volatility and uncertainty can be experienced in the financial future. Overconsumption is

detrimental to the economic bubble, as it creates speculation for individuals, and it creates an

inflated economic sphere that can down fall with such an uncertain speculative economic


Overconsumption also brings a toll in the environment, as the authors Peter. F et la. pg 1-

6 “Fast Cars/Fast Foods: Hyper consumption and its Health and Environmental Consequence”

comments that the mode of over consumption has become a standard in the United States and has

slowly compounded; with the effects of the mass growth now significantly contributing to
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pollution, and waste in the environment. The authors present major contributors such as the

roadway and the usage of ever-increasing numbers of vehicles; combined with the mass

movement of these vehicles and popularity in “American drive-ins’.” Often these contributors

consume excessive resources for the smallest actions, such as driving less than a mile to access a

local market for one product or accessing a drive-in’ far away for a simple item. These

contributors add major air pollution and contribute to the growth of toxic emissions that harm the

consumer and the environment. The mode of overconsumption is not sustainable, as natural

resources such as fuel are rapidly depleted and produce major emissions and air pollution. The

consumer experiences a cost from overconsumption being a downturn in the quality of life and


The mode of over consumption has also led to an increase in food consumption as the

perspective Sharma, R Et al. pg 6-10 “Changing consumption Patterns—Drivers and the

environmental impact” presents that the mode of over consumption is a larger matter as many

countries throughout the world are starting to recognize “Western Trends” such as increased food

consumption, especially meats. This means that more and more countries such as Asian countries

for instance, are popularizing more beef, pork, or chicken in most modern diets. This creates a

demand for more livestock, this also leads to a demand for more terrain to raise this livestock.

The authors future present that this creates a problem, since there is a greater buildup of a much

larger carbon footprint derived from the acquisition of the space, livestock waste and

maintenance. By the mode of over consumption gaining more and more relevancy not only does

it affect the consumer, but it causes a fragile future for the state of the environment. It also brings

deforestation, as the terrain acquired to raise this livestock comes from a disruption of natural

habitat and environment. Livestock also requires food to maintain creating an even larger
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demand for space, as corn or other agriculture requires mass space to grow. The mode of over

consumption creates an exponential disruption of the natural environment.

The over consumption of goods also leads into an under regarded problem being plastic

waste. The authors Nayanathara, P. el al pg 4-12 “The world of plastic waste: a review” present

the issue of plastic waste being a contributing factor to environmental and even health problems.

The authors state that in 1950, plastic production was around 2 million tons, and it was boosted

to 368 million tons in 2019. This plastic consumption has thus increased about 180 times from

1950 to 2018. This mass amount of demand for plastic derives from a large part of over

consumption, as many goods at the time of acquisition are delivered in plastic bags or are even

made from plastic. The authors future present that the issue is with the disposal of these “Plastic

goods.” as the degradation of the plastics as they are very difficult to degrade naturally, due to

the occurring long polymer chains. The author presents that the degradation of plastics can lead

to micro plastics which also degrade human health due to cardiovascular diseases, chronic

kidney disease, birth defects, and even cancer. The degradation of plastics also affects the natural

environments, as ocean currents transport plastic from bags, fishing gear, nets, and other plastic

substances to shallow habitats and then damage and degrade coral reefs. The mode of over

consumption brings for an increase in demand the production of plastic, bringing detrimental

side effects which take a toll both on the environment and the consumer bringing a future heavy


In conclusion, the mode of overconsumption is detrimental for both the environment and

the consumer, as the actions accumulate and are compounded creating a major cost, as there is a

degradation in terms of financial health, acquisitions perceptions, and even future personal health

state. Overconsumption also negatively impacts the environment, as more and more goods and
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services are consumed creating wastes that pollute and degrade the environment forming an

unhealthy future for the health of the consumer and the ecosystem. Knowing this, a consumer

can regard the purchases made and derive from the purchase of more and more and instead view

sustainability. The discourse of overconsumption is important as there are limited natural

resources and capital that must be taken care of and used wisely. If these resources are depleted

they can adversely cost the individual and the surrounding environment.
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Works citied

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Nayanathara Thathsarani Pilapitiya & Amila Sandaruwan Ratnayake “The world of plastic

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Furqani, H et al “Debt-based economy: A reappraisal of prosperity and crisis” International

Journal of Economics and Financial Issues Vol. 13. No 2. 2023, pp 3-4, Proquest

doi: Accessed March 28, 2024

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Sharma, R et al “Changing consumption Patterns—Drivers and the environmental

impact”. Sustainability, Vol. 10. No 11. 2018, pp 1-20 doi:

Accessed March 28, 2024


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Peng, Q. “What’s the impact of financial literacy on saving rate” Proquest, 2023 pp 1-96. Accessed March 28, 2024

Anthes, W. L. “Financial illiteracy in America: A perfect storm, a perfect opportunity”. Journal

of Financial Service Professionals, Vol. 58 No. 6,2004, pp. 1-8. Proquest

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Coronado, Antonio “Revised Essay 3: The costs of Overconsumption” 28 April 2024. ENGL

1302, Texas A&M International University, Student Paper.

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