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Email cho bạn:

Dear Phuong,
How are you these day? We haven’t talked to each other for while. I hope
everything gose well you. Have you received the notice of the neighbor
who lives nearby the club's concert venue complains about the noise in
the evening. I'm confused when I heard about the news. Do you think we
should come together to find other alternatives to overcome this problem?
Tell me what you think?
Your friend,
2. Email cho người quản lý:
Dear sir,
My name is Nguyen Vien Nhu, I have been a member of the music club
for 5 months. I am writing this email to express my feelings and
suggestions about the notice that I have received from our club recently.
According to the annoucement, the neighbor who lives nearby the club's
concert venue complains about the noise in the evening. Frankly, I think
the problems will have a negative impact on our club and I felt
embarrassed when I heard about it.
In my opinon, we should move the concert venue to stadiums or squares
to avoid disturbing the surrounding neighbors. Or we can organize it in
the morning or afternoon so as not to affect the neighbors.
I hope that my suggestions are useful for you to keep members satisfied. I
look forward to hearing from you if my recommendations are accepted.
Nguyen Vien Nhu.

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