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Bill olLading - Tem and Condition

Enlarged copy of this telms & conditions is availalrle fromthe off,rce of the carrier and its agents

[u$omc.. $tefeupon llte lisbilii].ofihe Lloripan, in respe.l ofrhegoods or breach by the Custoncr of iny.]arrtnty conlaincd nr these ('onditions ct
St*ild)rd r'nding (litrdiliotr!
'ihc ( ilsrln.r s itrcflion is dra$r ro dr. Clauses hereoiwhich exclude or lntril lh.ruddrc..olnoredasalbresuidshaii\tollyceaseaodfiesostofsuch tiomthencgiigeDftoifieCustomer.and-(b)WiihottderLrgaliontiom
storale if paid for or payable b) lhc Company or il) agent .r sub-conEactor Sub-Clause a. above, any liability asstmed or iocsr€d bl' thc l orrpany
(illfxn) i r ..r1rif cir.rorr.n.cs. ol th. CoDrpnn) shall ibrth\rilh np.n denrand k paid b! lhe Cusllmer lo the 1!'lrcn by rcason ol canying out the Customers inslrlttions lhe Company
comrin).rb)lheConpanyshallbeexlilledatrheexpenseoftheCuskner ha!redsorablybe.o,neliablcormarLecomeliablehrnlorherpanyand
l)cthiti)r\ xDd,\tplictti)ns ro obhil an $d.r b rle conpei.nt LrA-l Cou( r. dispose ofperishable 'ic)Allclains,costsanddenandsshalsoevermdblwhorrscclcrmadein
I iil rir.:. .,,,r,li1l.rir: (.il,p.ri! is il. NAFI- mellber iirCiirg urlder lheje good\ Dr flrx-dclii.r.d gods trs d.lnred L) sub clause i2 a. hercin as *,le excess of the liabilily oI lhe Complny uder the leilns of ihcs. CondilIxs
condilj,r)s ilrd Ihij cltEi:irn ircludes rrr parent suhsil,a) or !flililieri oi whclher such claims. ccsts anC Jemands arise fiom or in
a. rr Critrlir 1lr
lorirprn\ (,1 15. ( o!trfr 'l'cr\nr" hci!rlE. p.1-$s o xr),had) or bodi.s l.l t!)fl|.i!sH3r:.eiiilbc.Iir'!1rd€x.rtrutonerfl..\insrucri,\en .Dmection$irhth.'negligenceorbreach{}fCuryoliheCornpanyils
c{)rfoitr,.. ()$nc, rnerns rlje t)*.ner oflhi: go'rd5 {in.iuCilg arr ir v.r;,nc irt, lhc a,rsk),r.r ol 1ll insuanccs effecled b] 1hc L-ompm) ar scrvrnts. -cub-contraclors or agcnrs, and -(d) Any ciaims ofa Geileill
txtkx!n!.,.!rllr(r. o, j!! lo NLtich ar)) brsir..s cdr.l!.icd s! hj&r to ihe il.unl .\c.!iir!i iid coxditioils of lhe poli.iei of the A,rerrse naiure Nhich mai be nlale on tle Ccmpan).
urlcr ll)f\, (,'riliriorrr r.lrte5 rn.l th!.onlig[ce or nn] oiher l'crson \!ho
is o, ilrJ\ inl.rurlrd In .r ii Dcsic$ion or .nlilcd b al,ssrsicn o1'
rhrrr i L,-!{ ,u )r.rnr xrii l'j!.$i .1 $hr-(. requesl or on \lhose ti.hatl
rhr (ofrtr!r\ rr.l.&k.r rnr hr!siness or provides advicc. irrfomrarloir or!rheConrpaly.g.esdithihe\'..duelheCusroDqshrJlb.liitlctopa)taIh.aornFn];nr.res1
I 1,rr \rh.Ll r,. liil!Parr;iaph b Uelo\!. aLl ail a,il ,rti\iiilr ol rh.' (r,slonler us;ng i1: bsr cnd.alori io xrangi u.h nsurlnc€ ild d(\'j s. hrnk.
(i.ilfant i r lh. roir{ or .L sitress rhcrli# granribus or not is $rdcrlalen
subl.\r r,, rli(., I onlilirri tbl li3x! legidiLion is lQrfulsoril'.,n!tilcable F
.inr lar\,r.* ilirl.1ri.n. lirri. lo&lilrors. rhrll as rc.!r dr JLi.i br5n:ris.
b. r,.,.1 r. -!fi.,r r. nr!n l.girlNli(nr rlxl nolhir)! jn rh!sr'kr;rljrir)r,s !nall
h. .rnsi r.J i' r sLtrr.irdir b! Iire (i.rtp!!\ oJ rn] ,ri iri righr. or
ixririo 1i..,! ,,l .t,rr ,riii! r.Ji,rnsibiiiiic\,n l:r.\i'ititi !r{lir ( llxrij .Eailn i]a\rre!1l or rgrnsr surer;er ol a palicuia. dcunrenl ile l'ersoD \rhen due.
r!rir i.!i'irlrnf ri Jrr c\trnl sLLci !rn ilrtrll rs frlNrJ! 1r.h i.irirr€!- ,e Lrrc.fred 5r lire fompan\ o.i] as agcnls rbr rhe Customer ihere thirC 25. Wlere liability Jbr Ge,ierai AlerrEe rrises in con,rectiox with the gonds.
o\r, 1,, rhrL ixlrnL ifd n. liilhd. parl;cs ar. rirrged 10 cflicl coqiiance (ilh the :nstructiorH {b) The theCu$otrershallprcmpdyproridcsecurit) totheCoilparyorkran},olher
:,.(.'.: ', . ... .,. .,...,
J:! r .)l il. ()$xi, .tirl r r. thrl h., li3r. i!'ia:itj h x.r.|i rl:rs,i ,!,lcr !11. (irusi J hcr.i; !!\3 sr.h arraxser,.'r:s Liabifit] Aad Limit]tirn
ai)iJilr i,. ri ,il1\ i,! lilf(t;i lrx !ln, r\ 3!e!r ii'f -:rd u hihrl: ,1 ihe
!re.t.,rrr1r!..i! ii:r:r!rrr! rh. Irrrjlnn3ncr ol su.h nltmdjolis shtril no! diiiscn.r.skllmdiudgurenr.
.i lr, rur n, /i r:r ilrc a ilroinc! i!) cnr.r i)lo an! ..onn.l nrtir rh( .dn!&!
rrrl oi !n x.,(l,i,rg,r,\ dn.LiNr.1,i isnr:J b\ th. .:.nI,if\ ir !.rie.lion {ith ugools. to rh.. e\iri,r thar !I.h losi .. drm.rsc ii.:used b) l.; inik..1.\'!:-oi1i.
sillh (.iurrr. dr. (rlncr irilro.rbl) r.rclr! ihcs. C(nx1ilior lor\cl\.s rird llr.if rgents rn.i iir aE\ frriies oI \tose behilt th.t or
L!!lr -i!.,n. irr) !.1. isJ ir |!illcuhr bul \!ilodt trejudi.i 1o rhi
ol ilrii (ii1...1|:r\ i,:!.ft fir1 rh! (irnrlrui {rxll }rile th. il!l! If !r:l;.c.
r.i:lrr{ !ir:ri roiN!it r.!i \.\.rrll\ dr) 1i:riiiit\ .1 i}e ailrdil.! uld.r the!c
(i\rJirr.,r,, fL l. ri.o\.r tlren ary ,.Lrn. r-' b. triJ 10 tle CL,ilrtrrr) b\
, r ( ri.!,r,r.r $l ilr ULr f!.ir.f d.rurir hi!! rol bteilfaid. (drtfil\isnnlrlfJgfarutrou(l)ilrd$iihouiliabilji). 29.(a)Subje.tto!ilbctailselb.abovcandSut (-talr{d.beio\ rhe

a {.1) Sri.r.(i t,r'i.ri!!! ll !ilj il D.lil\.lhe C.rfani sl]ali be iilirldi(-.

nrr!r..rir\ ,,r rli ,ri rj \,r1r.r! ri il :ii:i,il or to ilrLi\rdr llcsc s..\icrs;r
r! r i:t!rt.,l Ll) 11,. ,,11i, .sJ Lri rr hchsi\. Ificc lcr ilre
:..tirrrt \n ir.rri .l rrrj rer!r!r or rcr!i.r\ sfirll rilrr ir!.li .!(i.rrrirc \LhJ1it.r
rir, ,1rli *,\i.r i: nr i.r\i(,r irc $ h. ,rrlixlsed h tirf (,!rit.ri,\ eeri|g r\
r!er1 or k, hr trD\:Jr:J b! rh. Comp:rr\ $ling as a cuilrrlr,g riirlripil (L)
\\i.i rrl,iu rs I rlorr ilr. i1.x{!rtr lri nreke {rr Du,lror1 r, rr:ri('
rr\,.r.i ilr1l lir. a r!loN.r iir lti.iflr:Se stnrngr. p3ckl,rg 'r hrN{l irrlr
ol rir\ !,,.r. r,' ir !:r .th.r pir)!rirl s.r, .. ilr r.Lln,rr h th.n .:nLi i::s
.Irlt .i 5rirli (:.1i. i\rsrorn.i r \.!,ring !.nire. irt isr:iliirlrirr!
(oil;rr1, $i1f 11i,r.1 l)rrri.5 J. rlil.iir..t.iilrrciual f.lal;,'.r:tii1,r ri rlriir:i.r LL. t ,ir+icr vetue ofihc goods shatl bc rheir \atric ,!ien ihey !cr. or shl,ltd brlc bjer
ritr.:;J,c(l irilr&r lh- ( i,\(ji,r.! riJ.rJl, thr:a r,rr1;.-L iJ) ih. ai'intlrl
Jri I (D.l.r.rni ii,\ th. (tsronrs rioitrL'j1;Jc!c. ol$) (brn3.r erroel b:tlr,rCdnrtrn).the(lonrpany*illnotaccept!fdeal\{ithgoodsofa Conrp.ny'siiatjjlilytorlossordama8.asarcsulrotiailLreto.lelilerin
il1o iii: li ! :h. ( ilnfnr!! rnsri)f as il1. fonif:rn! rrny bc i,r Jefu rlL ri
iLr. .F:i!!rku. tr thrli !e dccnel lo h:lc coniricrill \r;lir th. aLNon).r:li r
.,.'r.r'.,.i .1,t,.. :,1.:
i, \\ ri,: .r,d k, rhf.:,i.rri rl,i,t ilr. { Lnrp!n) iras.i,,,(iri..l :. pfireipal liI
rl. perl{rirn(..1 rlit !i ris !er';des ir uid,sales in peiliD rra,,,r lI rl:
tNfL r1rr. i. l ,r.!ir Ji. r,."tiru.,i.:. oi i...i scrfi(... a,a sLrt,rr.!.,I,r\\
ii:hiL\Te.,{.o rheC,J":n.1 suh!!r.,.ch.icj,.rl.(,,,\..t,.iJL*.'h.,t..\...r.d\,rr('i.j...
ro rh. rol.i rt L'l 1h(s. ( ..diii.1,::ii in i:nicul3r ro alxE.s lo - ltr ir,1.i nrhr'r'riedtrl.rrillhego.Js belo\\.fieC,rmpanlshallnorr.,irlcii.uniiarrces$!,rsf..,.rb.liabi.ii1
r.,ltr\l.ihi!\ i.,.\(,iiofd:rDr1r(,!:o.iiijxkenirioilsrhr.rror.urrlr!
h!,\re.r rii: iir:. .,i..i il ,ri.:, ih!:.uis !,no ils.hilge rtd fie lirr'\ ieri
lhr i\!ni..:r, rr.iiri.d n'.ri; rNir i:r'( ist,\;I.r ,.t (lnrcf 1i, l.\..i.1;\Ji
i1 !hu !:ra)j. t,.rro!.l)irr.i.irrn,itiig x.essolilr.limitsserourinS!b,(lausesa.loc ah,'!.upotrlheausior:ier
I \1h.i!.jir!r 1,, ii. !\ieir rlrrr dru lrL:itltLrl ;!r i...r.l^rrr \iLi lh.ic l n! t r\r'.t,..r JE'e{he r,, pr\ Sc ( rnlprn' . riJit:ona; rl'a -r' .. *((-ri., ': .:.
a'!n.liri.I. . r.r ii rs nr rseil1 il b.hali oi rxf alt:l,rri.,. il s arr nS jir i
giodslunrsh..ltr)Or.niichalfollheCuslomeraretuilandxarate.(bi providedupcureqxest.] (\D..sJ) illhorizes d)c Conpan) \rh cniitle,nell. h cxlcr;iili l'har all go(,ds have se.n properly and sEfficjenrly prepsed. packcd, i0.{r)TheCondirionsaresirho*Prejud;celothcrermsofany;nternarional
()rrrjcr\ nr h.hrll D1 lhc ('u(oilcr and rh. Owi!. 1ii) lor th. .:orrir8e .I
rot.d:; l,\ ,,ir\ r,i,rr or ri.ri,! rr P.rvr ihr n,! rir !.rrrr!1. ,i:r,l;I!.1i1!i.
ilr t.Irnr.,,,irL! rLr..,,i,ri: t,r li.rxillrn! .,4 lirt sr,iiis t\ .rrr] |ris.! !i ill
tir.. inl li i .rr\.l.rsili (ri 1l!rr. l.r h jl. c.mag..r rii'.a:. oitl\.|; 111 or
,)n uirr:rlin lr1iri ts dltl,rid nr sub.lartrc l, c. aili rirrr orlr.r rncJs rf
whrt\.r nrLur. rnd ld) ir Jo -.rr! acts r! rn,\'m ih. ni rhe
al)\ bJ rr,,-'r-rfl nccessur ln tlc Frforn)rnce !1 i1s.hli::!lionr irr
rh. inl. r{\ ol !l!. ( Lrllori.r and tLe Oxrlr

pridro tieishl ibr\lrders

hallo,r'er iiflchdirs \\iihoul p.djudice !o the gererajiry ofthe foregoirg. alt being in ro.""
ll. (a) It deli!cr].t lhc {oods d anv pa( lh.reol'is nDl hken by the duli's- ur's rnp'rsls' Ievies' deposits and oudays of wha:soever
enrirtedrocaltuponsuchpersonrolakedeliverlttrereot.rhecil"prrt"i"rr "''i''"rnac(otll'n'e\\iththr'u$omersinsbuctionsmarisinqfronmv
he enrirled tu storc dr. goods or any parl illcrcol at lhc sole risk ol'lhc
roh Arox tP:'i

Fon, tYoilI F00DS pyT.

Bill of Lading - Term and Condition
Enlarged copy ofihis lernts & conditions is available frorn the office ofthe carrier and its agents
a\rsl.jrer. whdcuptr lhe liirbilit) ofthe Conrpany in respect olthe goods or breach by the Crsromer of any \",araory conlained b th€se a ondilions o1'
-strndir d trldiilg Crilditions
thar pail ftercol slored 3s atbrcsaid shall wholl]- cease and fie cosl lrf such licm thc negligenc€ of the Cuslonler. and - (lr) Wil\oul derogation ,ri81
I hc ( usi.rr).r'i incilior rs dEvn to the Chuses heicof\tich crcludo or ]]ili1
slorag. if paid for i-n p3)ab1. by drc Conpany cr any agent or Nbco,taclor Sub-Clause a. ah6v.. any liability assuntcd or incurred by the Compnn)
rhe (intrr! \ lirh!lir\ urrJ ilrclc ubich rcqilire the t ilsromer Io iniexrnif,\ 1tre
.fllr. aonpan) sh)]] forfi$i$ Ljpon derna.d be paid by the Cuslonrer to lhe whcn by r*son of caqirg oul the Customels instuctions the Company
Confrn\ in..rr-,in (ireunr\un.cs.
corFnI. {b) fhr (-}npan) shall h erljlled at the exPnse ofthe Cu$oner h3s reasonabl)' become iilble or ma.v b.come liable b ail-v olher pafi). ajiJ
Dcliilitn,a\ xod,lppli.nlions 10 oblrin ax or{icr bt the .onrpeleDr LAE Coun to dispose oi perishable - (c) All claims, cosls ard denands \talsoever and b) \hornsoever m3de nr
l. li rlr.,. r.,n,1iri,,r': -lorntarr) is dr,: NAII- ri.nrl€r tf*iiris md.r lhcse sod!,)r tru-d.l;\rreC coods as Cefired b1 sub cjruse 12 a. hsenr as Cre ex.ess oi the liability of dre Cilmpxny under the of fiese Corditio,ls
(o.Ji1i('n! ri)J Ihis !\p'.sstru ir.hrccs }r) pa.enl snbsiciar) oi rlillated
Ccurl thiils lll regardles: L.i rlciher such.laims. c')sls arrd denrxnds arise from.,r nr
conrpri\ ,)i rh. ( oiirtrr\ '',rcron' inciudes pernilr or a.lybod) or in)dic1 li. ter No insuoe bc.lllLred excepr rpn exiless instrudions gi\erl connection sith the lregligence or bretch oi'duly ol dte Compsry its
.oiPo!xrr. ()\rncr nr.r,rs thr Oiner 01_thc go,JJs (incidin: arr '!ill
ir \,,rilirj L.:. rNr .lrslorrer.nrd all iDsuolces e{fdcicd b ihe Compan} ne scrvanis. snh-crfirn.tLrr-..i agenrs, and _(d) Ari clainis ol . GeDcrrl
t.,.lr3i,r: .\!rlrirc \ nr .!rl|xrenl) to {hich arr .r)rlcluded sublec! b ,r. rmai c\cenridns .nd conditioxs ol the! oi the Average ilaiur qi,;ci) ma! be male or lhe Coilpa.].
utr(iei rh(\. (,,f(lii(.nr r.j.Lcs rnd tir.onsignec or Nrr) dh.r F3rs.n wlio 21. (a) The austomcr.hail pav ro dre Company in crsh or as olhenlis.
llsrrdnce cunt:rr\ or rnderwrirsrs raknlg the risl. Llnlcss other\ire irgeeJ
is,rf fu\ bi.,,ilrr ,ntercslrd rn or in possessioD of cr:irled to poiselsi.rr.l ir \rfltilrg th. ( .)fTrn\ shrll nLn b. r:1der a|y rbligario. kt lilect r s.parate agreed nll sums iilnredi.ieli- iuicn du. \\nhort redu.lion or delbrnenr or!
th.rn. i r:',,,ir.r' nr..irs u\ Pcrsol e! .r'hose rcq!e$ o: or) \\'holc b.hrlf irrn!,.e oir.rrlr consignmrnt bur na) decla.e n oii an\ grieral account otary cisirn. comtelc!^na or serotr (b) Lr relfc.i oitll sums ',
ih. (o.rl'.i,r\ L$l.rlrl.r' rit] business .f pro\ides dd\ice. infofmarioi ,I poli(lj heid hy the corFit. (br hriol:i ar ihe Clnlani sgr.cs Bith thc ar. ovcrdr. the austoser sha)l b. liable ro pay nr rhe aompany inlercst
Cust(nner kr arrxrg. iis,trr:rc.. ihe aolnFaill ans sakl:; !s agenr for t]le .alculaled :i :90 above rhe Base kte tuf the timc bcirrg of the UA! Cerllral
I 1,r) \t,h..1 r. \uh-l'!ir!ilph lr ".io*. all !nd ani acli!il['s ol lhe Curkmer usixg lis i::-sr endla\o,s b ararge su& inilrrailce rn.i docs vr
(inntrn\ | rh. !I,il^! oi bf"inels $tetl{! g.atuiioLrs or nor is LdJenaken thc inniis oi iiahiiilJ'conrained ii ai3!se l') ncreof
rulrj..l tr ll. D.spire ;nJ ac.eplance b: the Limpanv ol ;nslru.iiois 10 colle* iicigln.
!rbr.(l tj lr!.r ( ildirionr th) ll lnl [':rslrno. i\ c{rni1ill$rl\ a]pljcibi. lo 14. ra) Ex.epr rirLler spectal arrangetiltnl! pre\icuslr- mGde ril $.ri1idg o: drties. .hr.gcs o..ther extcn\cs iton the Owncr or 3nl oliler Piirron the
n,r\ StLiir.'. rilJcrrrIor- rh.:. lordiiio,rs 'i.ll ri .e!;,ds sur: 5irsrlri!. utrdfr thc 1ir|r !:1 3 prinied C.r.urn€nr srgnrJ by th. ConFxt). atrt Lrsi,-'m"-r shrli r.main responsihl. hr such ti.ight. duli.s,.hartscs or
Lr rfrJ r. .LLbi.r, n, i'rl, lesirlalidr rtrl rildriDg in fiise Cc,dir:ons sirilll injtilr.1i,,rs nlliir! ro rhr drii\er) or relerse oI:codr ii sEciil.d .\pens.s on! 01 .!ider1.e oi t.oper d.ffard and i,r the absence of
h. i.,:\irr.,i.r\ r Sir,.idi'r by tirc aoLr)rn) oi anr .l ils illhts or .ir.urisiaic.r ilti\. nrch as (hu1 +irhoLti p.ejildi& 1o rire gencrilit] oflhis .! oi payncnl (fbr shaiel tr r<ason) b, thr ()\ r.I or sucit olh.L
:rlrnii ,rr r. r, r' r: .J :n\ oi i:r ieirrilsibilltier nr ii!b;lirres {rriLl alau!) ,grin\i oa.ntxt of agail{ sEende ol a p:fticulil dtrdnrenl. ile
su.h l!ir.i.i,r:r 1o;r)!.iien1 su.h Fr( sljll rs rcgrfd! rrL:h ltsriless be accepLed b) ilrt {:oilpan} onljy as agenLs for &e Custoi)er where third 25. Where liabilitv Ior G.nlr3l Ayerase arres in c.nlreni,rt! $'itL rh€ goo,i!.
| , ' lfr.' .'' .' ,' , i'f lh(l
F.u1ie. rre.Dgagid ro effe.t conrllirtrce with lhc ;nstruetions (b) lle the Cisioner shall promptly prc!ide secu'ily to the aoDrpaxy or to 3try orhd
L ih. (!-.r,!nr! \t!r+1r llr:: h: ri ciCl!, tL. i),ir.r.r :Lrr.iiillL,rr,rj,l r ii:ri.r) iir.ri fur l. rndrf rilv l:alilin n re.pecl d sr!.I .(angeui.nli at prrl). desigxaleJ \r thc Cornpary ir r iorm accepLrbie 1o the a'rilIlr)
r!ir1 or r;r. (r!f.r r1!,i xlr. ihJl irt 11a!e srii:$iil 1o rli.. ril f.t:,.r,, :,:lr subf;iiili ! h.r.!n:a1r {he!. *!.it !rni!.D1.nli Li,tbilitl A,rC Lirrilntio!
( .,r:lirl,, r. ri ,r nr I L.r hiL!rtli fxt ll\r i! ior .xrJ ol bliull oi rlr. .r.. inrJt li \,.,,iil- r,rl rr ifi elcnt. tire Ctnrparr,\ s linbllii ir rcsp..:r oithe :6. ihc Conrpix) shall q*ibrrr its drlies \ilh a reasuiblc d..efc. 01 r.,...
iieriffi:Tr.i o: :r,i:rslr: rl,. ::.riinnancc oi snch LrJructions sh.!l nol dilig€;tc.. sf,ill ind ru{igmenL.
4 lri ! rlinri/ir! lrr ( r,rr,il{ $ eniei irtr! a:lj ccln.r.t tiil tL. coiliiaiil .\.c..1 rha F,!',!lcii li,r ,ii rllrsi ( oidi1io,\ in :ertc.r ol losi of or tumale :i. lhe Corn|:!] \iEll'!e relie\.d L,fiirbiliL\ i-oi riri l,,ii.r dalitr,lc iiri:d
rnJ or in i...ttiN rrr\ :..1!!,.n1 i\'n!d [] th. .,! i! loile.liot \\jth to ihe cxr.ilI tirar such l,:..s o: liilirge is caus..l br /al srikc. [](l{rr.
sLi!l: (L,rrri.! tfc rl\Do' ire\lcrbtt, :,c(erts thei. Cfnd;1i!-\ls lLi li. i,ivicc:,n.1 i,ribnrrrti.rr m Nhare\er fonn il ma) be gi\en is pro'.id€C bI .btrprg. or cf itrnor. ilri ..! o1 ri,ich IIL'l6rrltrr) i:
thrr\cl!.s ri)J rge,rls ixrd ibr d;r_. Dail!.. i,i, r'hos! schall llre) Lri rh! t'ompai,) li, rirc ausronrcr onl) and lh. CustL.n)er ihall indemrlifl th. un3bl: ro a'joid b] fie e\!r.j!. ,,l iers.rabie .iiligr|.r. (b) Ail .3xj. of r!unr. f!.rt rri..nLi rr f.!!i.iih! hrr niti.ul pL.i!Ji.c r, th.;lj a.rntr.l irn) ii$ili1]. .]rins. loss, damagi:- .osr: or e\o.M.: 6eril \iliich lhe C'rmpai) is un.ibi. ro Ioid lnd rhc ..rrs.itnences \hel.ol-
oi lhi\ (iiLrsc. ih:t ar.lia Lhlr rhc,:l'r,r)Irny llall have $. righl n, efli.,J. lrisins oLr{ ii rrr} inher persons r.ltr;rlg rpc'n ruch advicc or inii'ma1ior. thE Caupanj is unrble rcpr$cn ry ihr' excrtire rf ie.rso:r,,bic drilgtnce
r:riiiisl 1 .ir trnii\ and siiraii) rrr) l;abilily oflhe (ust1tt.r uri.i thcse I:\cert ,ilr.].! .t.!lJl a.rane.mcnts prelioudl mrde in sriing. advice and 23. E:-cepr unde! s!'e.ial rra.genrenrs prilr.-'Ltsl: rrr.1: in rlritix! ili(
(id.ij1,.jr,,,r tr, ,..i,\rf i,oir iicnr rir\ srrri t, b. pdid h lic a:.uFrr) hl rniftrlrrrx.i! \\irirh is rot relatcd ar .pcciiic instru.Iions accwted by the! nore.ionsibili! r.r CrPfflure o1.!',i!l dale'\ ol c.ods
!ir. ( r.1,.ri.r r ri(ir rlor Lri,Der d.irlrrd h.!!. n.r l,ccr p:d. Ccmprnl is Por i.d lrafiiltrrsit arl wilhorl liabiiil. 29. (3) Subje.i t, sub .lauie I Lr abo. anJ Suh-a liilse d. beL$\
16. (a) tr('ifl Lindcr sr.(ial affinilenrcnls previousl) made in writing lhe
thal the (aus. ol
Compan\/s llxbiln, hossoeier arisilg and r'oNilhilardinr
i 1,ri,s,1,i.., L,ilrusri l-l rrjd ll\. n.e aoniFn) rliiii h i,rilled to acrrprn) n rli u.l .rc(ert dr deil with bullion. coin. pr.c;ous lon.s. rerelr). los. o! drrr:e b..rncxplained sllrll not er.ccd. (ii ltr Li'r' ciie of clriu\ l;r
pr,.ilrc rir ! .r rli r.r!i.:s ri mr rttrr or ro tro\idc th.!. r.i!r..t ii \ilurtles. a,riquer ti.tur.s- hunan rcm.ins, livestocli or planls. Shorilri lols i. dailg€ ro goodi: (ai rre 1rlle .lrn) g.n,is losl oi daniii!:ed. ir il)
:r f,,.cit,i,l ,fr ltr,,ili: anJ r.c.;,irr.. .i ii, in.iusi1. fric. inr fie ant urroner ne\eitilcless deli{er an), such goods to *e Coinpan)' or ! sun: al ile r ::i. (n DkLan s -i0 ifi ir1i ) pe, kilo.l glljsr'rei!tr1 or' !.! 3.n !i!
.rr.,orf lii,i.rl fi rii. ser\r!. !r ,!ari.r! i.I h!i,11-.l.rcnri]. iriiciir!, rrurr rllc Cofifirr) 10 bnndle or JcEi r;lh any su.h gnods orhcrwise d15n losr !r darraged subi3.r 10 n lirrril ol Lljrhlnf! :0.000 Lt!\eirly thousa.d) P.f
rrr rrc| s.rriet is.r lcr\icc' lfe to be itrErged h) tlrr ( lnllix\ o.liiJ r' irnCrr sireriri Jrrrrtirnetrts Drevi.u:lt rraile irr $rilirS ljre aotnpany shJll prckge nr urii.. \'hich.\er shall h! rre l.asi (ii) In o:: or'al1 olher cl.ims.
(or}neclion qilh such gdods
r!!nt or r. ir' fr.iiltd bI ih. C.mfrn, r.ihrg !s d .ontrarrilrB Lrltrc;r"r ,.) .r ilrrtr. !{, inbilil) 'rhrlsoevcr for o. h (a) lLe \:lur dl rhe goods lhc iiliiLit ollhe relelanl rrNnsidion bc1wc.. lh.
\\h!r Nli,rt J!,i|:iir,rnl ilr. !omf,3irf tors jrol rxsi(E o prrB)1 trr,irii-: h.\:rrryer rf;,i!i:. lh) Ihe Contnnj may at an:i tine \ait'e itt r'ights xnd Coilprrt) rnd ;1s Cusiuil.r. nf lb) : sunr 3r rhc rxrc ,)l t)irhanfs rC (lhiity)
e\il,r|irorts :ar:i lralrilir) urder Sub-('la!se a. abovc in respect oisny one or per kilo otfie r.osi neighl,riihe g,).d\ lln'subieci ol lire liid tqnM.ri.n
il)t .nr:!r.L \iiiL Llrr a rl:rrotrrcr ilr ti,. crriilg.. sn{xi.. pac}mS,, hir(lliii,ir
ol ri!\ !,i i,f , ii .t nrfcr f,hr,!i::i .!r\i.e ir r.i.nioi {, ilrdil r,J ,(s !r.r.
,illi! |rttgfies ofgurd-' nealioned hcrein or any Fail o1 ar)' sulljecl ro i 1i.nil !i l)irnalli:r 11 r.00t (!*riilj- tho!,[ri) r]cr r2ckig( ,1r ijril.
j'.! i !\.:r' ri,!ot ilr 'x.itirg, lhe (rnus oftNrirg sxLr lt?i'u
-!lcl, (,r l..I,r I !r rli. (ii,.i.iner i,r \..urrU .:jlir.s I'j ,:s.r1]i!:ri,r.l!r) ll \1hnbii.r clill be 1!r. lcasr. li,r L!1e jmrpose. oij.,i.l.usc l9 lr) firr
lor1ir,r.;rih r!rrJ pi,,ri!s \) t;rl,1ir.rt.oirlrrrtrr1! f.iiri,)rstrit.i ir. ,.lail , .r :ir. i ,irorn.r laliie ci Ihe goods shall he rlr€il \alue wi1!n ilrev 1.rc ir siuld br\c bc.:r
.\iihli-h.l hcls..n lfi (lsurr rx,i fiiftl !'r)1;cs. (]i fh. tl:rt.rr\ 1;. Ji"r.!fl lirl:,r.iixg in$rtrct;onr DI.ilously received in s'rilirg and eccepled slripped. (t'i Sr.!jrct lc sub.lause I b. al,ove. intt Sub-alxuse d b.icq. the
(lompan: !!i[! not ac(epr ol dcal Nirh g5od. of a
slrii ni J.I.rjtl;': ,i;r (\rsBrer tro! r,l h\ annrxci Eiri.f.d h. tlr' ( .,n an"r'. rrc i r,mpanl's liability for loss or do$age ls a r.ruil ,,1 lhiiue to delrier or
inro rs ilcil r'or rhr (lrx,rx.r. ii$lrr r! lhe anilirirn) r*I be irr.leiirh 01' dEigrr.xs ('i dilnr!.ir! nrlxrc oor !\ith g.ods lilicly to harbor or en.ourag. arangc deliver] lrlgoods In a reasonalile tiDe or (xhere there is, sp..iai
li,i (jbli!.r;or. :r silrli iir dte;.cd to nrt. (onnn,-_ir': \ili rL. Li!!.,,ner.\ a L.i,r:,ior!rt,L:iireits,norgo.diii!bl.lotaifforiffec1olh€rtsoo.]s Ifstrch ara.genr.xl undcr Clause:8) h rdhcrc 6 agreed defardur. or !rrill
:1,''' '':1 goo.i. ii..i.iDl.a pqrsil.Lt o ! speciai auargemenl arrd then in ihedares:hall nor in arl {hat!o.!.i D) i sum.qual i.,
,'. i"
f. \\ir. r,rJ iL, ri. r\rcil1 ltal 1i,c a.rii,.,,rr h.\..D1,i.1..1 r! tiliclNl ti,I npi.rlr ,ri lh! I .reiny 1I3i coisttute a risk lo orhrr goods, properl), lilt oi 1*ice the anrilrtr oflhe Conlfan\/s.hrrees in !c!f..l oithc rcl*ari
nr \er'i..s li tr,i":ij,;rfi !nri..I hcalrii. il1c (,,r1p.ny shrll \fhere rcascnai,ly tonla.i ihe irarslcron. (c) Sa\c iD resp..i i;l-such less or.ltnnr:r. Ji is refcr.d n, t1
,1. |.rlo!i,trc..i r!1t r,! LLrd.rlt,L.' r;L rI5

Li$r nrirr 1!: ti,.ri!. iir,r Nrlinnanc..l lhos: -i.f\lrii 2ird.,rhi..t ii{!),s Cr$.rrei. brl rLrs.i!.lh. ri.ch1 il the.rpense ofthe Collo,er 10
Sub-{ inuse b ind subjc.r ro SilL-Clausc 2 b. nbo\" rnd Suh-( larrse d
i. ih! roli,lr\ ,,i r),esr !rin1iIi.,r ,rLC ii irrlliilirr r',,1 lrri. lar -:') h.rerl' olir:fl:': tlrrl lirh thr golid: &1.n. the C.mfan)" shnll no1 i:r ,r: circlrilstrr.,rs sh ti'ic\i, h. Iirbie lirr
i...rr\ Ii rl.LLir: lir 1..\ nl ni .i:rrJg: io liLrr,tjrr t:le'r i|tu rls .hil!. !r.irrr|lti iE V\lr..! riici: i! a.hoic. of futcs rccordinE h dr. cxte.iof degree of ltdir.d or conseou.nlial jos! snch r\ (b!! ran limird.i t,-,1 L,ss ot protilr. lnsi
qirehouseLn€n or .trhcrs. no decltrintidr of
bci+e.f rh. ri.,( sl,o, r .ri1,s Ih::.t.i. irrr, i1'.irirSL ril 1,. ti,.( rIrri lir"rll:rl irss!,r.i..i i,\ .ari.s, ofmaiket or lhr consequerc.s ol Cehr r,f de\iatiorr hL'ncr$ car,ied Ld) El
thr ( o,r;..r;, :' . rirlt,l tr, J.ll rion lir. Cilsloller ,, ilrucr n' iait. d.lll.rr i:!lii,i \\iii,, .,rirorLri $i1l b. rnad. crcept nnder rFecial arrangenretrts sp.rial a!rri!--D.ntalr.ed iir ''iilin-!. Thea,rillprri\ fix\ liahilir\ ir
oilh. :.,i,,itlt Lil: . in \Nititr!. excess ollhe linrits set olr in Silb-tlailses a. (, c urrun tle CLitiilr.r
l- \\lrr:r .,ir,l , 1r! .\rr!ri Ihiil ihr Llnrrt,ali) iu rJ!!,1:,n.. \\lti ,i,i'r' agreemg to pE]'lhe Conrlianr'i;dCiriorlal char!.r lar icceph.! sd.h
(ir(lilrt| :. r(r ri: r.,3ir rs.rii,)r lth.rll .,l 1he irir,-,i:r,- ! rs,!.r,,!3 ,,r: l,r. JIi (lrr{fii.i }uL..rt. (r) Jrdr rh. description and prrti.niars oiany incrcas&i liabiljt). Details ot rhe Conrpan] s !largts !.ill bc
.rislrrrnr\ rrt.,. fiE aoirprrt sir.,il b. .ii:iilc(! I'i 1n. axil.rci gol.d! 1irr,,1::JrtC h., Or oD behall oflhe Customer arc fu)l atrd natrate. (b) proYided Lpou te.lue$.
Itci.Sj .\frr-l\ r$hcriTei rhe Conrp.i,i silch urliritrk'xr. ri, .nn. in. Thil aii so.di. ha,,c b.en F{rperly and silfficienily prepared. paekcd, 10. (x) Thc Condilions are witilour frejudice to the rcrnls olatry i{enlalional
clrJrsb oil ij.ll.rLl L)i lh. ailgoncr ind lhe OsDe,- trj lnr th! cailixgt cf stov/.!i. labri€r :ndior mnrk.d. and that ihe prepaatioa, packng. *ov'age, conrenrion Nhich is apliicabie b) law !a m)" dispuic ,ltich r,la) aris< ir
:o.IJ \! .,i j!,i11. !' nr.rni,)r P..s$i. il1) tilf i;!: n.rr:r: |:trliirg !irfs. Lhilrr! rrd ,n$ki[g ari: rptrJ]r.irle to ary operalions or tatsaclidrs relalion nr thc cadage oilhe goods. ibl Iflhe Comtnrr\ 1i.6 as a arirlciprl in
sl)ifnorr i!r{! ri,.!:rl!,.,.1,,rr., hl,ilinf ol Ih. !r'J. ir .ril la'1i.r rir.\ iL1..Liig rlr,. !.)r!i\ .ind rh. .hr.ucierisl;.e oI ihe gooJ:. (c) That Nher€ ihe Daki.g 11 lgreenrent fo. !be .arrtrle oi goods "!) !ir. lirc ]t,j oq'ing trrti.. i.
I'l:.( aiJ ri), .rr. r:,:rh,)l iim. 1!j ii,r r\i.3)iag.,! \rr,'f.,ii:r..j: r!,.1 l',rnt;rj irc.,,(! il;:c(rds ihc Cr5ioner alread) stcwed in o..n a herebr- gi\cni ttthe cariafe iil..olles 3n ullinate denitralidr kr or $Lrps ir a
on xtr.>fiti or;ris jt.l.lli.J ;n juh .li rsJ l9 c. 3nd \!irh riirei :n,ri, or' ,r',r,iii.:. r,.,r;., rrnl"-r oi arI.!hir dc\ice sp.cilically conJt.ucled Io. the county other than ihe coutrtr) ol detatlre. lhe Wrrsr!' Convcrt;otr nrx) he
\\'h.i.\cr ni,i.:rc. rnd {d) 1i do su.h fcN rs nit ri Lhe qrii;()r ,,1 ilr. .irriae. oi:n..i: bt laid- s.a ,n ,n (each hereater indiridualll relerred ro appiicable a.C rhe CcnventjoD gorcri! cnd in most casc! liillirs thc liabilirf
Confanr r.. etnrrJli\ nle.sft in ilr. Deribrnrrece oI rts ohlr!x1,ons in xs dr. n!n,+,ii !rr1 ). rlr. transNft lril is in good .Dndition, and is suilable of carrlers in respecl 01 loss of or d;mage ro cargo. As.ded sloppirg plsces
thc i.r.rcn(.r'lir (Llloine) i..lilr.(i\.el fo; th. (!rrii!t 6 tire Intelrdcd destiillrior oi th€ gonds load3d ftercin or are rhose fiaces tfher ihan the placcs oi deptrture an(i dc:,lilation) ihosn
S. fh€ (.rtrirrrt ..!(r\(! ri rtscifa ieason,rbl. lihcrl) lj !r ilr. ilrcans. lh.reorr. lrccr reqilested roilling a.d/or ihosc fl:lces sho\u in lhe carrier's
rjnletabies as sche{tuled stopping plrces lor ihe rout.. Th. address ollhe
fir$ ca'rier is rile airpod ol departu.e.
b.1\'crn tt1. ( oltrn) .r d lhr i'unon.r. 1l1e CutrroDer ngr..! thrt tirr Conrpany ,rr .ausc thc Cor!p3t} to dcal wilh or hmdle goods oi a ll. Recerpl b) th. Ctrstomer ot O$ocr of lisibly daDaged goods $ithoul
complljnt shrll iilaljdate any tlaim agaillsl the t ompaol. An) claim againsL
tiherl to iotl\! !.rnir o' olhd p(ns. or goods l;ahle m rainl a affecl olher goods, h. shall ihe fompani rrising 6om loss of ar Jrmlge lo ihe londs not lisibh ,1 ihe
t;m( o, receipl b) the austomer or alu,ner rnu( be rrad. in accor&nre lvith
the provisinns oiArl. 317 UAE Code oi Comnercjal, Fed.ral t-3r'
rntnec \rch iitb..1ilrr.lor ii.nier;r! ilto a rornact golciri.d b) lhe*: nralhcde:X{ilhi,rsxchamanneraslheCompanyoranyolherPersorin
lirL Lrw,JurisdictionADdCotrriliatiotr
Condirions \!iUr ilrc ()rn,)ilci rnLl OI nc.. rt.Ne cunodt ilre] may be at 5n) rclelanl time shall think fil. 32. These Caldirions and any-act or conlrad to Nhich rheY appl) shirll be
10. Th. Lrrrfrrl shrll ha\e a gil.ral licn on.ll goocj and Li,r.rrrents
ll Th,,Cl{.nr:rund.riakesdlalnaclairn-qhallbemadeapinsrany\\,ard3n)ilispu.arisineoutotnnyrctorcortfudr.
relaling e).!n.ds ir its fossr\sioi. Curlodr or conlrol for all suns Ja. al an) dir:.lor.s.Drfroremplo)ceollheCompaDywb;chimposesorateEptsto whichrhescConditonsapply-rballbesubiecltothccrdusi\.Jrrisdictionof
cL'nicction uith any seryices wlrich are fie
tinre liomlhe (\shil.r .r.)wrer, ard shrll be cniillcdturcrain srch goods and inpose uporr lhern ary irabilily ir lhe U.A.E. coMs. In ihe eveil of any su.h dispule, the ladies nay ;lsrerd
documenLs rg!irn pr)trreD1 oflhe iicighlage expcis.. rnd olher such srms
subiefi ol rbcsr Cond(ioils and il'an) such claim should nel'eaheLess bc agree to apply ro the Dubai Charrber ofcomnerce liJr rbe dispuE tu be
made. to iDdenrniltvlhe ComtaDy.gainsr alj consequences therml rcfencd ro conciliarion in a.cordmce silh the Rules ol Commercial
duc 10 hir, ftn ilrc traDsporulion.
ll. lhe Cu{.rilL'r shall save iuilnless and keep the Company ind.milificd Conciliarion and.&bitratioD ofrtre Dubai Chamber otcomnrerce & hduslr}
11. Ihe Conrpan) shall b..iltirled to relain aild bE paidall hrok..!ecs.
lionr and agairsl: (a) All liabiliiy, loss, damage, costs and expenses ol2:ndfebnraD igg4oranyam.ndneiltorreviskinihercoffoithctimc
conxnissions. ull'rnailce:r inrC orher reNuncralions ct{onrrily rel?rr€d bl or
pairi 10 lieighl 1i,tr!!rdefs whatso€rer (includnlg wilhouL prejudice to rhe Benerality oflhe foregoing. all 6.;ot i,. tor..
duties, hxes. inposts. levies, deposits and ontlays of whatsoev€r natue
ll- {a) lfdeiil.r} ot ilrc eoods or any paft rhcrcofis no1 ldkeI by fie
levied by in! ,ulhorily in relalioa to the goods) arjsing out ofthe Company's
ClslL.nrer or Osncr, at thc timc and piace iyheD and \nere thc Conpany is
action in accordancc rvjtb thc Cuslomers imtructions or aiising from any
entitled to cail upon such PersoD 10 take dch,ery th.reof, the Company shall
be entiiled kr srorr the soods or any pan ther.ofat th. sole risk olthe


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