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Materials: vật liệu (lực lượng sản xuất vật chất)
Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions (M.I.C.E): Author: Dr. Chloe
Lau, Assistant Professor, 2016.
1. What is M.I.C.E industry?
 Holding by one organization
 A complex services industry
 Gathering many people with a same target/ purpose
 Luxury services/ high quality services

2. M.I.C.E tourism styles

- Meeting, Seminar, Talk-show, Conferences, …
- Personal event (Birthday, wedding, anniversary,...)
- Coures, Trainning,
- Competition, sports events,
- Marketing event, New product launche event,
- Exhibitions event, teambuilding activitives, ,
- Culture events (fashion, music, local traditional culture events. ....),...
3. History of M.I.C.E industry
- From 9/1814 to 7/1815
- The Congress of Vienna - Austria
- Emperors, princes, merchants and retinues.
- To redistribute territories after the victories of the imperial Emperor Napoleon's
- A large number of people came to Vienna.
- A huge amount of money was spent.
- Many luxury services were prepared and served for a long time: accommodation,
logistics, lavish entertainment, meeting places, translation, secretarial work, etc.
Meetings: Meetings, gatherings with members of organizations, companies,
associations, or governments for purposes of a business, economic, commercial,
sports, social, or community.
Incentives: Activities to reward, motivate and encourage members and partners to
celebrate an anniversary, holiday, achievement a good result or finish well a program,

a working period….

Conventions: Conferences, seminars, and workshops to meet, discuss, and research

solutions to solve a problem or declare a specific problem academical, political,
Exhibitions: Trade fairs, exhibitions, business/ sports events - new product launches,
personal events...
• Gathering the best senior leaders and VIPs, experts, and relevant people
away from/ outside the offices.
• To discuss ideas / Find solutions.
• To promote and introduce new products/new information.
• To organizing sports activities/ art-performances/ Coaching /Short-term
training programs.
• Holding at 4-5 stars hotels or luxury resorts
• Using high-class services and luxury spaces
• Minimum 15 people up to hundreds, thousands
• A form of appreciation for employees' achievements/ a good result from a
working period.
• Creating unique events to reward the outstanding achievements of
• Relax, fun, and comfortable with a large number
• An opportunity to gather and meet among employees, suppliers, customers, and
• Use premium services and outdoor activities.
• Holding activities when finishing a period/ getting a special achivement/ a
working year/ a business semester/ a program/ a campaign/ a contract....
• Gathering many V.I.Ps, politicians, and many KOLs, professional experts,
and influential persons...
• Purpose: to exchange information, discuss and present ideas, report, and
research solutions;
• Scientific Research Report; Political conference,
• Career training; fostering skills and professionalism.
• Academical and scientific;
• Taking place in luxury hotels (4-5 star hotels) and resorts for many days,
• Demand high quality on premium service.
• High service cost.
• For linkage between customers and suppliers to search for new markets, new
partners, new ideas, and opportunities.
• The event marks an important period (establishment anniversary, 1st customer,
record sales, ...)
• Personal events: birthdays, birthdays, weddings, academic results (graduation,
promotion, etc.)
• Promote and introduce products and brands.
• Community relationships; Social support activities.
• Media attraction
• The number of attendees is large, long times, in many places at the same time
(sports competitions, beauty contests).
Management M.I.C.E industry
Organization and management for M.I.C.E's services (Government, private,
organisations, ...) include main activities, as:
• Surveying and developing an organizational plan; implementing the programs.
• Building products/services; promoting the sale/supplying of products and
• Organizing, implementing, and supervising the M.I.C.E activities process.
• Focusing to achieve service quality, satisfying customer needs, and high
economic efficiency.

1.POSITIVE (Tích cực)

Direct Indirect
(Trực tiếp) (Gián tiếp)
• Exploiting local resources and • Promoting and pushing economic,
potentials; cultural, and social development;
• Creating jobs for local workers; Improving the local quality of life.
• Increasing revenue in low season; • Building, creating business
• Increasing direct revenue from opportunities and expanding social
service activities; relationships.
• Managing business time and • Updating technology and developing
employees; new ideas, and knowledge.
• Renovating facilities and
• Promoting the destination image.
Attracting foreign direct investment;

Directly contribute to the local authority

• Direct revenue from M.I.C.E is higher than other travel services:
- 43% of revenue from catering, transportation, and travel services
- The remaining 57% is revenue from accommodation services. Rent a destination to
organize seminars, events, fairs, meetings...
• M.I.C.E balances the tourist seasons (M.I.C.E activities usually take place in
the off-peak seasons of tourism);
• Create jobs for local workers.
• Attracting foreign investment: organizing exhibitions and introduction of
products and services => distributing products and services at a regional and
global scale; calling for investment in exploitation, production, and product
• Organizing large-scale events/conferences  expanding business relationships
between groups of partners => new business opportunities, more opportunities
to promote local image and service quality, more customer potential products,
market expansion;
2. NEGATIVE (Tiêu cực)
• Environmental pollution: Garbage from events; Emissions, greenhouse effect
adversely affect the environment;
• Traffic congestion;
• Traditional identity is overshadowed (attacked);
• Exploiting and using resources without planning => depletion or
deformation of resources;
• new types of services and cultures that are not suitable reason of many
evils arise . (Many crimes (evils) come from M.I.C.E tourism right?)
 M.I.C.E activities are carried out at luxury hotels, convention centers, fairs,
exhibitions, resorts, or tourism venues...
 Working environment condition: dynamic (năng động); public
Relationship: large, open (rộng lớn, cởi mở);
 Work pressure: high, and professional.
 Gathering a minimum of 15 people with
• Common interests,
• Common goal
• Same occupation/ business fields
• Same organization/company…
 Use many luxury support services:
• Financial, technology services;
• Shipping services;
• Catering and shopping services;
• Travel and accommodation services;
• Entertainment services;
• Health care services …
 Customers are highly educated; social positions and high incomes;
 High demand for professional HR and services;
 Diverse, unique, impressive, and different service requirements; highly
 High service cost, high profit.
 Gathering a large number of personnel at the same time, at 1 or more locations.
1. STRENGTHS (Điểm mạnh)
• Stable political background and open policy, the government's key investment
focus is tourism.
• A safe and friendly destination, an attractive investment destination for the
M.I.C.E industry.
• (1999) Hanoi got awarded City for Peace of UNESCO - the title of the first
city in the Asia-Pacific region.
• successfully hosting major international events (APEC 2017 Summit, 2nd US-
North Korea Summit, Asia-Pacific Infection Control Conference 2019, Poetry
 The diverse, amazing, and rich natural landscapes; a long history and culture.
 The system of hotels and resorts develops rapidly, with impressive designs.
 The world's favorite destinations, and many beautiful beaches.
 Many provinces are developing and investing in M.I.C.E tourism.
Vietnam will be an attractive destination for the M.I.C.E industry of the region
and the world.
2. WEAKNESSES (Điểm yếu)
• There is no professional organization in M.I.C.E industry and professional
M.I.C.E industry human resources;
• There is no master plan and developing strategies for developing M.I.C.E
• No synchronization infrastructure is out of date or unsuitable for M.I.C.E's
• The M.I.C.E industry investment is in centralised, spread out.
• Tourist attractions, convention centers, accommodation facilities have not met
the requirements of utilities and capacity (Tiện ích và sức chứa) of the
M.I.C.E market.
• Awareness of the importance and benefits of M.I.C.E tourism is still
incomplete, so small and odd development is not uniform, long-term, etc.
• Lack of quality of people's knowledge, skills, and abilities in human resources.
• Lack of professionalism, consistency in prices, and quality service standards.
• Weak competition (cost, communication, technology).
=> Waste of resources and weak competitiveness (Lãng phí tài nguyên và yếu sức
cạnh tranh) with other countries in the region and the world in tourism M.I.C.E.
• Hanoi was the first city in the Asia-Pacific region to be awarded the title of
City for Peace by UNESCO (1999).
• Reputable when successfully hosting major international events (APEC 2017
Summit, 2nd US-North Korea Summit, Asia-Pacific Infection Control
Conference 2019, Poetry post-world…).
• Vietnam is a safe destination in the unsafe global politique and social context
(terrorism, war protests, civil war, Brexit .. in the world).
 Being a member of many prestigious international and regional political,
economic, and social organizations;
 Being a country with a fast and stable growth rate;
 Many tourism services and cities are appreciated by social networking sites;
 Many resorts have impressive , unique design, and friendly environments;
 Many tangible and intangible heritages are recognized by UNESCO;
 Culinary will be considered as the world's chef with typical, traditional and
natural dishes with diverse, healthy ingredients;
4. THREATS (Thách thức)
 The M.I.C.E industry has been invested and exploited effectively by many
countries in the region (Singapore, China, Malaysia, Thailand)
 The requirements for service quality, utility, science and technology, and
professionalism for M.I.C.E services are increasing day by day.
 Dynamic business activities and high competition in attracting and expanding
this type of attractive tourism.
 M.I.C.E tourism in the world has made great strides and contributed
significantly to the world tourism industry.
 The type of M.I.C.E tourism is currently being invested by many countries
because of the high benefits and profits. (vì lợi ích và lợi nhuận cao.)
 M.I.C.E tourism is growing strongly in Asian countries due to the attraction of
Asian and Eastern origin culture, fresh climate,
 Amazing geographical features create beautiful landscapes.
- Scientific and technological achievements are thoroughly applied to
M.I.C.E, especially artificial intelligence. (Các thành tựu khoa học công
nghệ được áp dụng triệt để vào M.I.C.E, đặc biệt là trí tuệ nhân tạo.)
 Apply online conferencing to reduce costs and time, and ensure safety.
1. Convention centers in the world
Singapore, Thái Lan, Trung Quốc, (Thượng Hải, Hongkong), Indonesia, Philipine,
Hàn Quốc, Nhật bản, Thụy Sĩ, Úc, Anh, Pháp, Mỹ, Dubai, Newzealand.
2. Convention centers in Vietnam
Hà Nội, TP. Hồ Chí Minh, Khánh Hòa (Nha Trang), Đà Nẵng, Phú Quốc, Quảng
Ninh, Bình Thuận, Cần Thơ.
1. M.I.C.E tourism developing trends (Xu hướng phát triển ngành du lịch M.I.C.E)
• Bleisure is a combination of business and leisure (business - leisure).
• Provide practical experience about indigenous culture, nature, economic and
social environment
• Updating the achievements of technology in service activities
• Organize thematic sessions at the conference to understand the main issues in
depth in each aspect
• The service is flexible and improvised (Dịch vụ linh hoạt, tùy cơ ứng biến),
without prior preparation, M.I.C.E must always be ready to respond to
unexpected and impromptu events (M.I.C.E participants have families, and
need additional appropriate services: babysitting. , aged care, shopping,
sightseeing, spirituality, health care, beauty, charity, ..)
• The general trend of sustainable development (Phát triển bền vững),
environmental protection (natural, cultural, social, green conference)
2. Yếu tố tác động, ảnh hưởng đến dịch vụ M.I.C.E trong tương lai
 Economic Downturn (Suy thoái kinh tế)
Implement strategic solutions to reduce the cost of holding meetings across borders, as
the world economy has experienced a global recession (Brexit).
 Social media (Phương tiện truyền thông xã hội)
Has become popular, contributing to changing service usage behavior and traditional
marketing for almost any type of product and service in the M.I.C.E and other service
 Technology (Công nghệ)
 Online events (Meetings, Online Conferences, Online Exams, etc.)
 Using scientific and technological achievements Internet of Things (IoT) and
Artificial Intelligence (AI), but will not completely replace face-to-face
meetings. for the current time.

(Source: “M.I.C.E Industry-An Asia Pacific Perspective” của UNWTO, 2011)

 Green M.I.C.E
Green events/conferences = a common goal of the world to increase awareness and
action for sustainable development:
 Minimize waste generation, and save maximum useful resources that can be
reused and recycled to save costs.
 Cut down on energy use, carbon emissions, and waste. Apply solutions to
prevent wasted energy and costs.
 Do not use materials and products that damage the environment,
environmentally friendly products and materials are prioritized for use.
(Source: “M.I.C.E Industry-An Asia Pacific Perspective” của UNWTO, 2011)


1. POLICY – LEGAL (Chính sách – Pháp lý)
Government and local authorities at all levels need to issue:
- Favorable policies and guidelines for the M.I.C.E industry,
- A master strategy for the tourism service industry and M.I.C.E (long-term - medium-
term and short-term),
- A synchronous development plan (sector, infrastructure, budget, services, logistics).
2. HUMAN RESOURCES (Nguồn nhân lực, nhân sự)
 Knowledge: professional skilled
 Soft skills: foreign languages, computer science, teamwork.
 Abilities: creativity, ideas, and competence.
 Dynamic: flexible, proactive, and creative at work.
 Attitude: professional, responsible, disciplined.
3. POTENTIAL OF NATURUAL LANDSCAPE (Tiềm năng cảnh quan tự nhiên)
 The diverse and rich natural landscapes
 Preserved, pristine natural environment
4. POTENTIAL OF HISTORY - CULTURAL (Tiềm năng lịch sử – văn hóa)
 The local culture is diverse and rich.
 Customs - unique and unique customs.
 Long history.
5. INFRASTRUCTURE - FACILITIES (Cơ sở hạ tầng – tiện nghi)
 Transportation and transportation systems.
 Electricity, water, and technology systems.
 High-class accommodation service system.
 Conference and exhibition centers, stadiums, gymnasiums, ...
6.SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LEVEL (Trình độ khoa học và công nghệ)
7. LOGISTICS SYSTEM (Hệ thống Logistics)
8. SECURITY – SOCIAL SAFETY (An ninh – An toàn xã hội)
II. M.I.C.E TOURISM AFFECTING FACTORS (Các yếu tố ảnh hưởng)
 Policies and Guidelines of the government, of the local authorities'
 The legal corridor is clear, convenient, and open;
 Political stability, safe and friendly social environment;
 Unique and diverse cultural identity; History;
 The natural landscape, natural environment;
 Facilities - science and technology and convenient modern infrastructure;
 Experienced, skilled, and professional human resources;
 Service quality, brand reputation; (Chất lượng dịch vụ, uy tín thương
 No epidemics or natural disasters; (Không có dịch bệnh, thiên tai)

Authorities (Chính quyền)

Organisations/ Service enterprises (Tổ chức/ Doanh nghiệp dịch vụ)
Venues management (Đơn vị quản lý điểm đến)
Venue, place (Chỗ hội họp, địa điểm)
- One of the most important factors affecting the decision to organize a M.I.C.E
event. (Venue, place) Một trong những yếu tố quan trọng nhất ảnh hưởng đến
quyết định tổ chức sự kiện M.I.C.E.
- The place where M.I.C.E activities will be held (country, city/province).
Suitable locations are:
• Hotels, resorts
• Convention Center
• Gallery, (Phòng trưng bày)
• sports arena, (Đấu trường thể thao)
• Stadium,
• Tourist area, (Khu du lịch)
• Cultural Park, (Công viên văn hóa)
Tour Operators
- Providing guide force
- Providing tour programs, and teambuilding activities within the framework of
M.I.C.E activities chain.
Professional Event Organizer (PEO) Nhà tổ chức sự kiện chuyên nghiệp
- Partly or fully authorized by the organizing Committee.
- Implementing the M.I.C.E's activities from preparation to payment -
finalization of the organization's expenses for the Organizing Committee.
- Professional and reputable company.
- Connecting with local authorities and carrying out legal proceedings.
- Have reputable partners to provide and perform the required services
- Professional and experienced personnel
- Handle all work items, and problems arising from A to Z (from planning
coordination and implementation management, selecting suitable
subcontractors and other service providers to delegate tasks) necessary, needs).
- Provide food and beverage services to M.I.C.E guests at the request of the
Organizing Committee (conferences, seminars, receptions, breaks, food
court, ...) to ensure food safety and hygiene.
- The menu is local specialties;
- Served during M.I.C.E activities.
- Offers premium lodging for M.I.C.E attendees. (Cung cấp chỗ ở cao cấp cho
người tham dự M.I.C.E.)
- Provide high-class rooms, halls, halls and facilities for meeting needs.
- Provide support activities: equipment for M.I.C.E . activities.
- Ensure safety, security and convenience for customers' needs (BTC, attendees)
when participating in M.I.C.E
- Provide decoration services, cuisine, ... when BTC requires.
Other Services
• Transportation service: supporting the transportation needs of guests
attending M.I.C.E during the activities.
• Entertainment services: cultural programs, art entertainment
• Translation services: providing interpretation for international conferences
and events
• Decoration services, installation, art design
• Logistics, warehousing, engineering, cleaning services
• Security and order services.
1. Quản trị M.I.C.E làm gì?
 The work focuses on the principles, practices, and critical success factors of
M.I.C.E's operational programs;
 Supervising the implementation of activities to ensure the correct process and
quality as committed;
 Needs assessment and management processes to ensure successful organization
of such events.
2. Vai trò của người làm công tác quản trị M.I.CE
 In addition to the activities of organizing conferences and seminars in the tour,
the M.I.C.E travel program also gathers many different activities such as
relaxation, entertainment, entertainment ... so the organizer must know how to
satisfy maximum use needs of attendees.
 The person in charge of managing, operating and administering M.I.C.E plays
a very important role, deciding the success or failure of an M.I.C.E operation.
3. Người làm công tác quản trị M.I.C.E phải có những đức tính gì? Kỹ năng gì?
What qualities must an M.I.C.E administrator have? What skills?
- Skilled in planning; (Kỹ năng xây dựng kế hoạch)
- Calm, skillful, delicate, flexible, responsive and good communication; (Điềm tĩnh,
khéo léo, tinh tế, linh hoạt, nhạy bén và giao tiếp tốt)
- Having a good relationship with local authorities, having a close and reputable
partner system; (Có mối quan hệ tốt với chính quyền địa phương, có hệ thống đối tác
thân thiết, có uy tín)
- Flexibility, closely following the needs of the market to develop appropriate services
(Linh hoạt, bám sát nhu cầu của thị trường để xây dựng các dịch vụ phù hợp)
- Have customer care skills, understand customer psychology; (Có kỹ năng chăm sóc
khách hàng, nắm được tâm lý khách hàng)
- Having skills to cover, assess the situation, forecast the situation, handle situations
and risks; (Có kỹ năng bao quát, nhận định tình hình, dự báo tình hình, xủ lý tình
huống, rủi ro)
- Skilled, experienced in managing and operating human resources. (Có kỹ năng, kinh
nghiệm quản lý, điều hành nhân sự.)
II. QUY TRÌNH TỔ CHỨC M.I.C.E: How many steps are there in the M.I.C.E
service organization processes? (3 steps)
Prepare - perform – finish (Chuẩn bị - thực hiện – kết thúc)
M.I.C.E (Start up)
Stage 1: Preparing for M.I.C.E service business for units/enterprises. (Chuẩn bị kinh
doanh dịch vụ M.I.C.E cho đơn vị/ doanh nghiệp.)
Stage 2: Implement M.I.C.E service business. (Triển khai thực hiện hoạt động kinh
doanh dịch vụ M.I.C.E.)
Step 1: Prepare (Chuẩn bị)
Step 2: Implement - Organize implementation (Triển khai - Tổ chức thực hiện)
Step 3: Payment of funds - End of service (Thanh toán tiền - Kết thúc dịch vụ)
Stage 1: Preparing for M.I.C.E service business for units/enterprises.
1. Prepare the M.I.C.E market demand survey plan to determine the implementation;
2. Assess the capabilities of the enterprise (capital, partners, human resources): to
determine the business can operate M.I.C.E services;
3. Survey the possibility of services (destination, restaurant, travel, accommodation,
transportation, entertainment, healthcare, security, funding, interpretation, media,
event organization services) conditions, ....) and conditions (policies and guidelines of
the state and local);
Stage 2: Implement M.I.C.E service business.
Step 1: Prepare
1. Product advertising.
2. Customer consultation.
3. Organize the sale of products.
4. Establishing the organizing committee.
5. Make a detailed program.
6. Select a location.
7. Negotiate and agree on estimates with suppliers.
8. Provide and explain information.
9. According to customer's request.
10. Receive service booking request and confirm service organization capacity.
11. Additional services according to customer's request.
12. Set of regulations on security and safety to ensure the safety of guests' lives.
13. Ensure property safety.
14. Buy insurance for customers.
15. Make an implementation plan.
16. Contract negotiation.
17. Prepare for implementation.
18. Personnel assignment.
19. Check the preparation before proceeding.
20. Planning to organize conferences and seminars.
21. Prepare personnel and conference content.
22. Hold press conference to introduce and propagate the program.
23. Advertising and sponsorship.
24. Prepare technical equipment.
25. Prepare logistics, security and other related items.
26. Check the overall work stages before implementing the official program. General
27. Anticipate arising situations, guide and practice handling situations.
Step 2: Implement - Organize implementation
1. Supervising, checking and urging the work before it is carried out.
2. Solve problems arising during implementation.
3. Organize the pick-up and drop-off of guests.
4. Organize meals during the program.
5. Organize accommodation for guests during the program.
6. Organize side activities.
7. Supervising the implementation of planned activities.
8. Closing ceremony / Goodbye guests.
9. Clean up and hand over assets to suppliers.
10. Resolving outstanding problems.
11. Define service quality requirements and standards. Implement quality
management. Evaluation of service quality performed.
Step 3: Payment of funds - End of service
1. Internal meeting to evaluate work results and learn from experience. Write a report.
2. Summarize customer opinions. Receive and resolve customer complaints.
3. Make recommendations to relevant parties.
4. Send thank you letters to customers and service providers.
5. Liquidation of contracts with customers and service providers. Budget settlement.
6. Store information about customers and service providers.
7. Maintain and develop relationships with local authorities and service providers.
1. Develop a plan – sign a contract
2. Sending invitations, mobilizing sponsors/participating in fairs and exhibitions
3. Sign contracts with participating units for exhibitions and service provision
4. Agree with relevant agencies
5. Hold a press conference
6. Advertising propaganda
7. Prepare logistics for serving and protecting at the Expo
8. Assign implementation organization
9. Establishment of personnel
10. Decorate and hand over the finished condition
11. Organize the opening program
12. Organize accompanying ancillary activities
13. Organize activities for units with their own programs
14. Organizing the closing program
15. Payment and settlement of expenses
1. General information: Tổng hợp thông tin (most important)
Update necessary information from customers as a basis for implementation,
 Main topic of the program.
 Organizational objective and message of the program.
 Organization time.
 Audience and number of invited guests.
 Expected budget (from business or sponsor).
 Differentiation of products/services from competitors.
 Special requests.
2. Outline the organization plan according to the customer's request (Phác thảo kế
hoạch tổ chức theo yêu cầu của khách hàng)
Make recommendations according to customer requirements, explain to customers
 Location: restaurants, hotels, resorts, parks, etc.
 Organization time.
 Develop detailed scripts: program content, games, arts...
 Personnel, services: recommend people to perform services (hosts, interpreters,
service brands).
 Design program images: font, canvas, backdrop, standee, screen, presenter,
spotlight, video clip, logo, hat and other tools.
 Sign the contract.
3. Organizational planning (Lập kế hoạch tổ chức)
Assign personnel to participate and take responsibility for tasks and implementation
 Event staff: restaurant staff, event staff, support team, technical staff, banquet staff
 Event budget: sponsorship (if requested by the client)
 Predict and control risks: technical risks, unexpected number of guests, natural
disasters, epidemics, etc. to have a plan to deal with them.
 Equipment used in the event: lights, table set up, led screen, decoration, standee,
backdrop, drinking water, glasses, computer, projector, curtain, door, speaker, lottery
box, headset, translation room….
 Modes of transportation: cars, trams, trains, planes, ships,
4. Implement the plan (Thực hiện kế hoạch)
 Monitor, check progress, handle arising situations to ensure quality and plan.
 General check/rehearsal before official implementation.
5. Event staging (Dàn dựng sự kiện)
 Implement layout and staging of the organization area in accordance with design
drawings and customer requirements.
6. Execute the program (Tiến hành thực hiện chương trình)
 General supervision and inspection of all work items of the program.
 Handle all situations that arise.
7. End of event (Kết thúc sự kiện)
 Work with the customer's main responsibility: review the items and services
 Recording customer's comments and feedback about service quality
 Handle the consequences of arising problems.
 Negotiate, agree on plans to handle arising problems and liquidate the contract.
 Synthesize relevant documents. Set up costs with customers.
 Liquidation of contracts with supply services.
 Maintain relationships with customers, partners, and local authorities.
8. After the program ends (Sau khi kết thúc chương trình)
 Send thank you letters: local authorities, support agencies, customers and service
 Maintain and develop relationships
 Drawing from internal experience: reviewing and checking the causes of errors in
the implementation process, rewarding, reminding, ... training, training
 Reinforcing services, technical systems and equipment;
 Handle the causes and gaps in the service quality management process.

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