GA 11 Unit 8 GS

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Planning date: First teaching date: …………………

Period: Class: ………………

- By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Gain an overview about the topic Becoming Independent;
- Gain vocabulary to talk about becoming independent;
- Identify the language aspects: cleft sentence.
2. Core competences
- Develop communication skills and creativity;
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork;
- Actively join in class activities.
3. Personal qualities
- Familiarize with the ways to have independent lifestyle;
- Develop self-study skills.
- Grade 11 textbook, Unit 1, Getting started
- Computer connected to the Internet, Projector
B -
Anticipated difficulties Solutions
-Students are reluctant to work in - Encourage students to work in pairs and in groups
groups. so that they can help each other.
- Students may lack vocabulary to - Explain expectations for each task in detail.
deliver a speech. - Continue to explain task expectations in small
chunks (before every activity)
- Provide vocabulary and useful language before
assigning tasks.
- Encourage students to work in groups so that they
can help each other.
WARM- UP: (5 mins)
- To stir up the atmosphere and activate students’ knowledge on
the topic of an independent lifestyle. - Whole class
- To set the context for the listening and reading part;
- To enhance students’ skills of cooperating with teammates.
* Chatting:
- Ask the students some questions related to the topic “Education
options for school-leavers”
- Give feedback and comments then lead in the new lesson.
Activity 1 (5 mins)
Aims: To get students learn vocabulary related to the topic.
- Have the students work in pairs to observe the example/picture and - Pair work and
make questions about it. whole class
- May give example by Vietnamese if necessary.
- Encourage the students to give imaginative answers.
- Monitor the class and offer help if necessary.
- Call on some pairs to present in front of the class
- Give feedback and comments.
- Elicit from the students the new words and phrases taken from the
conversation if any.
*New words:
1. independent (adj) độc lập
Example: Mai can cook breakfast before going to school herself
without waiting for her mom to do it. So, Mai is a(n)…?

2. trust (n) sự tin tưởng

(v) tin tưởng
=> (earn sb’s trust: nhận được sự tin tưởng của ai đó)
Example: The teacher believed that students had finished their
homework. The students earn…?
3. (to) convince (v) thuyết phục
Example: Minh talks to Lan that she should do homework herself. He
tried to…?

4. responsible (adj) có trách nhiệm

Example: Trung made a mistake and made his class lose the point.
Trung needs to…?

5. (to) encourage (v) khuyến khích

Example: Ha’s parents give support to her to find out a good job after
graduating. They…?
Activity 2: Task 1 (7 mins)
Aims: To get the students involved in the topic.
- Set the context for listening and reading the conversation. - Whole class
- Elicit from the students the meaning of new words/ phrases if
- Ask the students to listen to and at the same time read a
conversation between Mai, Mark and Nam.
- Play the recording twice.
- Call on some students to read the conversation aloud.
- Give feedback and comments.
- What can you see in each picture?
- What do you think they are discussing?
*Suggested answers:
- 2 friends, pan, food…
- They are discussing about how to cook and how to earn
parents’ trust.

Activity 3: Task 3 (5 mins) - Individual work,

Aims: To introduce words and phrases related to being independence. pair work and whole
- Have the students look at the incomplete phrases and class
definitions that are related to being independence, all appearing
in the conversation in Task 1, then read the definitions and look
for the missing words in the conversation.
- Ask the students to share their answers with a peer
- Control the class and offer help if necessary.
- Call on some students to give their answers.
- Check their answers as a whole class.
Expected Answers:
1. confidence 3. responsibility
2. independent 4. money-management
Activity 4: Task 2 (6 mins)
Aims: To check the students’ comprehension of the conversation.
- Have the students work in pairs to read the conversation again
and put the tick in correct column.
- Instruct the students to read the statements carefully to make
sure they understand the statements and underline the key
words, then read the conversation again and locate the part that - Individual work,
contains the information for each statement. pair work and whole
- Ask the students to exchange their answers with a peer. class
- Monitor the class and provide if necessary.
- Call on some students to read their answers.
- Ask the other students to give comments on their friends’
- Give final feedback and comments.
Expected Answers:
1. Mark 2. Mai 3. Nam

Activity 5: Task 4 (5 mins)

Aims: To help the students identify cleft-sentences used in the
- Tell Ss to read the sentence halves and check comprehension. - Individual work,
- Have Ss work individually. pair work and whole
- Monitor the class and provide help if necessary. class
- Call on some students to give their answers.
- Ask the class to give comments.
- Give final feedback and comments.
Expected Answers:
1d 2a 3b 4c
PRODUCTION: (10 mins)
- To give students authentic practice in using target language
- Have the students work in groups to talk about what should be
done to have independent lifestyle.
- Give feedback and comments.
Task 5. Role play
- Ask Ss to work in groups.
- Group work and
- Give structure:
whole class
+ In each group, one student plays the role of a student.
Others are advisors.
+ Advisors are giving advice on how to live
- Give Ss 3 minutes to prepare for the role play.
- Invite 1 or 2 groups to come to the stage and do the role play.
- Ask other groups to listen and give comments.
- Give feedback and give marks to the best group.
WRAPPING – UP: (2 mins)
- Summarize the main points of the lesson.
- Ask Ss write a short paragraph about how to live independently.
- Whole class
- Ask Ss prepare for the project in Lesson 8

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