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Homework – 5

Candidate selection for well stimulation

Kanapiyeva Sharizada
1. Describe well stimulation cycle
Step 1  Existing Data & Experience
Step 2  Candidate Selection
Step 3  Treatment Selection
Step 4  Fluid Selection
Step 5  Pumping Schedule
Step 6  Pre-treatment
Step 7  Job execution
2. What types of well stimulation are used nowadays?
Dissolving through acid injection – pumping of acid gases into the well to dissolve composites
and minerals.
Stimulation through hydraulic fracturing – fracking, 90% of water, 5% of chemicals an the rest
percentage of sand are used to fracture rocks.
3. What are the two main differences between matrix treatments and hydraulic fracturing
Matrix treatment – pumped below FG. (results low rates)
Fracturing treatment – pumped above FG. (results medium to high rates)
4. List three important factors each from drilling and production operations that reduce well
inflow that can be changed by matrix stimulation. Comment on considerations that will
guide the choice of the stimulation fluid.
Skin factor, s; re/rw – ratio of reservoir and wellbore radius, μ – viscosity
1. Skin calculation

Damaged permeability = Undamaged permeability * percentage permeability damage

Damaged radius = depth of damage + wellbore radius
Parameter Units 1 2 3 4 5
Damaged mD 8 37,5 50 75 125
Permeability 1.25 1.34 2 3.34 4
ratio (k/kd)
Damage ft 0.6875 0.7708 1.0208 1.1875 1.3542
Skin 0.164 0.2643 1.0584 2.8308 4.0233
Rank order 1 2 3 4 5

2. Productivity ratio, undamaged production rate Qo, production rate with damage Qi,
Increase in production (Qo - Qi)

Qi – using damaged permeability

Qo – using undamaged permeability
Parameter Units 1 2 3 4 5
Skin 0.165 0.264 1.0584 2.822 4.023
Productivity 0.9789 0.9675 0.8795 0.7323 0.6574
Qi bpd 69.4 321.29 389.63 486.69 728.22
Qo bpd 88.606 428.65 779,26 1622.2 2912.8
Qo-Qi bpd 19.204 107.36 389.63 1135.51 2184.58
Rank order 5 4 3 2 1

3. Profit, formation pore volume, cost of treatment

Profit = $10 * (Qo – Qi)
Formation pore volume = π(rd ^2- rw ^2)*h*φ
Cost of treatment = Formation pore volume * $1500
Parameter Units 1 2 3 4 5
Qo-Qi bpd 19.204 107.36 389.63 1135.51 2184.58
Profit from $10 * (Qo- 192.04 1073.6 3896.3 11355.1 21845.8
additional Qi)
Formation ft^3 35.97 48.56 94.97 133.12 177.02
from which
Cost of US$ 53955 72840 142455 199680 265530
Rank order 1 2 3 4 5

4. Payback period time

Payback time – Cost of treatment / profit
Parameter Units 1 2 3 4 5
Profit from $10 * (Qo- 192.04 1073.6 3896.3 11355.1 21845.8
additional Qi)
Payback days 280.95 67.84 36.56 17.58 12.15
Economic Yes or no no yes yes yes yes
carry out
Rank order 5 4 3 2 1

Very damaged by skin 5, normally 1

Productivity ratio highest – 1, lowest – 5
Flow rate good – 5, bad – 1
Profit best – 5, worst – 1
Expensive one – 5

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