D00 Cat0004 01

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Inspection & Maintenance Practice Approved for Use – May 2011

Cathodic Protection Systems

Appendix I – Troubleshooting Low Potentials

Inspection Category Technical
Document Number D00-CAT0004
Reference Standard Inspection & Maintenance Practice 04-001
1. Follow the rules and regulations of the site, and ensure the Permit to Work has been
properly completed and authorized.
2. If you have questions on HSSE (Health, Safety, Security, and Environment) standards
or requirements contact the Shell HSSE resource for the site.

Activity: Trouble Shooting Low Potentials.

1. This activity to be completed by a technically qualified person, knowledgeable and

skilled in this work.
2. Reference I&M Practice 04-001, Section 4.9

Records and Filing

Retain inspection form for a period consistent with your Regional retention schedule and
the Group Records Management (GRM).

Version 1.0 Page 54 of 55 Restricted

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