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Revision Quiz 1 Units 1– 2 .................................................................... 7
Revision Quiz 2 Units 3 – 4 .................................................................... 8
Revision Quiz 3 Units 5 – 6 .................................................................... 9
Revision Quiz 4 Units 7– 8 .................................................................... 10
Revision Quiz 5 Units 9 –10 .................................................................. 11
Revision Quiz 6 Units 11–12 .............................................................. 12
Revision Quiz 7 Units 13–14 .............................................................. 13
Revision Quiz 8 Units 15 –16 .............................................................. 14
Revision Quiz 9 Units 17–18 ................................................................ 15
Revision Quiz 10 Units 19–20 ................................................................ 16

Progress Test 1 Units 1– 4 .................................................................... 21
Progress Test 2 Units 5– 8 .................................................................... 22
Progress Test 3 Units 9–12 .................................................................. 23
Progress Test 4 Units 13–16 ................................................................ 24
Progress Test 5 Units 17–20 ................................................................ 25

Exam 1 Units 1–10 .................................................................. 29
Exam 2 Units 11–20 ................................................................ 30


Revision Quiz 1 Units 1 – 2 with
A Choose. D Writequestions and complete the short answers.

0 I/We am at school. 0 Jack/is/good/boy/?

1 You/Your are in my class. “ Is Jack a good boy? ”
2 They/He is nine years old. “Yes, he is. ”
3 Sue is my/me friend. 1 your/shoes/are/brown/?
4 She/They are happy. “ ”
5 Are they/their bikes yellow? “No, ”
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks) 2 Jimmy/is/tall/?
“ ”
B Choose a, b or c. “Yes, ”
3 Mary/is/happy/?
0 Sheila got a sister?
“ ”
a Has b Is c Have
“Yes, ”
1 We got a nice house.
4 her/umbrella/is/black/?
a are b have c has
“ ”
2 I nine years old.
“No, ”
a have b am c is
5 you/are/ten/?
3 your cat black and white?
“ ”
a Are b Has c Is
“No, ”
4 The children got new bikes.
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)
a have b has c are
5 I not got a brother.
a am b have c haven’t
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)

C Match the questions and answers.

0 Are you ten years old? d a Yes, he is.

1 Is Paul happy? b No, she hasn’t. MARKS
2 Have you got a bike? c Yes, they have.
3 Are the plates clean? d No, I’m not. Total: /20
4 Has Anna got a sister? e Yes, they are.
5 Have they got a car? f No, I haven’t.
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)

Revision Quiz 2 Units 3 – 4 with
A Write the plural. C Choose.
singular plural 0 The cinema is next to/on the school.
1 The bed is between/in the window and the
0 tooth teeth
1 bus 2 The garden is next/in front of the house.
2 city 3 There’s a supermarket on/near our school.
3 leaf 4 The cat is under/between the bed.
4 man 5 The park is in front/opposite the museum
5 child (5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)

(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)
D Put the verb in the Present Simple.
B Choose a, b or c. 0 Ahmed and Azir study (study)
0 three lemons in the fridge.
1 Pete (watch) TV in the
a There is b There are c They are evening.
1 There aren’t posters on the wall. 2 I (do) my homework every
a any b the c some day.
2 flowers are beautiful. 3 The lesson (start) at ten
a That b This c Those
4 Helen (play) computer games
3 a mouse in the kitchen!
on Sundays.
a There is b They is c There are
5 We (listen) to the radio
4 There are tomatoes on the table. every afternoon!
a a b some c any (5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)
5 swans on the lake?
a Are there b There are c Is there
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks) MARKS

Total: /20

Revision Quiz 3 Units 5 – 6 with
A Choose. C Complete with in, at or on.

0 We always go by/in your car. 0 Janeel has English on Monday afternoon.

1 Suzie goes to school by/on foot. 1 Barry has breakfast early the morning.
2 We always travel to the island in/by ship. 2 We go to the seaside summer.
3 I usually go to town by/on my bicycle. 3 I always leave home eight o’clock.
4 The house is by/on the lake. 4 I go shopping Saturday mornings.
5 They don’t usually travel by/in car. 5 Nick doesn’t play football night.
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks) (5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)

B Choose a, b or c. D Match.

0 Harry got a bike? 0 Where are c a gets up early.

a Is b Has c Does 1 Amy doesn’t b friends now?
1 Philip want an ice cream? 2 Do you always c my new jeans?
a Is b Has c Does 3 He never d that woman?
2 you got a pencil? 4 Who is e like maths.
a Have b Are c Do 5 Where are your f sit next to Billy?
3 Helen not enjoy swimming. (5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)
a is b has c does
4 The children not go to bed at ten o’clock.
a are b do c have
5 your brothers got a computer?
a Do b Are c Have
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks) MARKS

Total: /20

Revision Quiz 4 Units 7 – 8 with
A Put the words in the right order. C Correct the sentences.

0 please/an/I’d like/apple 0 The cats’ tail is long.

I’d like an apple please. The cat’s tail is long.
1 go/the/let’s/to/cinema 1 Whose that tall boy?

2 drink/don’t/water/that 2 The bag of Jane is on the chair.

3 go/the/park/to/I’d like/to 3 These are the womens’ hats.

4 have/party/let’s/a/tomorrow 4 Who’s jacket is this?

5 a/I’d like/bike/new 5 The house’s garden is fantastic.

(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks) (5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)

B Choose. D Rewrite the possessive with the apostrophe in

the right place (’s or s’).
0 The dog likes it/its new house.
0 The rabbits name is Saladin.
1 Let’s go to him/his party. rabbit’s
2 Don’t give them/they the blue books. 1 The childrens books are on the table.
3 Here’s Grandad. He’s got a present for our/us.
4 This is Anna’s CD. Give it to her/him, please. 2 Bobs dog is black and white.
5 She always listens to you/your.
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks) 3 Where are the mans books?

4 The womens cars are in the car park.

5 Our cats tails are very long.

(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)


Total: /20

Revision Quiz 5 Units 9 – 10 with
A Choose a, b or c. C Choose the correct answer.

0 She would like her friends. 0 Is it raining?

a seeing b see c to see a No, it isn’t.
1 I want to the park. b No, it doesn’t.
c Yes, he is.
a to go b go c to going
1 Are you eating my cake?
2 Let’s football.
a No, you aren’t.
a playing b play c to play
b Yes, I am.
3 Ron likes his bike. c Yes, I do.
a riding b ride c to riding 2 Is John doing your homework?
4 like some ice cream? a Yes, he does.
a Let’s b Would you c Do you b No, he doesn’t.
5 We love in the pool. c No, he isn’t.
a swim b swimming c to swimming 3 Are you and Alice having fun?
a Yes, we do.
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)
b Yes, we are.
c Yes, we aren’t.
B Complete. Use the Present Continuous. 4 Do you like chocolate?
a Yes, I am.
0 Her brothers are cooking(cook) lunch
b No, you aren’t.
c Yes, I do.
1 Sophie (dance) with Robert.
5 Is Dad making a cake?
2 My parents (sit) in the a No, he isn’t.
garden now.
b No, I’m not.
3 I (write) a letter to Barry.
c No, he doesn’t.
4 The children (play) computer (5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)
5 Oh no! The baby (cry) again! D Fill in some, a or any.
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks) 0 The children want some hot dogs.
1 Have you got milk?
2 I want sandwich!
3 We haven’t got cherries.
4 I’d like cheese, please.
5 Susie wants bread.
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)

Total: /20
Revision Quiz 6 Units 11 – 1 2 with
A Choose the correct time expression. C Choose a, b or c.

0 My parents are working in the garden now/often. 0 You skateboard on the street. It’s
1 We never/right now play chess on Mondays. dangerous.
2 Boris is running to school at the a can b mustn’t c must
moment/every day. 1 Andy buy a present for his sister. It’s her
3 We are waiting for the bus often/right now. birthday.
4 They always/today go to the island by boat. a must b can c mustn’t

5 Rachel in the mornings/usually comes to 2 you like spaghetti?

school late. a Do b Are c Must
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)1 3 The dogs running in the park.
a must b can c are
4 You can’t buy a T-shirt. You got any money!
B Put the verbs in the Present Simple or Present a haven’t b mustn’t c can’t
5 We play football. It’s snowing!
0 Does Jenny play (play) a haven’t b can’t c don’t
football every Saturday? (5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)
1 We (stay) at home today.
2 Valerie (listen) to D Write short answers.
her CDs at the moment?
3 Omar (not/wear) a hat now. 0 Can you ride a bike?
4 Yuri (eat) fruit every day. Yes, I can.
5 Perry (buy) new 1 Does she always have breakfast?
computer games every week? Yes,
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks) 2 Does Peter like popcorn?
3 Are they listening to the radio?
4 Can Helen and Billy run fast?
5 Are you having a shower?
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)


Total: /20

Revision Quiz 7 Units 1 3 – 14 with
A Write is/isn ’t or are/aren ’t. C Rewrite the sentences, using was/were and
the words given.
0 There are some lions at the zoo.
0 There is a great film on TV. (last Friday)
1 There some books on the shelves.
There was a great film on TV last Friday.
2 there any butter in the fridge?
1 There is a lot of sugar in the bowl.(yesterday)
3 There any children in the playground.
4 There any money in the box.
2 How much milk is there in the bottle?(last night)
5 There some water in the glass.
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)
3 There are not many children at school.
(last Tuesday)

B Choose a, b or c. 4 Are the books on the shelf? (three days ago)

0 Is there cheese in the kitchen? 5 John is in London. (last year)

a a b many c any
1 I’d like spaghetti, please. (5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)
a some b any c a
2 There isn’t jam in the jar.
a some b much c many D Write was/were/wasn ’t/weren ’t.
3 There’s food in the fridge.
Alison and her brother (0) were at the zoo
a a lot of b many c any
yesterday, and their friends (1) there
4 How paper do you want? too. They like animals. There (2) a lot
a many b some c much of monkeys at the zoo, but they were hungry, and
5 There aren’t chairs in the kitchen. they (3) very happy. There
(4) a camel at the zoo, too. He
a some b much c many (5) sad. He was happy. His name
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks) was Smiley!
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)


Total: /20

Revision Quiz 8 Units 1 5 – 16 with
A Choose the correct words. C Complete the sentences. Use the negative form
of the verb in bold in the Past Simple.
0 Does/Did Jeremy have a party last week?
0 Rob brought a coat with him yesterday, but he
1 Did/Do you open your presents yesterday? didn’t bring a hat.
2 The children don’t/didn’t go to the cinema 1 Iris gave Tom a kite for his birthday; she
last Saturday. him a bike!
3 Bob has/had a lesson at ten o’clock yesterday 2 Katie ran to school this morning; she
morning. to school yesterday morning.
4 I don’t/didn’t like these blue shoes. Can I see 3 The boys broke the bedroom window; they
the black ones please? the kitchen window.
5 Helen doesn’t/didn’t buy her new house last 4 We saw lions and tigers at the zoo, but we
year. She bought it three years ago. any elephants.
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks) 5 I knew Barbara, but I her friend.
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)i
B Put the verbs in the Past Simple.

0 They ate (eat) my pizza last night. D Choose the correct answer.
1 We (study) the past simple 0 Did you do your homework?
tense at school yesterday. a Yes, I am.
2 Joe (travel) to Africa last b Of course I did!
1 Did they go to the cinema last night?
3 The bus (stop) at the traffic
a Yes, they did.
b No, they weren’t.
4 I (do) my homework on
Saturday. 2 Are you happy now?
a Yes, I was.
5 Lucy (go) to the shops with
her friends yesterday afternoon. b Yes, I am.
3 Did you play basketball yesterday?
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)
a No, we don’t.
b No, we didn’t.
4 What are you doing?
a I’m reading a book.
b I cleaned my room.
5 Were you at home last night?
a No, I wasn’t.
b No, I weren’t.
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)

Total: /20
Revision Quiz 9 Units 1 7 – 18 with
A Write the question word. C Match.

0 I’m going to watch c a soon; do you want

ñ Who ñ What ñ How ñ Which
ñ When ñ Where a DVD to come?
1 Jill found her pen b right now.
0 “ When did Colin go to France?” 2 We’re going to go c at 10:00 tonight.
“Last summer.” to the pool
1 “ does your cousin look like?” 3 Robert plays d a few moments
“He’s tall, and he’s got black hair.” basketball ago.
2 “ do you live?” 4 I’m doing my e last weekend and
“By the lake.” homework came home on
3 “ often do you go skateboarding?” Monday.
“Every day.” 5 We went to Paris f every Thursday.

4 “ dress do you like – the blue one (5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)

or the black one?”
“The black one.”
5 “ told you that?”
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)
D Choose the correct word.

0 Give me that CD, please. It’s our/mine.

1 Are they your/yours roller skates?
B Complete the sentences with be going to and
the verbs given. 2 Sally bought those toys. They’re her/hers.
3 Are those books my/ours?
0 We are going to visit (visit) Petra next week.
4 Those trainers aren’t he/his.
1 William (teach) his little
brother to swim. 5 Have they got their/theirs skateboards?
2 I (tidy) my room tomorrow. (5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)
3 We (sleep) in the tent
4 Lucy (have) a party next
5 Helen and Julie (send) an
Total: /20
email to their cousin.
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)

Revision Quiz 10 Units 1 9 – 20 with
A Choose a, b or c. C Match.

0 Pamela me a present yesterday. 0 There were two b a play football today.

a give b gave c gives 1 I’d like some b mice in the kitchen
1 you going to tell Suzie about the kitten? yesterday!
a Do b Did c Are 2 He doesn’t like c playing football
2 Philip the wrong answer a moment ago.
3 There was some d milk in the fridge last
a choose b chose c chooses night.
3 Gerry usually go to school on foot. 4 We’re not going to e playing chess.
a doesn’t b isn’t c wasn’t
5 Are you f coffee, please.
4 We got a new teacher. (5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)
a are b have c did
D Choose a, b or c.
5 you late for school yesterday morning?
a Did b Does c Were 0 Alec is at home, and he
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks) a makes model planes.
b is making model planes.
c made model planes.
B Choose the correct word. 1 We went to London, and we
0 My house is smaller/smallest than yours. a are having fun.
b have fun.
1 The taller/tallest building in the town is c had fun.
behind the school.
2 Does Angie always
2 Your camera is better/best than mine. a walk to school?
3 That is the more/most expensive book in the b walked to school?
shop. c is walking to school?
4 The black horse is slower/slowest than the 3 Bill is making sandwiches, and
grey one. a he eats them all!
5 Helen’s rabbit is more/most beautiful than b he ate them all!
mine. c he’s going to eat them all!
4 Did your brother
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)
a having a good time?
b have a good time?
c had a good time?
5 The children are in the park; they
a looked for their ball.
b look for their ball.
c are looking for their ball.
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)

Total: /20

Progress Test 1 Units 1 – 4 with
A Match the questions and answers. D Complete the sentences using the verb in the box.

0 Is Mary at school? d a Yes, I am. 0 Ahmed goes to school on Saturdays. (GO)

1 Are you happy? b No, we haven’t. 1 The mice pretty! (BE)
2 Have they got a computer? c Yes, they are. 2 My brother TV every day. (WATCH)
3 Has Joe got a dog? d No, she isn’t. 3 Lucy a guitar. (HAVE GOT)
4 Are the kids at the park? e Yes, they have. 4 The baby at night. (CRY)
5 Have you got any milk? f Yes, he has. 5 Tom and Jerry work at 5 o’clock.
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)i
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)i

B Choose the correct word. E Choose a, b or c.

0 Have you got some/any milk? 0 I ride bike every day.

1 I love these/this city. a you b its c my
2 The plates are in that/those cupboard. 1 The chair is the door.
3 We have got some/any flowers on the balcony. a behind b between c next
4 There isn’t some/any milk in the fridge. 2 There is a tree of the museum.
5 There is/There are ten trees in our garden. a under b in front c near
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks) 3 I’m not Angela. name’s Susie.
a A b My c Our
C Complete the sentences. Use the plural form of 4 Billy is my best friend. house is opposite
the words in bold. the park.
a His b He c Her
0 My friend is happy.
5 These are my parents, and this is house.
My friends are happy.
a they b there c their
1 This cartoon is very funny!
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)

2 The child has got a new game.

3 Is there a book on the shelf?

4 The glass is dirty.
Total: /25
5 The girl plays with her friend in the evenings.

(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)

Progress Test 2 Units 5 – 8 with
A Match the questions and answers. D Write the verbs in the third person singular,
Present Simple.
0 When is your birthday? c a An ice cream,
please. 0 Mr Jones goes (go) to work by train.
1 Whose is this bag? b On Mondays. 1 Mary (listen) to music every
2 Where is the dog? c In April. day.
3 When is your English class? d It’s Ron’s. 2 Ahmed (like) his new teacher.
4 Which teacher do you like? e By the chair. 3 Ms Smith (eat) a lot of pizza.
5 What would you like? f Ms Brown. 4 My friend (come) to my house
at weekends.
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)i
5 Billy (do) his homework in his
B Choose the correct word. (5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)

0 My grandparent ’s/grandparents ’ garden is

beautiful. E Correct the mistakes.
1 Whose/Who ’s that girl over there?
0 Does he likes apples?
2 My friend ’s/friends ’ mothers play football. Does he like apples?
3 The children ’s/childrens ’ trainers are dirty.
1 Do they plays computer games?
4 My rabbit ’s/rabbits ’ tails are fluffy.
5 His father ’s/fathers ’ car is very old.
2 Does you want some juice?
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)

3 Do your dog like cats?

C Fill in at, in, on or by.
4 Does I know you?
0 I always look at the stars at night.
1 We go to school eight o’clock.
5 Does Susie buys lots of CDs?
2 He always travels train.
3 Do you eat ice cream winter?
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)
4 She does her homework the
5 We’ve got a test Friday morning.
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)

Total: /25

Progress Test 3 Units 9 – 1 2 with
A Choose a, b or c. D Use the words to write sentences with the
Present Simple or Present Continuous.
0 We must our homework now.
0 Peter/eat/an egg/every morning
a doing b to do c do
Peter eats an egg every morning.
1 I playing with my friends.
1 my friends/ride/bikes/right now
a like b would like c want
2 We breakfast at 8 o’clock every day.
2 the dog/run/the garden/at the moment
a has b are having c have
3 Bill help us fix the bicycle.
3 Sheila always/do/homework/in the afternoon.
a can b do c is
4 We make a noise.
4 my mother/drive/her taxi/every day
a mustn’t b don’t want c don’t like
5 your brother cooking dinner now?
5 I/have/party/now
a Can b Does c Is
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)

B Choose the correct words.

E Match.
0 John wants going/to go to the beach.
1 I’m tired; I want to sleep/sleeping. 0 Can I have some c a cheese.
2 Anita likes sit/sitting on the balcony in the 1 Betty wants an b sandwich.
afternoon. 2 Can I have a c milk, please?
3 We must finish/to finish our project today. 3 I’d like some d peach, please?
4 Cats can climbing/climb trees, but dogs can’t. 4 Can we have some e egg for breakfast.
5 They hate do/doing maths. 5 Bill would like a f bread, please?
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks) (5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)

C Choose the right time expression.

0 Monica is making a cake every day/at the MARKS

1 We are walking to school now/on Fridays. Total: /25
2 I play with my baby sister every morning/right now.
3 Do you go to the chess club today/every day?
4 Billy doesn’t clean his room at the moment/on
5 The kids are swimming in the pool in summer/now.
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)ii
Progress Test 4 Units 1 3 – 16 with
A Fill the gaps with much, many, a little, a few, a lot. D Complete the sentences using the Past Simple.

0 I haven’t got much money, so I can’t 0 They are playing football now but they
buy a new bike. played tennis last week.
1 How peaches would you like? 1 I am studying for a test today. Peter
2 We’ve got of cherries. Would you for his exams yesterday.
like some? 2 “You must stop now.”
3 There’s bread and some cheese. “But I an hour ago!”
We can make some sandwiches. 3 They didn’t run in the road; they in
4 We’ve only got eggs. Let’s buy the park.
some more. 4 “Are you going to the supermarket now?”
5 How spaghetti do you want? “No, I yesterday.”
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks) 5 “Did he buy any food?”
B Complete the answers. “Yes, he some eggs and potatoes.”
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)i
0 Are the kids playing in the garden?
Yes, they are . E Choose a, b or c.
1 Did Billy go to the beach yesterday?
No, . 0 They the kitchen at the moment.
2 Do you like chocolate? a painted b paint c are painting

Yes, . 1 He a new car last week.

3 Does Maria speak English? a bought b is buying c buys

Yes, . 2 We play in the park yesterday.

4 Are Sue and Ahmed watching TV? a don’t b didn’t c weren’t

No, . 3 I my grandparents last night.

5 Did you and your friends go shopping yesterday? a visit b visiting c visited

Yes, . 4 Did Jake the glass?

(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks) a broke b break c breaking
5 Amy to school yesterday.
C Choose the correct word.
a isn’t going b didn’t go c didn’t went
0 There is/are some eggs in the fridge. (5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)
1 There is/are some paper on the table over there.
2 How many/How much sugar do you want in
your tea?
3 How much/How many friends have you got?
4 There was/were a lot of animals at the zoo. Total: /25
5 We’ve got much/a lot of trees in our garden.
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)
Progress Test 5 Units 1 7 – 20 with
A Choose the correct item. D Rewrite the sentences.

0 I’d like going/to go to the cinema. 0 Harry brought his dog to school yesterday.
1 My friend has got/is having a lovely dog. Harry brings his dog to school every day.
2 When can/have you help me with my homework? 1 I’m going to the cinema tomorrow.
3 Let ’s/Why go to the funfair this afternoon. I yesterday.
4 I ’d like/I don ’t like some spaghetti, please. 2 Sally was at her friend’s house last night.
5 We usually go/are going to school at 8 Sally now.
o’clock. 3 We’re having a party tomorrow.
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks) We last week.
B Match the questions with the answers. 4 They bought a computer yesterday.
They now.
0 How much milk do c a Every day.
5 Billy is playing football at the moment.
you want?
Billy last Saturday.
1 When are you going b Because I walked
to visit Claire? here. (5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)

2 How long ago did c A lot.

E Choose a, b or c.
you see him?
3 Why are you late? d Tomorrow. 0 go to the beach. I want to go swimming.
4 How often do you e It’s John’s. a I want b Don’t c Let’s
play chess? 1 are you wearing that funny hat?
5 Whose is this book? f A week ago. a Because b Why c How long
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks) 2 Give me that book, please. It’s .
a mine b my c me
C Complete the sentence. Use the correct form of 3 We breakfast now.
the word in brackets.
a have got b had c are having
0 Your bicycle is better than mine. (good) 4 you give me some paper?
1 This is my brother, Bill. He’s than I a Are b Can c Must
am. (young)
5 Is that jacket ?
2 All the bags are heavy, but this one is
of all. (heavy) a yours b you c your
3 The DVD was than the CD, so we (5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)
bought the CD. (expensive)
4 I want ice cream in the shop! (big) MARKS
5 Look at these cameras. This one is
of all! (good)
Total: /25
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)


Exam 1 Units 1 – 10 with
A Match the columns. D Put the words in brackets into the right form.

0 The shop is opposite da of the bank. 0 Look at her new computer! (she)
1 He always sits next b the fridge. 1 These are my dogs. I play with
2 My aunt lives by c bus. every day. (they)
3 We can go there by d my house. 2 This is new house. It’s great. (we)
4 The car is in front e to the window. 3 This is my friend Billy, and this is
sister, Susie. (he)
5 There is some cheese in f the lake.
4 Do you like jeans? (they)
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)
5 That’s my book. Give it to , please. (I)
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)1
B Choose the correct words.

0 We haven’t got some/any money.

E Choose a, b or c.
1 I like/I ’d like swimming in the pool.
2 He ’s got/He has a shower every morning. 0 The is white.
3 There is/are some money on the floor. a house b house’s c colour of
4 They ’re/Their waiting for us. colour colour the house
5 I came here by/on foot. 1 The dog is drinking water.
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks) a it b it’s c its
2 is that red car?
a Who b Whose c Why
C Put the verb in brackets in the Present Simple
or Present Continuous. 3 There aren’t books on the shelf.
a any b the c some
0 Karen is playing (play) with her cat at the
moment. 4 Are you hungry? a sandwich?
1 Harry (go) to the club every a Do you like b Are you c Would you
Saturday. liking like
2 She usually walks to her friend’s house, but 5 Give me paper, please.
today she (ride) her bike. a some b any c those
3 I’m busy. I (fix) my computer. (5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)
4 She (wash) her hair every day.
5 Dad (sit) in the armchair; I think
he’s asleep! MARKS
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)
Total: /25

Exam 2 Units 11 – 20 with
A Match the columns to make sentences. D Choose the correct words.

0 Our teacher didn’t f a to have a party. 0 I wasn ’t/didn ’t eat lunch yesterday.
1 My uncle is b tells us a story. 1 Don’t shout! You must/want to be very quiet.
2 Anita broke c coming tomorrow. 2 Who is the taller/tallest boy in your class?
3 Ted can’t d a window yesterday. 3 Our house is smaller/the smallest than yours.
4 They are going e ride that bike. It’s 4 There isn’t any/many water in my glass.
too big.
5 Give this to Anna, please. It’s her/hers.
5 My father usually f tell us the answer.
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)

B Choose a, b or c. E Write the correct word to fill each gap.

0 Jenny visit us tomorrow. ñ What ñ Where ñ How many

a is going to b didn’t c goes to ñ Who ñ Whose ñ When
1 We to play in the park.
a can b must c want 0 “ Whose is that dog?”
2 a lion in the zoo. “It’s Bill’s.”
a It was b There was c This was 1 “ is your birthday?”
3 We usually go by car, but today we by “On 13th April.”
bus. 2 “ do you live?”
a going b are going c go “In Baker Street.”
4 The baby read that book! 3 “ is your favourite colour?”
a can’t b likes c don’t “Blue.”
5 Tomorrow on an excursion. 4 “ magazines did you buy?”
a we go b we’re going c we went “Three.”
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks) 5 “ is that girl?”
“She’s my cousin, Mary.”
C Read this story and put the verbs in the Past Simple. (5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)

I (0) was (be) very happy yesterday

because we (1) (go) to the zoo. We MARKS
(2) (take) some sandwiches with us.
We (3) (see) a lot of animals there and
Total: /25
we (4) (have) a picnic by the lake. There
was a shop in the zoo, and we (5)
(buy) some posters.
(5 questions x 1 = 5 marks)

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ISBN: 960 - 424 - 189 - 3

The author and publishers would like to thank the staff at HILLSIDE PRESS for their contribution to this book.

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