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TIJ1O0 - Gr.

9 Comm Tech: TV & Video Production

Student Name: ______________________________________ Project: Video Editing - Grade 9 Orientation Day Movie Trailer

Learning Goals - by the end of this activity, students will be expected to:
• produce an engaging and motivated promotional movie trailer
• learn and apply the basics of audio video editing
• identify and apply a variety of editing tools using iMovie
• work independently to complete the project on time
Assignment Objective: Students will work independently to edit a promotional movie trailer that captures and promotes the fun and excitement of the Grade 9 Orientation day. This video is intended to be a fun look back at their first day of high school. The intended target
audience is primarily their peer grade 9 students. Students can also think of their final video as a promotional tool to show grade 7 and 8 students to help them know what to expect when they attend Castlebrooke for their own Orientation Day.

Video Editing - Grade 9 Orientation Day Movie Trailer Rubric

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Exceeds Met Approaching In Development
Video Editing Workflow (APP)
Demonstrates organizational skills necessary to create and manage media for a short video edit
File submission is properly formatted and labelled as required: “Student Name_Gr 9 Trailer.mp4)

Video Clips (APP)

All video clips chosen display engaging visuals that help to convey the fun and excitement of the day
Best portions of each clip are used and display student faces, smiles and laughter, physical activity
and camera movement to emphasize the visual action

Titles (T/I)
Titles creatively tell the stories of the day
Titles are relevant to the content that follows
Titles should flow together as though it is a paragraph
Text has been reviewed for properly spelling and grammar

Final Video - Conveys and Engaging Visual Story (APP)

Best Clips and best portions of clips are selected
- Action in each shot, Camera movement to add interest to action, smiles (see students
faces not backs)
In/out points are trimmed to capture the most exciting “moment” of each shot
Pace of visuals are consistent with the pace of the music - high energy and exciting
Overall video effectively sells FUN and EXCITEMENT from the Gr. 9 Orientation Day

Levels: 1 = criteria not met; 2 = criteria partially met; 3 = criteria met; 4 = exceeds expectations

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