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Accused — someone charged with a crime, Bankruptcy Law — law regarding a legal
the defendant in a criminal proceeding. procedure for the setting of debts of indi-
Action in Tort — case brought in court, viduals or businesses unable to pay what
seeking damages for a tort. they owe. All their property is surrendered
Actus Reus — criminal deed or act (com- to a court-appointed official who liquidates
pare to mens rea, which means the criminal the property to pay the claims of creditors.
intent). Barrister — (UK) lawyer admitted to plead
Adjudicate — to act as judge in a dispute; at the bar and in superior courts; a member
to make a formal decision about something. of the Inns of Court.
Administrative Law — body of law, such Board of Directors — group of individu-
as rules, regulations, orders and decisions, als elected by shareholders to make the ma-
created by and related to administrative jor decisions of the company.
agencies. Body (intentional) — organisation or en-
Agency Law — law regarding the relation- tity (active intentionally).
ship where one person (the agent) acts and Breach of Contract — failure to perform
authorised to act for another (the principal). a contractual obligation or interference with
Agreement (international) — written another party's performance which incurs a
agreement between states or nations gov- right for the other party to claim damages.
erned by international laws. Breaching Party — party violating the
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) terms of the contract.
— form or method of resolving disputes Burden of Proof — requirement of
apart from litigation. presenting evidence to support a claim.
Arbiter — impartial person given power to Burglary — unlawful entering of a building
decide a dispute. with the intent to commit a crime.
Arbitral Tribunal — collective body of ar- Business Entity — legally recognised or-
bitrators or arbiters. ganisational structure designed to provide
Arbitration — form of dispute resolution and sell goods and services. Basically, three
(an alternative to litigation through the separate categories of entities exist: sole
court system) in which disputes are heard proprietorships, partnerships, limited liabil-
and decided by an impartial arbitrator or ar- ity companies ((US) corporations).
bitrators, chosen by the parties to the dis- Carriage of Goods — field concerned with
pute. the legal relationships between the shipper
Arbitrator — impartial person having the (or owner) of goods, the carrier, and the re-
power to decide a dispute. ceiver/consignee of goods.
Articles of Association — (UK) docu- Certificate of Incorporation — docu-
ment that defines a company's internal or- ment issued by a governmental authority
ganisation (US bylaws). granting a company status as a legal entity.
Assault — intentional attempt or threat to Charge — to make a formal accusation of a
injure another person that causes them to crime.
reasonably expect to be harmed. Charter (international) — international
Assignee — a person who receives an as- agreement granting certain rights to an in-
signment. ternational body by the signatory nations of
Assignment — transfer of one's contractu- such agreement.
al rights to a third party. Chattels — personal property (excluding
Assignor — person who transfer his/her freeholds).
rights or duties to another. Civil Cases — any case concerned with
Attorney — lawyer. non-criminal matters, rights and remedies.
Balance of Probabilities — where proof Civil Code (civil law) — set of laws in
of liability must be shown to be more likely written formulation used in civil-law sys-
than not. tems developed from Roman law and used
in many European countries.

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Civil Law — 1) legal system developed to the financial value of his injury.
from Roman codified law, established by a Competition Law — (UK) body of law
state for its regulation; 2) area of the law that regulates business activities and mar-
concerned with non-criminal matters, rights kets, especially agreements and practices
and remedies. that limit competition; (US antitrust law).
Civil Wrong — injury or damage that is Consideration — something of value giv-
not the result of a crime. en by one party to another in order to in-
Claimant — (UK) person who brings a civil duce the other to contract. In common law,
action; (US) plaintiff. consideration is a necessary element for an
Clause — paragraph or section of a con- enforceable contract.
tract. Constitutional Documents — docu-
Commercial Law — body of law govern- ments which define the existence of a legal
ing the relations between persons engaged entity and regulate the structure and control
in business. of the entity and its members.
Commercial Transactions — dealings The exact form of the constitutional docu-
and acts of carrying out of commercial func- ments depends upon the type of entity. Ex-
tions including procedures of creation, amples include (UK) memorandum of asso-
transformation, agreements and exchanges, ciation ((US) articles of incorporation) and
in conducting and negotiating business and (UK) articles of association ((US) bylaws).
economic activities. Constitutional Law — body of law which
Common Law — body of law formed includes legislation based on the constitu-
through judicial/court decisions, as opposed tion, that is the fundamental law of a nation,
to law formed through statutes or written as well as judicial decisions which interpret
legislation (also case law, judge-made law). and apply the constitution.
Community Service Order — alternative Contentious Work — struggle or effort,
to prison, a criminal sentence that requires causing, involving or characterised by argu-
the offender to do unpaid work in the com- ment or controversy pertaining to causes
munity. between opposing parties. It commonly in-
Company — (UK) institution created to volves the consequences of breach of con-
conduct business, usually an association of tract and also maybe be known as litigation.
persons (US corporation). It exists as a sep- Convention (international) — written
arate legal entity from the owners (who are agreement between states or nations gov-
called shareholders). In common usage, it is erned by international laws, e.g. the Bern
sometimes used just to refer to a business. Convention with respect to the protection of
Company Formation — process of regis- copyrights.
tering a company. Companies can be cre- Conveyance — transfer of property rights
ated by individuals, agents, attorneys or ac- in land from one person to another; instru-
countants. The majority of companies ment used to transfer title to property.
formed in the UK and the USA today are Conviction — finding of guilt in a criminal
formed electronically. case corporal punishment — punishment in-
Company Law — body of law related to flicted on the body, such as whipping.
forming, registering, governing and dissolv- Counsel — lawyer representing a party in a
ing companies. legal matter, any person conducting a mat-
Comparative Law — study of the differ- ter in court.
ences, similarities and interrelationships Counter-Offer — new offer with new
between different legal systems. terms made as a reply to an offer received.
Compensation — payment for perform- Court — place where cases are heard and
ance of work or for loss sustained. justice administered. The judges and all oth-
Compensatory Damages — as a result of er officers and jury are also referred to as
a lawsuit, the award of an amount of money the court.
to the injured party in an amount equivalent Creditor — person or company who is

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owed a financial obligation. ing the relationship between employers and
Crime — a violation of public law which is employees, including the right to organise
subject to punishment such as imprison- in unions.
ment or fine. Enforce — to make effective. In the case of
Criminal Law — area of law that deals an agreement, it is where one party legally
with crime, punishment or penalties (also compels performance by the other party.
penal law). Enforcement — legally compelling per-
Custom — long-established practice recog- formance by the other party.
nised as having the force of law. Enforcement of Judgments — carrying
Customary International Law —inter- out of judicial mandates, usually orders.
national law that has not been made mani- Equity and Trusts — legal principles ap-
fest or ratified, but is based primarily on plied to achieve fairness where the strict
natural law and is recognised by the Inter- rules of law would be too harsh.
national Court of Justice and the member Essential Terms — provisions required
nations of the UN. for a contract to exist.
Customs Union — group of nations or tar- Estate Pur Autre Vie — estate granted
iff areas created to remove customs barriers only for the life of someone other than the
between them and to agree to a common grantee.
tariff policy in relation to non- member na- Exclusive Possession — sole use and be-
tions. nefit of a property.
Damages — money awarded by a court in Execution — death penalty, capital pun-
compensation for loss or injury. ishment.
Debtor and Creditor Law — law in re- Family Law — body of law related to fam-
gards to financial obligations and legal in- ily relationships especially divorce, child
teractions where one party is unable to pay custody and adoption.
a monetary debt to another. It may include Fee Simple — whole interest in a piece of
insolvency, bankruptcy, foreclosures and re- real property; the broadest interest in prop-
possessions. erty allowed by common law.
Deed — a written instrument transferring Fee Tail — estate which lasts as long as the
ownership in property. original grantee or any of his descendants
Defendant — person against whom an ac- live.
tion is brought in court (also respondent). Felony — grave crime punishable by a
Defendant is generally used when referring harsher sentence than a misdemeanour,
to the answering party to a civil complaint; which is a less serious crime.
respondent is generally used when referring File — to deliver a document to the custody
to the answering party to a petition for a or records of a court or proper authorities
court order. for the purpose of being kept as a matter of
Discovery Phase — period before trial record and reference.
when formal procedures are used to obtain Formation — act of bringing a contract
relevant information from the other into existence.
party/parties. Framework Convention — international
Disposition — disposing of, parting with agreement that provides standards and
or otherwise giving up of property; transfer- guidelines for signatory nations to imple-
ring care or possession. ment on a national level, e.g. the UN Frame-
Dispute — conflict or disagreement. work Convention on Climate Change.
Dispute Resolution — settling of a dis- Fraudulent Misrepresentation (fraud
pute. in the inducement) — the act of mislead-
Disputing Parties — persons including ing someone so as to entice them to enter
companies or agencies involved in a dis- into an agreement.
agreement. Freehold Estate — properly whose dura-
Employment Law — body of law govern- tion of ownership or occupation is not de-

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termined. marks.
Frivolous Litigation — a dispute in court Intentional Tort — non-criminal, non
that has little chance of success as it lacks -contractual injury in which the person who
merit in law and/or fact. caused it intended to cause injury.
Future Expected Losses — a financial Interference in Contractual Relations
loss which can be reasonably expected to oc- — tort of intentionally causing a breach of a
cur in the future. valid contract.
Globalisation — the process of moving to- Intergovernmental Organisations —
wards a more interconnected world. international institutions established by
Government Agency — department, au- governments as opposed to organisations
thority, administration of government cre- established privately and acting internation-
ated by legislation. ally, i.e. non-governmental organisations.
Grantee — party who receives title to real International Arbitration — arbitration
property (e.g. the buyer). of disputes between parties to international
Grantor — party who transfers (grants) commercial contracts.
title to real property (e.g. the seller). Judge — public official who hears and de-
Guilty Beyond a Reasonable Doubt — cides cases in court.
amount of proof needed to convict a defend- Jurisdiction — territory or district in
ant of a crime. which a court has authority to hear cases.
Harmonisation (unification) — process Jurisprudence — science or philosophy of
of nations adopting laws which are similar law, study of legal systems and a collective
to or the same as other nations. term used for the body of case law.
Hearing — formal proceeding before any- Jury — group of people selected to come to
body having decision-making powers or au- a verdict on questions of fact based on evid-
thority. ence presented in court.
Heir — person who inherits or is entitled to Land Law — body of law relating to the
inherit property on the death of another. ownership of real estate, that is land and the
Housing Law — body of law relating to the buildings on it.
rights of tenants and homeowners, and the Landlord and Tenant Law — includes
financing of housing. both contract and property law, and governs
Impartial Referee — third party appoin- the commercial and residential property
ted to decide a dispute. rights and obligations of an owner and
Imprisonment — being confined in jail or renter of a real property interest for a given
prison (also incarceration). period of time, usually determined by a
Inheritable — property which can be lease.
transferred upon death to a person desig- Landlord or Landlady — person who
nated as heir. owns property and either rents it or leases it
Injunction — official order from a court to another for money.
for a person to do or stop doing something. Law Clinic — facility offering free or dis-
Injured Party — person whose legally pro- counted legal assistance, often run by law
tected interests have been harmed. schools and staffed by law students under
Insider Dealing — use of confidential, supervision of lawyers.
price-sensitive information when trading in Law Firm — company formed by lawyers
stocks and other securities (US insider to engage in the practice of law.
trading). Lawsuit — action or proceeding brought in
Instrument — written formal legal docu- court (also suit).
ment. Lease — contract for which the use and oc-
Intellectual Property Law — law of cupation of a property is conveyed to anoth-
property that protects legal rights associated er, usually in exchange for a sum of money
with products of the mind, creativity or (rent).
thought like copyrights, patents and trade- Leasehold — property whose duration of

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ownership or occupation is fixed or capable actus reus, the criminal act).
of being fixed. Mercantile Agency — institution which
Legal Assistance — advice and deals with the supply of credit information
representation in legal matters. about business organisations to other busi-
Legal Framework — broad system of nesses and financial institutions.
rules on which to make decisions. Misdemeanour — (UK) petty offence, a
Legal Person — artificial entity created by crime less serious than a felony; (US misde-
law and given legal rights and duties, for ex- meanor).
ample a corporation. Misstatement — statement that is false,
Legislature — selected body of people, misleading or contains a mistake.
usually elected, invested with the responsib- Monopoly Right — privilege granted by
ility and power to make and repeal laws for the government (e.g. a patent) to a person
a political unit, such as a state or nation. or entity to exclude all others from using,
Congress and parliament are legislatures. producing or selling a certain invention.
Liability — legal responsibility. Mortgage(s) — transfer of legal title of a
Liable — to be legally responsible. property, often land, to another as security
Licence — (UK) a right to use property for for payment of a debt.
a purpose without conferring ownership or Nation State — independent state in
possession. Such right can be taken away at which the majority of the citizens share the
the will of the one granting the right (US li- same cultural heritage and, particularly, the
cence). same language.
Licensee — person to whom the right to Negligence — failure to be as careful as the
use property for a particular purpose is law demands.
granted. Negligent Tort — unintended injury
Life Estate — estate granted only for the caused by lack of care or a failure to act, in
life of the grantee. contrast to an intentional tort.
Limited Liability — limitation of an own- Negotiable Instruments — (UK) written
er/ investor's financial losses or responsibil- and signed documents which represent an
ity, usually limited to the value of a person's intangible right of payment for a specified
investment in a company or partnership sum of money on demand or at a defined
with limited liability. time. Some examples are bills of exchange,
Litigation — dispute brought before a promissory notes, bank cheques or certific-
court for determination or solution. ates of deposit (US commercial paper).
Litigation and Arbitration — litigation Negotiation — process in which parties
entails bringing a lawsuit in the courts, who are considering forming a contract dis-
whereas arbitration is a form of alternative cuss and settle on the terms and conditions
dispute resolution conducted outside the of the contract.
courts. Non-Breaching Party — party to a con-
Loss of Earnings Capacity — to lose tract who has suffered a breach by the
one's ability to make a living. breaching party.
Mediation — method of resolving disputes Non-Contentious Work — work that
where the parties are actively involved in largely involves advising clients and is not
the decision-making process. between contending parties, such as the
Memorandum of Association — (UK) drafting of contracts.
legal document that sets out the important Norm — commonly accepted standard of
elements of the corporation, including its behaviour or manner of doing things.
name, address, objects and powers. It is one Not Guilty — court's finding of acquittal,
of the two fundamental documents upon finding that the defendant is legally blame-
which registration of a company is based; less.
(US articles of incorporation). Obligations — duties that a party has as a
Mens Rea — criminal intent (compare to result of the terms and conditions of the

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contract. the matter proceeds to trial before a court.
Offence — crime; (US offense). Private International Law — body of
Offender — person who commits a crime. law dealing with disputes between private
Oral Contract — unwritten, binding persons living in different jurisdictions and
agreement. governing such things as applicable law, jur-
Order — direction or command by an au- isdiction and enforcement of judgments
thorised person or body. (also conflict of laws).
Outline Convention — see framework Private Law — body of law that is con-
convention; used generally in the EU con- cerned with the aspects of relationships
text. between individuals that are of no direct
Pain and Suffering — physical, mental concern to the state and in which the gov-
and emotional distress or trauma for which ernment is not directly concerned. It in-
compensation is given in a tort case. cludes the law of property and of trusts,
Parole — early release from prison after family law, the law of contracts and the law
serving part of the sentence, usually under of torts.
supervision and upon certain conditions. Probation — sentence which allows the
Partnership — business organisation in convicted offender to be released into the
which two or more people agree to do busi- community under supervision instead of go-
ness together, sharing the profits and losses ing to prison.
of the business together. Proceedings — formal process including
Party — person taking part in a business or the steps taken in an action or dispute.
transaction, person involved in a suit or dis- Property Interest — share, claim, title or
pute resolution proceedings. right in property.
Patent — grant from the government giving Proscribe — to prohibit.
exclusive rights to an inventor to make, use Prosecution — bringing a criminal case
or sell an invention for a specified period of before a court.
time. Prosecutor — lawyer who brings criminal
Personal Property — things that are cases on behalf of the state.
movable (as opposed to real property) and Prostitution — performing a sexual act in
capable of being owned (also chattels in exchange for money.
common law). Public International Law — body of
Personality — sometimes called an artifi- laws governing relationships between states
cial person or legal entity/person. It is legal or nations
fiction of identity in law which allows natur- Public Law — body of law that deals with
al persons to act as if they were a single the relationship between the state and indi-
composite individual for certain purposes viduals. Examples may include constitution-
such as creating a business entity or struc- al law, criminal law, tax law and adminis-
ture. It has legal rights, duties and obliga- trative law.
tions. Public-Order Crime — behaviour that is
Petty Theft — stealing something of low criminalised because it is not compatible
value (in some jurisdictions less than with society's shared values. There is usually
$400), in contrast to grand theft, where the no direct victim but the community, as a
value of the stolen goods is greater. whole, suffers. Drug crimes, public drunk-
Pleadings — formal written statements enness and gambling are some public-order
setting out the cause of action or defence in crimes.
a case. Publicly Listed Company — business
Preponderance of the Evidence — structure which is permitted to offer its
standard of proof in civil cases requiring shares for sale to the general public and
that one side's case must be more probable traded on a public stock exchange.
than not. Punitive Damages — compensation de-
Pre-Trial Work — work carried out before signed to punish the breaching party for

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conduct found to be reprehensible, e.g. security interest in certain property owned
fraud (also exemplary damages). by the borrower and has the right to repos-
Rape — unlawful sexual intercourse com- sess the property if the borrower cannot
mitted by force or threat or otherwise pay.
without consent. Securities — investment instruments like
Ratify — to adopt, approve and sanction; to stocks or bonds.
make valid; to establish; to settle or affirm Sentence (to) — to impose a certain pun-
by express or implied consent to something ishment.
done by an agent or servant; as, to ratify an Settlement — 1) agreement reached
agreement, treaty or contract; to ratify a between the parties to a dispute resolving
nomination. the dispute; 2) the amount granted or paid
Real Estate — land and anything attached under such an agreement is also referred to
to it. as the settlement.
Real Property — land, including anything Shareholders — owners of a share of a
attached to it. company/corporation through a propor-
Real Property Law — law associated with tionate ownership interest of stock or
the obligations, use and rights of ownership equity.
of land or whatever is growing on it or built Shareholding Members — those who in-
on it. vest money in a business entity and receive
Reasonable Medical Expenses — cost of shares in return representing a proportional
medical care for injuries caused by a tort for ownership.
which compensation is given in a tort case. Socialist Law — used to refer to the sys-
Regulation — act of regulating by a rule of tem of legal rules used in socialist countries
conduct or order usually issued by a govern- (also Soviet law).
ment agency or established authority having Sole Practitioner — lawyer who practises
the force of law. on his/her own.
Regulator — official responsible for the Sole Proprietor — single person who
control and supervision of a particular activ- earns all the profits and is personally liable
ity or area of public interest, who ensures for all the debts or losses of the business
compliance with laws and established rules structure.
and regulations. Solicitor — (UK) lawyer who is qualified to
Reliance — actions by a party showing that give legal advice and prepare legal docu-
he or she expected another party to act in a ments.
certain way. Specific Performance — when a court
Relief — granting of a remedy by a court orders the breaching party to perform its
(e.g. damages, injunction, return of prop- part of a contract.
erty, etc.). Standard of Proof — amount of evidence
Religious (or theological) Legal Sys- needed in a certain type of case, for example
tems — systems of legal rules based on reli- the standard of proof in a criminal case is
gious teachings. proof beyond a reasonable doubt, whereas
Remedy — to enforce a right, cure a wrong the standard of proof in most civil cases is a
or compensate an injury. preponderance of the evidence (see also
Rent — payment made to a landlord or guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and pre-
landlady for the use of property. ponderance of the evidence).
Right of Use — right to specific use of Statute of Frauds — piece of legislation
property that is less than a full right of own- which declares that certain kinds of con-
ership. tract, for example those regarding land,
Rights — interests that are recognised and pending marriage and the sale of goods
protected by law. worth over a certain amount of money, will
Secured Transactions — loans or credit be invalid unless put into writing and signed
transactions in which the lender acquires a by both parties. The original statute was en-

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acted in England in 7677 and serves as a nature of a tort (see tort).
basis for the US statutes. Trade Agreement — treaty or enforceable
Statutory Forms (statute) — standard- arrangement between two nations or multi
ised documents of basic corporate constitu- nations committing them to specified terms
tion requirements, which a company may of commerce, usually involving mutually be-
adopt in the creation of a company. These neficial concessions including eliminating
help define the existence of the company, trade barriers.
regulate the legal and financial structure Trespass — unlawful invasion of the per-
and control of the company, and organise son, property or rights of another.
the company's internal affairs and manage- Trial — legal examination in court of a dis-
ment. pute between parties.
Strict Liability Crime — crime that does Unfair Business Practices — acts by
not require intent to break the law. Among businesses against consumers which are
these crimes are parking violations and acts misleading or fraudulent.
that endanger public welfare, like dumping Uniform Law — law which has become
of toxic wastes. the same or similar in different nations.
Strict Liability Tort — where liability is Victim — injured party or the person who
imposed for damages caused regardless of was the object of a crime or tort.
fault or intent. That means the victim does White-Collar Crime (business/cor-
not need to prove negligence. Strict liability porate crime) — non -violent offences
is common in cases regarding defectively usually committed by business people or
manufactured products. government officials, typically property
Substantive Law — body of law defining crimes and economic crimes. Also includes
rights, duties and obligations and all mat- bribery, environmental law violations and
ters that are not procedural. money laundering, among many others.
Sue (for) — to start civil proceedings in a
court. The Main 238 English Legal Terms
Supranational Law — International law
dealing with the constraint on the rights of Krois-Lindner K., Firth M. & TransLegal. (2010). In-
troduction to International Legal English. Cam-
states or nations in relation to each other. bridge: Cambridge University Press.
Tax Law — law regulating rates or sums of
money which may be assessed on personal Edited
and business income, real property values, by
and commercial transactions paid for the Konstantin Kolosov (2013)
financial support of a government. EMAIL
Tenant — person who has a right to hold or
possess property usually in return for the
payment of rent. TWITTER
Third Party (third-party beneficiary)
— person who is not party to an agreement FACEBOOK
or an action but who may have an interest in
Title Interest — right to control or dis-
pense of property or the right to ownership
in property.
Tort — any wrongdoing that results in an
injury, other than breach of contract, for
which the court will give damages.
Tortfeasor — person who commits a tort
(see tort).
Tortious Conduct — wrongful acts in the

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