Forum of Pakistan Ombudsman Newsletter

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Forum of Pakistan

Ombudsman Newsletter
Forum of Pakistan Ombudsman is an association of all ombudsman offices present in Pakistan,
the FPO have initiated a series of TRAINING SESSIONS in which various things are taught to
the participants.
This was the 8th training session at FPO and Mr. Majid Qureshi was the TRAINER in this

Figure 1: FPO 8th session held on March 5, 2024

Purpose/ Aim:
As mentioned earlier; it is a series of training sessions, hence in
this session the TRAINER educated the participants about the
way/strategies which are adopted by FTO to enhance their
implementation and can also be adopted by other ombudsman
institutions to ensure effective implementation of their orders.

Highlighting Achievements:
Mr. Majid Qureshi, the Registrar of FTO, who served as trainer for Figure 2: Mr. Majid Qureshi presenting the
the 8 training session to present the organization's achievements, challenges, and remarkable
progress in implementing recommendations. The virtual attendance of esteemed members from
various ombudsman offices globally underscored the significance of the FTO's contributions to
the international ombudsman community.

Key Attendees and Global Recognition:

Distinguished members from ombudsman offices worldwide, including the OICOA, and Asian
Ombudsman Association. Representatives from Kyrgyzstan, Macao, Turkey, Hong Kong,
Indonesia, and regional offices of FTO in addition to head office and regional offices at other
ombudsman institutions in Pakistan also recognized the FTO's role in effective justice

Main Goals and In-Depth Discussions:

The primary objectives of the training session included the implementation of recommendations
and the effective administration of justice. The trainees towed on strategies to make
implementation effective by delved into the legal infrastructure of implementation, monthly
performance reviews, and strategies to overcome challenges.

Implementation Success:
The presentation by Mr. Qureshi highlighted FTO's success in
boosting the implementation rate from 73% in 2022 to an
impressive 94.07% in 2023. The organization's proactive
measures, such as the establishment of dedicated implementation
cells, played a pivotal role in overcoming challenges faced by an

Figure 3: FTO annual report 2023 page 23

ombudsman institution in implementing their orders. The data portrays the effectiveness of the
adopted implementation strategies.

Complaints Accepted, Rejected, Withdrawn


2021 2867 2256 89.15%
2022 6106 5437 89.04%
2023 8128 7600 93.05%

Recommendations Acceptance Ratio


2021 1742 466 497 2705
2022 4402 1159 545 6106
2023 6277 1448 403 8128

Legal Framework Reinforcement:

The legal framework outlining the mode of implementation, as
outlined in the FTO Ordinance 2000 and the FTO Institutional
Reforms Act 2013.

Adaptability and Innovation: Figure 4: FTO ordinance 2000

The FTO's proactive measures, including the introduction of e-orders and streamlined processes,
demonstrated its adaptability and commitment to innovation. The success stories shared during
the session reflected FTO's continuous efforts to enhance efficiency and ensure timely justice,
which is the only possible thought effective for the implementation of the recommendations.
Interactive Q&A Session:

The interactive Q&A session allowed participants to gain deeper insights into FTO's
implementation process, legal frameworks, and the proactive measures taken to address
challenges. The transparency and willingness to share experiences garnered appreciation from
the global audience.

Figure 5: Active participation of FTO members and interns

In conclusion, the 8th training session of Pakistan Ombudsman was a resounding success. The
session was on making implementation of orders of ombudsman institutions effective. The
training successfully educated the audience by sharing implementation at the FTO office. In
addition FTO has introduced new methods of its operation including the Monthly performance
review which acts as a key to implementation.
Reference list
 Session Representation by: Mr. Majid Qureshi
 Session Headed by: Dr. Arsalan
 Head journalist: Mr.
 Session scriber: Ms.
 Article prepared by Ms. Runa

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