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o you know Hardiknas? to technology the potential for

development. distraction and lack of
It stands for “Hari
focus due to the appeal
Pendidikan Nasional”, The digital revolution
of social media and
which is celebrated has changed the
digital entertainment.
every 2nd of May. educational system
Another challenge is
significantly, bringing
teacher preparation to
Education is the various changes in the
face these changes.
foundation of progress way students learn,
Educators must not only
for nations and people. teachers teach, and
be proficient in the use
It is one of the most educational institutions
of technology, but also
important factors that organize the learning
be able to design
contribute to building an process.
relevant and meaningful
aware and educated
learning experiences by
generation capable of
integrating digital tools.
contributing to One of the main
economic, social, and challenges is the digital By understanding and
cultural development. gap, which can worsen addressing these
Education in the modern disparities in access to challenges, education in
era has witnessed many education. Although the digital age can
developments and technology provides the become a driver of
changes, raising the potential to provide positive change,
question of whether broader learning preparing students to
education is better today resources, not all face an increasingly
than in the past. students and schools connected and dynamic
have equal access to world. Awareness of
hardware, software, and these challenges is an
The old education internet connectivity. important first step in
system focused on books Additionally, there are designing effective
and theory, while the concerns regarding the solutions to improve the
new one is more about impact of technology on quality of education in
practical learning and student engagement. this digital era.
critical thinking. While the use of
Nowadays, in digital era technology can increase
education is faced with students' interest in Are we ready to live in
more challenges related learning, there is also the digital era?
Quotes about Education
"Whatever a person does, it should be beneficial for himself, beneficial for his nation and
beneficial for people in the world in general." – Ki Hadjar Dewantara
"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all." – Aristotle
“The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.” – Aristotle
“Live as if you die tomorrow. Learn as if you live forever.” – Mahatma Gandhi
“Investment in knowledge yields the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin

Fun facts about Education in Indonesia

Indonesia has changed its curriculum eleven times since 1947.
The Indonesian education system was once used as a model for Malaysian education.
Indonesian students are among the happiest in the world.
Indonesia is in 69th position out of 127 countries in the education development index.
Only 7.2% of Indonesians continue their studies at university.

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