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UNIT 11.


A. Pronunciation
• Sentence stress
Read the sentences and underline the words or syllables that receive the stress.
Example: I won’t get a job unless I study hard.
1. There have been significant computer developments during the last decade.
2. Is hard work the key to success? - Yes, it is.
3. Will the new system be a great benefit to the company? - Yes, it will.
4. I met an old friend by chance on the train.
5. Researchers have found links between stress and heart disease.
6. The labs use advanced technology to study the function of various body parts.
7. Are there any limits of our scientific knowledge?
8. Does the whole system require enormous amounts of energy? - No, it doesn’t.

B. Vocabulary
• Science and technology in the future
I. Fill in the blanks with the correct words matching with the verbs. Maybe some words can be used
more than once.
an answer hardware a design a gadget
a game a tool a technology an instrument
a graph employment understanding a machine
an evidence a mystery a website a secret
1. invent: _______________________________________________________________________
2. discover: _______________________________________________________________________
3. create: _______________________________________________________________________
4. develop: _______________________________________________________________________
II. Complete the sentences with the words given.
robots connection eye-tracking breakout online
experiment recognition fingertips face-to-face interact
1. Face ____________ is becoming more and more accurate.
2. It is interesting at parties to see how people ____________ socially.
3. Industrial ____________ are replacing people.
4. ____________ rooms are useful in an online training session to enable practice in small groups.
5. We have spoken on the phone but never ____________.
6. You need a fast Internet ____________.
7. Click on this link to visit our ____________ bookstore.
8. ____________ studies have shown that users rarely look at display advertisements on web pages.
9. In the second ____________ they obtained a very clear result.
10. The police have taken ____________ from every man in the neighborhood.
III. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs given.
interact motivate take discover create
concentrate scan develop invent mark
1. Scientists have ____________ how to predict an earthquake.
2. I am going to ____________ on my writing for a while.
3. Teachers often spend a lot of time ____________ exam papers.
4. He does not ____________ well with the other students.
5. I wish someone would ____________ an everlasting light bulb.
6. He is looking for a job which will allow him to ____________ his talents.
7. He ____________ a wonderful meal from very few ingredients yesterday.
8. The police questioned Jack and ____________ his fingerprints.
9. I’ll ____________ the article into the computer.
10. Teaching is all about ____________ people to learn.
IV. Use the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences.
1. Some types of computer games can be ____________. (educate)
2. Smartphones can vary from day to day due to new ____________ by different companies in the
world. (invent)
3. The ____________ of a nuclear power plant costs a lot of money. (construct)
4. Space ____________ brings about many benefits to science. (explore)
5. Life is become easy and ____________ through science and technology. (comfort)
6. Nuclear waste is ____________ for both humans and the environment. (harm)
V. Complete the gaps in the text with the words given.
technology skills impact thinking applications
intelligence teenagers science career predictions
What is Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial Intelligence (Al) is a branch of computer ____________ that deals with the ability of
computers to behave like humans. To act like a human, computers should have human
____________ which involves perception, decision-making, and problem-solving. Machines are
trained in such a way that they can recognise patterns and make 3 ____________.
Why is Al important to teenagers?
Teenagers need different 4 ____________ at different stages in their life. From the age of 7 to about
15 years old, children’s logical ____________ and reasoning power will develop. This is the right
stage where parents should help them learn the applications of Al which prepare them to use the
____________ in a better way. Teaching Al will help 7 ____________ develop their critical thinking
skills and also provide 8 ____________ preparation.
Real-life example of Al
9 10
Every day, Al has a(n) ____________ on our lives. We are using devices or ____________ that
work as a result of Al, like Google Maps for Navigating, Apple’s Siri, ChatGPT, self-driving cars or smart
• Prepositions
VI. Complete each sentence with the correct preposition.
1. Jane’s teacher says that she interacts well ____________ the other children.
2. We’ve got some good news ____________ you. You’re getting a scholarship.
3. Her grandfather had planted both trees in front ____________ the house.
4. Her mum always comments ____________ what she is wearing.
5. The government will provide poorer families ____________ good social services.
6. Reports are coming in ____________ satellite.
7. She was concentrating ____________ her book and his voice surprised her.
8. He is the creator ____________ a successful cartoon series.
9. I think his career is more important ____________ him than I am.
10. It was time to put their suggestion ____________ practice.

C. Grammar
• Reported speech (statements)
I. Choose the correct words.
1. “I’m 15.”  She said she is / was 15.
2. “We’re chatting.”  They told us they have been / were chatting.
3. “You didn’t tell the truth.”  He said I not to tell / hadn’t told the truth.
4. “I’ve told a lie.”  She said she had told / told a lie
5. “I won’t feel guilty, Jack.”  I said / told Jack I wouldn’t feel guilty.
6. “I won’t do it again.”  He said he won’t / wouldn’t do it again.
II. Complete these exchanges with the correct form of say or tell.
1. “What did the doctor ____________ to you earlier?” - “He ____________ me that I would get
better soon.”
2. “Did we ____________ you about our expedition to the mountains?” - “No, you ____________ that
you would talk to us about it later. ”
3. “Nick ____________ that he would stay at home today.” - “That’s strange. He ____________ me
that he was going out.”
4. “Jane ____________ that she could call you this evening.” - “Yes, she wants to ____________ me
about the school trip.”
5. “Have I ____________ you about my trip to Hoi An?” - “Yes, you ____________ that it was
III. Complete the reported statements.
1. “I don’t have to go.”
 Tom said that he ____________ go.
2. “He’s telling a lie.”
 I told you that he ____________ a lie.
3. “We’ll help you.”
 They said that they ____________ help us.
4. “It rained all day.”
 Dad said that it ____________ all day.
5. “I’ve been to Italy.”
 He told me that he ____________ to Italy.
6. “You don’t look well.”
 Linda said that I ____________ well.
7. “I can’t do it in time.”
 Nick told me that he ____________ in time.
8. “Tim isn’t coming bowling with us.”
 Kevin told me that Tim ____________ bowling with us.
IV. Write the sentences in reported speech.
1. “I ate too much yesterday.”
 Helen said ______________________________________________________________________.
2. “I’ll call you next week.”
 He told his grandmother ___________________________________________________________.
3. “We can stay out late tonight.”
 They said _______________________________________________________________________.
4. “I don’t like Chinese food.”
 She said ________________________________________________________________________.
5. “I’m going home.”
 She told us ______________________________________________________________________.
6. “I work in a hospital.”
 She said ________________________________________________________________________.
7. “I’m busy tomorrow.”
 Phong said ______________________________________________________________________.
8. “We’ve finished our homework.”
 They told me ____________________________________________________________________.
V. Rewrite the sentences using reported speech.
1. The man said, “I don’t feel guilty.”
2. My brother said to me, “You’re making a big mistake.”
3. The teacher said, “Some students didn’t do much revision.”
4. Mary said, “I’ve never told a lie.”
5. Sam’s father said to him, “You must stay at home.”
6. The children said, “Our teacher can be quite strict.”
7. His friends said to him, “We’ve already seen that film.”
8. John said, “I’ll report my neighbour to the police for making very loud noise at night.”
VI. Change the sentences into reported speech.
1. The scientist: “Cloning will become more popular in the next century.”
 The scientist said that _____________________________________________________________.
2. Dr. Nelson: “Every home will have at least one robot to perform any boring task.”
 Dr. Nelson said that _______________________________________________________________.
3. Our teacher: “Parents do not allow children to play computer games for a long period of time.”
 Our teacher told us that ___________________________________________________________.
4. The doctor: “Nutrition pills can cause serious side effects.”
 The doctor told his patient that _____________________________________________________.
5. The physicist: “Nuclear power plants don’t require a lot of space.”
 The physicist said that _____________________________________________________________.
6. The politician: “Wrong decisions in Chernobyl caused a big nuclear explosion.”
 The politician told the audience that __________________________________________________.
VII. Read the conversation between Duong and Chau, and then report what Chau told her friend,
using reported speech.
Duong: You know, Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876.
Chau: Many people think that the real inventor of the telephone was Antonio Meucci, a poor Italian
Duong: Really? How could he do that?
Chau: He shared a workshop with Bell in the 1860s, and made a “talking telegraph” for his wife, who
was ill in bed.
Duong: Why didn’t Meucci become the inventor?
Chau: He didn’t become the inventor because he never took his idea to the US Patent Office.
Duong: Why not?
Chau: He was too poor to pay the $250 that he needed.
Duong: But Alexander Graham Bell is considered the inventor of the telephone, isn’t he?
Chau: Alexander Graham Bell took the invention to the Patent Office, and became the inventor.
1. Chau said that _____________________________________________________________________
2. She said that ______________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________________________________

D. Reading
I. Read the magazine guide. Put each phrase in the correct place. There is one phrase that you do
not need.
A. I like to know where I am
B. I’m terrible at doing mathematical calculations
C. I have on my phone
D. I prefer the simple ones
E. I want to know what other people think
F. I use most while I’m travelling
Essential Travel Apps
The most useful apps on my phone are travel apps. Here’s a quick guide to the top five apps you
should have on your phone.
It’s essential to know what the weather is going to be like at your destination, so you have to install a
weather app. There are many apps available, but 1 __________ that give you a detailed forecast for
today and a general forecast for the week ahead.
__________ so I always check my currency converter app to give me up-to-date exchange rates. It’s
very useful for shopping or for checking how much you are really paying to visit a monument.
Some people enjoy getting lost on holiday, but __________. My map app is probably the app
__________. Apart from showing your current location, it can show you how to get somewhere, or
which shops and restaurants are nearby.
And while we’re talking about restaurants, don’t forget to install a review app. 5 __________ before I
walk into a restaurant. Many of these apps also provide a reservation service.
Finally, if your airline has an app, put it on your phone. You can keep your boarding cards on your
phone and keep up-to-date with any changes or delays to your flight. Enjoy your trip.
II. Read the passage about a smart home, and do the tasks that follow.
A Home of the Future
Dr. Michiko Ishiguru describes a typical day at her smart home in Tokyo.
7.00 I wake up. The lights are on and I can hear my favourite music. The curtains open
automatically, too. It is cold outside but my bedroom is warm.
7.05 I get up and go to the bathroom. I watch the TV in my intelligent shower - it knows my
favourite water temperature.
7.20 My mother and I have breakfast. We have fruit - my intelligent fridge orders food from the
Internet. It knows when we need food, like milk or fruit.
7.45 I programme my vacuum cleaner, Homebot, to clean the floor. I put tonight’s dinner in the
intelligent oven. I can check the dinner with my mobile phone.
8.00 I go out. I go to work in my PIVO 2 car - it talks and gives me traffic information. My mother
stays with Wakamaru, our intelligent robot. It looks after her and phones me when she is not
18.00 I get back home. I ride my exercise bike - it has got a computer. I can choose different routes
and today I go cycling in the Alps!
19.00 Dinner is ready in the intelligent oven. Great!
20.00 We watch a film on the home cinema in the living room.
23.30 I go to bed and read an e-book. Then I go to bed.
Task 1. Match the machines (1-7) with the descriptions (A-H). There is one extra description. Write
the answer in each blank.
1. Wakamaru domestic robot _____ A. cleans the floor
2. intelligent oven _____ B. looks after animals
3. exercise bike with computer _____ C. orders food on the Internet
4. PIVO 2 car _____ D. controls the temperature of the water and has a TV
5. Homebot _____ E. cooks dinner automatically
6. intelligent shower _____ F. you can do exercise on it
7. intelligent fridge _____ G. talks to the driver
_____ H. looks after old people
Task 2. Read the passage again, and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
1. The intelligent shower can show TV programmes and choose Michiko’s favourite water

2. The intelligent fridge asks Michiko and orders food from the Internet. _____
3. Her PIVO 2 car drives Michiko to work, and she only sits in her car. _____
4. Wakamaru can look after old people. _____
5. Michiko can do exercise and watch films at home. _____
III. Read the text, and complete the gaps (1-6) with the sentences (A-G). There is one sentence that
you do not need.
A. In 1975, he taught architecture, but he continued to invent puzzles.
B. He did a number of different jobs and then became a journalist in the 1930s.
C. He was born in Budapest in 1944.
D. However, it didn’t work because the ink was very thick.
E. In the 1970s, he worked as an architect and in his spare time he invented a mechanical puzzle.
F. It quickly became popular all over the world.
G. It wasn’t the only thing he invented.
Two Great Inventors
László Biró was born in Budapest in 1899. After he left school, he studied medicine at university, but
he didn’t finish his studies. 1 _____. He noticed that newspaper ink dried very quickly on the paper,
and put the ink into his fountain pen. _____. He and his brother Gyorgy then invented a new type
of pen with a small ball at the end. The new pen worked with the thick ink. 3 _____. In 1939, Biró
moved to Paris and then to Argentina. Biró invented many other things but the most important was
the ball-point pen, or “biro”. László Biró died in Buenos Aires in 1985.
Emo Rubik’s father was an engineer and his mother was a poet. 4 _____. After leaving school, he
studied architecture and design at the Technical University. 5 _____. Rubik called it the “Magic Cube”.
It soon became popular in Hungary and the rest of Europe. _____. In the early 1980s, the cube
became popular in the USA too, and got a new name: “Rubik’s Cube”. It is the world’s best-selling toy
- some people say there are 300 million cubes in the world. Rubik became very rich and went on to
invent many more games and puzzles.
IV. Read the passage carefully, and then answer the questions below.
Becky Schroeder, Gio-Sheet
Becky was only 10 years old when she was attempting to do homework in her mom's car. As it got
darker outside, she had the idea that there should be a way to make her paper easier to see in the
dark. Becky took matters into her own hands and began playing around with phosphorescent
materials, which emitted light but without heat. She then used phosphorescent paint to cover an
acrylic board and the Glow-Sheet was created.
In 1974, at the age of 12, Becky became the youngest women to be granted a U.S. patent for her Gio-
Sheet invention.
1. What happened while she was doing homework in her mom’s car?
2. Why did Becky have the idea of the Gio-Sheet?
3. What did she do to make the first Gio-Sheet?
4. What is one advantage of her invention?
5. How old was Becky when she became the youngest women to be granted a U.S. patent?
V. Read the text, and do the tasks that follow.
Thomas Suarez is an American teenager and he spends a lot of time on his computer. Why is this
surprising? Because he isn’t playing games or chatting to his friends. In fact, he’s developing and
designing new apps, or writing codes and programmes for smartphone apps. He’s the youngest app
developer in the world.
When he was just 11 years old, Thomas started his own company called CarrotCorp. In 2010, he
released his first app called Earth Fortune. It tells people their horoscope and depending on the
horoscope for a particular day, the colour of the Earth changes. By the age of 15, he had plans and
designs for a 3D printer. His printer will be ten times faster than other 3D printers.
His interest in technology began at an early age when Thomas taught himself to write computer
programmes. Like a lot of schools, Thomas’s school didn’t teach any technology courses. Thomas and
his friends were keen to learn more about writing computer codes and programmes so they decided
to start their own app club after school to design and create games and new apps. The club now
teaches other students and teachers in his school!
Thomas enjoys wearing his smart glasses at home. He also writes reviews for gadgets and he often
gives talks at technology conferences and his passion is obvious. Are you feeling surprised?
Task 1. Choose the best title for the text.
A. How to Make an App
B. A Passion for Technology
C. Phones in the Future
Task 2. Find verbs in the text that match the definitions.
1. to talk to a friend ________________
2. to plan how to make something ________________
3. to create a new product ________________
4. to make a product available to the public for the first time ________________
Task 3. Read the text again, and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
1. Thomas Suarez is from the UK. ______
2. Thomas designs and develops apps for smartphones. ______
3. CarrotCorp is the name of Thomas’s company. ______
4. Earth Fortune is the name of another company. ______
5. Thomas is designing a 3D printer. ______
6. Thomas’s teachers taught him how to write computer programmes. ______
7. Thomas hasn’t got any smart glasses. ______
8. Thomas is passionate about technology. ______
VI. Read the text and do the tasks that follow.
Inventions that Changed the World but Were Made by Mistakes
When you think of people who have invented something that has changed the world, you immediately
think of the achievements of some very intelligent scientists. But their success often comes in an
unexpected way. Did you know that the medicine penicillin was discovered because of a mistake? It’s
amazing to think that something that was an accident then became something that the whole world
now uses to stop serious illness.
Here are a few examples of inventions that were made by mistake:
Sticky notes
In 1968, scientist Spencer Silver created a type of glue that would stick to things but could be
removed easily from any surface. He was really trying to create a super-strong glue but failed. Art Fry,
another scientist, was tired of his bookmarks falling out of his books. He remembered Silver’s special
glue and wondered if this might be the answer to his problem. When he tried the glue on his
bookmarks, they stuck and didn’t damage the pages. It worked. It was then that he thought of the
idea of using the glue on notes.
Saccharine was discovered in 1879 by the chemist Constantine Fahlberg while he was working in his
university laboratory. The discovery came because he forgot to wash his hands after spilling a
chemical on them, and when he was eating his bread at lunch it tasted unusually sweet. It was later
produced in huge quantities as an artificial sweetener and is now used in soft drinks to reduce the
sugar and calories.
Scientist Alexander Fleming invented penicillin, which helps stop infection by killing bacteria. He was
on holiday and he had left a petri dish (a special dish used by scientists to grow bacteria) in his
laboratory. When he returned, the dish had an unusual mould on it, but there were no bacteria
growing. He realised that something in the mould was killing the bacteria. He also realised that if you
use this substance on the human body, it stops serious illness. This became the first antibiotic,
penicillin, which has saved millions of people’s lives over the years.
Chocolate chip cookies
In the 1930s, Ruth Wakefield owned a very popular restaurant called the Toll House Inn in the United
States. While making some chocolate cookies, she discovered she had no special baker’s chocolate
left and decided to use some normal chocolate instead. She poured it into the dough, but the
chocolate did not mix with the dough and this was how the chocolate chip cookie was born.
Task 1. Read the text and complete the sentences with one or two words in each space.
1. Silver Spencer was trying to make a glue that was easy to take off and didn’t _________________
the paper or pages it was stuck to.
2. Art Fry found that the glue didn’t make the pages of his books dirty and so was very good for
3. Constantine Fahlberg left a chemical on his hands by mistake, and while eating his lunch he found
that his bread tasted unusually _________________.
4. Saccharine is used instead of _________________ to make soft drinks.
5. Alexander Fleming noticed that _________________ weren’t growing around the mould.
6. He realised that the substance could be used to cure _________________.
7. Ruth Wakefield didn’t have the right kind of _________________.
8. The chocolate and dough didn’t _________________ together.
Task 2. Match the words in bold in the text to their meanings.
1. _________________ a mixture made of flour and water used to make bread
2. _________________ a substance used to stick things together
3. _________________ something that grows on old food
4. _________________ an artificial substance that has similar taste to sugar
5. _________________ a room for doing scientific tests
Task 3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from Task 2.
1. Diet Cola is the same as normal cola, but it contains a _________________ instead of sugar.
2. Don’t eat that! It’s got _________________ on it.
3. You have to wear special glasses to protect your eyes when working in the _________________.
4. After you’ve made the _________________, put it in the oven.
5. It hasn’t stuck properly. This _________________ isn’t very strong.
VII. Read the text, and mark the sentences T (true), or F (false).
Future Homes
In recent years there have been many predictions about what our houses will be like in the future.
Some experts think we will all live in boxes; others think we may actually live on the moon or another
planet. Two things are clear. We will use power from the sun, wind or sea and computers will control
everything in our lives and especially in our homes.
Every house will have devices to change energy from natural sources into power, and we’ll build
houses that can use this power efficiently. Computers will open and close doors to allow people to
come in and out and they will make sure the house and the people in it are safe.
They will switch on the lights when we go into different rooms or switch on gadgets when we ask
them to. They will know when the fridge is empty and order food automatically. They will even tell us
who has visited the house while we were out and at what times.
Rooms will be smaller than today but furniture like beds, tables and chairs will come out of the floors
and walls when we want to use them. Again, the computer will do this for us.
Some experts predict that computers will control the entire world in the future, so perhaps they
might decide to shut us in our little boxes forever! There’s a thought.
1. We may live on the moon in the future. __________
2. Our energy will all come from oil. __________
3. Our houses will have no doors. __________
4. We will order our shopping on the computer. __________
5. We will sleep on the floors. __________
VIII. Read the text and answer the questions.
Dr. NakaMats
The Japanese love inventing and they are very good at it. But there is one inventor who has invented
more things than anyone else in Japan, and maybe the world. Yoshiro Nakamatsu, or Dr. NakaMats as
he calls himself, has the world record for the most inventions. He has designed over 4,000 new
inventions over the last fifty years or so. He is a celebrity in Japan, and has appeared on TV with his
creations. Although Dr. NakaMats did some early designs for a floppy disk and a digital watch, he is
most well-known for his more unusual inventions.
Some examples of the strange things he has created are: glasses which look like eyes so you can’t
notice them, shoes which have steel springs so that you can jump in them, a pillow which stops you
from falling asleep when you are driving, an aluminum mechanism which lifts up a toilet seat, and
even a one-person plastic car which is powered by water.
How does he come up with these ideas? Apparently, he finds listening to Beethoven helpful. But the
thing that makes him most creative is holding his breath underwater. He dives into his swimming pool
every day and stays underwater as long as he can. He believes that less oxygen in the brain is good for
new ideas. He also dives with a waterproof pencil and rubber notebook which he invented. He needs
to write down his ideas immediately in the water because they disappear quickly.
Dr. NakaMats believes that eating the right food is important for creativity, and he has invented some
snacks that he says are good for your brain. He has also invented an armchair which helps to improve
your brainpower. He sits in his chair every day to give him more good ideas.
1. How many new things has Dr. NakaMats invented?
2. Why is he well-known?
3. Has he always invented strange things during his life?
4. What does he do to help him invent?
5. What is his opinion about eating the right food?
6. What has he invented to improve his brainpower?
IX. Read the text about a small, wearable computer, and do the tasks that follow.
New Way To See The Future
Although wearable computing devices are not a completely new idea, one in particular has been
attracting plenty of media attention. The Optical Head Mounted Display (OHMD) is a tiny, wearable
computer attached to what looks like a normal pair of frameless glasses. 1 __________________.
Wearers can receive and reply to messages or phone s calls, ask the device to translate for them, get
information about transport and possible disruptions, ask for directions and be guided to the place
they want to go, take pictures and record videos along the way - all without hardly ever having to take
their hands out of their pockets.
Enthusiasts who have been testing this groundbreaking new technology claim that it enables them to
obtain useful information without interrupting their daily lives. __________________. On a more
serious note, the ‘computer glasses’ could provide valuable assistance to disabled people or anybody
with impaired mobility.
As with all new technologies, there are detractions as well. Any device that allows its wearers to
photograph and record people without their consent, or without them being aware of it, raises
questions of intimacy and privacy.
__________________. Terrorists could employ the technology to explore the site of their next
attack, while criminals could use it to obtain plans of the next bank they are planning to rob. Apart
from these extreme cases, psychologists warn that there are reasons why we should be a little wary of
devices like these.
__________________. Think, for instance, of the ubiquitous MP3 and MP4 players: everywhere we
go, there are people plugged in to their players, oblivious of the world around them. Others have
become so addicted to their mobile phones that they cannot concentrate on face-to-face
conversations without simultaneous checking their messages.
As our wearable computer bombards us with all kinds of data in real time, our brain may experience
information overload, which can lead to stress and anxiety. 5 __________________. Moreover, if we
become too reliant on always being updated about any situation, we run the risk of feeling insecure
and out of control the moment we cannot get this information.
For the moment, we needn’t worry too much. __________________. And when they do become
available, will people still be comfortable viewing the world in such a different way? Well, you could
say that remains to be seen.
Task 1. What is the main point the author makes about this technology?
A. It will revolutionize and improve our lives.
B. It’s intrusive and potentially dangerous.
C. It’ll be expensive and only for a small, exclusive minority.
D. It has great potential, but needs to be used with caution.
Task 2. Read the text again, and complete gaps 1-6 with sentences A-G. There is one extra sentence
you do not need to use.
A. Moreover, it gives rise to security concerns as well.
B. It will probably be some time before such devices become readily available to consumers at an
affordable price.
C. The advantages for consumers far outweigh the disadvantages.
D. New technologies that have been devised to enhance the way we experience reality, may end up
cutting us off from real life instead.
E. There are moments when we should just sit back and watch the clouds, without immediately
receiving the latest weather forecast.
F. They also love the fact that it captures great moments with family or friends that might otherwise
have remained unrecorded, because of lack of a camera or mobile phone at hand.
G. The device can be controlled by pressing it or using voice commands.
Task 3. Choose the correct answers.
1. The wearable computer responds to __________________.
A. manual orders only
B. both manual and spoken orders
C. the wearer’s eye movement
2. Which of these is NOT said about the device?
A. It can help you deal with foreign languages.
B. It can take photographs of everything you see.
C. It can protect your eyes from bright light.
3. What do psychologists say about the use of technology?
A. Things that are supposed to improve our lives don’t always do so.
B. People waste a lot of time because they don’t know how to use them.
C. People lose concentration more easily these days.
4. What is meant by ‘information overload’?
A. The information people receive is not uploaded properly.
B. People receive too much unnecessary information.
C. People don’t always receive the latest information.

E. Speaking
• Everyday English
I. Choose the correct response. Then practise the short exchanges in pairs.
1. A: Do you think new technology will make B: a/ Really? I think we’ll become lazy and
many workers jobless? inactive.
b/ I don’t think so. We’ll have many new
industries and new jobs.
2. A: With robots in our house, we become lazy B: a/ Right. We’ll have more free time to get
and inactive. exercise, and play sports.
b/ I agree. I’ll have no robots in my house
3. A: My house has been installed the security B: a/ You’ll feel safer when you are away.
system with cameras.
b/ New technology will always change.
4. A: Nikola Tesla had crazy ideas. Do you know B: a/ Scientists always have crazy ideas.
him? b/ He invented alternative currents.
5. A: I think the invention of penicillin is very B: a/ I hope so.
important because it saves lives. b/ I agree with you.
6. A: Why do we use the escalator instead of the B: a/ It can move more people.
lift? b/ It’s faster than the lift.
7. A: With Al, computers will be more intelligent B: a/ But we’ll design them.
than humans. b/ Computers will become smaller. Right?
8. A: Thomas Edison was a very famous B: a/ Was the internet popular at his time?
American inventor. b/ Which are his most famous inventions?
9. A: Some scientists made their inventions by B: a/ You bet. It was the result of hard work.
chance. b/ It was the case of penicillin. Is it right?
10. A: Do you know this game was invented by a B: a/ Really? Small children are fond of creating
ten-year-old boy? new things.
b/ Right. Children are taught to become great
inventors at the early age.
• Talking about a technology or an invention
II. Match the responses to the questions and practise the dialogue with your partner.
A. In the 1980s, Honda began to develop humanoid robots. The most famous of Honda’s
humanoid robots was Asimo in 2000.
B. In 2006 in the USA. They were used for delivery and photography.
C. It was the ‘Da Vinci’ surgical robot in 2000. It helped to improve a doctor’s precision.
D. It was the ‘Shakey’ using cameras and sensors. The robot using Al was invented by Stanford
University in 1972.
E. In a competition for self-driving cars in the USA in 2004.
F. I like the invention of robots most.
G. It was ‘Robert the Robot’ for children in the USA in 1954.
H. It was the Unimate, the first industrial robotic arm in 1954.
I. It was the Roomba vacuum cleaning robot in 2002.
1. What invention do you like?
2. What was the first ‘real’ robot?
3. What was the first robot that used Al (Artificial Intelligent)?
4. What was the first toy robot?
5. When did we have the first humanoid robots - resembling the human body in shape?
6. When did we have surgical robots?
7. When were service robots available?
8. When did the first self-driving cars appear?
9. When did we have the first drones - small flying machines?
III. Match the responses to the questions and practise the dialogue with your partner. There is one
extra response that you do not need.
A. It was Eliza. It was created in 1966.
B. It is a large language model created by OpenAI in 2021.
C. It is a free social media platform for sharing photos and videos with your followers.
D. It can be used for a variety of tasks, including conversation generation and language
translation. It can help users create human-like texts based on given input.
E. Yes, it was Siri. It was formed by Apple for iOS in 2010.
F. A chatbot is an Artificial Intelligence programme that chats with you.
G. Yes, it has. Google Now was launched in 2012, and Google Assistant in 2017. It answers
questions, performs requests by using the search engine.
1. What are chatbots?
2. What was the first chatbot?
3. Has Apple introduced any chatbots?
4. How about Google? Has Google ever introduced any chatbots?
5. What is ChatGPT?
6. What are the functions of ChatGPT?
• Giving and responding to good news
IV. Put the following expressions into the correct categories.
- Guess what...!
- I am really pleased to tell / inform you that...
- I have got a bit of good news to tell you...
- Wow! That sounds exciting!
- I have got some great / brilliant / wonderful news for you...
- That’s great. I’m so glad to hear that!
- Fantastic! / Great! / Awesome!
- Lucky you!
- Can you believe it...?
- Really? Are you serious?
- I can’t believe it! It’s great.
- Congratulations.
- I’m so happy for you.
- We’re really happy to inform you that...
- I am really glad to hear that.
- How fantastic/ brilliant / great news is this!
- Wonderful! Thank you for sharing.
- I’m so excited to tell you that...
Giving good news
Formal style Informal style
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
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Responding to good news
Formal style Informal style
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
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_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
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F. Writing
• Writing an opinion paragraph
I. Write a paragraph about the reasons why you agree or disagree that Al (Artificial Intelligence) will
soon become common, using the cues provided.
Al (Artificial Intelligence)
1. Al / avoid human mistakes / perform repetitive activities very well
2. chatbots powered / Al / work on / a lot / data / and / offer service all day
3. Al / do / manual / tiring jobs / so / workers / perform more skilled jobs
4. Al / raise productivity / reduce / cost / the company
5. Al / make correct decisions / it / not depend / opinions
6. biggest drawback / using Al / its high costs / development
7. Al / make / decisions / without using emotions / so / a lack of creativity
8. Al / collect personal information / many people / so / an issue / personal privacy
II. Write a paragraph about the topic: Advantages and disadvantages of smartphones, using the
cues given. There are several advantages of smartphones.
1. smartphones / give / users / ability / surf websites / instead of / use a desktop or a laptop
2. they / also have applications / help us / create / edit Microsoft office documents
3. smartphones / have GPS / help / us / find / the place / we / look for
4. with a smartphone / we / have access / any email accounts / Outlook or Gmail / social networks /
Facebook and Twitter
However, smartphones have some disadvantages.
5. smartphones / not durable / especially / when / they / not taken / good care of
6. it / very expensive / buy smartphones / compared / other phones
7. smartphones / only work efficiently / when / there / Internet connection
8. you / not depend / smartphones / for all your work / but / you / a computer / do some tasks

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