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Ca {is provided when the de bias leaves the transistor biased just off, “transistor turning om when the nc signal is applied. This is essentially bie, od the fee ‘isto conducts current for only one-half ofthe signal cycle To obtain output for the fll ‘eye of signal, itis necessary to use two transistors and have each comet om opposite Ihalf-eycles, the combined operation providing a full cycle of output signa. Sine one [Par ofthe ciruit pushes the signal high during one half-cyele atthe other part ple ring the other hall-cycle. the citeuit is refered o a a push-pull incl shows a diagram For push-pull operation. Am ac input signal i applied to the push-pull circuit, with each half operating on alternate half-cycles, the ld hen Ae. lock representation of push el peraion g« signal forthe full ac eyo, The power ansisors use inthe receiving a sig fre capable of delivering the desired power othe load and Ue lass Bs Iransistors provides preaer efficiency than Was possible using @ ingle! ote (p) isthe peak ale ofthe ouput cunemt waveform. Using Ea Input equation (1217 result in (12.18)n the powee tas + ve Gen) ans) ‘Output (AC) Power rao) = He (1220) Ione is using an oscilloscope, the measured peak or peak-to-peak uit voage canbe Pte) = ae, (221) The large the rms o ea output voltage te lpr ste pve elven he ea Efficiency ‘The efficiency ofthe lass B amplifier can be aleulated using the #7 Baas * (OO Using Eas (1219) and (1221) the efficiency equation above re PA 5 100% x 100% = 28) room | Vecle mn) Vee mv (12.22) shows thatthe larger the peak voltage, the Vests maximum, using Ap) = ¥sp)/R. Equa seatetciney, op oa maximum value when V0) elficiency then being cuss 8 aypunen ‘oreRaTiOn 7 Vee ote a laa Je eee (rea * tusing Kp) = Vi(p)/R,]. Equation (12.22) shows tht the : 1)/R 2.22) shows thatthe large the peak voltage, the higher ite cc efficiency up 0a maim vale hon VY) = Ver hs ai efficiency then being maximum efficiency = TX 100% ~ 76.5% Power Dissipated by Output Transistors The power dissipated (as heat) by the Oumput ower transistors isthe difference between the injut power delivered by the supplies and the output power del ered tothe load, 1g = Pde) ~ Pylac 2.23) where Pay is the power dissipated by the two output power transistors. The dissipated power handled by each transistor is then EXAMPLE 12.7 For a class B amplifier providing a 20-V peak signal to a 16-0 load (speaker) and a power supply of Voc = 30°V, determine the input power, output power, and circuit efficiency 416-01 load provides a peak load current of 698 POWER AMPLIFIERS Solution: 20-V peak signal across vio) ty 4 ee ‘The maximum circuit efficiency for class B operation is then en flat) Mee Sn Pqaey EE Vetiapenvcal eal = 2x 100% ~ 7a54% (227) ‘When the input signal results in less than the maximum output signal swing, the eieuit ‘efficiency is less than 78.5% For class B operation, the mais “eccur atthe maximum power input or output condition, The maximum power dissipated by ‘the 10 output transistors occurs when the output voltage across the load i ; + maximum transistor power dissipation of PaaS) = Veclc, = COVNOMN AT EW The amplifier's power efficiency can then be eae ulted sg Fa (128) 9 9 = PHO og oe LOBE com = 6.596 Pde) 94W ————. 12.3 _TRANSFORMER-COUPLED CLASS A AMPLIFIER. A form of class A amplifier having masini ¢ wile the ou signal othe load as cy of SOM uses a transformer to nin Fig, 12.6. This is spl eet fem ‘sein presenting afew basic concepts, More practical ctcit versions are covered late MER-COUPLED ‘AMPLIFIER FIG. 12.6 Tamer wer as Since the circuit uses a transformer to stp voltage or cuenta review of volage an cur ent step-up and step-down i presented next Transformer Action ‘A transformer can increase or decease volage or curent levels according 10 the ms Tati, s explained below. In addition, the impedance connected 1 one side of 4 8A former can be made io appear either larger or smaller (sep up step dow) athe het Side ofthe transformer, depending on the yuare ofthe tansormer Winding ams ai “The folowing discussion assumes ideal (100%) power raster fron primary Wo seca, thats, no power losses ae consi Td Q+ Transformation _As s} eam increase or decease voltage or cutent levels according 10 the turns Fe oreapaioad elow. In lio, the impedance comected (0 one side of a tans Srmer can be made to appear either larger or smaller (step up of step down) at the other the taformet epeting onthe square of the tanTormer winding Yun rato. re tuowingnusnion sures Wes! (10%) power tranaer om primary secondary, Ba pore nes tre Gnahered Voltage Transformation As shown 12.7a, the transformer ean step up oF step ‘own a voltage applied to one sie directly asthe ratio of the turns (or number of wind: ings) on each side, The voltage transformation is given by (12.9) [Equation (12.9) shows that ifthe number of tums of wire on the secondary side is larger than the number on the primary, the voltage atthe secondary side is larger than the voltage atthe primary side. ‘Current Transformation The current in the secondary winding i inversely proportional othe numberof turns inthe windings. The current transformation i given by No Me ‘ (2.10) This relationship is shown in Fig, 12.7b. If the number of tuens of wire on the second= ‘ay is greater than that on the primary. the secondary current will be less than the current in the primary. Hepedance Transformation Since the voltage qnd current can be changed by a trans orm, an impedance “seen” rom eiher side (primary or secondary) can also be changed: ‘As shown in Fi. 12.7, an impedance Ris connected across the transformer secondary ‘This impedance is changed by the transformer wien viewed athe primary side (8). Tas ‘canbe shown a follows ae Be Ra) Valle | Val Vali NaNy (Np Re RV” bY,” Vite” NM (i von SGD FG.127 Transformer operation: (a) voltage transformation: (b) current transformation: (impedance transformation. we define a ‘ion becomes i the reflected impedance, Ax shown in Eq. (12.12), the rl directly to the square ofthe turns ratio. Hf the number of han tat of he primary, the impedance sen hoki i the secondary by the wquare ofthe tr ato, 22 Cala a —— Signal Swing and Output AC Power Figure 12.9 shows the vol Swings from the circuit of Fig. 12.6, From the si ‘Values ofthe peak-to-peak signal swings are age and current signal signal variations shown in Fig. 12.9, the Vee(P-P) = Vee,,, ~ 1eP-P) * beg, — Io, t | T ¢ - | Fic. 12.9 hs kr ‘Tae ac power developed across the iansforme primary can then be calculated using ay Wee Veen = te) a | Pao : we. 3) ‘The ac power calculated is that develope across the primary of the transformer. Assuming an ideal transformer (a highly efficient wansformer his an efficiency of well over 90%), we Find that the power delivered by the secondaty the Ina is anpeoximately that calculate ising Eg (12.13). The output ac power can also be determined using the voltage delivered to the load. For the ideal transformer, the voltage delivered to the load ean be calculated using Fa. (12.9) No Yen vain ih Te power across the lod cn then be eaves The a pone develope ross the ransrmer peimy can then be calculated sing Wa Vee Me) Pao) = . (1243) an ideal wansformer(a igh efficent ansformer sa ciency of wel over 7), tsing Ea (121) The expel poms an as be ermine q129) The power dns the load cn thn be expres 3t

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