Queue DataStructure

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Queue Data Structure

Out Line
• Introduction
• Implementation of Queue
• Checking of Overflow and Insertion
• Checking of Underflow and Deletion
• Queue is an abstract data structure where the elements are
inserted in one end and is deleted from other end.
• Queue is also a linear data structure.
• Queue data structure somewhat similar to Stacks .
• Unlike stacks, a queue is open at both its ends.
• The queue data structure follows the FIFO (First In First
Out) principle.
• One end is always used to insert data and the other is used
to remove data.
• The size of the queue depends on the number and order of
insertion and deletion.
• It may be situation where memory is available but insertion
is not possible.
Implementation of Queue
• The ‘Maxsize’ variable is responsible to indicate the sixe of the
• Two variables are there to control the number of elements in
the queue:
– Front: This variable looks after the deletion of an element
from the queue
– Rear: This variable takes care about the element that will
be inserted in the queue.
• Four functions are there
– Overflow: Check whether the queue is full or not
– Underflow: Check whether the queue is empty or not
– Insert: Insert an element and increase the rear position
– Delete: Delete an element and increase the front position
Checking of Overflow and Insertion

rear =rear+1;
qarr[rear] = item;
Example of Queue (Insertion)

front=-1, rear = -1

front=0, rear = 0 6

front=0, rear = 1 6 7

front=0, rear = 2 6 7 8

front=0, rear = 3 6 7 8 11

front=0, rear = 4 6 7 8 11 4

front=0, rear = 5 6 7 8 11 4 5
Checking of underflow and Deletion

qarr[rear] = item;
rear =rear+1;
Example of Queue (Deletion)

front= 0, rear = 5 6 7 8 11 4 5

front= 1, rear = 5 7 8 11 4 5

front= 2, rear = 5 8 11 4 5

front= 3, rear = 5 11 4 5

front= 4, rear = 5 4 5

front= 5, rear = 5 5

front= -1, rear = -1

Circular Queue
• In normal queue some situations are occurred where the
positions of the queue is empty but we are not able to insert
the element there.
front= 3, rear = 5 11 4 5

• To overcome the difficulties of this scenario the proposal of

circular queue has come.
• In circular queue the if the rear is reached to (Maxsize-1)
position and front is not 0 then the rear will be set to 0 again.

• Insert 8 8 11 4 5
front= 3, rear = 0
Overflow and Insert Circular Queue
if(((front==0)&&(rear==Maxsize-1))|| (front==rear+1)) {
printf(“Overflow”); }

Insert: if(front==-1){
front = 0;
rear = 0;
else {
if(rear == Maxsize-1){ rear = 0; }
else { rear =rear+1; }
qarr[rear] = item;
Underflow and Delete Circular Queue
if( front == -1) {
printf(“Underflow”); }

Insert: item = qarr[front];

if(front == rear){
front = -1;
rear = -1;
else {
if(front == Maxsize-1){ front = 0; }
else { front = front + 1; }
• In normal queue and circular queue the operations for
insertion and deletion can be possible from one end only.

o overcome the difficulties of this scenario the proposal of

circular queue has come.
• In circular queue the if the rear is reached to (Maxsize-1)
position and front is not 0 then the rear will be set to 0 again.

front= 3, rear = 5 11 4 5

• Insert 8 8 11 4 5
front= 3, rear = 0
Overflow and Insert (right) De-Queue
if(((left == 0)&&(right == Maxsize-1))|| (left == right+1)) {
printf(“Overflow”); }

Insert: if( left == -1){

left = 0;
right = 0;
else {
if( right == Maxsize-1){ right = 0; }
else { right = right + 1; }
qarr[right] = item;
Overflow and Insert (left) De-Queue
if(((left == 0)&&(right == Maxsize-1))|| (left == right+1)) {
printf(“Overflow”); }

Insert: if( left == -1){

left = 0;
right = 0;
else {
if( left == 0){ left = Maxsize -1; }
else { left = left - 1; }
qarr[left] = item;
Underflow and Delete (right) De-Queue
if( left == -1) {
printf(“Underflow”); }

Insert: item = qarr[right];

if(left == right){
front = -1;
rear = -1;
else {
if(right == 0){ right = Maxsize-1; }
else { right = right - 1; }
Underflow and Delete (left) De-Queue
if( left == -1) {
printf(“Underflow”); }

Insert: item = qarr[left];

if(left == right){
left = -1;
right = -1;
else {
if(left == Maxsize-1){ left = 0; }
else { left = left + 1; }
Example of Queue (Input restricted)

left= 1, right = 3 9 8 11

left= 1, right = 4 9 8 11 4

left= 1, right = 5 9 8 11 4 5

left= 2, right = 5 8 11 4 5

left= 2, rear = 4 8 11 4

left= 3, right = 4 11 4

front= -1, rear = -1

Out Line
• Direct applications:-
• Waiting lists
• Access to shared resources (e.g., printer)
• Multiprogramming

• Indirect applications:-
• Auxiliary data structure for algorithms
• Component of other data structures

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