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I recommend selecting the following 5 issues to build our project senior.

Each has a small justification for

my selection. Therefore, kindly add your comment if you agree then we can draft the second phase.

Serial# Selected issue Justification.

1. Terrible With its complexity, the magnitude of the decision-making process, environmental
Deadlines. consideration as well and obtaining permits from different government
institutions, construction projects are usually confronted with unforeseen
circumstances together with job site conditions which lead to delays project’s
milestones by overarching with other milestones.

2. Poor With its huge stakeholders (external and internal) in the construction industry, the
Communication. complexity of project natures, the managing of multicultural and diversity of
geographic presence project teams, and the language barriers among them cause
misunderstanding during communication which leads to poor communication
among the stakeholders either formal or informal communications.
3. Scope Creep The complexity of bureaucratic dynamics in the implementation of construction
projects together with its high costs and the influence and interest of diverse
stakeholders forced the project to creep its initial scope which also led to the
project an extra cost.

4. Teamwork
Difficulties Effective teamwork has dramatically increased the outcome and success of the
project, therefore when the team is not working properly, and the manager is not
able to effectively create a conducive environment whereby all team members can
feel comfortable and work together as one team to achieve the goal of the
company. Hence, construction projects require employing diverse team
backgrounds, cultures, and geographic locations to contribute to their
backgrounds and experience to the success of the project. Therefore, managing
such different teams is challenging and forces the project to be delayed.

5. Lack of Effective stakeholder engagement is one of the keys to project success, therefore,
Stakeholder assessing, identifying, and understanding their priority, influence, and interest at
Engagement the earliest stage would lead the project to success and boost stakeholder
ownership during and after the implementation period. In this regard, the
construction projects have different stakeholders which if not engaged properly
will affect the project’s outcome. Hence, if this is not correctly engaged and
identified will force the project to face challenges.

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