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AISSCE: 2023-24

A Project Report on:

“The Study of Adulterants in Food Stuffs”



Submitted By:
Roll No:
Under the Guidance of:
Mr. Animesh Mondal
PGT Chemistry
Table of Contents
1. Certificate

2. Declaration

3. Acknowledgement

4. Aim of Project

5. Introduction

6. Apparatus Required

7. Procedure

8. Observation

9. Conclusion

10. Precaution

11. Bibliography


This is to certify that (Name of the Student) Student of class XII Sc has
successfully prepared the report on the Project entitled
“The study of Adulterants in Food Stuffs ”
under the guidance of
Mr. Animesh Mondal (PGT CHEMISTRY)
The report is the result of his efforts and endeavours.
The report is found worthy of acceptance as final
Project report for the subject Chemistry of class XII Sc.

Signature of Internal Signature of External

_________________ __________________

Signature of Principal


I hereby declare that the project work entitled

“The Study of Adulterants in Food Stuffs”

Submitted to Department of Chemistry, Jindal School Barbil

is prepared by me.

Name of the Student

Class XII Sc

I would like to express a deep sense of thanks and gratitude to my

project guide Mr. Animesh Mondal for guiding me immensely
through the course of the project. He always evinced keen interest
in my project. His constructive advice & constant motivation have
been responsible for the successful completion of project.

My sincere thank goes to our principal Miss Sangeeta Rani Das

for his coordination in extending every possible support for the
completion of this Project.

Last but not the least, I would like to thank all those who had
helped directly or indirectly towards the completion of this project.

Name of the Student

Class XII Sc
Aim of the Project

“The Study of Adulterants in Food


Guava In the past few decades, adulteration of food has

become one of the serious problems. Consumption of

adulterated food causes serious problems. Consumption of

adulterated food causes serious diseases like cancer,

diarrhoea, asthma, ulcers etc. Majority of adulterants used

by the shopkeepers are cheap substituents that are easily

available. For example, adulterants in fats, oils and butter

are paraffin wax, castor oil and hydrocarbons. Red chilli

powder is mixed with brick powder and pepper is mixed

with dried papaya seeds. These adulterants can be easily

identified by simple chemical tests.


The requirement for experiment of chemistry project report are

as follows:

 Test Tube

 Conc. HCl

 Furfural

 Acetic Anhydride

 Conc. Sulphuric Acid

 Acetic acid

 Conc. Nitric acid

 Dil. Hydrochloric acid

 Alcoholic solution of α-naphthol

 Dil. Nitric acid

 KI solution.

Aim of the Experiment: To detect the presence of

adulterants in fat, oil and butter.


Common adulterants present in ghee and oil are paraffin wax,

hydrocarbons and dyes and argemone oil. These are detected as


 Adulteration of vegetable ghee in Desi ghee (Bandouin


Small amount of desi ghee was taken in a test tube and to it

1 ml of HCl and 2-3 drops of 2% alcoholic solution of

furfural. The contents were shaken vigorously. Appearance

of red colour in the acid layer shows that vegetable ghee has

been mixed with as an adulterant to desi ghee.

 Adulteration of paraffin wax and hydrocarbon in

vegetable ghee

Small amount of vegetable ghee with acetic anhydride.

Droplets of oil floating on the surface of unused acetic.

anhydride indicates the presence of wax or hydrocarbon.

 Adulteration of dyes in fat

1 ml of fat was heated with a mixture of 1 ml of conc.

Sulphuric acid and 4 ml of acetic acid. Appearance of Pink

or Red colour indicates the presence of dyes in fat.

Adulteration of Argemone oil in edible oils

To small amount of oil in a test tube, few drops of conc.

HNO3 was added and shaken. Appearance of red colour in

the acid layer indicates the presence of argemone oil.


Aim of the Experiment: To detect the presence of

adulterants in sugar


Sugar is usually contaminated with washing soda and other

insoluble substances which are detected are as follows:

 Adulteration of various insoluble substances in sugar

Small amount of sugar was taken in a test tube and shaken it

with little water. Pure sugar dissolves but insoluble

impurities do not dissolve in water.

 Adulteration of chalk powder, washing soda in sugar

To small amount of sugar in a test tube, few drops of dil.

HCl was added, brisk effervescence of chalk powder or

washing soda in the given sample of sugar.


Aim of the Experiment: To detect the presence of

adulterants in sample of chilli powder, turmeric powder and



Common adulterants present in chilli powder, turmeric powder

and pepper are red coloured lead salts, yellow lead salts and

dried papaya seeds respectively. They are detected as follows:

 Adulteration of red lead salts in chilli powder

To a sample of chilli powder dil. HNO 3 was added. The

solution was filtered and 2 drops of KI solution was added

to the filtrate. Appearance of yellow ppt indicates the

presence of lead salts in chilli powder.

 Adulteration of yellow lead salts in turmeric powder

To a sample of turmeric powder conc. HCl was added.

Appearance of magenta colour shows the presence of yellow

oxides of lead in turmeric powder.

 Adulteration of brick powder in red chilli powder

Small amount of given red chilli powder was added in

beaker containing water. Brick powder settles at the bottom

while pure chilli powder floats over water.

 Adulteration of dried papaya seeds in pepper

Small amount of sample of pepper was added to a beaker

containing water and it was stirred with a glass rod. Dried

papaya seeds being lighter, float over water while pure

pepper settles at the bottom.


Selection of wholesome and non-adulterated food is essential for

daily life to make sure that such foods do not cause any health

hazard. It is not possible to ensure wholesome food only on

visual examination when the toxic contaminants are present in

ppm level. However visual examination of the food before

purchase makes sure to ensure absence of insects, visual fungus,

foreign matters etc. Therefore, due care taken by the consumer at

the time of purchase of food after thoroughly examining can be

of great help.

Secondly, label declaration on packed food is very important for

knowing the ingredients and nutritional value. It also helps in

checking the freshness of the food and the period of best use.

The consumer should avoid taking food from an unhygienic

place and food being prepared under unhygienic conditions.

Such types of food may cause various diseases.


 Wikipedia- The free encyclopaedia




 Comprehensive Chemistry

 NCERT Class XII Chemistry


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