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This is an elementary course catered for learners who are interested in mastering the communicative
Japanese language at workplace. The course focuses on four language skills; namely listening, speaking
reading and writing. Vocabulary of approximately 400 words and 40 basic grammatical sentence patterns are
introduced to enable learners to construct simple sentences. All teaching and learning materials are in
Japanese Kana scripts. Besides, the Japanese culture and socio-aspects are integrated in the learning

This program is aimed to help learners acquire the correct Japanese language pronunciation using the
Japanese Kana. It is also aimed to provide learners with the vocabulary and basic grammars of the Japanese
language competence of approximately JLPT N5 to construct correct sentences. The four language skills will
enable learners to interact in various everyday situation at workplace. Learners will be exposed to the
Japanese workplace culture in the learning activities.

Duration: 40 hours (April – August 2024)

Day: Thursday: 5:00-7:00 (2 hours)
Venue: OPPSTAR, Bayan Lepas, Penang, Malaysia


1 Session 1 1.1 Course Introduction コース紹介
18-4-2024 1.2 Introduction of Japanese Scripts Kana: Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji かな・漢字
(THURSDAY) 1.3 Pronunciation of Kana かな入門 Hiragana あ~ん
5:00-7:00p.m. 1.4 Numbers, 数字 1-20・人名
1.5 Greetings (1) and Self-Introduction in Japanese - 自己紹介
1.6 Japanese Kana song
2 Session 2 2.1 Pronunciation of Kana が~ぽ・きゃ~ぴょ・っ
25-4-2024 2.2 Countries, people, age, occupation, languages 国・職業・言葉 ・名前
(THURSDAY) 2.3 Numbers:20-100 数詞
5:00-7:00p.m. 2.4 Greetings and daily expressions (2) 挨拶・日常言い方 (2)
2.5 Hiragana Quiz-Tongue twister 早口言葉
3 Session 3 3.1 Pronunciation of Kana -Katakana ア~ン
2-5-2024 3.2 Names of international people, name of countries
(THURSDAY) 3.3 Numbers:100-1,000 数詞
5:00-7:00p.m. 3.4 Greetings and daily expressions (3) 挨拶・日常言い方 (3)
3.5 Katakana Quiz
4 Session 4 4.1 Pronunciation of Kana – Hiragana and Katakana –TEXT (passages)
9-5-2024 4.2 Reading and writing 読書
(THURSDAY) 4.3 Numbers: 1,000-100,000,000 数詞
5:00-7:00p.m. 4.4 Hiragana Quiz:Particles 助詞―は・を・へ・で・に・など
5 Session 5 5.1 Chapter 1: Introducing & Greetings
16-5-2024 5.2 Vocabulary: people, languages, occupations – workplaces
(THURSDAY) 7.2 Names + titles 肩書; Japanese family names
5:00-7:00p.m. 5.3 Grammar explanation: Sentence patterns & particles は・か・も・の・です・
6 Session 6 6.1 Chapter 1: Self-introducing 自己紹介
23-5-2024 6.2 Conversation: Introducing others 他人を紹介します
(THURSDAY) 6.3 Bowing: How many degree? お辞儀は何度ですか
5:00-7:00p.m. 6.4 Exchanging name cards / business cards「名刺交換」
6.5 Business-like Manners「ビジネスマナー」
7 Session 7 7.3 Chapter 2: Vocabulary: こ・そ・あ(Demonstratives)
30-5-2024 7.4 Grammar explanation こ・そ・あ・そう・S1 か、S2 か
(THURSDAY) 7.5 Conversation: ほんの気持ちです- This is just a token(Visiting)
5:00-7:00p.m. 7.6 Asking and telling objects
8 Session 8 8.1 Chapter 3: Vocabulary: Location & objects; Quantifier 階・いくら
6-6-2024 8.2 Grammar explanation: こ・そ・あ(Direction/Location)どこ・どちら
(THURSDAY) 8.3 Polite form:どちら・お国
5:00-7:00p.m. 8.4 Conversation 3: Shopping - I will take it. 買い物
8.5 Asking and telling prices.
9 Session 9 9.1 Chapter 4: Vocabulary-Telling Time - Numerals (o’clock, minutes; days)
13-6-2024 9.2 Grammar explanation – Affirmative and negative statements; present and past tense
(THURSDAY) Verb ます・ません・ました・ませんでした
5:00-7:00p.m. 9.3 Time(に・X)から~まで・
9.4 N1 と N2 ; S か・S ね
10 Session 10 10.1 Chapter 4: そちらは何時からですか。What are your opening hours?
20-6-2024 10.2 Conversation- telephone calls, asking for numbers, times, days…
(THURSDAY) 10.3 職場の注意 Workplace Awareness
5:00-7:00p.m. 「ほう-れん-そう: 5W + 3H」
11 Session 11 11.1 Evaluation: Mid-Test:
27-6-2024 Writing & Grammar: (60 minutes)
(THURSDAY) Reading test – Hiragana & Katakana(5 minutes/person)
5:00-7:00p.m. 11.2 Discussion & Reflection of Mid-Test: 60 minutes
12 Session 12 12.1 Chapter 5: Vocabulary: Times, people, transport, places, destination
4-7-2024 12.2 Grammar explanation: Place へ(行き・来・帰り)ます・どこ(へ)も
(THURSDAY) 12.3 Subject は Time に・People と Transport で・Place へ 行き・来・帰ります
5:00-7:00p.m. 12.4 いつ・S よ
12.5 祝祭日 National Holidays in Japan
13 Session 13 13.1 Chapter 5: Does this train go to OOOO? OOOO へ行きますか。
11-7-2024 13.2 Conversation: Asking and giving direction, means of transportation, and others
(THURSDAY) 13.3 Describing one’s schedule
5:00-7:00p.m. 13.4 「日本人の労働時間」Japanese work hours
14 Session 14 14.1 Chapter 6: Vocabulary – Direct object + Transitive verbs
18-7-2024 14.2 Grammar explanation: N を Transitive Verb・N をします
(THURSDAY) 14.3 Subject は Time に・ (People と/Transport で/Place) Object を VERBs(Transitive)
5:00-7:00p.m. 14.4 V ませんか・V ましょう(3)なん VS なに
14.5 Place(で)V・Prefix お・日本料理の紹介
15 Session 15 15.1 Chapter 6: 一緒に行きませんか。Would you like to go together?
25-7-2024 15.2 Conversation: Invitation: Politely V ませんか・Casually V ましょう
(THURSDAY) Politely accept or decline 受ける・断る
5:00-7:00p.m. 15.3 Making Suggestion「Ground work - 根回し」
16 Session 16 16.1 Chapter 7: Vocabulary – giving and receiving favors;Family Tree
1-8-2024 16.2 Grammar explanation: Tool・Language で V ます
(THURSDAY) 16.3 People にあげます・People に/から もらいます
5:00-7:00p.m. 16.4 もう V ました VS まだ
16.5 借ります VS 貸します・習います VS 教えます・送るます・買います等
17 Session 17 17.1 Chapter 7: ごめんください Hello, Is anybody in?
8-8-2024 17.2 Conversation:Visitation; asking for meaning of somethings…asking and giving
(THURSDAY) favors
5:00-7:00p.m. 17.3 Comparison of honorific expression「家族 VS ご家族」
18 Session 18 18.1 Chapter 8: Vocabulary: Adjectives (describing places, people, weather, taste, colors)
15-8-2024 18.2 Grammar explanation: Adjectives い・な(Affirmative / Negative)・Adj い・な
5:00-7:00p.m. 18.3 Adverbs - とても・あまり・ちょっと・すこし・全然; Interrogatives どう VS
どんな・どれ; Conjunction: S1 が S2
18.4 Season-季節;Color&Taste
Session 19 19.1 Chapter 8: Conversation そろそろ失礼します It is almost time to leave.
19 22-8-2024 19.2 Conversation: Talking about job, visitation, buying things, saying good bye
(THURSDAY) 19.3 Describing one’s life
5:00-7:00p.m. 19.4 「新入社員のタイプ」Type of Employees
20 Session 20 Evaluation: POST-TEST
29-8-2024 Writing & Grammar: (60 minutes)
(THURSDAY) Speaking & Listening: (10 minutes/person)
5:00-7:00p.m. Reflection & Conclusion / まとめ
 Minna no Nihongo Elementary 1‐1 Main Textbook (Second edition) ISBN: 9789675035142
 Minna no Nihongo Elementary 1-1‐ Translation & Grammatical Notes in English (Second edition)
ISBN: 9789675035166
 Minna no Nihongo Elementary 1‐2 Main Textbook
ISBN: 9789675035159
 Minna no Nihongo Elementary 1‐2 Translation & Grammatical Notes in English (Second edition)
ISBN: 9789675035173
 Hiromo Kijima, Tomoyo Shibahara, Naomi Hatta (2017). Marugoto: Japanese Language and Culture. Starter A1 Rikai:
 Coursebook for Communicative Language Competences. SanShūsha.(Malaysia Version)
Tomoyo Shibahara, Naomi Hatta (2017). Marugoto: Japanese Language and Culture. Starter A1 Katsudo

Writing: Grammar & Sentence patterns: 50%
Homework: 10%
Speaking & Listening: 20%
Reading aloud: 20%

Grading and Grade A+ to E with marks ranging from 0 -100

Grade Marks GPA

A+ 85-100 4.00

A 80-84 4.00

A- 75-79 3.67

B+ 70-74 3.33

B 65-69 3.00

B- 60-64 2.67

C+ 55-59 2.33

C 50-54 2.00

C- 45-49 1.67

D+ 40-44 1.33

D 35-39 1.00

E 30-34 0.67

F 0-29 0
Quality Assurance Malaysian Qualifications Agency (for courses from
accredited programs only & Micro-credentials which are
subjected to MQA Quality Assessments)

By 2024 April-September USMIMCC


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