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Chapter 1

Have vs. Have got

Have Have got

S+have/has S+have/has got
S+don’t/doesn’t have S+haven’t/hasn’t+got
Do/Does+S+have +...? Have/has+S+...?
Yes,S+do/does. Yes,S+have/has.
No,S+don’t/doesn’t. No,S+haven’t/hasn't.

Plural of nouns


1. nouns ending in -s , -ss , -ch , -sh , -x , -zz , -o* → -ES


2. nouns ending in CONSONANT+Y → -IES

city-cities key-keys
3. nouns ending in -f , -fe → -VES
elf-elves half-halves

4. -EN
child-children ox-oxen(bou) brother-brethren

5. plural inside the noun

man-men women-wemen tooth-teeth
foot-feet goose-geese mouse-mice
louse-lice person-people

6. others:
bureau-bureaux (fr.) phenomenon-phenomena (gr.)
criterion-criteria (gr.) bacteria- bacteriae (lat.)
cactus-cacti (lat.)

Present Simple

FORM: S+vb.
To Be: S+am/is/are
Ex. (+) I am here.
(-) I am not here.
(?)Am I here?
Yes,I am./No,I’m not.
Have Got: S+have/has got
Ex. (+) He has got a car.
(-) He hasn’t got a car.
(?)Has he got a car?
Yes,he has./No,he hasn’t.
Have: S+have/has
Ex. (+) They have breakfast.
(-) They don’t have breakfast.
(?) Do they have breakfast?
Yes,they do./No,he doesn't.
(+) He has a good time.
(-) He doesn’t have a good time.
(?) Does he have a good time?
Yes,he does./No,he doesn’t.

1. Vbs. ending in -ss , -sh , -ch , -s , -x , -zz → -ES
Ex. he watches she goes
2. Vbs. ending in CONSONANT + Y
Ex. I cry-he cries I play-he plays

hardly,ever,every day/week/year,etc.

1. Routines
Ex. I go to school every day.
2. Permanent Situations ,general truths ,facts
Ex. Water boils at 100 C.
3. Timetables ,schedules (future meaning)
Ex. The shop opens at 9.
The train leaves at 4.
Present Continuous/Progresive

FORM: S+am/is/are+Vb.-ING

1. Verbs ending in -e,LOSE the -e ,when they receive the ending -ING
Ex. write-writing have-having
2. Verbs ending in a stressed VOWEL between 2
CONSONANTS ,double the final consonant
Ex. get-gettin shop-shopping
3. Verbs ending in -l ,double the -l
Ex. travel-travelling
4. Verbs ending in -ie → -ying
Ex. die-dying dye-dying( a vopsi)

●Now,at the moment,as we speak,currently,Shh!,Quiet!, Listen!,Look!

1. Actions happening at the moment of speaking
Ex. I am writing the lessons now.
2. Temporary situations
Ex. I usually teach English ,but this year I’m teaching Drama.
3. Fixed plans in the near future
Ex. I am going to a hockey game on Sunday.
4. Repeated irritating actions
Ex. You’re always talking during class.
Present Simple and Continuous



FORM (+) S+vb (+)S+to be+vb-ing

(-) S+do(-)+vb (-)S+to be(-)+vb-ing

(?)Do(+)+S+vb? (?)To be(+)+S+vb-ing?

Every Now,Shh!,Listen!
SIGNAL WORDS day,often,always, Quiet!,at the
usually,sometimes, moment,today
1.Routines(ex: I go 1.Actions happening
to school every at the moment(ex:I
day.) am going to school
2.Timetables(ex:Th now.)
e train leaves at 2.Plans for the near
future(ex:I am going
to a concert this
situations(ex:The 3.Temporary actions
fire is hot) (ex:I usually teach
English,but this year
I’m teaching
Stative verbs
= verbs not usually used
In a continuous form

1. Verbs of state (=de stare)

Be ,cost,suit,fit
2. Verbs of possession
I’m having breakfast/a bath/a good time.
3. Verbs of feeling
4. Verbs of brainwork
I’m thinking about you!
I think you’re pretty.(believe)
5. Verbs of senses
🔹This massage feels good
🔹 He’s feeling happy.
🔹 I’m feeling my way through the dark.
🔹 The flowers smell nice.
🔹I’m smelling the flowers.
🔹The soup tastes good.
🔹I’m tasting the soup for salt.
🔹I see you.
🔹I’m seeing my dog tomorrow.
The degrees of comparison of adjectives

1.Positive → safe,beautiful,great,friendly,creepy,incredible

→of superiority→short adjectives -ER than
→long adjectives MORE … than
Ex. beautiful-more beautiful than
→of equality→AS … AS
Ex. My dog is as friendly as your dog.
Your cat isn’t as hairy as his.
→of inferiority→LESS…than
Ex. Your sandwich is less tasty than mine.

Good-better little-less
Bad-worse much/many-more

a. short→THE …-EST
Ex. I am the tallest person in this room.
Heavy-the heaviest
Fat-the fattest
b. long→ THE MOST …
Ex. He is the most fascinating writer ever.
c. irregular
Good-the best bad-the worst
Little-the least much/many-the most

Infinitiv Past Perfect/Past Participle

Regular verbs play played played

Irregular verbs cut cut cut
buy bought bought
read [rid] read [red] read [red]
be was/were been

I was=eu am fost/eram
You were=tu ai fost/erai
He/She/It was=el/ea a fost/era
We were=noi am fost/eram
You were=voi ati fost/erati
They were=ei/ele au fost/erau

Direct questions (Yes/No) - Was/Were+Sb+...?

Indirect questions - Wh-+was/were+Sb+...?

Past Simple
Ex: I had a dog five years ago. (+)
I played football yesterday.
I didn’t have a dog five years ago. (-)
I didn’t play football yesterday.
Did I have a dog five years ago? (?)
Did I play football yesterday?
Yes,I did./No,I didn’t.
SIGNAL WORDS:yesterday,ago,last week/month/summer,in 2001,in April
1. Pentru a exprima o acțiune care a început și s-a terminat în trecut
ex. I had breakfast at 7 o’clock.
2. Pentru a exprima o stare din trecut
ex.I lived in Constanta for 12 years.
3. Pentru a exprima acțiuni consecutive din trecut
ex. Yesterday,I woke up,got dressed and had breakfast.

Past Simple And Continuous

Past Simple Past Continuous
S+vb-ed/vb III S+was/were+vb-ing.
(+)I did my homework (+)I was doing my hw.
FORM yesterday. yesterday at 5PM.
(-)I didn’t do my (-)I wasn’t doing…
homework yesterday.
(?)Did you do…? (?)Were you doing…?
Yes,I did/No,I didn’t Yes,I was/No,I wasn’t.
Yesterday,last week,a
week ago,the day
SIGNAL WORDS before,in 1990,on
1.Actions that happen 1.Actions in progress
at a certain moment in at a certain moment in
the past(ex:I went to the past(ex:I was
the mall on Sunday) sleeping at 11PM.)
2.Consecutive actions 2.Two or more actions
USE (ex:I woke up, got progress at the same
dressed and went to time in the past(ex:I
school. was reading, while she
was watching TV.

3.When an action in progress is interrupted by

COMMON USE another action(ex:A party was going on when I
owned the door.)
↙ ↘
Long infinitive short infinitive
Ex: to play ex: play

A.we use the long infinitive after the verbs:

We agreed to go to the cinema.
Mom asked me to clean the house,
I decided to do my homework.
I hope to go out with my friends.
I managed to finish my homework.
I need to eat.
I offered to help her,
I plan to go out tomorrow.
I promise to do my chores.
I want to get to the shop.
B.we use short infinitive after:would love, would prefer, would like:
I would love to help.
C.we use the short infinitive after modal verbs:
I can play outside all day long.
I could use a drink.
You may go to the bathroom.
I might go to the concert.
You must clean your room.
You should finish your chores.
A.after verbs like:
I avoid using the laptop.
I consider going to the cinema next week.
We continue working on the project tomorrow.
I imagine driving a supercar.
I suggest listening more carefully next time.
B.after the verbs: like, dislike, love, hate, fancy, prefer:
I like listening to music.
I fancy reading.

C.after the expressions:

I am busk writing an essay.
I can’t stand writing this lesson.
I am looking/look forward to hearing from you.
I don’t mind listening to the teacher.
D.after go when talking about activities:
We’ll go dancing tonight.

Chapter 2

How to write an opinion essay?

Formal style= · no contractions (ex:it is,it’s 🛑)

I would rather, I’d rather 🛑
· no colloquial words/expressions
Kinda,wanna,gonna 🛑
Opinion essay:
1. Purpose :to provide the author’s opinion
2. General technic:give arguments supporting the point of view
3. Point of view:first person
4. Support:author’s opinion and feelings

1. Introduction(catchy)
-must contains the author’s summarise opinion
2. Body(=3 paragraphs)
🠚2 pros and 1 contra
-paragraph structure:
● 1st sentence=main idea of the paragraph
● Relevant examples supporting the main idea
● Last sentence must connect the paragraph to the next one
3. Conclusion - short summary of the body
Linking words:
1. To express your opinion
● In my opinion…
● I think…
● I believe…
● It is clear that…,etc.
2. To express facts
● It is widely known that…
● It is a well known fact that…
● Research has shown that…
● There are definitely…
● It is a fact that…,etc.
3. To express contrast
● Although…
● Despite…
● However…
● Nevertheless…
● Whereas…
● In spite of…
4. To conclude
● To sum up…
● To conclude
● In conclusion…,etc.
5. To add exemples ,arguments
● For exemples
● Also
● Such as
● Like
Survivors' stories

Chapter 3


Inside is a vampire village.It is located at the bottom of Dark Mountains.

In the village there are 1000 vampires,but every year the local people from the
nearest village give one person to be bitten by the vampires as a sacrifice
because 200 years ago the local people and the vampires made an agreement
that if they get one person every year they won't attack the villagers.
They live mostly in cottages but there is also a mansion where the leader of
vampires lives.
They travel by flying but the vampire village and the other village are connected
by a special train.
Despite Apart their appearances they have all the jobs that are in a normal
village except for the blacksmith because we all know that the vampires can't
touch the metal.

My video game

My video game is named “The Story of a Queen” and it is a

platform game.The story follows Feyre, the main character, who lives
with her poor family in a cottage. She hunts and cooks for them. One
day she kills a fae who was transformed into a wolf. During the night
his boss comes and takes her as his prisoner.
The main character, Feyre Archeron is the youngest child of the
three sisters. In the past her family had a lot of money but they lost all
of their money. After they lost their money they moved into a cottage
and Feyre started to hunt and cook for her family. She is tall and slim
with blue-grey eyes and golden-brown hair. She has a stubborn
personality and a rebellious nature.

Hi! This is our droid, FOF1 and she can make food for you by just
putting the ingredients in and she will make it in less than 5 minutes.
She can move around the house for you to eat even in the bed if you
want. After you finish eating the delicious food she made for you and
you feel full you can put the plates inside her and she will clean them
in less than a second.
She is made out of metal painted with white and a little bit of pink;
her height is around 40 centimetres.She melts your heart with her red
skirt and red bow.
She is lovely and she acts like a mom but if you annoy her she will
throw cupcakes at you.

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