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No. wine “First Year of Five Year Course (Semester - 1) Examination, October - 2017 POLITICAL SCIENCE - I Local Self Government (Paper - 1) ib. Code : 64261 Day and Date: Monday, 30 - 10-2017 ‘Total Marks : 100 Time : 10.30 a.m, to 1.30 pam. Instructions: 1) All Questionsare compulsory. 2) Figuresto theright indicate full marks. Q1) What are the main features of Local self government in India? Explain. [20 oR What are the challenges before local self government? Explain, Q2) Evaluate the main functions of Sarpanchaat village level. (20] OR Write in detail the Role of Gramsabha as a part of direct democracy. Q3) Taluka Panchayat is mediator between Zilla Parishad and Grampanchayat. [20] Discuss. OR ‘What are the main functions of Gramsevak at village Panchayat PTO. -39 Q4) Urbain government has no future today. Do you agree the Limitations of urban government? Explain, OR (20) Local self government lost its idea! idealogy, Explain the sentence in light of new problems before it. Q5) Write short Note on Any Four: a) b) °) @ e) h Sources of Taluka Panchayat. Socialism and Panchayat system. Democracy and Local sélf government B.D. Autonomous village and Mahatma Gandhi, Welfare state and Local self government. xk ke 120] SJ - 40 > Votal No. of | ar of Five Year Law Course (Semester - 1) Examination, November ~ 2017 POLITICAL SCIENCE - II Public Administration HT (Paper - 1) Sub. Code: 04262 ks: 100 Wednesday, 1-11-2017 1.0 1.40 pea Instructions: — 1) All Questions arecompulsory. rightindicate full marks. 2) Vigur plain the nature and scope of Public [20] QU) What is Public Administration? Adminisiration, OR s at various Define Public Policy and Explain the making of Public Poll level. Q2) Whatis Public and Private administration? Discuss the differences and similarities of both, [20] OR Whatis scientific management? Evaluate this approach in detail. Q3) Whatishiearchy and span of control? Write the importance of both principles, [20] OR What is Public corporations? Explain the growth of public corporations in India, Q4) Asa punt of decentealivatinn, write an essay on 73" anrendnient [explain the importance of Administrative Tribune - 40 (20) OR ‘a1 supplimentary system for Judiciary. Q5) Write short note on Any four ay [20] Rightto Information, Independent Regulatory commission Delegation of power BC commission. Human Relation Theory. Bases of Department. SJ-41 Seat No. Total No. of Pages :7 First Year of the Five Year Law Course (Semester - I) Examination, November - 2017 ENGLISH - I (Paper - Ill) (New) (Repeaters) Sub. Code : 64263 Day and Date : Friday, 03 - 11-2017 Total Marks : 100 ‘Time : 10.30 a.m, to 01.30 p.m. Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory. al) 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow it : [10] ‘The Police resorted to lathi charge and arrested more than 100 villagers including women, living in the vicinity of sugar Thermal plant here today when they made an attempt the PSEB chairman to protest against the 16 hour power cuts being imposed by the board in the area. The chairman, along with numbers of the PSEB, had gone to the thermal plant to inaugurate a seminar this morning. Around 8.30 a.m. the villagers, including women and children started protesting the withdrawl of round the clock power supply to the villages near the thermal plant as per the agreement reached with them in 2007. However, the officials had failed to keep their promise said the villagers A posse led by the DSP had equipped with tear gas shells had been kept on a stand by since morning near the thermal plant to control the protesters, - He said that they had arrested the protesters as a preventive measures. Those arrested were released in the evening, he added. Questions : a) When were the protesters released? b) What did the police resort to? c) Why had the police arrested the protesters? d) Where were the villagers living? e) Who did the police arrest to? PTO. SJ-41 f) When did the protesters start protesting? g) Why had the chairman and members of the PSEB gone to the termal plant? h) What was the demand of protesters? i) What had been kept on a stand by? ) . What had a posse led by the DSP equipped with? Q2) Write a precis of the following passage and suggest a suitable title to it, [10] Itis physically impossible for a well educated, intellectual or brave man to make money the chief object of his thoughts, just as it is for him to make his dinner the principal object of them. All healthy people like their dinners, but their dinner is not the main object of their lives. So all healthy minded people like making money-ougut to like it and enjoy the sensation of winning it; it is something better than money. A good soldier, for instance mainly wishes to do his fighting well : He is glad of his pay - very properly so, and justly grumbles when you keep him ten years without it - still his main notion of life is to win battles, not to be paid for winning them. So of a clergyman, the clergyman's object is essentially to baptize and preach, not to be paid for preaching. So of doctors, they like fees no doubt, - ought to like them, yet if they are brave and welt educated; the entire object their lives is not fees. They, on the whole, desire to cure the sick; and , if they are good doctors, and the choice were fairly put to them, would rather cure their patiet and loss their fee than kill him and get it. And so with all other brave and rightly trained men; their work is first, their fee second. Q3) a) Translate the following passage into English rl Ares BATE ome By ong. winea Gera weaTA wer ertieat cores Birr omg. sen arfgearent eon are or eriger areware HA wT GET ITT. varie wear weg Bare water Sa. sfearanget aad wetter wares Arche wares ee, wo ara FeO a welt ae art, rea YETTA firma, a geeain aid grows ater aren fq grat. Ht A arent wa area srerergt orem. wet Beet are ae aTeaTerT ware wen tel aT, F Ares He. get seg arene ann, Perr aT a eee afer aA ATT. b) SJ-41 oR Paraphrase the following poem There's good time coming boys, A good time coming; War in all men's eyes shall be -A monster of inequity, In the good time coming Nations shall not quarrel then, To prove which is the stronger Nor slaughter men for glory's sake wait a little longer Translate the following passage into Marathi or Hindi. 7] It was a bitterly cold right, and even at the far end of the bus the east wind that rared along the street cut like a knife. The bus stopped, and two women and a man got in together and filled the valant places. The younger woman was dressed in sealskin, and carried one of those little pekinese dogs that women in sealskin like to carry in their laps. The conductor came in and took the fares. Then his eyes rested with cold malice on the beady-cyed toy dog. I saw trouble brewing. This was the opportunity for which he had been waiting and he intended to make the most of it. OR Paraphrase the following poem. The banyan tree times as tall as our house, Its trunk had a circumference of fifty feet. Its scraggly aerial roots fell to the ground: From thirty feet or more, so first they cut the branches. Sawing them off for seven days and the heap was huge Insects and birds began to leave the tree And then they came to its massive trunk Fifty men with axes chopped and chopped. - Chitre SJ -41 Q4) Write a paragraph in about 250 words on any one of the following topics [10] a) b) °) d) Q5) a) b) Justice delayed is justice denied. Importance of Legal profession. Lok Nyayalaya. My idea of a responsible citizen, ‘White a letter to your friend congratulating hinv/her for getting good marks at XII Examination and give him/her complements for future carrer.[10] OR ‘Write a letter of complaint to the sub-engineer water supply department of your town; complaining about irregular and insufficient water supply in your locality. Also request him to restore the water supply. Use any eight of the legal terms in your sentences [3] i) Summons ii) Arrest iii) Bail iv) Witness v) Evidence vi) Client vil) Lawyer vii) Court ix) Affidavit x) Plaintiff xi) Homicide xii) Tegal a4 Q6) a) b) 7) a) SJ-41 Analyse any three of the following sentences. 19] i) His sister is a doctor. ii) We may bring all the books tomorrow. iii) His uncle gave him a job. iv) Mybrother is an Engineer. v) Ateacher gave mea prize vi) The old man was very happy. Tum the following into indirect narration. (6) "Mary", said John, "Will you be going to paris for Easter"? "Yes" replied mary, "I will take you in my car if you like", said John “Thanks for the offer", replied mary, "But I am sorry that I shall not be able to accept it. Unfortunately, I already have an engagement for good friday, So I shall not be going until the saturday." "That will be alright", said John, "I do not propose to go myself until the saturday", Use the correct tense forms of the verbs given in the bracket, (any seven) (7) i) Tknowalll about that film because I (see) it twice. ii) My uncle (arrive) tomorrow. ii) ‘The sun (rise) in the east. iv) If (be) bird, I would come to meet you ¥) The birds (flew) in the sky. vi) The sky (be) blue 5. b) °c) vi) vill) ix) x) SJ - 41 She jumped off the bus while it (move) Only (eam) money is of no use He (buy) the new car yesterday. We must hurry. It (grow) darker. Correct any seven of the following sentences. fal D ii) if iv) y) wi) vii) viii) ix) x) My sister is older than me. My teacher asked me as to why Iam late. Do you eat more fruits these days? He plays very well tennis Please burn the lamp. * He is ill since‘a long time You will not get success unless you do not work hard. The earth was round The fan is moving on the head. He is very good in english. Change as directed (any nine) 19] i) ii) itl) iv) y) They told us a nice story (add a question tag) What a great lesson it is! (Make it assertive) They elected him chairman for the programme. (change the voice) Leave the place immediately, (change the voice) Mumbai is bigger than Madras, (change the degree) SJ - 41 vi) The tree is too tall to climb. (remove 'too’) vii) Inever take tea with sugar. (make affirmative) viii) He is not only a businessman but also a politician (use ‘as well as') ix) Ifthe weather is not fine, I will not go for trip. (use unless and rewrite it) x) The king sat in the garden and called the minister. (Make it a simple sentence) xi) Always speak the truth (Make it Negative) xii) As soon as the teacher arrived in the class; all students stood up, (Use No Sooner than) Hs Q01 Total No. of Pages :2 Seat No. . First Year of Five Year Law Course (Semester -I) Examination, May- 2015 POLITICAL SCIENCE -I Local self Government (Paper -I) Sub. Code : 64261 Day and Date Wednesday, 06 - 05-2015 Total Marks : 100 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Instructions: 1) All Questions are compulsory. 2) Figuresto the right indicate full marks. Q1) Explain the basic idealogy of local self government. [20] OR What is local self government? Explain the role of Grampanchayat as a key organisation of democracy. Q2) What are the recommandations of Balawantrai Mehata committee? Explain. [20] OR Write an essay on Gramsabha as a means of political participation. Q3) What are the functions of zilla parishad? Discuss. [20] OR What is Urban local self government? Explain the Role of Urban goverament as a organisation of Urban progress. PTO. Q4) What is role of B.D.0. es a authority of Panchayat samiti. OR Q-01 [20] What are the problems before Municipal corporations today? Give some remedies. Q5) Write Short Notes on Any Four of the following. a) ») c) 4) 5) 9 8) Gandhian ideas of Panchayatraj. The composition of Grampanchayat. Reservation policy and panchayatraj. Role of chief executive officer. Resources of Grampanchayat. Commissioner and his role. “The future of panchayatraj system. [20] Q-2 Total No. of Pages :2 Seat No. First Year of Five Year Law Course (Semester -I) Examination, May - 2015 POLITICAL SCIENCE - IL Public Administration (Paper - ID) Sub. Code: 64262 Day and Date : Friday, 08 - 05- 2015 ‘Total Marks : 100 Time :11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks, Q1) Define Public Policy and discuss the various agencies of formation of Public Policy. (20] OR Discuss the nature and scope of Public Administration and compare Public and Private Administration. Q2) Critically evaluate any Two theories of Organisation. [20] OR Discuss Span of control and centralisation & Decentralisation as principles of Organisation. Q3) Explain the significance of Ministerial Control over Public Enterprises. [20] OR How are Boards and Commissions established in India? Discuss the various Boards & Commissions. PTO. Q2 Q4) Discuss the development of Administrative Tribunals and evaluate its functioning. [20] OR Globalisation has made the presence of independent Regulatory Commissions in India imperative. Discuss. Q5) Write short notes on (Any Four): [20] a) RTI b) Participative Management. c) Bases of Department. d) Government Companies. e) Hierarchy. i f) Delegated Legislation. CFE -1- Q-3 ‘Total No. of Pages : 4 ‘Seat No. First Year of the Five Year Law Course (Semester-I) Examination, May - 2015 ENGLISH-I (Paper-IIl) (New) Sub. Code : 64263 Day and Date: Monday, 11-05-2015 ‘Total Marks : 100 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. Q1) Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow it [10] When values in a society are seen deteriorating, it is only right for the law to step in. In the last 25 years, the elderly population in India has doubled. The number of cases of neglect of the elderly population in India by their children is also on the rise. In addition, attacks on senior citizens living alone have multiplied. This is of serious concem for a nation Now fortunately there are laws which make it legally binding for the children to look after their ageing parents. Ideally, children, on their own, should feel moral obligation of taking care of their parents, who have done such a lot for them. But in cases where this does not happen, the law alone can guarantee protection for the elderly parents. No doubt, the parents would silently accept the thankless behaviour of their children rather than pursue a legal battle; but this thinking has now changed. The younger generation must also realize that the experience and support of the senior can be very fruitful a) What must the younger generation realize? b) What are seen deteriorating? c) Which thinking has now tobe changed? d) When has the elderly population in India doubled? e) Why should children take care of their parents? f) What have multiplied? 2) Who should feel the moral obligation to lookafter their parents? h) What can the law alone guarantee? i) Where is the number of cases of neglect of elderly people on the rise? 3) Who can not pursue a legal battle? PTO. Q2) a) b) Q-3 Translate the following passage into English: {10} APT ATASATS ATF LVS TTT antran sig. after Fa Sara HRT ae a eeTATAT orf aig ae are HH. RATT AT TAT carer wre yet fae ft eae Pres eaeoed ara STITT OT. a gifta a ate organs ares A aera aint Gener ere Ae. TT anfirar, afar a Giardter Bare stare aTeTHRRTS serTOT aa AS Te. area aIETAR roe STITT ATR. BPA SATAN STI SATS at acter Seat aT aT. TATE A SEH ATHTTT FATT eit front, STATS TET, GT AT ATT sRenrgrras Tare SAAT ALOT aie. after a dfafie arr 19 caRyS suffers Beret 32 Za weet are Sitar ara are. ay ad yeti arora eer ATT TTS Recor singarags ares eeiet Het org, are fret, area, wittiee— reafbree erent fers Bre ari. ea Se Gt ATCT TET eet TERT rach qeret afehgs arerareerres eTeiter FETE STITT aIRTARTS FACT wa uae. OR Paraphrase the following poem: [10] The world won’t care about your old defeats If you can start anew and win successes ‘The future is your time, and time is fleet ‘And there is much of work and strain and stress Forget the buried woes and dead despair Here is a brand-new-trial right at hand The future is for him who does and dares Start where you stand Make a precis of the following extract and suggest a suitable title to it: The Indian Judicial system is one of the oldest legal systems in the world today, The constitution of India is the supreme law of the country, the fountain source of aw in India. It not only laid the framework of Indian judicial system, but it has laid out the powers, duties, procedures and structure of the various branches ‘of the Government. The constitution has provided for setting up of a single integrated system of courts to administer bot Union and State laws. The Supreme Court is the apex Court in India, followed by the various High Courts at the state level. Below the High Courts exit the subordinate courts comprising the District Courts at the district level and other lower courts at the block or tahsil level. [10] 2-

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