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RAFFLES INSTITUTION 112 Mathematics (9758) 2016 Year § Chapter 5: F SYLLABUS INCLUDES: of fu tions and range jon, dom f(a 45, ferro 45, £8), fel) a © concept J £'(x) * use of not © finding inverse functions and composite function conditions for the existence of inverse functions domain restriction to obtain an inverse function nd and composite function’ + relationship between a function ely using a graphing calculator n equation exactly or app «solving PRE © Basic exponential Algebraic manipulations involving exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric logarithmic and trigonon tric expressions expr Solving inequalit jons. CONTENT 1 Relations and Functions Representation of a Function Existence of a Function Graphical Method to determine Range of a Function Even and Odd Functions One-One Functions 2 Inverse Functions Existence of an Inverse Function Funetion jon for the ¢ of a Composite Funct Definition of a Composite Functi ge of a Composite Function ‘Composition of a Function and its Inverse ‘Chapter 5: Functions Page 1 of 33 Raffles Institution 112 Mathematics 016 Year 5 4 Trigonometric and Inverse Trig etrie Functions, ie function and its inverse (arcsin) 4.2. Cosine function and its inverse (arccos) 4.3 Tangent functi inverse (arctan) 5 Solving inequalities graphically INTRODUCTION One of the most important themes in calculus is the analysis of relationships between physical and mathematical quantities. These relationships can be represented in terms of formulae, graphs or numerical data. In this chapter, we will develop the concept of a function, which is a platform for almost all mathematical and physical relationships, 1 RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS 1.1 Relations [A relation from a given set A to a given set B is a rule for connecting elements in A \(inputs) to elements in B (outputs). Set A is known as the domain and set B the codomain lof the relation. Consider A={0,1,2} and B={0,1,2,3}. Let’s say that an element x in A is related (or mapped) to an element y in B if and only if x is less than y. This relation connects the elements in set A to the elements in set B (e.g. | is related to 2 and 3 since 1 is less than 2 and 3). We can illustrate this relation from set 4 to set B by using an arrow diagram as shown in Fig 1.1. There are countless examples of relations in our daily life. Can you formulate some of them? Note that there are many different types of relation as shown in Fig. 1.2, a many to one to many relation as shown in Fi For example, we can have a one to Jation as shown in Fig, 1.3 and a one ~~ Chapter 5: Functions Page 2 of 33 / 2016 Year 5 Raffles Institution 112 Mathematics bjects HIGP H2 History 112 Physics H2 Chemistry, of the relation shown in Fig. 1.1 is {0, 1, 2). Can you identify the domains for The doma the examples in Fig 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4? QD 2 Functions ‘A function EX Vis a relation which maps each element in the set X, to ane and only ‘one element in the codomain ¥. and the set Y'is called the codomain of ‘The set Xis called the domain of f, denoted by D,, f. Based on the definition of a function, which of the relations shown in Fig. 1.1 ~ 1.4 are functions? Notes: (A) Weusually use lower case letters such as for g to name a function. Q) Ifthe element a.X’ is mapped to the element &€Y, then we write f(a)=b. ‘is called the image of a under f @ [Tm range of Fis the set of images of X under f. jc, Range of f ={£(2):x eX}. : 24 In this ease, 4° ={1,2,3} is the domain and ¥ ={1,2,8,24,27} is the codomain, Range of f={ * Range of f ¢ Codomain of f ne rule and don @) Two fietions are equal if and only if they have the Chapters Page 3 of 33 Raffles Institution 112 Mathematics 2016 Year 5 1.3 Representation of Functions where the rule context, and it we At‘A? Levels, most funetio dered are relations between real number can be stated algebraically. It is not necessary to state the codomain in thi ent a function by defining its domain and rule. In this ain of f. Eg. we write () fixtex? +x, where ve R', Q) f(x) =x? +x, where xR". 1.4 Existence of a Fun A relation f is more often shown as a graph on which the points (x, £(x)) are plotted. The equation of the resulting curve can be written in the form y=f(x). Graphically, to decide whether a relation is a function any vertical line x=k, keD, drawn should cut the graph of fat one and only one point. 1.5 Graphical Method to determine Range of a Function Consider a function f with domain denoted by D,. The range of f, denoted by R,, is the set of images {f(x)} , where xe D,. One of the more commonly used methods for finding range of a function is by sketching its graph with equation y= f(x), where xe D,. When sketching graphs, one should take note of characteristics such as symmetry, intersections with the axes, turning points and asymptotes. ‘A graphic calculator is a useful tool in sketching graphs. However, it has certain limitations. For example, it cannot draw vertical asymptotes, and it also does not know what critical features of a graph to display. It is thus useful to be acquainted with the equations of basic functions and understand the properties of their graphs. ‘Chapter 5: Funetions Page 4 of 33 Ratiles Institution H2 Mathematics 2016 Year 5 Example 1 (a) Sketch the graphs of the following functions and state its range: (@) fixpex?-8x, eR, 1SxS10, dys E1097 ling], reR", by (0, %) .xeR,x<2, x, xeR, x50, x-1, xeER, x>0. (6) Itis given that (2) =+V2x, xe Rj. By considering the graph of f, show that f; is not a function. Solution (i) f:xrex?-8x, xeR, 10, ‘To sketch this graph using the GC, key in ¥; =x? and ¥, = (1) and extract the relevant portions of the graph. ¥ R= (-1,%) (b)— £@)=4V2x, xe RS. GCKeysirokes ‘Screenshots Tae aT Tg] Plott Plot2 Plot? 2X 2. At“¥i=”, key in Rd DOW Mad Wad eAETeAT for vx. 3.Press to adjust window settings. Since x20, set Xmin = 0. If the domain of f is R , we usually press select 6: ZStandard which gives a standard window of ~10), then x, in the given domain es and only if every horizontal line y—k, ke R,, cuts of fat one an ipter 5: Funetions, tage 10 of 33 Raffles Institution H2 Mathematics 2016 Year 5 Example 2 Sketch the graphs of the following functions and determine whether they are one-one. R an xh 20" ,x (a) fixtosinx, xel- Solution f:xbsinx, xe n mode. for that you are in ra 's good to use “Z.Trig’ sketching trigo curves. R, oy Ng ety oriole tae yet LEC #I, the graph at fal ort ed nde tee poids Tie ohe-ore pune! rxb2e" xeR Itcan be verified that g ox for all ER, so the graph of , is symnetitcas about fhe praxis @) al C7 ey <7) tio Ne Iovionded tine gl cath the graph of ya warellan ore poi, tonal © Sherert_ fancin Altematively, to show that a function g is nor one-one, w counterexample, i gives the same image. In the above example, si n provi two different clements in the domain of g that 2 W)C) {127 gis nota one-one function, Chapter 5: Functions Page 11 of 33, Raffles Institution H2 Mathematics 2016 Year S| 2 INVERSE FUNCT ONS Let £:.X HY be a function whose arrow diagram is as shows arrows, a new function g having domain Y and range X is obtained a Fig2.1 This new function g is called the inverse function of f and is denoted by f~'. Note that if the function f maps a to p, then its inverse f-' maps p to a. ie. if f(a) = p, then f"'(p) =a. “(y). However, not every function has an inverse which is a function. Consider the function h: At B whose arrow diagram is shown in Fig 2.3. When the arrows in Fig 2.3 are reversed, we see from Fig. 2.4 that k: B+ A does not exist as a function as there are elements in set B which have two images. Hence the inverse function for h docs not exist. In general, if y= f(x), then x= h k A ——>38 B—+A | Hp H Fig 2.3 Fig2.4 Existence of an Inverse Function 2.1 Condition for t Recall that a function f is a relation which maps each clement in the domain to a unique image. However, we sce from Fig, 2.3 that for the inverse function to exist, the function cannot have elements which are mapped to the same unique image. i.e. the function f has to be one-one. [Thus the inverse Tunetion of fexisisifand only itFisiomesoné. | Chapter 5: Funetions Page 12 of 33, Raffles Institution H2 Mathematics 2016 Years: Inverse Functi 2.2 Definition and Range of Let f be a one-one funetion. The <2 y= f(x) forx edomain of f. fhas an inverse function ~" defined by From Fi We can obtain the rule of f"! as follows: Let y=£(x) Make x the subject of the formula in terms of y so that x= g(y). Gi) From (i) and (ii), we have x=") = (9) B(y), we obtain f“"(x) = g(x). Replacing y by xin f"(y) Example 3 (@) Show that the inverse function of f, where f(x) = Find £~'(x) and state the domain. (b) Given that g:xto1+e™, xR, define its inverse function in similar form and state its range. x4, xe R*, exists. Solution (a) fiz) = 2x-4, xeR* R= (4) &) Sine horitnodal Li bb E0259) ut te rh of Fx) at ope trdonly ert poi Fis a one-one function. Hence, the inverse function of fexists. Let y=2x-4 vee hy 7 epee BE wth De OH) ‘unctions 13 0f 33 Chapters 2016 Year 5 (b) Let y=1+e* ty (be) te erty Fontodlal dine, gets BER cas the reper JO a oreand oak eo pried, fie MMe ert fanction renee, the joyerse Fchan at gt) exis yale ' teh grt? + Rai (ym “ ms i hget Dye Ry (ly) Inyo : olny 4) PY) octe(v-t) v7 Note: You need not verify that the inverse function exists if it is not required by the question. Example 4 Show that the inverse of the function f:x+>x7-4x, x<4 does not exist. State the greatest value of k for which the function g:xt>x*—4x, x 1. By sketching the graph of am (using the gameyseal@ for both the x- and y-axis), what is you observe between the two graphs? *(x) on the same dia th aphical relation yee!) From Fig. 2.6, we observe the following : . 2(0)=2 so (0,2) is found on the curve y= g(x). © gt@)= eG). © (0,2)and (2,0)are points that are reflections of each other in the line y= so (2,0) is found on the curve y Tn general, if (a,b) is a point on the curve y=g(x), then (4,a) is on the curve yee'(x) since g(a)=b< g"(b)=a. Graphs off@l@ah@I@ arc|efleetions of cach other in the line (=H. tions ige 15 of 33, Rafiles Institution H2 Mathematics 2016 Year 5 Example 5 ‘The function f is de’ exists. Sketch the graphs of and £-' on the same d relationship between the two graphs. Hence find the exact value of x which satisfies the equation f(x) =f *(x) and deduce the solution set to f(x) < f"(x) wed as (x)= Vx41, 2-1. Show that the inverse function of f n, showing clearly the graphical Solution Since every horizontal line y=, k20 cuts the graph of fat one and only one point, f is a one-one function. Hence, the inverse function of exists. Note: The graph of f~' can be obtained by reflecting the graph of fin the ine y =x. To solve f(x) *(x), we can consider solving f(*) «¥ o1 thepsicd of inlerseationat He Qesphs oe arg (4 Urs Lie onthe Gee yer Thus f(x)=f (x) ((x) 4 yG)* Fok FMS verte » CDE fmm , LE gare a UE wy [" .) ‘The solution set to f(xy s f(x) is |!) eostenes Pale So Paye 16 of 33, Raffles Institution H2 Mathematics 2016 Year 5 3. COMPOSITE FUNCTIONS 8 t jp Fig 3.1 Consider the functions f and g given by {(x)=x-2, xe(2,3,4} and g(x)=Vx, x€{0, 1, 2, 3} and whose arrow diagrams are as shown in Fig 3.1. In this case, it is quite clear that the outputs of the function f can be used as inputs of the function g. For example, if we input x =4 into f, the output under the function f is 2 and this value can be used as an input for g to give a final output value of V2. This idea is illustrated in the arrow diagram shown in Fig 3.2. Fig3.2 In general, we observe that for anyx €D,, x—!-»x-2—2 9; In fact, there is a direct mapping x1-¥Vx—2 which will map an input of f directly to an output value of g. ‘The new function formed in the way described above is known as the composite function of g and f, and is denoted by gf (or get). It maps the elements in the domain of f directly to the elements in the range of g Fig3.3 We write th somposite functio, Chapter 5: Functions Page 17 of 3 Raffles Institution H2 M: ies 2016 Year 5 3.1 Condition for the Existence of a Composite Functi For arbitrary functions f and g, not all ‘outputs of f can be used as ‘inputs for 2" as not all images of F may be elements in the domain of g. For example, consider the functior fG) fand g given by -2, xeR and gQx)=Vx, xe, x20. Clearly, £(0) i.e. the element 0 has no image under gfand the composite function gf does not exi Thus, for the composite function gf to exist as a function; each x€ D, must have a unique 2 but ~2¢D, and hence there is no ‘final’ output. image f(x) and for each image f(x), it has to have one and only one image under the rule of g. It is thus necessary for the range of f to be a subset of the domain of g. Thus, for any given functions fand g, 1. the composite function gf exists when ‘ange of fe domainiorg. 2. DE=DA outs ot f as fab of ¢ 3.2 Definition of a Composite Function Let fand g be two functions such that range of f ¢ domain of g. Then the composite function gf is defined by 2f(2)=2(f) forall-xeDA Note: (1) In general, (FE. i.e. composition of functions is not commutative. Also, even if gf and fg both exist, their domains may be different since Dyr= D, while Dyg = De. (2) The composite functionff, if it exists, is written as f°, ie. f(x) = f(x) =f (F(a). In general, we havepin@)=ar""' 20007). Example 6 (beet) c defined by fixbeie+), xR, x>-1, gixtsV2e43, xeR, weed, () Show that fg exist and de Show that gf does not If the domain of fis restricted to (k,00), find the least value of & for which ef ex The functions fand ga 1¢ the function in a similar form. ist. Chapter 5 Page 18 of 33 Anat Y crn: € Raffles Institution 112 Mathematics Domain 2016 Year 5 Solution d tadpal of Fas topal ety. ’ y=eQ) ® Rye Qs9) ui VET), Gt, 0), Siow Dey) Wo (Jaria bi) by Pro excite HO) PGor by SOE hen fy ents 1 i) iy Ke (Cs Deg edy + (2) 4). Len ols (fone) Hels 99) age OEP hee kuna DE For efto exist, By 0g by E4,) Sie Up f Dg, $f Aa nat aed Consider Fer ar teeny, Ree dy 5 br cCt,~) tania 2G) = 2 From the graph, least kis POE aed & Kp el Tarr on -) Example 7 The function g is defined by g(x) > xeR,x#0,2. Find an expression for g*(x) =x and g’(x). Hence, determine the value for o( 4) (3) Solution #)= 41409) 3(x) = “ B(x) gro) x Pe LPs Go) gry Chapter 5: Functions Page 19 of 33 Raffles Institution H2 Mathematics 2016 Year 5 3.3 Range of a Composite Funetion We can find theifig@lof a composite function ef by@ketdhing the graph oft. Alternatively, we can obtain the range of gf by sketching the graphs of fand g. Let us explore how this alternative method works. 2, x23 and g(x)=Vx, x20. For the composite function gf, the rule for fis first applied to each x €D, to find the image f(x), and then the rule for g is applied to f(x) to obtain the image g(f(x)) . ic. ef@)=e(f@). Let us consider x=: Consider funetions £(x) = - Then gf(4) =g(f(4)) = ¢(2) = V2. Graphically, we have Extending this to the domain of f (= domain of gf), we can obtain the oe Real c calpsh of) pal of ie. Ry =R,, where g,(x)=Vx, x21. eee eee y y=f) » y=ax) vata 46) Cr id 2 1) 1 or. 34 2 : In this case, we see that (3, 0)" f1, o0) Bl, 0). Thus Ry, =[],00) . Note: From the above illustration, we can conclude that Ry Ry. 5: Functions Page 20 of 33, Raffles Institution H2 Mathematics oC oid Example 8 Let f and g be functions defined by f(x)= "#1, xER" and g(x)=Inx, 12. On a single clearly labelled diagram, sketch the graphs of y=(x), y=f"(x) and ya n f(x) = £8(x) has on, whether the equa a solution. Solution Ca) To solve f(x) =£"F(x), observe that fF"(x) =x for X€ Pre +01 and C= for neha OY “(ye . Opypotey a ~1 See Dee Cae) ard Des meas Opt He Gsahon hee © belation Example 10 [DHSJ1Mid-Year9740/2013/Q10] ‘The functions f and g are defined as follows: -, -2x=¥y 4 Ar, -1sx<0, Pix Ye, Osx<8. (i) R, =[-10)and D, -2,0). Since Ry CD, hg exists. (iv) gh(x)=h(x) and he(s)=he) For gh(x)=hg(x),x¢D,, OD, D, =D, =[-2,0) and D,, =D, So, x €[-1,0) -1,0) => D,, AD,, =[-1.0) @ Example 11 [SRICICIMid-Year9740/2013/Q2] (a) The function g is defined by gixhrarth, xeR*, where a and b are positive real numbers. Show that g? exist and hence determine the range of g, leaving your answer in terms of a and b. 2] (b) The function h is defined by hire), xeR xv, z-] Given that h"'=h, evaluate (4) 1 Functions Page 23 of 33 chapter Raffles Institution H2 Mathematics, 2016 Year 5 Solution For gto e RSD, D, =R’ and from the graph of g, Ry Since b> 0, R, D,. Hence g? exist. Using the graph of g, R* —®-9(b, 20) 8 (ab+-b,o0). (ab +b,00) h(x) = bh“"h(x) = h(a) since h= hand hh'(x) = x 4 times 4 Trigonometric and Inverse Trigonometric Functions ‘Trigonometric functions are 'periodié functions. This means the function values are ‘(repeated in regular periods and therefore trigonometric functions are not one-one functions in general. However, the inverse trigonometric functions can be defined by restricting the domains of trigonometric functions such that it is a [oRé-OR inétiOn in the FeStrietea Since trigonometric functions are periodic, more than one value of x give the same function values. For example, consider the function y function value of yey However when we want to find the value of x given value of 1 : ee cane Y=) we give thelptineipalvalu@, which is the value contained within the resticted domain, Similar to other functions in general, the graphs of trigonometric functions and its inverse functions are the reflection of each other in the line y= x. ~ Chapter 5: Functions Page 24 of 33 Raffles Institution 12 Mathematies palervears. inverse (aresin) 4.1 Sine function and it oO Consider the function f :xi sinx, xe 5.5) then R, =[-L,1]. Notice that when D, is restricted to [ inverse. ' We denote the inverse of a sine function by RES sins tae wim xe[-1} R,.=D,-[-2.4] e nx x ye haa V berahation 1 arynptele Chapter 5 F Pape 25 of 33 Raflles Institution H2 Math naties 2016 Year S| werse (arccos) y y= Cosx Consider the function g:x+ e0sx, x¢[0,7], then R, =f=Ri Notice that when D, is restricted to [0,7], gis a one-one function. Hence g has an inverse. ‘We denote the inverse of cosine function by @F€eo8 or breos'x, xe[-Ll], R,. =D, =[0,7]. y= cosy ‘5: Funetions of 33,

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