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Chapter-1 The story of Village Palampur

Worksheet I

Q.1 Who is a Farm labour?

Farm labours are the persons who work on other’s field .They come from landless
families or families cultivating small plots of land.
Q.2 Why are the wages for farm labourers in Palampur less than minimum
1) In Palampur farm workers used to get less wages than the minimum
wages fixed by the government.
2)There was heavy competition for work among the farm labourers so
people agree to work for lower wages.
Q.3 Why are farm labourers poor?
Farm labourers are poor because
(1) They do not get regular work and regular income.
(2) Due to competition, they agree to work for lower wages.
Q.3 How do farmers arrange the capital needed in farming?
Small farmers: Small farmers have to borrow money to arrange for capital.
Medium and Large farmers have their own savings from farming.
Q.4 How do medium and large farmers use their earnings?
Medium and Large farmers sell the surplus farm products and put most of the
money into bank account.
This saving may be used for lending to small farmers who are in need of loan.
They also use the savings to arrange for their fixed and working capital.
Some farmers also use the savings to purchase cattle or to set up shops.


Chapter-1 The story of Village Palampur

Worksheet 2

Q.1 What are Non- Farm activities?

Activities which are not related to agriculture are non-farm activities. such as Dairy,
Small scale manufacturing, Shopkeeping and transport.

Q.2 What are the various non-farming activities ,Explain.

Various non-farming activities are

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