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Friday, December 2, 2022 6:36 AM

Conduction , Convection and radiation

Heat is transferred by means of three different process conduction
convection and radiation.

 Conduction
○ Definition:
Ans: Transfer of thermal energy upon physical contact from a hotter object to a
colder object.

○ Metal is a good conductor as:

The electrons are free to move so when heat is applied the fast moving energy carrying
electrons spread into the cooler parts and while they move they transfer their kinectic
energy to the molecules by colliding with them so it conduct to other electrons faster.
○ Liquids and gases are poor conductor of heat compared to solids

The transfer of heat through a fluid(Liquid,gas) by means of bulk movement of the fluid
itself caused by the change in densities in various parts of the fluid which is known as
convection current.

○ Hot particles:
Gets heated ---> Expands-->Low density --->Rises up
○ Cold particles:
More condensed ---> High density -->Sinks
Warm air rises up as it is heated it expands and it's now less dense then the upper air and the
upper airbeing cooler is denser so sinks then it gets heated up while the warm cools down so
the cycle continues known as convection current.

○ Land breeze and sea breeze

Conduction convection and radiation Page 1

Conduction convection and radiation Page 2

Friday, December 2, 2022 7:15 AM

 Radiation
○ Heat transfer due to emission of electromagnetic waves of different
frequencies and wavelengths is radiation.
○ Travel equally in all direction
○ Quickest form of heat transfer
○ Travels through vacuum
○ Travel Vacuum(quickest) > gas>liquid>solid(slowest)

○ Dull black :
Good absorber , good emitter, good radiator
○ Shiny bright :
Poor absorber, poor emitter , poor radiator
○ Matte black(best absorber/emitter/radiator) > Shiny black> Dull metal>
Shiny metal

○ Infrared :
1)Electromagnetic radiation
2)Speed of light 300,000km/s
3)Most heating
4)longer wavelength than light
5)Uses: Remote , phones , night vision goggles

○ Microwaves:
2) Heater
4)TV transmission
5) Network towers

○ The Greenhouse :
1)Helps certain plants grow better by trapping heat inside in cold countries.
2)Sun is a stronger temperature source and emits infra - red radiation of smaller
wave length which can pass through glass of green house gas the soil and plants get
warmer and emits infrared radiation longer wavelength they cannot penetrate
through the glass and the heat is trapped inside.

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Friday, December 2, 2022 7:48 AM

 Vaccum flask

○ Designed to keep liquid hot by minimizing conduction, convection and radiation

1)It's a double walled glass bottle

2)Space between two walls air is pumped out creating a vaccum which minimizes
conduction and convection
3)Walls of the glass bottle is silvered to minimize radiation
4)Cork Stopper made up of insulator minimizes radiation

 Insulators
○ Substance which are poor conductor of heat and blocks the free flow of
electrons from one atom to another.
○ Use of insulators
1)Trapping air as insulators - Birds have feather , polar bears have fur to trap air which
minimizes heat loss from their body , sweaters and blankets does the same the same
2)A refrigerator has insulation material around it to keep it cold by minimizing transfer
of heat from the surrounding to inside of the refrigerator
3)Pipes and hot water tanks should be logged with insulation material to reduce the loss
of energy

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