Final Detailed Lesson Plan in Ict

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At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:
a. Apply the basic pattern of chroma keying in conduct of visual effects;
b. create a video production through the use of greenscreen technology;
c. demonstrate proper steps and techniques in producing a well applied use of
green screen in video outcomes.


a. Topic: Green Screen Addition
III. Learning Resources
Materials: Laptop, Projector, Android phone, Video presentation, Powerpoint
Presentation, Capcut, Nearpod, MyClass. Class dojo.
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IV. Procedures

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

Good Morning Class! Good Morning Sir Joseph, it’s nice to see
you again!
A while a ago I’ve already checked the
attendance. There’s no absent today.
(open the Myclass app)

Very good!

Before we start the discussion please

all stand up. Ms. Aquino lead us a
prayer. Let us all bow our head and let us

Before you take your seat please pick

up all those litters besides you and
arrange your chair(s). Yes Sir!

B. Developmental activities

a. Review
Is there anyone who can still (students will raised their hand)
remember our last topic?

Ok that’s good.

Who among you watched the video I

gave yesterday? Raised your hand. (Students will raised their hands).

(70% of the class was able to watch the


What was the video all about? Maribel raised her hand.

Alright Maribel. Can you tell us what

was the video all about? It is all about the basic editing on video
production Sir.

Very good Maribel. Thank you Sir.

C. Motivation
Before we proceed to our discussion,
I’ve prepared a short activity for you,
and all you have to do is to guess the
picture on the screen. Simply type
your answers. Open the NEARPOD (Attentively listening)
APP, just enter the code that I will give
to you and we’ll see if your answers
was right.
(Teacher present their activity.) To
those who can’t access the app, you
can write your answer on a 1/4 sheet
of paper.

CODE: 946t7

Class! start answering! ( The students scores can be seen on the

Time’s up, let’s check if you are all

What do you think is the first picture?

What do you think is the first picture?

All about video production Sir?

Based on the activity conducted,what

was common the things you discover?
Maybe greenscreen addition sir.
Okay, very good.

Any other guess?

Yes Sir.
Okay, very good

It is now clear to you about our lesson

for today. Am I right class?

a. Activity
Kindly open the application then
use the code or visit the link that
I’ve sent on our GC.

There are 7 pairs in the boxes you
only have to do with your partner is
to pair the text on the box, you only
have given 1:30 to finish the

Use the code “72CXE” to join on the

activity. (student phase)
“DTW2A” (Live participation)

Congratulations to all of you.

Let see who got the highest score.

Almost everybody got the perfect


that’s great.
Enjoyable Sir!
Class, How do you feel about the

Very good class.

b. Analysis
There are different colors that we can
use on chroma keying.
Not all the time Sir.
Can we use green screen all the time
when filming? When we say green screen comes to the
rescue when the scene is unavailable,
Why did you say so? such as a fictional, alien, historical,
futuristic, or even a difficult-to-access

Very good concept.

Can we use other color instead of (Kim raised her hand)

green background?

Yes Sir.
Yes Ms. Kim?

We can use a blue color as well, Cleaner

How do you say so? edges and less color spill. Better at night
but requires more lighting.

Very good, Kim you may now take Thank you Sir.
your seat.

Can we reproduce a video with the

use of green screen when the scene is
unavailable? Yes sir.

(Students claps)
You’re right. Lets give her a VG clap. ( 3 CLAPS THEN SAY VERY GOOD WITH
c. Abstraction
To enlighten you on how to use
greenscreen on the Capcut app I have
here a video that I uploaded on
youtube. Just watch and learn. (THE TEACHER WILL PLAY THE
(The video is all about the basic steps
on how to use the greenscreen and
chroma key.) (students are watching)

What are green screen backgrounds?

A green screen, also known as a

chroma key, is material used as a
backdrop in your video that you can
easily replace with a new graphic,
photo, or video during the editing

The technique is used to remove the

background from the subject standing
in front of a green screen.
Student raised their hand
Why do we use a green background?

Can I try Sir.

In case the scene is unavailable, it will

Yes Ms. rescue the entire scene.

Yes that’s right.

Student raised their hand

What did they use in removing green
Chroma key Sir.
Yes Mr.

When you are editing video clip using

capcut application, what will you do Place the main subject then add overlay,
first when applying green screen? which is the green screen, then you will
use the chroma key to remove the green
background. And turn up the intensity, and
we will see what will happen when we play.

Very good.
You watched the video carefully.
What do you think will happen if you
did not use a green screen when the If the scene was unavailable. The video
scene is unavailable? clip will be boring or it will ruined some
scenarios on the video without using green
screen Sir.

None Sir.
Is there any other insights?

Okay in addition, when we use green

background, It doesn’t match any
natural skin tone or hair colour, so it’s
easy to remove without grabbing parts
of the person in the foreground. But if
you’re trying to match a lower-light
background or you need to have a
green prop in your project, a blue
screen works best.

d. Application
And now its your turn.

The class will be divided into 3 groups,

just count 1,2,3, after that go to your
groupmates then you will start your The class was divided,
activity. I will give you 20 minutes to do
a video tutorial with the use of green
screen and chroma keying. After
finishing your video clip, you’re going
to present it on our class. (Use the
capcut app.)

Ok, class work with your group quietly, (The students are working with their
your timer starts now! group.)

Time is up! 1st group you may now

present your output. After that the next
group will present. 1st group opresenting

Let’s all clap to the 1st group (students are clapping)

Next group please proceed. 2nd group presenting

Let us all clap again to the 2nd group. (students are clapping)

Last group you may now present.

Let us all clap to the 3rd group (students are clapping)

Wow great job class. Very good

I do hope that everybody also finds (Students are listening)
their way to learn, despite the difficulty
and challenges. Yes Sir.

What have you learned today? I learned all about the green screen
addition Sir, the basic pattern in chroma
keying, I easily followed on how to use the
green screen.

Very good. Thank you Sir

Any additional insights from the class? None Sir.

So if none.

Ok, To sum it up on our lesson for

today we learned about the basic
steps on how to use greenscreen in
the capcut application.

Here are The steps:

Select video
Click Overlay
Add overlay
Then choose the greenscreen clip.
Trim video if necessary
Greenscreen added
Click chroma key option
Put the circle on the greenscreen
Turn up the intesity.

I think you are now ready for the

succeeding task.
D. Evaluation Student possible answers:
Kindly Open your application 1. Chroma key
(NEARPOD) and here are the codes 2. Animation
“GPERH” (STUDENT PHASE) 3. filming a person or adding visual
“QP5IS” (LIVE PARTICIPATION) and effects in front of a solid color.
answer the following questions. 4. No, only green is applicable
5. No, Editing a green screen video is
not hard if you have the right tools.

1. It is a simple way to add the desired

background behind the
subject/actor/presenter in film
a) Chroma key
b) Green screen
c) Layer
d) Export

2. Comes to the rescue when the

scene is unavailable, such as a
fictional, alien, historical, futuristic, or
even a difficult-to-access locale.
a) Green screen
b) Greens Screen addition
c) Animation
d) Chroma Key

3. What is a green screen used for?

a) filming a person or adding visual
effects in front of a solid color.
b) Click on 'Choose Video' and
select the video you have filmed
with a green screen background.
c) Select the video on the timeline
and toggle on the 'Chroma Key'
d) Comes to the rescue when the
scene is unavailable, such as a
fictional, alien, historical, futuristic,
or even a difficult-to-access locale.
4. ) Can green screen be any color?
a) Yes, we can use any color
b) No, only green is applicable
c) Either Yes or No
d) All of the above

5) Is it hard to edit green screen?

a) No, Editing a green screen video
is not hard if you have the right
b) Yes, editing green screen is very
c) It’s either Yes or No
d) All of the above

E. Assignment
List down at least (5) different steps
on how to set up green screen and
how to make a DIY greenscreen.

Upload your assignment in class

dojo. The file must be in PDF form.


Thank you class I hope that you learn a lot today.

Stay safe and god bless.

Goodbye class Goodbye and Thank you Sir.

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