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Another cause of urbanization is due to the specific geographical location of

cities or countries
- Recently, the government is trying to develop the country, so investing and
exploiting from cities with many available advantages is one of the most
feasible and convenient solutions. Location influences urbanization by
affecting the availability and accessibility of resources, such as land, water,
energy, and markets.
 Some locations are more favorable for urbanization than others,
depending on their natural endowments, infrastructure, and connectivity.
Ex: coastal regions, river valleys, and centre areas are often preferred locations for
urbanization, as they offer advantages for trade, transportation, and agriculture.
- Along with the investment in these regions, many rural residents believe that
living standards in the cities are higher than in their current areas
 Many of them relocate to emerging regions in search of a more
comfortable and stable life.
This movement might be viewed as one of the causes that accelerates and
strengthens urbanization.
- Rather than relocating, the residents of rural areas can even adopt the urban
culture and eventually innovate their regions into urban areas so that there
would be better economic prospects, education, infrastructure, and
transportation. This is called rural-urban transformation, a way to contribute
to urbanization.

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