UNEA Uruguay Agenda 1

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Delegate from the Oriental Republic of Uruguay

Position Paper for the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA)

Topic 1: Investing in Innovative Environmental Solutions for Accelerating in Implementation of

the Sustainable Development Goals

There are many unknown innovative environmental solutions to help achieve Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs), they are a set of 17 goals established by the United Nations General Assembly(UNGA), and
all these goals are meant to be achieved by the year 2030 by most if not all countries, this goal was set.
Every rule and regulation to achieve these goals is set in each country. These SDGs cover most of the
social and economic development issues many economies face at present, which include poverty, hunger,
health, education, climate change, gender equality, water, sanitation, energy, social justice, Life on land,
Life underwater, Peace, and Climate Action. Uruguay is a country known for its high standard of living and
sustainability efforts however even after these standards Uruguay faces both challenges and opportunities
in achieving these goals established by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

Achieving all Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) requires serious dedication and hard work from not
one but all nations and by combining all their innovative ideas the world is most likely to achieve all
Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) In the year 2015, all United Nations Member States took up
something known as the 2030 agenda which basically focuses on Sustainable Development throughout the
world, all countries had received a blueprint to help them achieve these goals. This 2015 agenda was the
result of extensive negotiations and consultations between all nations, reflecting the collective aspirations of
the international community. Over the years, many resolutions have been presented and numerous of them
have also been passed to help achieve progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs).

Uruguay has been very proactive in matching its government policy, rules and regulations with the
Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs). To show Uruguay’s progress towards achieving these Sustainable
Development Goals(SDGs), they have shared 3 voluntary national reports to the world to show their
progress to achieve all goals. Uruguay demonstrates a proactive approach to achieving all Sustainable
Development Goals(SDGs), mainly focusing on emission reduction. It also promotes the use of renewable
energy with 98% of its energy coming from renewable sources, including biomass, solar, and wind power.
Uruguay not only meets its domestic energy needs but also sends surplus green electricity to other
countries like Argentina and Brazil. Moreover, Uruguay's green hydrogen generation roadmap places it as a
potential leader in hydrogen exports from around the world. Additionally, efforts to electrify transport,
including the promotion of electric vehicle adoption, and Uruguay also takes part in global initiatives such as
the Global Methane Pledge which took place in 2021, this shows Uruguay's commitment to achieving
Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs).

There are multiple challenges faced by all humans now in day-to-day terms like climate change, poverty,
social justice, gender inequality, and poor education but the execution of the Sustainable Development
Goals(SDGs) is truly vital for addressing these concerning challenges faced by humans. For Uruguay,
possible solutions could be to include more investment in renewable energy technologies, promoting
sustainable agricultural practices like Building healthy soil, preventing erosion, Managing water wisely,
Minimizing air and water pollution, Storing carbon on farms, Increasing resilience to extreme weather, and
Promoting biodiversity, and developing government policies to reduce inequality among their citizens. The
key to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) would be to continue to collaborate with
international partners and stakeholders.

1. https://sdgs.un.org/goals
2. https://www.sustainabledevelopment.report/reports/uruguay-sustainable-development-report-2021/
3. https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2023/11/17/banco-mundial-uruguay-recibe-un-
4. https://www.globalmethanepledge.org
5. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/01/uruguay-sustainable-energy-renewables/
6. https://www.trade.gov/market-intelligence/uruguay-electric-vehicles

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