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In doing some of your exercise workouts or programs, do you

consciously consider and follow significant principles such as FITT, and
exercise training principles, Why? Kindly explain your answer.

I have considered using FITT and other exercise principles in my

training. As I am still a beginner at doing exercises every other day, I try to
incorporate more principles slowly. I also try to do more exercises that tackle
different parts of the body. I notice a slow improvement in my flexibility, as it is
one of my main focuses, along with strengthening my body.

2. Learning the different exercise prescriptions for cardiorespiratory,

muscular, and flexibility fitness, what are your realization and plans for
the future?

Increasing the exercise prescriptions quickly does not do any good if we

try to exert more than focusing on what we need. We need to allow recovery
time, as it is also part of doing what we can to make our bodies healthy. I plan to
make sure that I improve on each exercise, it may take a while, but continuing
the process is also progress.

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