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The paragraph discusses the impact of words and names, emphasizing that as one grows older, the
notion that words can't hurt becomes untrue. It explores the negative consequences of being labeled
or manipulated by advertisers and political influences

Major detail: The paragraph highlights the emotional and social consequences of words,
specifically focusing on the harm caused by nicknames and the potential for scorn, humiliation,
or hatred. It also touches on the broader issue of falling victim to manipulation by advertisers and
political influences.

Minor details: The paragraph mentions the childhood belief that words are like armor, the use of
child gems to neutralize taunts, and the idea that as people grow older, they realize the falsehood
of the belief that words can't hurt. Additionally, it briefly discusses the manipulation of
individuals by advertisers, politicians, and others, leading them to make choices or support
causes they might otherwise reject.

Main point: The paragraph how advances human become but yet the cant finds the cure for
simplest disease

Major detail: The paragraph emphasizes the profit-driven nature of pharmaceutical companies,
noting that there is more financial incentive in curing diseases than in preventing them.

Minor details: and mentions the challenges faced by some countries due to their financial status
and geographic limitations in developing advanced scientific research for medicines.

Main point- the paragraph emphases that youth don’t associate them self with people outside
their circle .
Major detail- They associate themselves with a person of the same gender or both, and they learn
from the same gender at the same time.
Miner detail – both girl and boy are socially awkward when left alone with the opposite sex
outside their social circles

Main point- The dissolution of the Sovereignty Union in December 1999 resulted from a
combination of internal and external factors, including dissatisfaction, unequal treatment,
corruption, economic stagnation, arms race pressure, mass media influence, and the fall of the
Berlin Wall.
Major detail- Unequal treatment among members of the communist state. Corruption and
stagnation of the central plan of economics.
Miner point- The mass media not only exposed the workings of the state but also showcased
Western lifestyles, creating a desire for material possessions.

Main Point:
The text highlights the challenges faced by senior citizens during their twilight years, including
economic struggles, the burden of chronic diseases, difficulties in affording health insurance, the
emotional impact of losing physical and mental abilities, friends, and family, as well as concerns
about crime. Despite these challenges, the text acknowledges the valuable contributions and
sacrifices made by senior citizens for society.

Major Details:
1. *Economic Struggles:*
- The present economic crisis affects senior citizens during their golden age.
- Financial resources are strained due to continuous struggles with chronic diseases.
2. *Healthcare Challenges:*
- Affording health insurance becomes a significant hurdle for many seniors.
- Chronic diseases demand financial resources when seniors are at their most vulnerable.

3. *Emotional Impact:*
- Loss of physical and mental abilities, friends, and family leads to depression.
- A diminished quality of life adds to the emotional challenges faced by seniors.

4. *Concerns About Safety:*

- Fear of crime contributes to a lack of peace and confidence among senior citizens.

5. *Acknowledgment of Contributions:*
- Despite the difficulties, the text recognizes the worthwhile contributions and sacrifices made
by seniors for society.

Note: This breakdown provides a structured overview of the main point and major details in the
given text.

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