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Being a celebrity: a dream or a nightmare

Being a celebrity could be a dream for a lot of reason, but it could be a nightmare a aswell for a lot
of reasons.
The advantages of being a celebrity are all the good things that the fame has, like a lot of money
and the privileges that it give you. Another advantage is that if you are famous, you have a lot of
people that listen what you want to say so in a way you can report social injustices and this will
have an effect in your fans.

However, being a celebrity has a lot of disadvantages too. First, as you have an effect on your fans,
if you have a bad behavior or a bad response to something, you probably are going to be attacked
for a lot of people. Furthermore, if you don’t like to be recognized or go unseen, being a celebrity is
the worst thing that you can do, because you probably have to control or even stop to do some of
the things that you like because the people can see you and can approach even when you don’t

In conclusion, in my opinion being a celebrity it probably become a nightmare because my privacy

is a very important thing to me and being a celebrity probably limit this. Obviously, being a
celebrity has a lot of good things and privileges, but for me it doesn’t worth it.

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