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A multifunction radar resource management problems are considered in the paper. A classical solution was
shown and compared to a system proposed here in which artificial intelligence method are used. The neural
networks and &pert systems are the main tools of the artificial intelligence. An application of the expert system
in a signal structure and parameters selection unit waspresented and itsfeatures were described Testing results
were satisfiing and they were discussed.

1. Introduction

Multihction Radar (MFR) resource management is particularly complicated task that

among others requires to solve a problem of optimization of a radar energy budget and radar
time budget [l]. According to very few available publications it is necessary to use a specific
radar unit called a controller. This unit is based on a computer system, which efficiency allows
to analyze and control, in real time, all of the selected radar units. This kind of system usually
works using a priori worked out algorithms. Such solution requires previously described
potential radar situations that are possible in radar work. These types of algorithms have rather
small elastic ability and they can't modify own structure during the working session [2, 31. In
this paper there is a proposition of application of the intelligent controller. It is based on
artificial intelligence methods such as expert systems and artificial neural networks, which
hasn't disadvantages listed above [4, 5 , 61. These tools allow to \tate hypothesis based on
collected information and to make decisions under condition of incomplete and uncertain
knowledge. Such formulation of the problem is originai. It results from absence ofany
available publications connected with utilization of the artificial intelligence in the controller
in order to solve the radar resource management (W)


Institute of Radar Technology, 2, S. Kaliski Str., 01-489Warsaw, Poland

2. Characterization of signal parameters selecting unit

Taking into account features of the artificial intelligence methods, it is quite natural way to
utilize them in a part of the RRM tasks. Proposed in the paper implementation of the unit
which works on a structure and parameters selection of a transmit signal, is based on the
expert system. This unit supports MFR which general algorithm is shown on Fig. 1 [7].

m The system was applied as a computer

program based on procedures of forward
reasoning similar to procedures in Turbo
Prolog. Main task of the program is
selection of the structure and parameters of
the transmit signal such as: an inner signal
KQ% structure (e.g. type of coding or
modulation), carrier frequency, pulse
ECCM duration and pulse repetition interval.
L + + + +
Fig. 1. MFR work algorithm

The program has got the structure of the typical expert system (Fig. 2) containing
the procedural knowledge base, the database (declarative knowledge) and the inference
engine. Furthermore the system is equipped with the question generator for communication
with the other functional radar units.

3. Operation of signal parameters selecting unit

How it was written above the signal parameters selecting unit was implemented as the
expert system. Its operating is based on forward chaining. The input data collected by question
generator are processed into data vector. The vector is defined as a record for efficient data
service. The separate vector is designated for an each antenna beam position. Each of the
vectors is recorded in the disc file. It is necessary to analyze radar situation history separately
for the each antenna beam position. Afterwards the selection procedures of the pulse duration
and the pulse repetition period are realized suitable in all of the radar work modes, taking into

account available radar resources [8]. The next step is to calculate the carrier frequency of
transmit signal. It is derived using random generator working with steady distribution. The
value of the frequency is selected in a range from fi up to f2, and it must be different from
jammers frequencies. The calculated frequency is written into the data vector. Selection of the
signal structure is executed conformably with the algorithms that are dedicated separately for
the each radar work mode



Fig. 2.The transmit signal structure and Fig. 3. The question generator window
parameters selector scheme

The work of the program mentioned above is connected with the following steps. At the
very beginning the question generator displays the dialogue window on the screen (Fig. 3).
Theuser writes data in proper fields, such as: the number of beam position, the jammers
frequencies. There are three fields of data selection (combo box) used to choose the jammers
signal structure, work mode of the radar and the object (target) range.
The rest of the fields are used as the check boxes in order to sign facts as follows: track lost,
cut of sequential detection procedure [9] and presence of a clutter. Then the confirmation
window appears. It enables the data correction by going back to the question generator or data
confirmation. At the end the result window is generated in which the data vector is actualized
and written to disk. It finishes the data analyze. The proposed transmit signal parameters and

its structure are displayed in the window. After that the user can select the next beam position
and all the procedures will be repeated.
Analyzing the data in question and the final windows (Fig. 4 and 5), evaluation of the
program correctness can be done.
It is worth to emphasize, that the program has the features typical for the expert systems:
- ability to work without writing all of the data (the case of a so called uncertain knowledge),
- learning by collecting data vectors in the database; it can speed up the program, because it
has to analyze only new parameters,
- work on a symbolic knowledge (e.g. signal structure).

Fig. 4. Input datu Fig. 5. Proposed signal parameters

4. Conclusions

The RRM tasks are the very complicated problem. It is connected with multiplicity of radar
functions and the very strong requirements relating the quality of realizing tasks. Taking into
account limitations resulted from so called a frame time, the tasks of the MFR and the
requirements conceming the low probability of intercept (L,PI) radar, one can say that the
sophisticated radar resources controller is necessary. The conventional algorithms in many
cases are not suitable. The situation may be for example determined by many strong
maneuvering flying objects on environment of intensive jamming. Moreover it may be
conspicuoused by an enemy having anti radar missiles (ARM). Such conditions need fast,

precise and intelligent reaction of the radar controller unit.

The paper presents the original concept of a part of the EUPM system based on the artificial
intelligence method. The expert system was programmable implemented as the transmit signal
structure and parameters selection unit. The results of the program testing are satisfying. The

conclusion can be drawn that employment of the expert system is well - founded and
Full application of the artificial intelligence methods will be possible when they are
implemented in large scale of integration circuits. It will enable realization of specialized,
intelligent processors for steering of the MFR. Now one can create such type of systems only
as a program. It leads to slowing down the system speed and decreases its efficiency.

5. References

[ l ] Billetter D.: Multihction Array Radar. Artech House 1989.

[2] Scanlan M. J. B.: Modern Radar Techniques. Collins 1987.
[3] Hwang Y., Hong D., Kwang Y.: Real Time O.S. Based Controller for Multi-mode Phased
Array Radar System. RADAR'97 Conference Publication No. 449, UK, Edinburgh
14-16.10.1997. pp. 558-562.
[4] Osowski S.: Neural networks. WNT, Warszawa, 1996, (in Polish).
[5] Swiqtnicki Z.: Military expert systems. Bellona, Warszawa, 1995, (in Polish).
[6] Mulawka J.: Expert systems. WNT, Warszawa, 1996, (in Polish).
[7] Pietrasinski J., Komomiczak W.: Evaluation of artificial intelligence methods in radar
resources management. VI11 Scientific Conference Proceedings. STEERING AND
G6ra, 02-04.06.1997, T. I, pp. 137-145 (in Polish).
[8] Nelander A., Stromberg D.: Energy Management in Multiple-Beam Phased Array Radar.
RADAR'97 Conference Publication No. 449, UK,Edinburgh 14-16.10.1997.
pp. 553-557.
[9] Brenner T. W., Goca J. W., Klembowski W. A., Kuczerski T. R., LeSnik Cz. J.,
Pietrasinski J. F. : Simulation of Sequential Detection for Two Dimensional Electronic
Scanning. Conference Proceedings of RADAR'97, UK, Edinburgh, 14-16.10.1997,

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