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An external lightning protection air terminal’s job The Eurostar has been installed in European and
is to attract the lightning bolt towards it and to Asian continents since 2005 and has not reported a
conduct its current towards the ground. The single failure of its air terminal protection.
French Code NFC 17-102 ( latest update 2011) In 2019, the (EU) European
has laid down extensive calculations and using Union‘s Intellectual Property
Rolling sphere ball method measured the radius Office (EUIPO) registered the
of protection that can be protected by one air design of Eurostar as a
terminal unit. The Philippines has been using the patent. This means the
early streamer emission (ESE) systems from some unique design cannot be
European and Australian manufacturers for copied by any competing
sometime with reasonable success of protection. companies in this field.
Record Dated 18/09/2019.
The Euro Engineering International , part of the Filing number- 018006617.
Euro Engineering ET, headed by Bulgarian The Eurostar is tested at
physicist Mr.Hristomir Nikolaev has perfected the ICMET-CRAIOVA laboratory
air terminal design and come up with a rather for ∆T (Delta-t) as EARLY
remarkable upgrade to the air terminal unit. The STREAMER EMISSION test in
basic principle for earths electromagnetic Photo of Eurostar NFC 17-102. EUROSTAR
ESEATS Model ES 60
disturbances are they congregate on a sharp tip repeated the test in 2022.
of a conductive surface, hence anything metallic This is the most critical test
has an advantage over other conductive surfaces. amongst all listed on Figure
Every other lightning air terminal has a single C.1, Type test, Page 68 of the
point for attracting the electromagnetic ions but NFC 17-102 (2011).
the EUROSTAR manufactured by Euro The protection radius of the ESEATS can be
Engineering has multi-point solution on the calculated by using equation
same head air terminal unit. This does mean RP = h (2R - h) + L(2R + L), where h >_ 5 mtrs
multiple points for ions to create a stronger Level -1 protection to be considered only.
upward streamer that races towards the where: h is the height of the ESEATS tip relative to
downward streamer. The stronger the better, the surface to be protected [m], R is the striking
technically translates to higher kA (Kilo Ampere) distance from the classic Franklin rod, 20 m for LPL
rating. The Philippines and other countries of I, 30 m for LPL II, 45 m for LPL III and 60 m for LPL
South East Asia record some of the worlds IV, L is equal to ΔT×10^6 [m], where ΔT is
highest count in thunderstorm days (refer the characteristic of the applied ESEATS.
isokeraunic map) with unconfirmed reports of The Philippines is recording many lightning related
even 10,000 kA to 25,000 kA. These disasters and the time is now right to approve
dangerous figures are surely devastating to advanced versions of ESE Lightning Air terminals,
assets and human lives, which is a common but are the authorities listening?
For more information write to us at
news. The need for better technology is surely
needed for the Philippines now.

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