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Total Result

Completion of (Central Store ) Site Clearance

Completion of (Emergency Building B - G42) Site Clearance
Completion of (Mosque and Back Area) Site Clearance
Completion of (Royal External Buildings) Site Clearance
Completion of (VIP and Royal Bridge ) Site Clearance
Completion of (Ward units and Mortuary ) Site Clearance
Completion of Demolition Substructure (Centeral Store )
Completion of Demolition Substructure (Emergency B (G42))
Completion of Demolition Substructure (Exiting Building - Retail)
Completion of Demolition Substructure (Mortuary )
Completion of Demolition Substructure (Mosque )
Completion of Demolition Substructure (VIP Building)
Completion of Demolition Substructure (Ward Units A,B,C,D; ..)
Completion of Demolition superstructure ( Ward Units A,B,C,D; ..)
Completion of Demolition superstructure (Central Store)
Completion of Demolition superstructure (Emegency B (G42))
Completion of Demolition superstructure (Exiting Building - Retail)
Completion of Demolition superstructure (Main building )
Completion of Demolition superstructure (Mortuary )
Completion of Demolition superstructure (Mosque )
Completion of Demolition superstructure (Royal Bridge )
Completion of Demolition superstructure (Royal External Buildings)
Completion of Demolition superstructure (VIP Building )
Completion of Soft Stripping in the (Exiting building - Retail )
Demolition of the Mortuary Building
Demolition of the Ward Units Buildings
Inspection for the RadOnc roof to prepare for clear the RadOnc roof from the old equipment and redundant accessories
Partial Inspection for the Demolition of G42
Performing Soft Stripping CENTERAL STORE
Performing soft Stripping for Doors, Windows, partitions, and empty ceiling blocks for: Emergencey building B
Performing soft Stripping for Doors, Windows, partitions, and empty ceiling blocks for: Exiting building
Performing soft Stripping for Doors, Windows, partitions, and empty ceiling blocks for: Main Enterance
Performing soft Stripping for Doors, Windows, partitions, and empty ceiling blocks for: Mortuary
Performing soft Stripping for Doors, Windows, partitions, and empty ceiling blocks for: Ward units
Performing Soft Stripping for the Main building First floor
Performing Soft Stripping for the Main building Ground floor
Performing Soft Stripping for the Main building Roof top
Performing Soft Stripping in VIP Building
Removing Old Diesel Tankers
RFIA - Temporary Fence around existing shop building
RFIA - Temporary Fence around labors temporary facilities
RFIA - Temporary Fence around service building near the royal hospital
RFIA - Temporary Project Signboards
RFIA - Temporary Site Offices
Soft Stripping Inspection for MRI Building
Soft Stripping Inspection for Royal External Building
Street light Foundation
Temporary Fence Around RAD Therapy & Emergency B
Temporary Fence around Temporary Site Offices
Temporary Fence at the Back Side (Near Client Temporary Offices)
Temporary Fence at the Entrance and the road for Clients Offices
Temporary Fence at the Entrance road for RAD Theraphy

Blocking fire hydrant line form Royal wing

Blocking Sewage Manholes outgoing from G42 Building
Cloing of NCR - 10 - Lock of supports for Medical Gas
Closing SOR 7 - main building
Closing SOR 9 VIP sanitaryware
Completion of Soft Stripping in the (Central Store Building)
Completion of Soft Stripping in the (G42 Building)
Completion of Soft Stripping in the (Main Building )
Completion of Soft Stripping in the (Mortuary )
Completion of Soft Stripping in the (Mosque )
Completion of Soft Stripping in the (MRI Building )
Completion of Soft Stripping in the (Royal External Building )
Completion of Soft Stripping in the (VIP Building - Excluding Bridge and Authority Building )
Completion of Soft Stripping in the (Ward units)
Completion of Temporary Electrical Power Supply for Irrigation Pumping station and royal staff acommoddation
Finishing and Clearing Radiation Therapy Roof
inspecting CHW & Fire Hydrant lines coming from Royal to VIP Building
Inspectio for Royal Accomdoation SMDB
Installation of the Medical GAS
Installation of the water Line
New Extension Pipes Installation of Medical Gas Relocation and Pressure Test
Performing Soft Stripping in Central Store
Performing Soft Stripping in Main Building
Performing Soft Stripping in Mortuary
Plugging Sewerage in Retail Building Area
Royal Bridge Inspection and preparation of the bridge area for Soft Stripping
Shutdown and Isolation of power - Electrical Room (VIP Building)
Site Survay inspection for the exisiting fire Hydrant network
SoftStripping and removal of Electrical cables, DBs and wires in the Main building Basement
SoftStripping and removal of Electrical cables, Of Royal Accumodiation
SoftStripping and removal of Electrical Calbes, allen and Sherif offices
SoftStripping and removal of Electrical Calbes, Entire Mosque Area
SoftStripping and removal of Electrical Calbes, Exiting building
Street light - Concrete Foundation & Waterproofing

76 Approved (A,B) OverRide 3/26/1900
7 Resubmit ( C ) Hold 3
4 Reject (D )/HOLD Next Ref.# 86
2 Pending
This shape represents a table slicer. Table
89 Total slicers are not supported in this version of

RFIA LOG If the shape was modified in an earlier version

of Excel, or if the workbook was saved in
REV.00 REV.01 REV.02
Excel 2007 or earlier, the slicer can't be used.
RFIA # Subject Decipline Date of Insp. status Date status 2 Dae 3 status 4 Dae 5 Current Status
Temporary Fence Around RAD Therapy &
1 Emergency B CIVIL C 8/23/2023 B B

Temporary Fence at the Back Side (Near Client

2 Temporary Offices) CIVIL C C B 8/24/2023 B

Temporary Fence at the Entrance road for RAD

3 Theraphy CIVIL C C B 8/24/2023 B

Temporary Fence at the Entrance and the road

4 for Clients Offices CIVIL C B 8/24/2023 B

Temporary Fence around Temporary Site

5 Offices CIVIL C B 8/21/2023 B

RFIA - Temporary Fence around existing shop

6 building CIVIL B 9/25/2023 B

RFIA - Temporary Fence around service building

7 near the royal hospital CIVIL C B 10/5/2023 B

RFIA - Temporary Fence around labors

8 temporary facilities CIVIL B 9/25/2023 B
9 RFIA - Temporary Site Offices CIVIL B 9/25/2023 B
10 RFIA - Temporary Project Signboards CIVIL C B 9/26/2023 B
11 Performing Soft Stripping CENTERAL STORE CIVIL C 10/23/2023 B 11/2/2023 B
12 Performing Soft Stripping in VIP Building CIVIL C 10/24/2023 B 11/14/2023 B
13 Removing Old Diesel Tankers CIVIL C 10/25/2023 HOLD HOLD
14 Soft Stripping Inspection for MRI Building CIVIL B 10/26/2023 B
Performing soft Stripping for Doors, Windows,
15 partitions, and empty ceiling blocks for: CIVIL B 10/25/2023 B
Inspection for the RadOnc roof to prepare for
16 clear the RadOnc roof from the old equipment CIVIL C 10/26/2023 HOLD HOLD
and redundant accessories
Performing Soft Stripping for the Main building
17 Ground floor CIVIL B 10/26/2023 B

Performing Soft Stripping for the Main building

18 First floor CIVIL C 10/26/2023 HOLD HOLD

Performing soft Stripping for Doors, Windows,

19 partitions, and empty ceiling blocks for: Ward CIVIL B 10/26/2023 B
Performing soft Stripping for Doors, Windows,
20 partitions, and empty ceiling blocks for: Main CIVIL B 10/26/2023 B
Performing soft Stripping for Doors, Windows,
21 partitions, and empty ceiling blocks for: CIVIL B 10/26/2023 B
Emergencey building B
Performing soft Stripping for Doors, Windows,
22 partitions, and empty ceiling blocks for: Exiting CIVIL B 10/26/2023 B
Performing Soft Stripping for the Main building
23 Roof top CIVIL B 10/26/2023 B
24 Inspectio for Royal Accomdoation SMDB MEP D 11/1/2023 D
25 Soft Stripping Inspection for Royal External B 10/26/2023 B
inspecting CHW & Fire Hydrant lines coming
26 from Royal to VIP Building MEP B 11/9/2023 B
27 Performing Soft Stripping in Mortuary MEP B 11/8/2023 B
28 Performing Soft Stripping in Central Store MEP B 11/8/2023 B
29 Performing Soft Stripping in Main Building MEP B 11/8/2023 B
30 Shutdown and Isolation of power - Electrical B 11/9/2023 B
Room (VIP Building)
30 SoftStripping and removal of Electrical cables, B 11/16/2023 B
DBs and wires in the Main building Basement
31 SoftStripping and removal of Electrical cables, B 11/28/2023 B
Of Royal Accumodiation
32 SoftStripping and removal of Electrical Calbes, B 11/28/2023 B
allen and Sherif offices
33 SoftStripping and removal of Electrical Calbes, B 11/28/2023 B
Exiting building
34 SoftStripping and removal of Electrical Calbes, B 11/28/2023 B
Entire Mosque Area
35 Blocking fire hydrant line form Royal wing MEP C 12/11/2023 C
36 Closing SOR 7 - main building MEP B 12/12/2023 B
37 Closing SOR 9 VIP sanitaryware MEP B 12/13/2023 B
38 Blocking Sewage Manholes outgoing from G42 C 12/14/2023 C
39 Site Survay inspection for the exisiting fire C 12/17/2023 C
Hydrant network
40 Royal Bridge Inspection and preparation of the B 12/25/2023 B
bridge area for Soft Stripping
41 Finishing and Clearing Radiation Therapy Roof MEP C 1/10/2024 B 1/18/2024 B

42 New Extension Pipes Installation of Medical Gas C 2/2/2024 C

Relocation and Pressure Test
43 Street light Foundation CIVIL B 2/2/2024 B
44 Partial Inspection for the Demolition of G42 CIVIL B 2/13/2024 B
45 Demolition of the Mortuary Building CIVIL C 2/13/2024 C
46 Street light - Concrete Foundation & B 2/22/2024 B
47 Demolition of the Ward Units Buildings CIVIL C 2/26/2024 C
48 Completion of Soft Stripping in the (G42 B 3/1/2024 B

49 Completion of Soft Stripping in the (VIP Building B 3/1/2024 B

MEP 1-Mar
- Excluding Bridge and Authority Building )

50 Completion of Soft Stripping in the (Ward units) MEP 1-Mar B 3/1/2024 B

51 Completion of Soft Stripping in the (Mortuary ) MEP 1-Mar B 3/1/2024 B
52 Completion of Soft Stripping in the (Royal B 3/1/2024 B
MEP 4-Mar
External Building )
53 Completion of Soft Stripping in the (Mosque ) MEP 4-Mar B 3/1/2024 B
54 Completion of Soft Stripping in the (Main B 3/1/2024 B
MEP 4-Mar
Building )
55 Completion of Soft Stripping in the (MRI Building B 3/1/2024 B
MEP 4-Mar
56 Completion of Soft Stripping in the (Central B 3/1/2024 B
MEP 4-Mar
Store Building)
57 Completion of Demolition superstructure ( Ward A 3/13/2024 A
CIVIL 14-Mar
Units A,B,C,D; ..)
58 Completion of Demolition superstructure (VIP A 3/13/2024 A
CIVIL 14-Mar
Building )
59 Completion of Demolition superstructure A 3/13/2024 A
CIVIL 14-Mar
(Central Store)
60 Completion of Demolition superstructure A 3/13/2024 A
CIVIL 14-Mar
(Mortuary )
61 Completion of Demolition Substructure (Mosque A 3/13/2024 A
CIVIL 15-Mar
62 Completion of Demolition superstructure A 3/13/2024 A
CIVIL 15-Mar
(Emegency B (G42))
63 Completion of Demolition superstructure A 3/13/2024 A
CIVIL 15-Mar
(Mosque )
64 Completion of Demolition superstructure (Royal A 3/13/2024 A
CIVIL 15-Mar
External Buildings)
65 Completion of Demolition superstructure (Royal A 3/13/2024 A
CIVIL 15-Mar
Bridge )
66 Completion of Demolition Substructure (Ward A 3/14/2024 A
CIVIL 15-Mar
Units A,B,C,D; ..)
67 Completion of Demolition Substructure (VIP A 3/15/2024 A
CIVIL 15-Mar
68 Completion of Demolition Substructure (Centeral A 3/16/2024 A
CIVIL 15-Mar
Store )
69 Completion of Demolition Substructure A 3/17/2024 A
CIVIL 15-Mar
(Mortuary )
70 Completion of Demolition Substructure A 3/18/2024 A
CIVIL 15-Mar
(Emergency B (G42))
71 Cloing of NCR - 10 - Lock of supports for C 4/2/2024 B 4/2/2024 B
MEP 1-Apr
Medical Gas
72 Completion of (Royal External Buildings) Site A 4/3/2024 A
73 Installation of the water Line MEP 15-Apr B 4/5/2024 B
74 Installation of the Medical GAS MEP 15-Apr C 4/5/2024 C
75 Plugging Sewerage in Retail Building Area MEP 15-Apr A 4/9/2024 A
76 Completion of (Emergency Building B - G42) A 4/12/2024 A
CIVIL 15-Apr
Site Clearance
77 Completion of (Central Store ) Site Clearance CIVIL 16-Apr A 4/15/2024 A
78 Completion of (Ward units and Mortuary ) Site A 4/15/2024 A
CIVIL 16-Apr
79 Completion of (Royal External Buildings) Site A 4/15/2024 A
CIVIL 16-Apr
80 Completion of (Mosque and Back Area) Site A 4/16/2024 A
CIVIL 16-Apr
81 Completion of (VIP and Royal Bridge ) Site B 4/16/2024 B
CIVIL 16-Apr
82 COMPLETION OF LOAD SHIFTING FROM Pending 4/22/2024 Pending
MEP 22-Apr
Completion of Temporary Electrical Power
83 Supply for Irrigation Pumping station and royal MEP 19-Apr A 4/23/2024 A
staff acommoddation

84 Completion of Demolition superstructure (Main A 4/23/2024 A

CIVIL 24-Apr
building )
85 Completion of Soft Stripping in the (Exiting A 4/24/2024 A
CIVIL 24-Apr
building - Retail )
86 Completion of Demolition Substructure (Exiting B 4/25/2024 B
CIVIL 24-Apr
Building - Retail)
87 Completion of Demolition superstructure (Exiting B 4/26/2024 B
CIVIL 24-Apr
Building - Retail)
88 FOR THE RADONC PARKING, AND THE Pending 4/30/2024 Pending
CIVIL 30-Apr
Request for Inspection & Approval - RFIA
Ref.No MCE-QTGC-DSSW-23-MEP-RFIA-85 Rev. Date 5/1/2024
Client : SEHA (Abu Dhabi Health Services CO.) Engineer : Morgan Consulting Engineers
PMC: Allen + Shariff Project Management Contractor : Qumra Transport & Gen. Cont. Est.
Description of Works to be inspected and /or tested: Date of Submission: 5/1/2024
Time of Submission: 1:30 PM
Date of Inspection:
Time of Inspection: CIVIL
Completion of Soft Stripping in the (Exiting building - Retail )
9:30 - 15:30
Other (Safety)
Specification No.: _______________________N/A
Material Submittal No.: _______________________N/A
Method Statement No.: ____________________________ ITP No.: __________ Checklist No.: ___________
Sketch attached to show the location(s) Yes No
Attached Test Certificates Yes No

Other Sections' Comments & Sign-off:

Site Engineer: Ready for QA/QC Engineer inspection

and/or testing on: Date: Time: Signed by:
QA/QC Engineer Comments:

QA/QC Engineer: Ready for Engineer's inspection

and/or testing on: Date: Time: Signed by:

Received by Engineer on: Date: Time: Signed by:

Engineer's Inspectors Comments:

Witnessed Site Test Results (if any): Passed


Ref: Report No: Testing Lab Representative Signature: N/A

Engineer's Final Comments & Decision: The Work is:

A - Approved Remarks:
B - Approved with Comment
C - Revise and Resubmit
D - Rejected

Engineer : Signature: Date:

Note: Signature:
QTGC: Contractor's Abbreviation, B: Discipline (CIV for Civil, Date:(MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL & PLUMBING),
ELE for Electrical & M for Mechanical, MEP
00: Form Serial Number, 00: Revision
Request for Inspection & Approval - RFIA
Ref.No MCE-QTGC-DSSW-23-MEP-RFIA-88 Rev. Date 5/1/2024
Client : SEHA (Abu Dhabi Health Services CO.) Engineer : Morgan Consulting Engineers
PMC: Allen + Shariff Project Management Contractor : Qumra Transport & Gen. Cont. Est.
Description of Works to be inspected and /or tested: Date of Submission: 5/1/2024
Time of Submission: 1:30 PM
Date of Inspection:
Site Clearnce and completion of work as per the attached Checklist Discipline:
Other (Safety)
Specification No.: _______________________N/A
Material Submittal No.: _______________________N/A
Method Statement No.: ____________________________ ITP No.: __________ Checklist No.: ___________
Sketch attached to show the location(s) Yes No
Attached Test Certificates Yes No

Other Sections' Comments & Sign-off:

Site Engineer: Ready for QA/QC Engineer inspection

and/or testing on: Date: Time: Signed by:
QA/QC Engineer Comments:

QA/QC Engineer: Ready for Engineer's inspection

and/or testing on: Date: Time: Signed by:

Received by Engineer on: Date: Time: Signed by:

Engineer's Inspectors Comments:

Witnessed Site Test Results (if any): Passed


Ref: Report No: Testing Lab Representative Signature: N/A

Engineer's Final Comments & Decision: The Work is:

A - Approved Remarks:
B - Approved with Comment
C - Revise and Resubmit
D - Rejected

Engineer : Signature: Date:

Note: Signature:
QTGC: Contractor's Abbreviation, B: Discipline (CIV for Civil, Date:(MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL & PLUMBING),
ELE for Electrical & M for Mechanical, MEP
00: Form Serial Number, 00: Revision
Request for Inspection & Approval - RFIA
Ref.No MCE-QTGC-DSSW-23-MEP-RFIA-86 Rev. Date 5/1/2024
Client : SEHA (Abu Dhabi Health Services CO.) Engineer : Morgan Consulting Engineers
PMC: Allen + Shariff Project Management Contractor : Qumra Transport & Gen. Cont. Est.
Description of Works to be inspected and /or tested: Date of Submission: 5/1/2024
Time of Submission: 1:30 PM
Date of Inspection:
Time of Inspection: 4/24/2024
Completion of Demolition Substructure (Exiting Building - Retail)
Completion of the Sub Structure 100% Discipline:
Only Civil
Other (Safety)
Specification No.: _______________________ N/A
Material Submittal No.: _______________________ N/A
Method Statement No.: MCE-QTGC-DSSW-23-MEP-MS-03 REV.01 ITP No.: __________ Checklist No.: ___________
Sketch attached to show the location(s) Yes No
Attached Test Certificates Yes No

Other Sections' Comments & Sign-off:

Site Engineer: Ready for QA/QC Engineer inspection

and/or testing on: Date: Time: Signed by:
QA/QC Engineer Comments:

QA/QC Engineer: Ready for Engineer's inspection

and/or testing on: Date: Time: Signed by:

Received by Engineer on: Date: Time: Signed by:

Engineer's Inspectors Comments:

Witnessed Site Test Results (if any): Passed


Ref: Report No: Testing Lab Representative Signature: N/A

Engineer's Final Comments & Decision: The Work is:

A - Approved Remarks:
B - Approved with Comment
C - Revise and Resubmit
D - Rejected

Engineer : Signature: Date:

Note: QTGC: Contractor's Abbreviation, B: Discipline (CIV for Civil,Signature: Date:
ELE for Electrical & M for Mechanical, MEP (MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL & PLUMBING),
00: Form Serial Number, 00: Revision
7 Closed
0 Pending Last Ref.No
11 Total
This shape represents a table slicer. Table
slicers are not supported in this version
NCR Tracking of Excel.

RFIA (CAPA) If theNCR Submitt

shape was modified in an earlier
NCR RFIA Subject Decipline BIC Date status Date version4 of Excel,Date
status or if5the workbook
Currentwas Status
1 General House Keeping HSE Closed 24-Oct Submit RFIA saved
Closedin Excel 2007
1-Novor earlier, theClosed
can't be used.
2 26 Chilled water chemical hazard MEP Closed 24-Oct 0 B Closed 15-Feb Closed
3 unsafe work activity (Centeral store) HSE Closed 23-Oct Submit RFIA Closed 31-Oct Closed
4 Unsafe Roof edge at Main Building HSE Closed 30-Nov Submit RFIA Closed 5-Dec Closed
5 Housekeeping and Hygiene issue at VIP Building HSE Closed 20-Dec Submit RFIA Closed 29-Feb Closed
6 Plugging Sewer Manhole Qumra 3-Jan Submit RFIA Open 26-Apr Open
7 Unmanaged dust issues at site Closed 10-Jan Submit RFIA 24 Jan 2024 Closed 29-Jan Closed
Damaging underground services during Street
8 Qumra 26-Feb Submit RFIA Open 20-Apr Open
light works
9 Unsafe Work and Damages the Services Qumra 27-Mar Submit RFIA Open 20-Apr Open
10 71 Lock of supports for Medical Gas Closed 28-Mar 0 C Closed 15-Apr Closed
11 NCR - Hygiene Issue Qumra 16-Apr Submit RFIA Open Open
26 Closed
0 Pending Last Ref.No
32 Total
This shape represents a table slicer. Table
slicers are not supported in this version
SOR Tracking of Excel.

RFIA Closure
If the shape was modified in an earlier
SOR RFI ref. Subject Decipline BIC Date status Date REV. version
status 4of Excel,Date
or if the
5 workbook
1 Electrical Hazard ELE Closed 12 Oct 2023 Submit RFIA Submit RFIA 0 saved in Excel 2007
Closed or earlier, the Closed
23-Nov slicer
can't be used.
2 Electrical Hazard ELE Closed 24 Oct 2023 Submit RFIA Submit RFIA 1 Closed 27-Nov Closed
3 Electrical Hazard ELE Closed 1 Nov 2023 Submit RFIA Submit RFIA 1 Closed 27-Nov Closed
The main building unsafe roof edge, and live
4 electrical power HSE Closed 7 Nov 2023 Submit RFIA Submit RFIA 2 Closed 21-Nov Closed
5 Mechanical Sprinkler MEP Closed 1 Nov 2023 Submit RFIA Submit RFIA 1 Closed 13-Nov Closed
Stacking waste material and Housekeeping
6 issues HSE Closed 6 Nov 2023 Submit RFIA Submit RFIA 0 Closed 21-Nov Closed

Work without MEP Clearance and Unsafe work

7 36 practice HSE Closed 7 Nov 2023 0 B 0 Closed 11-Dec Closed
8 Unsafe practices and Housekeeping issue HSE Closed 21 Nov 2023 Submit RFIA Submit RFIA 1 Closed 29-Feb Closed
9 37 Drainage Points not Plugged MEC Closed 21 Nov 2023 0 B 1 Closed 11-Dec Closed
MEP Soft stripping in G42/Emergency Building
10 without Engineer's approval MEP Closed 21 Nov 2023 Submit RFIA Submit RFIA 0 Closed 11-Dec Closed
11 Scattering Hazardous Waste Closed 29 Nov 2023 Submit RFIA Submit RFIA 0 Closed 13-Mar Closed
12 Unsafe Activity at Basement in Main Building Closed Submit RFIA Submit RFIA 0 Closed 11-Dec Closed
13 Fire Hydrant Line Closed Submit RFIA Submit RFIA 0 Closed 24-Jan Closed
14 Unsafe Activity at VIP Building Closed Submit RFIA Submit RFIA 0 Closed 24-Jan Closed
15 Unsafe Scaffold Erection Closed 26 Dec 2023 Submit RFIA Submit RFIA 0 Closed 24-Jan Closed
16 Thermal insulation and Rock wool waste Qumra 26 Dec 2023 Submit RFIA Submit RFIA 1 Open 18-Jan Open
17 Unauthorized accommodation on the site Qumra 24 Jan 2024 Submit RFIA Submit RFIA 0 20-Mar Open
18 Unmaintained Housekeeping Closed 24 Jan 2024 Submit RFIA Submit RFIA 0 Closed 15-Feb Closed
19 Subcontractor unsafe Practices Closed 24 Jan 2024 Submit RFIA Submit RFIA 0 Closed 13-Feb Closed
Unsafe Equipment Maintenance in the Site
20 Store Qumra 31 Jan 2024 Submit RFIA Submit RFIA 0 20-Mar Open
21 Unmaintained Housekeeping issue – Glass Closed 1 Feb 2024 Submit RFIA Submit RFIA 0 Closed 13-Feb Closed
22 Unmaintained Housekeeping issue – Rockwool Closed 1 Feb 2024 Submit RFIA Submit RFIA 0 Closed 15-Feb Closed
23 Wooden Door Closed 1 Feb 2024 Submit RFIA Submit RFIA 0 Closed 26-Feb Closed
24 Stagnant water in the basement Closed 1 Feb 2024 Submit RFIA Submit RFIA 0 Closed 8-Feb Closed
25 Unapproved Material at site Closed 9 Feb 2024 Submit RFIA Submit RFIA 0 Closed 29-Feb Closed
Uncontrolled waste Segregation and
26 Unmaintained Housekeeping issues Qumra 16 Feb 2024 Submit RFIA Submit RFIA 0 20-Mar Open

Damaging underground services during street

27 lighting work Qumra 19 Jan 2024 Submit RFIA Submit RFIA 0 20-Mar Open
28 Safety barriers on the road Closed 20 Feb 2024 Submit RFIA Submit RFIA 0 Closed 29-Feb Closed
29 Dry Vegetation Closed 26 Feb 2024 Submit RFIA Submit RFIA Closed 20-Mar Closed
30 75 Plugging Sewerage in Retail Building Area Closed 28 Mar 2024 45397 A Closed 21-Apr Closed
31 Medical gas pipe in Oncology Corridor Closed 29 Mar 2024 Submit RFIA Submit RFIA Closed 21-Apr Closed
32 Unsafe use of LPG Qumra 24 Jan 1900 Submit RFIA Submit RFIA Open Open
>> >>
4 Open 6 Open
7 Closed NCR SOR Dashboard (OPEN / Pending) 26 Closed
0 Pending 0 Pending
11 Total 32 Total
Ball in court of Morgan 0 BIC Qumra 4 Ball in court of Morgan 0 BIC Qumra 6

Open NCRs To be closed BIC Open SORs To be closed BIC

NCR Subject Opened Date Date 5 SOR Subject Opened Date Date 5
Thermal insulation and Rock wool
6 Plugging Sewer Manhole 3 Jan 2024 26 Apr 2024 Qumra 16 26-Dec 18 Jan 2024 Qumra
Damaging underground services Unauthorized waste
accommodation on
8 26 Feb 2024 20 Apr 2024 Qumra 17 24-Jan 20 Mar 2024 Qumra
during Street light works the site
Unsafe Work and Damages the Unsafe Equipment Maintenance in
9 27 Mar 2024 20 Apr 2024 Qumra 20 31-Jan 20 Mar 2024 Qumra
Services the Site Store

Uncontrolled waste Segregation and

11 NCR - Hygiene Issue 16 Apr 2024 (blank) Qumra 26 16-Feb 20 Mar 2024 Qumra
Unmaintained Housekeeping issues

Damaging underground services

27 19-Jan 20 Mar 2024 Qumra
during street lighting work
Medical gas pipe in Oncology
32 29-Mar (empty) Qumra

NCR Tracking SOR Tracking

Open Closed Pending Open Closed Pending

NCR Closure
Ref. MCE-QTGC-DSSW-23-ELE-NCR-002 Rev. (01) Form Issue Date: 5/1/2024

Project Name: Demolition, Site Clearing & Relocation of Services for Al Mafraq Engineer: Morgan Consulting Engineers
Client : SEHA – Abu Dhabi Health Service PJSC Contractor: Qumra Transport & Gen. Cont. Est.
PMC: Allen + Shariff Project Management Related to NCR Number:
Descipline: Civil Arch. Electrical Mechanical Others HSE

Section 1 - Proposed Corrective / Preventive Actions* (By "Receiver"):

A thorough investigation is to be been made with the with coordination with Royal Wing maintenance te
The water is to be drained from the system to release the pressure and to be disposed of.
The same process is to be applied in the other buildings as we open them for the Activities.
Train personnel on the proper procedures for handling CHW system and depressurization.
Name: Signature: Date:

Section 2 - Originator's Review for Proposed Corrective / Preventive Actions:

A) Comments:

B) The above proposal was checked and found to be:

Approved for implementation taking into consideration the above mentioned comments.
Rejected and another proposal has to be submitted.
Name: Signature: Date:

Section 3 - Implemented Corrective / Preventive Actions (By "Receiver"):

As a corrective and preventive action:
A thorough investigation has been made with the help of Etihad team to close all the gate valves
The water was drained from the system to release the pressure and transported outside the site.
All the Subject Chiller systems have been safely drained and removed from the site.
Name: Signature: Date:

Section 4 - Originator's Review for Implemented Corrective / Preventive Actions:

Implemented corrective / preventive actions were found to be satisfactory & this NCR
is now considered closed.
Implemented corrective / preventive actions were found to be not satisfactory. Works has to
be redone as per the approved propsal. This NCR is still opened.
Name: Signature: Date:

Distribution: Client Engineer Contractor Others ……………...

Note: NCR: Non Conformance Report, AAAA:Contractor's Abbreviaton, NCRCS: NCR Closure Follow Up Sheet, NNN: Form
Serial Number, XX: Revision Number, dd/mm/yyyy:day/month/year
* Section 1 has to include details & findings of the investigation conducted by the "Receiver" to identify cause(s) of NC.

MCE-QTGC-DSSW-23 239 - NCR Closure Sheet

This shape represents a table slicer. Table slicers are not Apprval Status Stats Work Activity Status Stats.
supported in this version of Excel. Approved Approved 12 Work Started WS 2
Under Review U>REV. 10 Work Finished WF 2
If the shape was modified in an earlier version of Excel, or Rejected Rejected 1 Expired EX 25
if theshape
This workbook was saved
represents inslicer.
a table Excel Table
2007 or earlier,
slicers are the
not Waiting WT 0
slicer can't be used.
supported in this version of Excel. Pending Approval PEN 0

If the shape was modified in an earlier version of Excel, or

if the workbook was saved in Excel 2007 or earlier, the
Permit Number
slicer can't be used. Subject Start Finish Submission Date Response Date Approval Remaining Days Activity
04 - Removal, cutting and landscaping activities
SSMC-FMD-EXP-WP-04 9/12/2023 9/30/2023 9/11/2023 Under Review PEN: -214 Expired
around Parking M1 & M2
03 - Inspection and Dismantling on the roof of new
SSMC-FMD-EXP-WP-03 9/12/2023 9/18/2023 9/10/2023 Under Review PEN: -226 Expired
oncology building
05 - Removal, cutting and landscaping activities
SSMC-FMD-EXP-WP-05 9/14/2023 9/30/2023 9/11/2023 Under Review PEN: -214 Expired
around new oncology parking lot
SSMC-FMD-EXP-WP-08 08 - Clearing UPS room 9/26/2023 9/27/2023 9/26/2023 Approved 0 Days Expired
SSMC-FMD-EXP-WP-07 07 - Clearing Transformer Room 9/26/2023 9/27/2023 9/26/2023 Approved 0 Days Expired
SSMC-FMD-EXP-WP-06 06 -Clearing MRI corridor 9/26/2023 9/27/2023 11/25/2023 Approved 0 Days Expired
10 - Uninstallation of ADDC Electric Meters for
SSMC-FMD-EXP-WP-10 9/27/2023 10/4/2023 9/27/2023 Under Review PEN: -210 Expired
the buildings Scheduled for Demolition
09 - Cutting and Removing Dead Plants near Allen
SSMC-FMD-EXP-WP-9 9/28/2023 10/18/2023 9/27/2023 Under Review PEN: -196 Expired
and Shariff Site Office
SSMC-FMD-EXP-WP-12 12 - Du Equipment Dismantling - by Du team 9/30/2023 10/2/2023 9/28/2023 Under Review PEN: -212 Expired
13 - Shutdown and removal of Chilled Water
SSMC-FMD-EXP-WP-13 10/3/2023 10/18/2023 10/2/2023 Under Review PEN: -196 Expired
11 - Site visit for Bridge connecting Main Hospital
SSMC-FMD-EXP-WP-11 10/3/2023 10/3/2023 9/28/2023 Under Review PEN: -211 Expired
with Royal Building

- Excavation at the Parking M1 for the new water

SSMC-FMD-EXP-WP-79 11/28/2023 12/28/2023 11/30/2023 12/1/2023 Approved 0 Days Expired
Line connection to the New Service Block

Continue Excavation at the Parking M1 for the

SSMC-FM-EXP-D-WP-25 new water Line connection to the new Service 12/30/2024 1/30/2024 12/29/2024 1/10/2024 Approved 0 Days Work Started
16 - Fire hydrant temporary connection from the
SSMC-FMD-EXP-WP-83 11/29/2023 12/29/2023 11/28/2023 12/7/2023 Approved 0 Days Expired
royal building
SSMC-FMD-EXP-WP-82 - MRI Corridor Soft Stripping 11/29/2023 12/29/2023 12/1/2023 12/1/2023 Approved 0 Days Expired
15 - Performing soft Stripping, Disconnecting and
SSMC-FMD-EXP-WP-15 12/30/2023 1/30/2024 12/28/2023 Under Review PEN: -92 Expired
relocate services in the Royal Bridge
19 - Recover Etisalat Fiber Optics Cables and
SSMC-FMD-EXP-WP-20 12/1/2023 12/7/2023 11/30/2023 11/30/2023 AP PEN: -146 Expired
Copper Cables at the Main Building
Blocking Medical gas pipe running through MRI
SSMC-FM-EXP-D-WP-21 12/23/2023 1/23/2024 12/20/2023 12/21/2023 Approved 0 Days Work Finished
SSMC-FM-EXP-D-WP-22 20 - Continue Clearing the RodOnc rooftop 12/27/2024 1/20/2024 12/27/2024 Approved 0 Days Work Started
This shape represents a table slicer. Table slicers are not Apprval Status Stats Work Activity Status Stats.
supported in this version of Excel. Approved Approved 12 Work Started WS 2
Under Review U>REV. 10 Work Finished WF 2
If the shape was modified in an earlier version of Excel, or Rejected Rejected 1 Expired EX 25
if theshape
This workbook was saved
represents inslicer.
a table Excel Table
2007 or earlier,
slicers are the
not Waiting WT 0
slicer can't be used.
supported in this version of Excel. Pending Approval PEN 0

If the shape was modified in an earlier version of Excel, or

if the workbook was saved in Excel 2007 or earlier, the
Permit Number
slicer can't be used. Subject Start Finish Submission Date Response Date Approval Remaining Days Activity
Removing VIP building Disconnected Chiller
SSMC-FM-EXP-D-WP-24 12/30/2024 1/30/2024 12/27/2024 Rejected PEN: -92 Expired
Machines from Royal Chiller Plant
Soft Stripping at MRI Corridor 1/15/2024 2/15/2024 1/15/2024 1/22/2024 Approved 0 Days Expired
Excavation and Relocation of 11KV Power Cable
1/19/2024 2/19/2024 1/15/2024 1/19/2024 Approved 0 Days Expired
Relocation of the Medical VIE Tank 1/26/2024 2/26/2024 1/17/2024 Under Review PEN: -65 Expired
18 - Disconnecting/ shifting unused MDBs in LV
SSMC-FMD-EXP-WP-84 12/4/2023 12/26/2023 11/30/2023 Approved 0 Days Work Finished
& UPS room
PEN: -45413 Expired
PEN: -45413 Expired
PEN: -45413 Expired
PEN: -45413 Expired
PEN: -45413 Expired
Pending Permits
Subject Permit Number Submission DateStart Finish
15 - Performing soft Stripping, Disconnecting and relocate
services in the Royal Bridge SSMC-FMD-EXP-WP-15 28/12/2023 12/30/2023 1/30/2024
Relocation of the Medical VIE Tank (blank) 17/01/2024 1/26/2024 2/26/2024
Removing VIP building Disconnected Chiller Machines from Royal
Chiller Plant SSMC-FM-EXP-D-WP-24 27/12/2024 12/30/2024 1/30/2024
Grand Total

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