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SEMESTER 2, 2023/2024

Activity 1

Roles of chairpersons

1. set the agenda

2. lead the meeting
3. maintain order at the meeting
4. ensure the conventions of the meeting are being followed
5. ensure fairness and equality at the meeting
6. represent the group to the public
7. approve the formal minutes of the meeting after they have been formatted, to confirming
that they are a correct and truthful representation of the events at the meeting.

Activity 2

Before a meeting

1. Plan the agenda with the chief officer and officers. Include items brought to
you by other members. Decide the order and timing of the agenda, and who
will introduce each one.
2. Identify which agenda items are for information, discussion or a decision.
3. Be well briefed about each item, and actions taken since the last meeting.
4. Ensure all necessary background papers (including the last meeting's
minutes) are sent out with the agenda beforehand.
5. Check with staff that all relevant practical arrangements have been made,
e.g., room layout, visual aids, etc.
6. Arrive in good time before the meeting is due to start.

Activity 3


No. Sections Chairperson’s function Examples of language expressions

used by chairperson
(Accept any similar answers)
1. Introduction 1. opening the meeting - Good morning/afternoon, everyone.
- If we are all here, let's get started /
start the meeting / start.
2. welcoming and - Please join me in welcoming (name of
introducing participants participant)
- We're pleased to welcome (name of


- I'd like to extend a warm welcome to
(name of participant)
- It's a pleasure to welcome (name of
- I'd like to introduce (name of
3. stating the principal - We're here today to ...
objectives of a meeting - I'd like to make sure that we ...
- Our main aim today is to ...
- I've called this meeting in order to ...
4. giving apologies for - I'm afraid.., (name of participant) can't
someone who is absent be with us today. She is in...
- Unfortunately, (name of participant) ...
will not be with us to day because
he ...
- I have received apologies for absence
from (name of participant), who is in
2. Reviewing past 1. reading the minutes of the - To begin with I'd like to quickly go
business last meeting through the minutes of our last
- First, let's go over the report from the
last meeting, which was held on (date)
- Here are the minutes from our last
meeting, which was on (date)
2. dealing with recent - Jack, can you tell us how the XYZ
developments (arising project is progressing?
matters) - Jack, how is the XYZ project coming
- John, have you completed the report
on the new accounting package?
- Has everyone received a copy of the
Tate Foundation report on current
marketing trends?
3. Beginning the 1. introducing the agenda - Have you all received a copy of the
meeting agenda?
- There are X items on the agenda.
First, ... second, ... third, ... lastly, ...
- Shall we take the points in this order?
- If you don't mind, I'd like to go in order
- skip item 1 and move on to item 3
- I suggest we take item 2 last.
2. allocating roles (secretary, - (Name of participant) has agreed to
participants) take the minutes.
- (Name of participant), would you
mind taking the minutes?
- (Name of participant) has kindly
agreed to give us a report on ...
- (Name of participant) will lead point
1, (name of participant) point 2, and
(name of participant) point 3
- (Name of participant), would you
mind taking notes today?
3. agreeing on the ground - We will first hear a short report on
rules for the meeting each point first, followed by a
discussion of ...

(contributions, timing, - I suggest we go round the table first.

decision-making, etc.) - Let's make sure we finish by ...
- I'd suggest we ...
- There will be five minutes for each
- We'll have to keep each item to 15
minutes. Otherwise, we'll never get
4. Discussing 1. introducing the first item - So, let's start with ...
items on the agenda - I'd suggest we start with...
- Why don't we start with...
- So, the first item on the agenda is
- Pete, would you like to kick off?
- Shall we start with ...
(name of participant), would you like to
introduce this item?

2. closing an item - I think that takes care of the first item.

- Shall we leave that item?
- Why don't we move on to...
- If nobody has anything else to add,
lets ...
3. next item - Let's move onto the next item
- Now that we've discussed X, let's
move ...
- The next item on today's agenda is...
Now we come to the question of.
4. giving control to the next - I'd like to hand over to (name of
participant participant), who is going to lead the
next point.
- Next, (name of participant) is going to
take us through ...
- Now, I'd like to introduce (name of
participant) who is going to ...
5. Finishing the 1. summarising - Before we close today's meeting, let
meeting me just summarize the main points.
- Let me quickly go over today's main
- To sum up, ...,
- OK, why don't we quickly summarize
what we've done today.
- In brief, ...
- Shall I go over the main points?
2. finishing up - Right, it looks as though we've
covered the main items.
- If there are no other comments, I'd like
to wrap this meeting up.
- Let's bring this to a close for today.
- Is there Any Other Business?
3. suggesting and agreeing - Can we set the date for the next
on time, date, and place meeting, please?
for the next meeting - So, the next meeting will be on ...
(day), the . . . (date) of.. . (month) at ...
- Let's meet next on ... (day), the . . .
(date) of.. . (month) at ...
- What about the following Wednesday?
How is that?


4. thanking participants for - I'd like to thank Marianne and Jeremy

attending for coming over from London.
- Thank you all for attending.
- Thanks for your participation.
5. closing the meeting - The meeting is finished, we'll see each
other next ...
- The meeting is closed.
- I declare the meeting closed.


1. Summarise decisions taken and action points to be followed up e.g., who's

responsible, by when.
2. Agree a date for the next meeting - it is usually best to set dates for the
year's meetings well in advance.
3. Agree what special items will be put on the agenda of the next meeting and
what work needs to be done, by whom etc.
4. Ensure that the minutes are written up, checked by the Chair and sent out in
good time.


Activity 4

Expressions Sequence

a) Now that we have made some corrections to the minutes, can 8

someone approve the minutes?

b) Good morning everyone. 1

c) Let’s continue to the agenda. 11

d) Are there additions or corrections to the minutes? 7

e) I’d like to extend a warm welcome to Ms Jenny Chia who joined us two 3
weeks ago.

f) Before I go any further, I’d like to go through the minutes of our last 6

g) Could someone else second the motion? 9

h) Philip, would you like to start? 15

i) I’m afraid that Ms Sheila can’t be with us today. She is attending a 5

conference in New York.

j) The minutes are approved as corrected. 10


k) I’d like to take a roll call before we start. 2

l) Ms Maria, would you mind taking the minutes? 13

m) Next, we will hear a short report on items 1 to 3 from the respective 14


n) Have you all received a copy of the agenda? There are 7 items on the 12

o) The objective of the meeting is to discuss the ways of achieving the 4

KPI of the department for the year 2017.

Activity 5 – accept any relevant answers

No. Word Meaning Example sentence (suggested)

e.g. chairperson/ the person who leads As chair, I’d like to welcome you all to
: chair or presides at a this meeting.
1 participant person who attends Can I have a show of hands of all of
and joins in on an those who were participants in last year's
event conference?
2 objectives goals to accomplish I'm pleased that we were able to cover
all of the objectives today within the
designated time.
3 strategy plan to make We need to come up with a strategy that
something work will allow us to have meetings less
4 motion a suggestion put to a The motion to extend store hours has
vote been passed.
5 conference call telephone meeting Please make sure I have no interruptions
between three or while I'm on the conference call.
more people in
different locations
6 show of hands raised hands to From the show of hands it appears that
express an opinion in everyone is in favour of taking a short
a vote break.
7 minutes a written record of Before we begin with today's meeting,
everything said at a let's quickly review the minutes from last
meeting month.
8 deadline due date for The deadline for buying tickets to the
completion conference is May 25th.
9 vote to express (the We need to vote for a new vice
expression of) an chairperson now that Jerry is retiring.
opinion in a group by
voice or hand etc
10 consensus general agreement If we cannot come to a consensus by the
end of the meeting we will put it to a

11 unanimous in complete The vote was unanimous to cut work

agreement; united in hours on Fridays.
12 collaborate work together as a The board fell apart because the
pair/group members had difficulty collaborating.
13 casting vote deciding vote The role of treasurer was decided based
(usually by the on the chairman's casting vote.
chairman) when the
votes are otherwise
14 opening chairperson or As I mentioned in my opening
remarks leader's first words at remarks, we have to clear this room
a meeting (i.e. before the end of the hour.
15 closing remarks last thoughts spoken I just have a few closing remarks and
in a meeting (i.e. then you will all be free to go.
reminders, thank

Activity 6

1. attending
2. absence
3. commitment
4. apologies
5. amendments

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