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Student #: 34092048 LPENGPN Carmen Mohangi

Unique#: 795346 Assessment 2 Portfolio Unisa 2023

As I reflect back on my weeks of teaching practice, I was able to critically evaluate my

teaching and examine my choice of teaching methods. I was able to receive learner feedback
and use is as a start of point for change in my approach to my planning. More specifically I
used this feedback o plan my lesson with differentiation for the variety of learners that I
encountered at Dinwiddie High This was something that I could never have experience from
any book or site.

Yes I was and. am still very passionate about the teaching profession however this reflection
has allowed me to examine my one’s basic beliefs about teaching and learning and prepared
me mentally and academically to face the actual classroom. My critical thinking permitted me
to identify evidence of effective teaching. For example, the idea of groupwork and THINK,
PAIR SHARE sounds all fancy and I was very proud of myself for having put it in my lesson
plans but it is truly another ballgame in practice. When I implemented it, I was faced with the
challenge of maintaining discipline and supervising unruly children that wanted to be heard. I
did get through it! I survived and. came out with more than I bargained for in that I was now
experienced to be thrown into the unruliest class and steer them towards engagement.

This teaching practice was a gold mine of resource and. a wealth of knowledge for me. The
classroom observations permitted me to not only evaluate students but gain so much content
knowledge on my subject and how to teach it. I have always been that girl who knows how to
do all the applications but do not ask me to show you. One particular aspect was map skills,
not one of my favourites, but my mentor brought to life this skills by demonstrations on the
chalkboard and extensive map work.

I began my teaching practice in term two for a period of three weeks and. concluded it in term
three over two weeks. Through this “ Return of the Queen” experience, I have concluded that
each term presents itself with a new set of student needs and. attitudes and therefore
reflective teaching is an ongoing practice that is beneficial for not just us student teacher but
the professional teacher as well. Afterall, teacher are learners for life.

The practice of keeping a journal for my examination portfolio helped my to keep my thoughts
and intentions focused. I was able to self-assess daily, improve my time management and. just
pen my thoughts in general like, “ What was my highlight today?”, I can I change my approach
in the future?

It was not all about what felt or perceive but I got to listen to several professional teachers and.
draw from their experiences. The teacher were all ages, sizes, colours, ethnicities and the like.
It was amazing and fascinating to see someone so different from myself and yet so close to
my heart.

Even more rewarding, I got to see them delivery a lesson like a fine art. Most of my mentors
brilliantly wove resources, knowledge and methods into a masterpiece of a lesson.

Speaking of weaving, My teaching portfolio enabled me to weave the various elements of

teaching into a brilliant whole. It felt like finding myself. I found my teaching philosophy
statement and got to draw from evaluations of and from colleagues and learners. It gave me
more insight into classroom practices and to reflect on teaching in general.

During my teaching practice, I came to identify teaching as both a huge challenge as well as a
rewarding token. My belief that planning is a vital key to the profession has been reinforced. .

Student #: 34092048 LPENGPN Carmen Mohangi
Unique#: 795346 Assessment 2 Portfolio Unisa 2023

The experience has taught me that humility is a must for any teacher. Irrespective what
degrees one may acquire , there is always something to be learnt. Having said that, a teacher
must have a growth mindset . This attitude will enable them to act as learners for life. I have
observation that learners are children and vulnerable despite how disruptive they come across.
They are entrusted in our care and appeal to our mercy and kindness. This idea has inspired
me to want to be there for them and do whatever it takes to support them in their pursuit of

However, these weeks of teaching practice was accompanied by its fair share of challenges.
Every day came with several challenges, most worth noting. I was very disappointed to find
that just as I had encountered two years ago on my last teaching practice at Dinwiddie, I was
unable to get hold of a single written lesson plan. This immediately put a damper on my
observation activities. Whilst one lecture advised that I develop my own, the other advised me
to share the mentors ATP. The mentor in question had a 2021 ATP that was not a working
document. On the brighter side, This same mentor was a wealth of content as far as my
History subject matter was concerned. She reeled me in by showing me the effectiveness of
her lessons . Her students were engaged with little effort.

My observations had to take second place as one of my mentors did not teach any lessons
whilst I was there. It was a little overwhelming. As was the case before, once I started
teaching, I observed a dramatic change in the disruptive behaviour of the students. All, they
needed was to be occupied

My outlook at the teaching profession did not waiver. I still felt driven and passionate about my
teaching practice. I was determined to be the kind of teacher that strives for perfection

At that point in time, I felt that had I been given a second chance selecting a school, I would go
to another school as there seemed to be a persistent attitude of laziness amongst not all but a
significant number of staff members. It was somewhat heartbreaking since the principal and
management team worked very hard at operating the best way they could. The principal
personally issued disciplinaries and chased learners to class. I realise that I will find this almost
anywhere however this laziness posed an obstacle to my studies this time.

Nevertheless, I have gained knowledge and values through this wonderful experience. I have
heard and often taken for grant the saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. The interaction
with most of these learners has reinforced this saying in that my first impression of them was
wrong. Those that appeared to be unengaged turned out to be more driven than I had initially
thought. This experience has thought me that patience, perseverance and tolerance is of the
utmost importance for a teacher.

My experience with them has shown me that feedback is key to successful teaching despite
how detailed my lesson planning or concise my delivery, I will never know the success of the
lesson or where I have failed unless I can evaluate their feedback. That said I would add that
teachers should listen twice as much as they speak, and one will always know the right
content to put out.

In general, I am a soft person at heart and often go overboard empathising because I love
children however this interaction has taught me that I sometimes need to show “tough love” by
sticking to deadlines and due dates It will be more of an advantage for my learner than to be
always lenient and give them a break.

Student #: 34092048 LPENGPN Carmen Mohangi
Unique#: 795346 Assessment 2 Portfolio Unisa 2023

In a world of much loved reality television, Bringing real life examples into one’s lesson is most
beneficial. These learners have shown me that taking my classes to the real world will have
the best impact on my students. By using examples from their contemporary musical idols and
actors, my students were able to grasp lesson concepts and enjoy it.

I think that I should liven up lessons with contemporary news, music, examples of the subject,
visuals and the like. I have learnt that trying to make my lesson more interactive contributes to
its success. Students can be very put off by all the facts about weathering or the events of the
Apartheid era that they must memorise. As opposed to those lessons that a teacher stands in
front of the class and reads content or bombards the learner with notes on the board, learning
takes place when students are encouraged to interact especially in pairs and groups.

Learners will return love and respect you if you take a more caring and tolerant approach with
them. By embarrassing them in front of their peers, a teacher will only worsen their behaviour
or the situation. Last by not least, my students have taught me that taking time to have fun
during a lesson, a little humour, a little laughter can fill the lesson draw positive energy and
drive the learning a whole lot more. I have experienced this with a geography lesson and was
amazed to see learners that I labelled as slow , grasp concepts and answer questions with

When imparting care and patience to learners, student teachers should be cautious not to
cross the line. Simply put, do not think or treat learners as your friends or equals. At the end of
this this teaching practice experience , I can state that teaching is basically the caregiving, and
sharing of knowledge to the student. It is the act of guiding that student within a school context
in pursuit of developing competent, able members of society from the children that I am
entrusted with. The art of teaching is very close to my heart. I boast that I am a fanatical
Christian. According to my belief, God is view as the highest teacher . We Christians aim to be
more like the Lord Christ, therefore I could state that teaching is a sacred profession, not a job
but a calling. The act of teaching is in my very being or existence. In an effort to bring out the
best in my student , from their academic potential to their athletic abilities, I myself am spurred
on to be the best person I can. Teaching inspires me to be a learner for life. I constantly and
acquiring more knowledge, wisdom and stability. It spurs me on to be the ultimate role model
for my learners. Teaching has enabled me to be a top notch multitasker. It has called me on to
master the provision the educational, social, emotional and physical needs of my Students.

I am glad to report that this teaching practise experience has enabled me to develop on a
professional level. I have unlearnt many misconceptions I had about the teaching profession
as I got to see first-hand how a real professional teacher functions. I got to interact with
students and empathised thereby determining what teaching approaches work for them.

After much reflection, I would like to say that teaching is having to impart knowledge with the
aim of inciting critical thinkers in my learners. The process of teaching should give a learner all
that they need to find their identities, their ambitions. Teaching means supporting them in their
effort to achieve success. In addition to sharing knowledge, teaching means preparing my
learners to be able to always access information and resources thereby making them learners
for life. Teaching is dependent on learning and assessment to ensure that the process is
successful. Teaching currently is heavily dependent on an account of what is taught and learnt
to ensure that there is progression. Therefore, the teaching and learning process of today

Student #: 34092048 LPENGPN Carmen Mohangi
Unique#: 795346 Assessment 2 Portfolio Unisa 2023

relies heavily on technology. The professional teacher should be well versed in technology, not
merely to be relevant to the millennial learner but to equip the learner with technological skills
to survive in future. [2114 words]


Student #: 34092048 LPENGPN Carmen Mohangi
Unique#: 795346 Assessment 2 Portfolio Unisa 2023

• Mohangi C, Student# 34092048 TPS2601 Unique# 710205 Teaching Practice

Portfolio Name- Carmen Mohangi, 2021
• Unknown author, Reflective Teaching | Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning,, [accessed 19/09/2023]

Student Number: 34092048
1. I understand what plagiarism is and am aware of the University’s policy in this regard.
2. I declare that this examination paper is my own original work. Where other people’s
work has been used (either from a printed source, Internet or any other source), this has
been properly acknowledged and referenced.
3. I have not used work previously produced by another student or any other person to
hand in as my own.
4. I have not allowed, and will not allow anyone to copy my work with the intention of
passing it off as his or her own work.

Signature: Date: 19 /09/2023

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