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Nama Kelompok :

 Inges Gina Ginanti 23030244180

 ⁠Risma arie cahyani 23030244163
 ⁠Salsabilah damayanti 23030244199
 Ratna dinda Setyawati 23030244168

Preserving the Clothing Lake is one of the local

wisdoms of Gresik Regency


The aim of this research is to explain the conditions and process of applying local wisdom values
to preserve the environment in Telaga Sandang, Brebes Regency. The research method is a
qualitative research method. Location observation techniques and interviews with area residents,
presenting the data obtained, and drawing conclusions.


The country of Indonesia cannot be separated from various cultures, local wisdom and
societymulticultural who compiled it. Likewise, it can be said that each region or area in Indonesia
has its own characteristics and characteristics according to its geographical location. For example,
in East Java, specifically in Gresik Regency, Cerme District. Where there is a lake that is sacred
and guarded by local residents, not only that, the surrounding community is also still very steeped
in the existing culture, making them believe in the traditions of their ancestors, which is very
interesting to study.

Environmental conservation is very important to maintain the sustainability of ecosystems

and human welfare. As explained in the Vedic scriptures, protecting nature, including water as a
source of well-being, is a human obligation (Sastrawan, 2022). Not only that, local wisdom is
social capital in the perspective of sustainable development with an environmental perspective, so
it is very important to be explored, studied and developed in order to lead to better management
of natural resources and the environment. (Student 2011)

Therefore, it is important to study and preserve local wisdom in a society in order to

maintain balance with the environment and at the same time preserve the environment. The same
is true for the people around the Lake of Clothing, who always obey the applicable rules and carry
on the traditions of their ancestors from generation to generation. They have unique features such
as respecting three ancestral graves near the lake, holding thanksgiving events by celebrating
around the lake, and holding village clean-up events which are usually called tegal villages.

Research methods

This research uses a qualitative research design. The approach used is a narrative approach
because it describes the value of local wisdom in environmental conservation in Telaga Sandang,
Gresik Regency. The informants for this research were residents around Telaga Sandang. The
determination of informants is adjusted to the data needs that researchers will use in this research.

The data used in this research comes from primary source data and secondary sources.
Primary sources are village heads and community members. Secondary sources are written sources
and photos of objects. The instruments used are instruments for observation and interviews aimed
at gathering information from informants regarding the phenomenon being studied. Data collection
techniques include observation, interviews, documentation and document study.

Results and Discussion

a) Lakes are generally clearer and more transparent than lakes, and have low levels of acidity and
minerals. Sendang Lake or what is often called the sacred lake by Gresik residents has clear water
even though when seen from the outside it looks a little green. This lake continuously produces
clean water without any assistance. Initially the lake was a drinking water lake and then the lake
was used by local residents for bathing, washing and irrigating the rice fields during times of
drought. The biodiversity in this spring lake is still the same as in lakes in general, the fish are
cultivated and looked after by residents, such as milkfish, tilapia and shrimp. There are several
plants in the lake such as bamboo, moss and algae

b) Telaga Sandang has the nickname sacred lake because apart from being used as water of life, at
the front and back there are 3 small shrines that are very guarded which are called the graves of
elders by local residents. On certain big days, local residents come and give offerings there, and
because in that village there is also a village tegal culture or which means cleaning the village or
giving thanks to the abundant harvest in the area, at that time the village residents are also obliged
to provide entertainment. "dayang, sinden, or wayang which was performed at the tomb
accompanied by offerings and prayers". Until one day one of the tombs produced a large stone
inscribed with Javanese (scripture) whose origin is not known, but it is known that the stone was
first found on the exact tomb, and not a single resident knows the process of the stone coming out,
now the stone has been moved to Nyai Ageng Pinatih, whose place is in Gresik, because
historically the elders in this village are still part of the Nyai Ageng's relatives, so the stone was
moved to the side. the grave of the nyai. Since then the lake has become increasingly sacred for
local residents

c) Apart from preserving the environmental condition of the spring lake, many efforts have been
made by the surrounding community to maintain the sacredness and preserve the entire contents
with the various biological diversity within it, which is always enforced, especially by the
surrounding community, which can be seen by the rebuilding of the gate, the use of land around
the lake to be cultivated with all plants that can produce harvests to such an extent, one example
can be proven in the cracker product produced from milkfish which comes from the lake, utilizing
plants, plus the cultivation which is also carried out in the lake, the addition of fish seeds, the
results of which can later be felt by local residents, even the use of bamboo in the lake can also
generate income and more energy for the surrounding resources, the lake water is very useful and
endless plus additional development and maintenance of the lake Now it is very well maintained
like a sacred spring and reserve

d) From all circles, it is recorded that there are many parties involved in the maintenance and
preservation of this spring, but the biggest ones are from the surrounding community, who are
considered to have a big influence on the spring, apart from that there are also many members of
the public who take part in maintaining the lake. namely, it can also be seen in the museum taking
part in preserving the stones or what could be said to be inscriptions, so that the history of
preserving both sacredness and culture is maintained forever.

It is Apart from preserving the culture and sacredness around the lake, the most appropriate effort,
but which has a big impact on the environment and its life, is to empower and manage what is used
from the lake so that it can survive for a long time and can remain well maintained. its sacredness
and culture will last forever.


Sendang Lake is one of the sacred lakes in the Gresik area where there is clean water,
tilapia milkfish which can be used by local residents, apart from being used as water of life on the
front and back sides of the lake there are 3 small tombs which are very well guarded which are
called tombs. elders. Every day on certain holidays, local residents give offerings or thanksgiving
until one day, one of the graves produces a large stone inscribed with Javanese script. Conservation
efforts carried out by local residents maintain the internal and external ecosystem and maintain the
sacredness of the lake.


Sastrawan, K. B., & Giri, I. M. A. (2022). Environmental Conservation According to Hindu Teachings at
Ulun Danu Tamblingan Temple.VIDYA SAMHITA: Journal of Religious Research, 8(1), 21-29
Siswadi, T. T., & Purnaweni, H. (2011). Local wisdom in preserving springs.Journal of Environmental
Science, 9(2), 63-68.

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