Name of Business

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Name of Business :

Type of Business (e.g., manufacturing, retail, services) :

Location of Business :

Number of Employees :

Load Shedding Impact

How frequently does your business experience load shedding?

a) Daily
b) Weekly
c) sporadically

On average, how many hours per day does load shedding affect your business operations?


How long has load shedding been affecting your business?


How does load shedding impact your daily operations? (check all that apply)

 Production/Manufacturing
 Sales
 Customer Service
 Equipment Maintenance
 Employee Productivity
 Other (please specify)

Financial Impact

- Approximately, how much revenue loss does your business experience due to load shedding? (per

- Do you have alternative power sources during load shedding? (e.g., generators, solar panels)

- If yes, how much does it cost to maintain and run these alternative power sources?

- Have you had to invest in additional power backup systems due to load shedding?

- How does load shedding impact your profitability?

4. **Operational Challenges**

- How does load shedding affect your ability to meet customer demands?
- Does load shedding impact your supply chain? If yes, how?

- Have you had to adjust your operating hours due to load shedding?

- How does load shedding affect employee morale and retention?

5. **Mitigation Strategies**

- What steps have you taken to mitigate the effects of load shedding on your business?

- Have you explored renewable energy sources as an alternative to mitigate load shedding impacts?

- How effective have your mitigation strategies been?

6. **Government Support and Infrastructure**

- Do you believe the government provides sufficient support to businesses affected by load shedding?

- What improvements would you like to see in the country's power infrastructure to reduce load
shedding's impact on businesses?

7. **Future Outlook**

- Do you anticipate load shedding affecting your business in the future?

- How do you plan to adapt your business to mitigate the effects of load shedding in the long term?

- Are there any other comments or insights you would like to share regarding load shedding's impact
on your business?

8. **Contact Information (Optional)**

- Name:

- Position:

- Email:

- Phone Number:

Feel free to customize this questionnaire based on specific requirements or needs.

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