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Program Flow:

Scenario 1: Welcoming of Guests, Interaction with the Birthday Girl

Del Monte (Narrator): At the start of the evening, the joyful welcome of guests began.

Smiles could be seen on every face, eagerly anticipating surprises and joy for the birthday


Friends: Hi, Vanessa! Happiest birthday, you look stunning today! (They hand over gifts)

(Kayo bahala kung pa’no yung pagbati n’yo ng Happy Birthday:>)

Untalan: Oh my! Hello, everyone! I'm glad you could make it. Thank you all so much!

Decena: Of course, it's your day after all!

De Ramos: Even if we weren't invited, we will still come! (Laughs)

Untalan: (Laughs) You're crazy! Of course, you're invited, ya’ll my friends.

Cabasag: Hello! Thanks for coming. Are you the friends of my daughter?

Friends: Oh, hi uncle! Yes, we are.

Cabasag: Ah, you're the ones she always talks about.

Lagui: Yes uncle, that's us.

Cabasag: Alright, just sit here. Enjoy!

Friends: Sure uncle, thank you!

Scenario 2: All guests seated and Host introduces the Celebrant

Del Monte (Narrator): All guests are now comfortably seated, chatting amongst themselves,

as the host prepares to officially begin the program.

Lomboy (Host): To everyone who came, especially the relatives and friends of our birthday

girl, thank you for coming, and I hope we all have a great time!

(Guests cheer and clap as Lomboy welcomes them.)

Lomboy (Host): So, let's start. We're going to begin with the seven wishes.

Scenario 3: Seven wishes including friends and titos. Birthday girl seated

Del Monte (Narrator): As our guests have taken their seats and excitement fills the air, we

invite everyone to share their heartfelt wishes for the birthday girl.

Lomboy (Host): Now, it's time for a special segment of the evening where we will hear

seven heartfelt wishes for Birthday girl. Let's start with our dear friends and titos.

Decena: Happy birthday, Vanessa!! I wish for you a life filled with endless joy, laughter, and

unforgettable memories, and also thank you for being my friend!!

De Ramos: Hi Vanaenae, Happy Birthday!! Hopefully, our friendship will last long and I wish

you a good health and infinite happiness.

Lagui: Happy birthday Vanessa! Always follow your dreams no matter what happens, and

thank you for always being there for us.

Ebrada: Happy Birthday, niece!! May you always be surrounded by love, happiness, and

good health, and don't give up on your goals.

Gallardo: Hi, Ate Vanessa, happy birthday!! I hope you achieve all your goals and never

lose sight of what truly matters.

Lobis: Happy Birthday Vanessa!! May your birthday be the start of a fantastic chapter in

your life, and always take care of yourself.

Cabasag: My dearest daughter, on your special day, I wish for you to always find inner

peace, strength, and courage to overcome any challenge that may come your way. Happiest


Lomboy (Host): So, thank you to everyone who wished. What does our birthday girl have to

say to everyone who greeted and wished her?

Untalan: Thank you all so much everyone for the wonderful wishes. I am truly grateful to

have all of you in my life.

Scenario 4: Games, Host leads a “Bring me” game

Del Monte (Narrator): The room buzzes with excitement as Lomboy, the host, prepares to

initiate the Bring Me game.

Lomboy (Host): Alright! So our game now is called "Bring Me!" I'll call out items, and the

first person to bring them to me wins a special prize. Are you all ready?

(The guests cheer in excitement, eager to participate in the game.)

Lomboy (Host): So let’s start. Bring me... a piece of paper!

Lomboy (Host): We have a winner! Now, for the next item. Bring me… a whole 100 pesos!!

Lomboy (Host): Well done! We have a winner!! Now, let’s go to our next item. Bring me… a

picture with Vanessa!!

Lomboy (Host): We have a winner, folks! You're quick on your feet! Here's a special prize

for you.

Lomboy (Host): Well done! And that concludes our Bring Me game!! Thank you for making

this game so enjoyable and entertaining!

Untalan - Bday Girl
De ramos - Friend
Decena - Friend
Cabasag - Father
Lagui - Friend
Ebrada - Tito/bata
Del monte - Narrator
Lobis - Friend
Gallardo - Tito/bata
Lomboy - Host

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