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5/1/24, 1:09 PM Multiple Regression: Class Survey Data Set

Multiple Regression: Class Survey

Data Set
Directions: Constructing & Analyzing a MR Model

A. Your Y-Variable
Use the red colored variable as the Y-variable (See Excel Survey Questions\Survey
X1: must be nominal data (See video, “Generating Dummy Variables” in Additional
X2: must be either nominal, interval, or ratio data.
X3: must be interval or ratio data.
Before running any data,
1. Have an overarching reason (hypothesis) for selecting your 3 X-variables.
2. “Because I think they are correlated” is not a reason.
3. Decide whether each variable is positively or negatively correlated to the Y-
4. See the Survey Questions Sheet included with the dataset for an explanation of
the variables.
5. See the last page of the directions.
Copy & Paste your variables (with column headings) from the Survey Data Set onto a
new sheet.
Place the X-variables in adjacent columns with the Y-variable in a column before or
Input Y Range: the range of cells containing the data of your Y-variable.
Input X Range: the range of cells containing the data all of your X-variables.
Click on Labels (so Excel will recognize your column headings as labels).
Output Range: input any cell that is not already occupied or click on New Worksheet
Note: Excel auto-sets alpha at .05 (95% confidence level). You can use this setting or
change it.

B. Selecting Your 3 X-Variables

C. Running Multiple Regression in Excel
Click on the Data Tab from the ribbon bar, Click on Data Analysis, Select Regression,
complete the Popup Box:

D. Creating a Collinearity Matrix 1/5
5/1/24, 1:09 PM Multiple Regression: Class Survey Data Set

1. Return to your X-variables. Click on the Data Tab from the ribbon bar, Select Data Analysis,
Select Correlation, complete the Popup Box:
Input Range: Highlight (Select) the cell range for all the X-variables: data and column
Grouped By: Columns (Default Setting)
Click on Labels in First Row
Click on Output Range and input a cell outside the range of your data. Click OK
2. Copy and Paste the correlation matrix below your multiple regression output tables.

E. Formatting Output Tables

Set cells to 3 - 4 decimals (except whole numbers) and clean up tables, including but not
limited to specifically identifying your output, widening/shortening column widths and/or
merging cells so all words are fully legible, etc.
Delete the second set of upper and lower 95% boundaries (the last 2 columns) in the Anova

F. Complete Assignment Submission Form:

Interpreting Your Results: I am not looking for one “correct” model, significant model, or useful
model. If you get a “good” model, great. If not, great. The data is unique to your class, and as
such, the output is unknown until the data is run. So, there is no reason to run multiple models.

What is important is your demonstration of creating a model, the articulation of your reasoning for
your model, your statement of how the results support and/or do not support your thinking, and
any specific explanation and conclusion regarding your particular outcome. Your writing should
display critical thinking, creativity, insight, and a synthesis of your understanding of multiple
regression within the context you created by the selection of your X-variables, all written in a
professional, business report-like manner.

1 Suggested,Possible Structure:

Intro: What is\are the reason(s) for selecting your X-variables and do you think they will
positively or negatively relate to the Y-variable.
Body: Analyze the data within the context you created in your intro.
Conclusion: Implications\Possible Next Step\Issues to Explore\Summary\Etc.

Let the reader know your dummy variable code, either in the statement or tables.
Paragraphs show organization of thought. Use them (or write as well as Jose Saramago).
This is NOT a PPT presentation, so do not submit a bullet-point statement.
See Writing Reminders link on the homepage.

You are not getting a degree in data entry or Excel, so whether a score moves upwards or
downwards is determined to the degree to which the statement is a blend of statistical 2/5
5/1/24, 1:09 PM Multiple Regression: Class Survey Data Set

knowledge, data, and context, written in a professional, business report-like manner.

For the written portion (a) use 11pt/12pt font, (b) do not exceed 1 page, and (c) do not
widen margins.

G. Submitting Your Work:

submitting the work you agree that the work is solely and wholly your work and in your
NOT turn in the raw data. ● Do NOT turn in any residuals. ● Do NOT turn in any graphs.
Acceptable Formats for Submission Forms: WORD (.doc or .docx), PAGES, or PDF.
Upload and Submit your Assignment Submission Form via the appropriate link.
Page 1: Written Statement

Submission Form: Order of Materials

Page 2: Multiple Regression Output (in this order):
Summary Output Table
Anova Table
Coefficient Table
Collinearity Matrix

Nota Bene: For working to follow all the directions throughout the semester, Thank You!

Selecting Your X-Variables

Y-Variable: Student’s Happiness Level (1 – 7,
from low to high)
Model A
Happiness comes from external influences. Relationship

Survey Prompt X-variable Y-variable

What is your GPA?

↑ ↑

Which do you value more? Time or Money Time/Money ↓/↑

I have a job\internship for this coming summer? Yes/No ↑/↓

Model B 3/5
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Happiness comes from within. Relationship

Survey Prompt Y-

I am optimistic about the direction of my life.

(response: 1 – 7) ↑ ↑

I find fulfillment in my studies. (response: 1 – 7)

↑ ↑

I have a hobby not related to my major. Yes/No ↑/↓

Model C
Happiness is the absence of difficulties\worry. Relationship

Survey Prompt Y-

Attending college is financially stressful. (response:

1 – 7) ↑ ↓

Covid 19 has negatively impacted my personal life

(response: 1 – 7) ↑ ↓

I am confident in my interviewing skills. Yes/No ↑/↓

✓ You can see how the overarching idea\reason

(hypothesis) are clear.
✓ Different overarching ideas (hypothesis) lead
to different survey prompts selected.
✓ The analytical output will then either support,
not support or support in part (ex: the variable is
significant but not in the direction originally
thought). 4/5
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✓ Doing the above makes the statement much

easier to write, having thematic structure.
Not doing the above will leave you with a statement that is a sterile, grocery-style list of
statistical terms, because you will have no personal and specific context through which to
interpret your results. 5/5

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