Lesson 10 - Disparities in Exposure To CC

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Lesson 10: Disparities in Exposure to Climate Change

Aim: To explain disparities in exposure to climate change risk and vulnerability, including variations in people’s
location, wealth, social differences (age, gender, education), and risk perception

Define the terms:

Risk Sure, think of risk as the chance that something bad might happen, and how
bad it could be if it does.
Vulnerability A vulnerability is like a weak spot in something, like a hole in a fence. Attackers
can exploit these weak spots to break into systems or steal information. It's
important to find and fix these weak spots to keep things safe.

Task 1

What does this infographic tell us about risk?


Map to show the global risks of climate change (Source Maplecroft 2017)

Which areas of the world are most vulnerable to climate

change? Africa

The vulnerability of countries to future potential harm is, however, strongly related to economy. Countries that are
wealthy have higher adaptive capacity because they can pay for social services, engineering and other mitigation
strategies. However, it’s not so straight forward as this. Countries that are wealthy can still experience big climate
impacts. This is shown on the map below, where exposure is measured through ‘risk’ which refers to the actual harm
inflicted upon each country by extreme weather events between 1997 and 2016. Although no individual event can
be directly linked to climate change, they are likely to become more frequent and severe in the future.

World Map of the Global Climate Risk Index for 1997–2016. Source: Germanwatch, 2018.

Future vulnerablility to climate change

The graph above shows, however, that the future vulnerability of countries to climate change is strongly linked
linked to economy: a significantly larger proportion of low income countries will be vulnerable to climate change as
the impacts are more strongly felt in the future.
Social Factors and Climate Change

Social Factor Why vulnerable and at risk?

Younger or older individuals might be less experienced in recognizing and
avoiding online threats. They may also be more trusting or less familiar with
technology, making them easier targets.

Some studies suggest that certain online risks, such as falling for scams or
encountering cyberbullying, may disproportionately affect individuals of a
particular gender due to societal norms or online behaviors.

Higher levels of education can often correlate with better awareness of online
risks and how to protect against them. Individuals with lower levels of
education may be less equipped to recognize and respond to potential threats

Risk Perception
How someone perceives risks can greatly influence their vulnerability. Those
who underestimate the dangers of sharing personal information online or
engaging with unknown contacts may be more likely to fall victim to scams,
phishing attacks, or other malicious activities.

Societies with contrasting vulnerability

Revision guide p64-5. Give details on how these places are exposed to climate change, sensitive (could be harmed)
by climate change and their adaptive capacity (their ability to prevent harm to people)

Vulnerability in the Philippines Vulnerability in London, UK

In the Philippines, some folks are more at risk online In London, some folks are more at risk of cyber
because of money, internet access, education, and how problems because of different backgrounds, internet
they trust the internet. Not everyone has the same access, education, and where they live. Not everyone
tools or knowledge to stay safe. Some areas or people knows the same about staying safe online. Some areas
with less money might be more vulnerable. Also, not might not have good internet, and some people might
everyone knows how to be careful online or not understand the dangers. Crowded places make it
understands the dangers. Some people trust the easier for bad guys to do cyber tricks. The government
internet too much, which can make it easier for needs to help by making sure everyone knows how to
scammers. It's important for the government to help by stay safe online, improving internet access, and helping
making sure everyone can learn about online safety, those who've been hurt by cybercrime.
improving internet access, and making laws to protect
people's information.

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