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ATick)the correc+ option

B4 ahch yean does the SD6 2 almns to ehd honger )


Nhat can he achieve hy ysing A) ìne#caHon)

ns Quality Edúcatien

A for climate oc+on has he potential toreduce qlabal

areenhoUse gas emissions Go by p to

Tn hich year did the idea of SDG fro the go+20 Somnit
Ans o2

Nhich ot he tollowing SD6 Qitns to quarantee jusHce and

Heedom for ql people by 2D30)
SD6 16

and yery ditaiois

Which f the folohing da ta is unsHocHured
-+ +0 process)
Good Write

ans Aatoa) language Data

q Nhich ot the folloning reters to hge daase ts)

Ans Bìq datq.

2. Hrte T' for t e qnd Ptor Fase.

LAI Çannot be sed to undenstand econamic qrodh ot the


AI can he yety nsekol for monitomng poloHon.

Gns TYUe

unsKocUred data is nOt egss to fi+ into ny type af data

Lans TRue

d PutÑn is an interpieter hased high-lee) language.


Descripitilue analysisisa technique af interietng histatical.

ata toto derye insights anà patterns.

Good UUrite

3. thinkand AnNer

unw caD Ai be used tO

to the problem of food
remoye povey an help solNe
ns Eradica tng
at leas by SO is
poverty and redudng polerku bu
the target to achiele.
roving e ATcan help in Imn
ATcan also helpwih aid distibu quqliy ot producds ,e
on in p00r and Har-ons
areos, r where nat disasters have caused heauu
desttucA¦oD, can help in regchìng ov} tbe Goa) by
ng fooà nastage f%ding Hays to tracki
groa yields, tdentifying diaen
-Se,and pest outbýeaks ,analysing means to
et reduce populaon

I COm help in
improving he qnality ot Educaion, £laborate
ans AI in edvcaHon can be
1sedo achiele Quality ducaton
goa)s b developing smoart contet prosding perso Dali2ed
gquidance, ouhd theAk qssis+ance ,yrual learning
men,and ceding envior
ore Secured obline exams.
what do yo Understand by Suistainable ciHes and co
oties whot ole can AL pAy hthis)
ans II aims t0 provlde afe and atforda ble
houslng facili
+o oll II also
adsocates gre en und cultutally ins piring
CondiHons for allTechnolegies iike AI In smart cties her
Good Write

tbe ciHes to utilise current assets more eftectvely

allot resources nore etficen+ls and understand how
data can be shared and managed across 4he ahole System.

Define any tno tools ot data science 2

Ans The folloing +00ls and progra mming languages are useÓ
bl data Sciebtists to gnalyse data and drala insiqhtsAro
PythonPyhohisQ idels USed lanquage 4or data Sciente
and sottNare develapment. TIis an interpreter based high
levellangua ge hich tas gained popularity becabse ot tts
ease ôf use and code readabìl.
Ta bleau: 8 an hdeal data visualisa tHop sottNare that helps in
analsiDg datQ hich qllo USers to create intergctive
wiSUa liSO ors and dashboards.

sha+ ls Dota science)

it can
Data Sciece is q Fied that sudies data and the kys
be ranstormed into Naluable inputand resoures to
business and it Stra tegies, This is a ScieDce that combines
domain eKpertse, programming skills and kooweld¡e of math
-Mathics to estact insights fran he the largeand ever
incteasing olumeç of data collected by agAhis atopS.

4 Applica+lcn based Questians

Good Write
a) DATE:

Sudhir NOs assiqned a task by his teacher she asked him to

premre a presentation on the topicmpact of ubanisasion
on widlife fsosusterns She also asked him to relate o
presenta4ion t0 4he sDGs. He s quite coONfused and
decide ho to ehte.
Unable to
Please Suggest him a way to complete the task.
SDG IS ite on land

Priya has askeà 40 take a Sundey ot the Sales afa arsicuh:

roduc+ tn the last decade Bu, hile reserching she was hot
able to declde on whch too) to use for historic data analusis.
Please suggest heh the hest tool or this _porpose.
Ons Descripaie Analis

Good Write

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