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October 6, 2011- 8:00am 12:00pm Field Notes This was my second day at my clinical site with Pam Logue.

. Today started off pretty crazy because she was late due to car troubles. Terri Roemer, who is another business teacher, has a class next door so she was running between both classrooms to try to control all the students. It was extremely hectic for me when half of the 7th grade keyboarding students who work off of an internet based program started shouting out that their internets were not working. That combined with some students just having computer issues caused a lot of chaos. To keep the students whose computers were not working busy, while the IT guy tried to fix the problems, we sent them to their lockers to get other work to work on. This calmed the chaos somewhat but the students were still off task and talkative. My cooperating teacher finally showed up and told the students whose computers were not working to go to the other computer lab for the last 15 minutes of class. This really opened my eyes up to the fact that being a technology teacher will be difficult at times because of technology issues that arise out of the blue. In the second class we were planning on talking about the death of Steve Jobs and how he impacted the technology world. I thought this was a great lesson plan because many students who use his products everyday probably did not know who he was. As the class started it seemed that the internet not working was a network problem and again only half of the students internets worked, the teachers being one of the ones not working. My cooperating teacher somewhat fixed the issue by having students do some small group research on the computers that were working and she then brought out her personal laptop that had working internet. We then discussed as a whole class who Steve Jobs was and what he did. The students were very interested in him and like I thought not many of them knew who he was before the discussion. For the third period she has prep. We started off by talking about some of the other issues she deals with dealing with technology issues in the classrooms. I then started grading an Course Content Age One thing that we have talked about in our course that really stuck out to me this week was the age differences of the students. The technological difficulties that happened can cause students to get anxious and antsy. I observed that the 7th grade students were more worried about falling behind in their lesson and wanted to get the computers working as soon as soon as possible. As for the high school students, when they found out that the internet was not working for some they thought it would turn out to be a social hour and were not worried about falling behind. Exceptionality In my 7th grade keyboarding class there was a student that was gone for a week and came up to the teacher and asked what he missed. The teacher then asked him if he had an excused absence. He then informed us he was put in a mental hospital for a week. The teacher informed me when he walked away that he has a behavior disorder.

assignment that one of her later classes did on formatting a Word document as instructed. It somewhat surprised me on the lack of understanding/effort some of the students made on their assignments. I also observed that it can be somewhat hard to grade these because many times there are different ways students do things and figuring out where they went wrong can be hard.

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