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Movie Recommendation System


Submitted By
Pranjul Patel


Ritesh Tiwari, Sachin Kushwaha, Pranjul Patel, Anshul Yadav

in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of

Bachelor Of Computer Applications


Bachelor Of Computer Applications

Sanskriti University
May 2024


Submitted By

Ritesh Tiwari (2102309065)

Sachin Kushwaha (2102309068)
Pranjul Patel (2102309098)
Anshul Yadav (2102309008)

in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of

BACHELOR OF Computer Applications



Sanskriti University

Certified that this project report “Movie Recommendation System” is the bonafide
work of “Pranjul Patel” who carried out the project work under my/our

Signature of the Dean/HOD Signature of the Supervisor

Name of the Dean
Name of project prof.
Dr. Deepak Sharma Mr. Aashish Jain

Department of computer& Department of computer&

Science Engineering Science Engineering

Name of Assistant prof.

Mr. Prateek

Submitted for the project viva-voce examination held on


CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 11

1.1. Identification of Client/ Need/ Relevant Contemporary issue ....................................... 11

1.2. Identification of Problem ............................................................................................... 11

1.3. Identification of Tasks .................................................................................................... 11

1.4. Timeline ......................................................................................................................... 11

1.5. Organization of the Report ............................................................................................. 11


2.1. Timeline of the reported problem................................................................................... 12

2.2. Existing solutions ........................................................................................................... 12

2.3. Bibliometric analysis ...................................................................................................... 12

2.4. Review Summary ........................................................................................................... 12

2.5. Problem Definition ......................................................................................................... 12

2.6. Goals/Objectives ............................................................................................................ 12

CHAPTER 3. DESIGN FLOW/PROCESS....................................................... 13

3.1. Evaluation & Selection of Specifications/Features ........................................................ 13

3.2. Design Constraints ......................................................................................................... 13

3.3. Analysis of Features and finalization subject to constraints .......................................... 13

3.4. Design Flow ................................................................................................................... 13

3.5. Design selection ............................................................................................................. 13

3.6. Implementation plan/methodology ................................................................................ 13

CHAPTER 4. RESULTS ANALYSIS AND VALIDATION .......................... 14
4.1. Implementation of solution ............................................................................................ 14
CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK .................................. 15
5.1. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 15

5.2. Future work .................................................................................................................... 15

REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... 16
APPENDIX ............................................................................................................. 17
1. Plagiarism Report............................................................................................................... 17

2. Design Checklist ................................................................................................................ 17

USER MANUAL .................................................................................................... 18

List of Standards (Mandatory For Engineering Programs)

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Note: Text in Red is presented as an example (replace with relevant information)

1.1. Identification of Client /Need / Relevant Contemporary issue

➢ Client Identification: Target clients include individual movie enthusiasts, streaming

platforms, and content creators seeking personalized recommendations.
➢ User Preferences: Key to understand user tastes in genres, actors, directors, and other movie
features for tailored recommendations.
➢ User Behaviour and Trends: Analysing user watch history, ratings, and viewing patterns
helps fine-tune recommendations.
➢ Diverse Content Selection: Offers a wide variety of content such as international films,
indie movies, and lesser-known titles to cater to different preferences.
➢ Ethical Considerations: Promotes content responsibly, respecting user privacy and data
protection laws.
➢ Continuous Learning and Adaptation: Continuously learns from user feedback and adjusts
recommendations for better accuracy and relevance.

1.2. Identification of Problem

➢ The main problem for a movie recommendation system is providing personalized,

accurate, and diverse suggestions while respecting user privacy. It must effectively
analyze user data to understand preferences and behavior, avoiding biases, and ensuring
it doesn't recommend harmful or offensive content.

1.3. Identification of Tasks

➢ Data Collection: Gather user data on preferences, watch history, and ratings.
➢ Data Cleaning: It involves removing duplicates, correcting inaccuracies, handling missing
➢ Content Analysis: Evaluate movies based on genres, actors, directors, and other attributes.
➢ Recommendation Algorithm: Develop algorithms to generate personalized suggestions.
➢ User Interface: Create an intuitive interface for users to access recommendations.
➢ Continuous Improvement: Gather feedback and adjust recommendations for better

1.4. Timeline

➢ It takes approx. two months to build a system.


2.1. Timeline of the reported problem

➢ Movie recommendation systems started as simple lists of popular or top-rated movies.

➢ Introduction of collaborative filtering and content-based algorithms improved
➢ Increased data availability allowed for more sophisticated recommendations using machine
➢ Rising awareness of biases and privacy issues led to more responsible recommendations.
➢ Ongoing updates and feedback loops refine recommendations for greater accuracy.

2.2. Existing solutions

➢ Collaborative Filtering: Uses user behaviour data such as ratings and watch history to
suggest movies based on similarities among users.
➢ Content-Based Filtering: Recommends movies based on features like genres, actors, and
directors that match the user's preferences.
➢ Hybrid Approaches: Combines collaborative and content-based methods for more accurate
and diverse recommendations.
➢ Matrix Factorization: Breaks down user-movie interaction data to identify latent factors for
improved recommendations.
➢ Deep Learning Models: Uses neural networks to predict user preferences and suggest
➢ Context-Aware Recommendations: Takes into account additional factors like time of day
or location to offer personalized suggestions.

2.3. Bibliometric analysis

➢ Key Features: Movie recommendation systems leverage data such as genres, actors, and
user preferences to offer personalized suggestions.
➢ Effectiveness: Effective systems balance diverse content offerings, accuracy, and user
satisfaction. Hybrid models and deep learning approaches improve recommendation quality.
➢ Drawback: Challenges include data biases, privacy concerns, and difficulties in predicting
user preferences accurately, particularly for niche or lesser-known content.

2.4. Review Summary

• The literature review on movie recommendation systems reveals the importance of

personalized, diverse, and context-aware suggestions. This aligns with the project's goals to
develop a system that accurately predicts user preferences. Advanced methods such as hybrid
approaches and learning models offer promising results in achieving these objectives.
However, handling data responsibly remains critical challenges for the project's success.
2.5. Problem Definition

What is to be Done:
• Collect user preferences like favourite genres, actors, and directors.
• Use user ratings, viewing history, and trends to understand preferences.
• Generate movie suggestions based on user preferences and historical data.
• Include recommendations outside the user's typical choices to help them discover new
• Continuously adapt suggestions based on new user data.
How it is to be Done:
• Gather data on users' viewing habits and preferences.
• Extract useful features such as genres, actors, and directors from data.
• Select and train a machine learning model using historical data.
• Use the trained model to provide personalized recommendations.
• users to rate recommendations for improvement.
What Not to be Done:
• Do not collect sensitive data without user consent.
• Avoid fixed recommendations; keep them dynamic.
• Avoid favoring certain genres or actors without user preferences.
• Continuously improve recommendations based on user feedback.

2.6. Goals/Objectives

Here are the goals and objectives for a movie recommendation system:
• User Preference Analysis: Precisely identify user preferences through ratings and
• Personalized Recommendations: Deliver accurate and tailored movie suggestions based
on user history and preferences.
• Exploration Opportunities: Encourage users to discover new movies outside their usual
• Continuous Adaptation: Update recommendations regularly to reflect recent user
interactions and trends.
• Bias Mitigation: Ensure fairness in recommendations across genres and other attributes.
• Feedback Incorporation: Utilize user feedback to improve system accuracy and
• Performance Measurement: Track metrics such as user satisfaction, engagement, and
recommendation accuracy to assess system performance.

3.1. Evaluation & Selection of Specifications/Features

• About user interests such as favourite genres, actors, directors, and viewing history.
• Features like genre, cast, director, release year, ratings, and runtime.
• Historical data on how users have rated movies and their reviews.
• Algorithms to measure the similarity between movies or users based on features.
• Techniques to leverage other users' preferences to recommend movies.
• Methods using movie features to find similar content to a user's interests.
• Recommendations across different genres and styles for variety and discovery.
• The system should handle a large volume of data and users efficiently.

3.2. Analysis of Features and finalization subject to constraints

Here's an analysis of features and finalization subject to constraints for a movie

recommendation system:
• Remove Unnecessary Data: Exclude redundant or irrelevant data to streamline the
system and improve efficiency.
• Modify Data Collection: Collect only essential data while respecting user privacy and
• Prioritize User Preferences: Focus on user preferences and ratings as key inputs for

3.3. Design Flow

1. Data Collection: Gather user and movie data, including preferences, viewing history,
ratings, genres, cast, and reviews.
2. Data Preprocessing: Clean and preprocess data, remove outliers, and convert
categorical data to numerical format.
3. Feature Engineering: Extract useful features from user and movie data and engineer
new features based on relationships and interactions.
4. Model Selection: Choose a recommendation approach (collaborative, content-based, or
hybrid) and the most suitable algorithm based on data type and complexity.
5. Model Training: Train the chosen model using historical data and validate it with
techniques like cross-validation.
6. Recommendation Generation: Use the trained model to provide personalized movie
recommendations and enable exploration of different genres.
7. Evaluation and Feedback: Gather user feedback, evaluate model performance (e.g.,
precision, recall, user satisfaction), and update the model regularly based on new data
and feedback.

3.4. Design selection.

Design Selection: Hybrid Approach
• Comparison: Combines the strengths of collaborative filtering and content-based filtering.
• Collaborative Filtering: Leverages user data to identify similar users and
recommend based on their preferences.
• Content-Based Filtering: Uses movie attributes to find similar content to user
• Advantages:
• Offers more diverse and accurate recommendations.
• Provides exploration opportunities while catering to user preferences.
• Reason:
• Balances personalization and exploration for a better user experience.
• Mitigates limitations of individual approaches (e.g., cold start problem, overfitting).
• Conclusion:
• The hybrid approach offers the best overall performance and flexibility for a movie
recommendation system.

3.5. Implementation plan/methodology


4.1. Implementation of solution

• Analysis: Use Python libraries (e.g., Pandas, NumPy) for data manipulation and
• Design Drawings/Schematics: Utilize flowchart tools to visualize system architecture and
data flow.
• Report Preparation: Create reports using document tools and data visualization tools .
• Project Management and Communication: Manage projects with and use collaboration
tools for communication.
• Testing/Characterization/Interpretation/Data Validation: Use machine learning
libraries for model testing and validation. Apply cross-validation and evaluation metrics
for data validation.

5.1. Conclusion

• Expected Results/Outcome: The movie recommendation system should provide

personalized, accurate, and diverse movie suggestions to users, improving their viewing
• Deviation from Expected Results: Minor deviations may occur due to factors such as
insufficient data, changes in user preferences, or biases in the data.
• Reason for Deviation: Deviations could be caused by data quality issues, limitations in
model training, or unexpected changes in user behaviour and tastes.

5.2. Future work

• Way Ahead:
• Required Modifications: Continuously refine the model using fresh user data and
feedback to improve recommendation accuracy.
• Change in Approach: Consider introducing more advanced algorithms, such as deep
learning models, for improved user preference prediction.
• Suggestions for Extending the Solution: Integrate social and contextual data to
provide more personalized recommendations.
• Enhance GUI: Design a more user-friendly and visually appealing interface by
incorporating modern design trends and interactive elements for an engaging user

Here are some references for making a movie recommendation system:

Online Resources:
1. YouTube Channels:
• CampusX: Offers tutorials on building recommendation systems and machine
learning techniques.
2. Websites:
• Kaggle: Provides datasets and notebooks on movie recommendations, enabling
practical application and learning.
3. Medium: Explore articles and guides on various aspects of building recommendation
systems, including techniques and algorithms.
1. "Machine Learning Yearning" by Andrew Ng:
• Offers strategies for designing machine learning projects, including recommendation
2. "Data Science for Business" by Foster Provost and Tom Fawcett:
• Provides insights into data-driven decision-making and analytics for business
3. "Building Recommendation Engines" by Muhammad Haroon:
• Discusses the techniques and tools used to build recommendation engines.

1. Plagiarism Report:
• Ensure all sources are properly cited, including code, ideas, and text.
• Use plagiarism detection software to check for originality.
• Avoid copying code without attribution; always reference sources.

2. Design Checklist:
• Data Collection:
• Collect user and movie data responsibly and ethically.
• Obtain necessary permissions and comply with data privacy laws.
• Data Preprocessing:
• Clean and prepare data for analysis.
• Handle missing values and outliers.
• Feature Engineering:
• Extract meaningful features from data.
• Create new features based on relationships in the data.
• Model Selection:
• Choose a suitable model (e.g., collaborative, content-based, or hybrid).
• Consider data size, complexity, and desired outcomes.
• Model Training:
• Train the model using historical data.
• Validate model performance and adjust as needed.
• Recommendation Generation:
• Generate personalized recommendations for users.
• Allow users to explore different genres and content.
• Evaluation and Feedback:
• Continuously assess model accuracy and user satisfaction.
• Collect user feedback and make adjustments.
User Manual
Here is how to run the project step by step:
Step 1: Install Required Libraries
• Open a terminal or command prompt.
• Install the required libraries using the following command.
Step 2: Prepare Your Data
• Download the TMDb dataset: Get the dataset from a reliable source like Kaggle.
• Data cleaning: Clean the dataset to remove missing or irrelevant information and ensure it is
ready for analysis.
Step 3: Set Up Your Streamlit Application
• Create a new Python file: Create a new file, such as, for your Streamlit application.
• Import libraries: Import the necessary libraries for your project.
Step 4: Connect to TMDb API
• API Key: Obtain an API key from TMDb (The Movie Database) by creating an account.
• Initialize TMDb: In your Python file, initialize the TMDb API with your key.
Step 5: Create the Streamlit User Interface
• User input: Create a text input for the user to search for movies:
• Submit button: Add a button for the user to submit their search query.
Step 6: Fetch and Display Movie Recommendations
• Fetch movie data: Use TMDb's Movie API to fetch movie data based on user input:
• Display top 5 movie recommendations: Loop through the results and display the top 5
Step 7: Run the Streamlit App
• Run the app: Save the file and open a terminal in the same directory. Run the Streamlit app
with the following command:
• streamlit run

Step 8: Test Your Application

• Interact with the app: Open the app in a web browser (usually http://localhost:8501/).
• Search for movies: Enter a movie name in the search bar and see the top 5 movie
User Manual
User Manual
User Manual
User Manual

For Frontend

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