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Sleepless Night
Knight in
in the

A Chrono-Rogue Adventure by Loculus Games

Sleepless Night in the Scarlet Keep
Loculus Games
Game Designer: Kyle Schantz-Hilton
Interior Illustrations- Kyle Schantz-Hilton
Cartographer: Kyle Schantz-Hilton using Inkarnate
Cover Illustrator: Kyle Schantz-Hilton
Playtesters- Jo, Cass, Amina, Roswell, Matt, Mal,
Sean, Jeremy, Derek, Brian, Duncan, Bill, Dave, Will,

This is a good starter adventure for Chrono-Rogue, a Timepunk RPG. This module will take a group of Chro-
no-Rogues through a multi-part adventure in an alternate timeline of Scotland where they will meet numerous
2 NPCs, fight to stop a murder, and forge allies to achieve their goal so they can get paid and keep flying. In order
to play this adventure you must have either the core rules or the free rule-set available at or
on Kickstarter (depending on when you get this adventure). You’ll need dice, character sheets, and pencils and
paper detailed in either the starter set, or the core rules.

-Temporal Sensitivity and Disclosure-

Certain elements of history continue to be the driving force of a lot of oppression and negative outcomes in the
world today. We ask that if you play a character from another culture, that you do so with the utmost respect
for their differences. Do not engage in stereotypes or elements of their culture that someone else interpreted.
If you are playing a character from another ethnic or cultural background, do some research, and do so with
This particular adventure depicts a rather bloody period in Scottish history. Please consider the events
both real and fictional with respect. Make no mockery of the struggles of the people within. These are charac-
ters on a page, but the inspiration for these characters and events are real, and should be treated with sensitivity.
The characters contained within this adventure don’t reflect actual history but are fictional and don’t reflect any
opinions or beliefs held by Loculus Games. Many historical facts have been altered for the sake of the narrative.
Within the text of this game we will use gendered, and non-gendered pronouns.
-Time Pirates-
Welcome to the elite few, those who wish to escape oppression, and traverse the vast multiverse of time. You are
a Chrono-Rogue, a time traveling pirate bent on freedom and the acquisition of wealth. Keep your ship fueled,
keep traveling, keep stealing, and keep learning.
Within this game you will slip in and out of time, finding alternate futures and pillaging them for wealth,
technology, and secrets. You will enjoy strange timelines, fight savage opponents, and uncover the mysteries of
the void between worlds.
But this life isn’t easy. Nobles seek to arrest you and thwart your temporal meddling using superior tech-
nology and abilities to your own. They exploit humanity for their own ends, they are the enemy, bent on your
incarceration and punishment.

Traveling Through Time!

Chrono-Rogue is a game where you and your crew are hired to commit crimes throughout various time peri-
ods. This often involves locating a Void Baron, then negotiating a job with them. Once the details of the job are
defined, the PCs then must travel to that time period and execute their crime.
Void Barons can usually be found on remote stations out in the Void. These individuals might act as interme-
diaries for a noble family or other secret organization. They will have details as to the nature of the job. Some-
times they will wine and dine the crew while in their home, sometimes they will just be conducting business.
Void barons are powerful individuals with powerful security systems, attacking one of their holdings is usually a
suicide mission.
Typically the crew will be given a mission parameter to complete, or several. Travel back to a particular
time period and either steal something, upset a political movement, establish an organization, disrupt an or-
ganization, kill a historical figure, or ensure that a historical figure lives who otherwise wouldn’t. These goals
might need to be completed quietly without any exposure to time traveling elements, or overtly, going in loud
with powers and abilities (though this is less common). They will usually receive some local currency (Currency
Points), some baggy period appropriate attire, and half the Draichs for the job up front. Each crew member who
will be participating out in the field will get a special implant called a babel shard, a device that allows a charac-
ter to understand, speak and write in the languages required for the mission.

Ships and Blending In

Your crew is equipped with a Slip-Ship; a large submarine like flying craft that can punch through into a time-
line and keep itself invisible while there. In this particular adventure, the Slip-Ship won’t be able to participate
until the very end, as it will break down as it approaches. In other adventures, the Slip-Ship will be necessary to
cross distances quickly or be used to pick up the characters when danger is near and they require extraction.
Some pieces of technology will be hidden or foreign on your person. In some timelines, the locals won’t
know what a gun is, so it will be a curiosity at best. They won’t know how to operate or fire one. It’s best prac-
tice to allow players to move around with their items so they can use them and not have the oddity of it be the
central focus. Most Paradox Suits can be worn underneath clothing and even the more armored ones can pass
as a knights plate, or a shock trooper’s heavy kevlar. You can give your players small portable paradox fields so
they can change from heavy armor to an Everyman suit if need be without the worry of being disintegrated by
-Running This Adventure-
Preparation- Read the adventure through before running it. There are a lot of interconnecting parts where
certain information leaked to NPCs will change the outcome of other interactions. The Players can achieve
victory a number of different ways, so be careful to pay attention to notes within the adventure.

Maps- Maps have been provided to give the storyteller ideas on how to frame specific scenes or to help players
visualize the grounds they walk upon. Storytellers are encouraged to use them as literally or abstractly as they
wish. Doors and windows aren’t represented, but feel free to add them as needed for creative players.

NPC Stats- Stats have been provided for NPCs (Non-Player Characters) that the player characters might re-
quire any kind of physical or social conflict with. Resistance rolls, and skill scores have been calculated already.
So if a skill reads +7 insight, it has already included proficiencies and attributes combined. Resistances have al-
ready included these calculations as well. Damage dice and armor and social soak dice has already been calcu-
lated for you along with pierce ratings. Some Edges add bonuses that haven’t been calculated as they are usually
up to the storyteller to utilize. Any odd equipment will be included within the adventure. There are numbered
possibilities of outcomes that might occur, otherwise it is on the Storyteller to embody other elements of the

References- There will be references to things not covered in the free rules for Chrono-Rogue. In these in-
4 stances supplemental information will be provided. Feel free to incorporate new technology and information
to the greater world of Chrono-Rogue you might be running.

Currency Points- This represents local currency- Dinar to dollars, rubles to rupees. Money grants access. It
can be used to purchase favors, property, gear, food, and other goods and services. This money is not worth
very much outside of that specific timeline, but some Chrono-Rogues can set up a pretty good living within a
timeline they grow to enjoy. Sometimes players might build an entire empire within a timeline, and return their
often to continue building or to rest in safety.
Sometimes void barons will give characters some starting currency points to get themselves started on
a job. Sometimes they will have to earn it or steal it while they are there. Remember that currency points are
worthless outside their timeline as they only count or affect non time travelers in the era. Sometimes characters
will have to spend currency points to gain certain things, sometimes just having the wealth is enough to appear
like you belong. See the table below for options.

1-2- A very good meal.

2- Minor bribe.
2- A night in a nice hotel.
2- A basic weapon that will last in this era only.
10- A small property for a month.
20- Paperwork and a temporary background
that will hold up to basic scrutiny.
30- Transportation for 4 for a month.
50- A decent background that will hold up to
moderate scrutiny.
50- You are considered middle class within the
50- Middle sized property for a month.
50- A moderate bribe.
Difficulties- Some difficulties have been predetermined for quick ease of play. They will be designated as Diffi-
culty Class or DC within the text. Characters will have to meet the difficulty number for the roll to pass it. For
every 5 they beat the roll by, they can add their own narrative flair.

Combat Encounters- Stats have been provided for combat encounters. Storytellers are encouraged to add ad-
ditional troops, or remove troops when necessary to increase or decrease the difficulty. Sometimes the difficulty
is determined by having enemies equal to or less than the number of PCs depending. Feel free to tweak these
numbers if you so wish.

Skill Dice- Whenever a character receives skill dice, you add that die and type to the skill roll. IE: Character
gets +1D4 Skill Dice means the character rolls 1D4 and adds it to the rating of attack, skill check, or Resistance

-Codex Data-
Chronoliths- These are the massive cities where humanity hides. They are mighty floating cities that lie
in the sky, shrouded in mystery. Each of them have their own culture and drive that have been defined through 5
the nobles that command them. They have powerful cloaking technology, allowing them to exist without any-
one below being the wiser. A few of these Chronoliths will be referenced in this adventure with details to come
later. This particular game will reference Umbra Tempestas and Aurugin Castellum.
The Void- The space between timelines. The space between the walls of time, vast and uncharted. De-
scribed as an inky darkness with very few gaps or points of light. Some have left harmonic buoys in an effort to
chart courses through this space, but so far, only a few stable passages have been maintained. There are strange
beasts out there in the dark and worse.
Slip Ship- A ship capable of trans-temporal travel. A slip ship contains an Etheric Sphere and many other
components to allow it to maneuver safely throughout time, space, and the void between. Your characters will
have a slip ship that is the means of conveyance to this timeline. Describe to the Characters a mix between a
submarine and a spaceship.
Automaton- A mechanical entity that uses the power of an undone to move, attack, defend, or perform
tasks. These come in a variety of shapes and sizes from tiny scarab sized devices, to monstrosities the size of
Undone- A spirit of temporal energy that has been erased from the timeline. This collection of will is the
only remnant of a person who could have been. These spirits sometimes have enough energy to affect the
world, but mostly they are used as fuel for devices, or to consume for certain abilities. Some of these creatures
are malevolent, and have learned to possess human hosts or other technology to try to invoke their own agenda
upon the timestream.
Babel shards- Devices that are implanted into a Chrono-Rogue allowing them to understand, read, and
speak several languages.
Resurrection Cradle- A device on the character’s slip-ship that resurrects the character’s automatical-
ly. Whenever they are forced to regenerate remember to record 1 point of permanent paradox on their charac-
“Look like the innocent flower,
But be the serpent under it.”
William Shakespeare, Macbeth

Sleepless Night In the Scarlet Keep is a contained adventure for Chrono-Rogue, allowing new and old players
alike a chance to dip a toe into a strange world. This adventure is designed for between four and six players and
by the end, players will have a good sense of what a Timepunk adventure really is.
Sleepless Night in the Scarlet Keep is an adventure that takes place over several fateful nights in the town
of Glamis and in Glamis Castle in Scotland. Glamis Castle is a beautiful keep set in the heart of Angus, Scot-
land. It has been the ancestral home of the Earls of Strathmore and Kinghorne since 1372. Old rutted roads
spider through thick forests, and run along the nearby eastern coast of Scotland. The town of Glamis is a small
population center by modern standards, its people are hardy and strong willed. Some call this place the birth-
6 place of Scotland, and many mysteries still reside in the fog cloaked forests where ancient Pictish stones thrust
up from the living rock, rune carved with unknown messages for the future. This is a fabrication of actual
events and indeed temporal meddling has unraveled truth entirely turning these events into a historical fiction.

In this timeline, the land of Gael (Scotland) didn’t achieve its independence at the Battle of Bannockburn, and
still lives under an oppressive regime of the Albion Crown (England). Border skirmishes have died down, and
alliances have been forged between Albion and Lyresse (France), granting several vital armies to inhabit the Gael
coastline to quell any potential insurrection.
This story takes place over several nights in 1511 in the Gael town of Glamis. For hundreds of years, the
local area has been exploited by the Albion Crown, turning the district of Angus into a series of scattered min-
ing villages all beholden to a single purpose. An Albion force found a strange and massive chunk of voidstone
shortly before the failed battle for Gaelish independence. When ingested in small quantities, this voidstone
could keep someone fighting for long periods of time, allowing the English forces to fight beyond breaking point
and eventually defeating the Gael forces. The locals of Angus were turned into miners to excavate the rock and
deliver it back to Albion and Lyressian boats.
A powerful force of Lyressian Mercenaries called The Scorned Oath have set up a camp around the voidstone
mine entrance, acting as a security force and often stealing chunks of voidstone when they can for personal use.
The voidstone meteor throws off a strange field that interferes with some Chronotech, making approaches by
ship ill advisable as a ship’s shroud is the first thing to shut down, followed by the engines.
The town of Glamis proper has grown significantly greater than our prime timeline would suggest, and
within it stands several institutions that have survived the test of time. The Dagdan church stands tall and proud
at the center of the town; a place where some go to find peace, this site hides several deep secrets kept safe for
the ages by The Brotherhood of St. Argyle. The Moldy Dog is a tavern and inn where many of the locals go to
drink away their sorrows. The Mayor’s house is a two story keep in spitting distance of the church. Due to its
collaborative nature with the Albion and Lyresse, the locals often spit on the mayor’s building too.
Sleepless Night in the Scarlet Keep is divided into three major events/parts, allowing the players a good variety
of experiences of time travel. There are numerous NPCs (non-player characters) that the player characters
can interact with. These NPCs each have their own motivations and short term goals to long term goals. Stat
Blocks for their stats have been included in their sections of the adventure so the Storyteller won’t have to
jump back and forth. Some areas have been defined with maps which are just there to give players ideas of
size and scope. You may use the maps as you see fit to run the adventure, adhering to them strictly or using
them as a visual medium to inspire a more theater of the mind kind of story. Additional gear that isn’t cov-
ered in the starter rules has been detailed here for the players to enjoy.

The PCs will be hired by Karl Ivenstern- A moderately influential void baron. He wants the PCs to go to a par-
ticular region of Gael and save two individuals, Archibald and Elizabeth Douglas. If both survive he will pay
the characters 4000 Draichs. If the players kill Lord Strathmore (the current estate holder of Glamis Castle),
without implicating either Elizabeth or Douglas, he will pay an additional 1000 Draichs.

Part One
The PCs will learn that their ship is being adversely affected by the presence of the Voidstone. If they stay out 7
of the radius, it can fly, but the ship will be 10 miles out if anything happens and they need pickup. They will
travel by road, and will come across some bandits who think they look like easy coin. The bandits will be in the
middle of holding up Sir Archibald Douglas, knight and recent lord of House Douglas in Edinburgh. His ret-
inue will have been slaughtered, leaving several horses and a functional coach. He will require escort and will
pay for escort to the town of Glamis. He will explain that his wife Elizabeth is in Glamis Castle visiting friends
and has been for some time, and he was going to reconnect with her, as the two hadn’t seen one another in a
year. The players will encounter a Lyresse checkpoint outside the town and be admitted on Sir Douglas word.
The PCs will get rooms at the Moldy Dog with Sir Douglas, they will see something strange at the Dagdan
church, and learn something darker about the Voidstone. They will have several small side quest hooks within
the town that will help them later. They can investigate the town and find out some of the history and some of
the local characters.

Part Two
The following day the characters will be invited out to Glamis Castle with Sir Douglas, who will reveal at this
point that he thinks that his wife is acting strange and might be in need of some assistance. He isn’t sure what
is brewing at the castle, but he wants the PCs to come with him and act as his retinue. He will empower them
to act as investigators. He suspects that someone there is changing her. Her letters have been odd, referencing
things that make no sense, people who have died, events that never occurred, and a child not yet born. He wants
to get to the bottom of this.
The Castle will have a welcoming party that night with members of the Gael nobility, Lyressian nobility,
and Albion nobility present. The characters will meet Donalbane, current lord of Angus and his wife Maiven,
Pierre Le Monte the head of Scorned Oath, and Arthur Crown, a merchant lord from London down to ensure
the shipments keep coming. They might learn that Le Monete is working for some other time traveling nobles
and intends on betraying Strathmore and Killing Elizabeth. The Children of Morrigan will attack the party, kill
Lord Strathmore and try to kidnap Elizabeth, only to discover that she was replaced by a clone, and that the real
Elizabeth has been brought to the mine to be killed in a sacrifice that will remove her from every timeline.
Part Three
The PCs will learn that Elizabeth was taken by Le Monete and stashed in the voidstone mine. The Characters
will make their way through the camp with either stolen Lyressian clothes/armor, or use one of the other ways
into the mines. Once inside, they will find that Lord Le Monte is preparing to sacrifice Elizabeth on a slab of
voidstone. The PCs will have the opportunity to save her by defeating Le Monte or Captain Lyenne Duvraise as
a stand-in if Le Monte was killed or detained prior to these events. Once they kill Le Monte, they will have to get
Elizabeth back to the Castle and depart.

Adventure Hook
The Characters will be hired by a void baron (Karl Iverstern) to go save Elizabeth Douglas, as her daughter
will one day be a champion of Gael land in this timeline. She will burn the invading armies out of the Albi-
on Lyressian Alliance. She will turn the Gael land into its own country, protecting her people with Siphonic
magic. Elizabeth Douglas and Archibald Douglas must survive the adventure and become the lord and lady
of Glamis Castle. Both come with a reward of 2000 Draichs. So the entire job will pay 4000 Draichs. If the
PCs decide to kill Lord Strathmore secretly to do this, another 1000 Draichs can be offered.
Prologue- Read this as the adventure begins.

Your ship eases into the hydraulic clamp of the Void Baron’s station. You walk down a long hallway
with ancient statuary lining evenly placed niches. A glass door opens at the end of the hallway, admit-
ting you to a large observation room that looks out onto the void. A large circular table commands the
center of the room, covered with an ornate silver and green cloth. Books line the walls and a rather
beautiful liquor cabinet beckons to those of you that partake. Standing on an upper balcony, eight ar-
mored and armed automatons watch your every movement.
A door opens at the far end of the room and Karl Ivenstern, the void baron walks in. He appears to be a
gruff, yet refined man in his late forties with noble attire and a raven shaped amulet around his neck.

Iverstern will explain that he wants Elizabeth Douglas and Archie Douglas to survive a particular timeline.
Their child is to be very important to the people of Gael. For their survival, he will pay 4000 Draichs, and they
are free to take any other spoils they wish, the only stipulation is Elizabeth and Archie must survive. He will
give the players 10 local currency points, basic costuming, and Babels hards (Chronotech devices) capable of
letting a character understand and speak Gael, Albion, and Lyressian (Scots Gaelic, English, and French). The
players will be arriving on the road at the same time Archie Douglas is supposed to be going into town, per-
haps they will meet him. If the PCs want to try to squeeze him for more money, they can pass a Charm roll
DC:16 he will give them 500 Draichs more, but that’s it. If Lord Strathmore is killed by the player characters
without implicating Douglas or Elizabeth, he’ll pay an additional 1000 Draichs.

1. He will tell them that there is a mining operation going on that is guarded by Lyressian soldiers, and it
might be the source of some profit if they look into it.
2. There are dissidents and rebels dotted around the land, the PCs can either choose to support or hinder
them if they wish, he’s not sure what the outcome will be.
3. The Dagdan Church in the town of Glamis will be a good area to start if they want to know the nature of
the conflict and get some more information. The brothers of St. Argyle keep the old ways here
4. He suspects someone is working for a noble family from the Chronolith Aurugin Castellum.
5. Reports are that ships can’t fly near the town or the mine so they’ll have to go in on foot.

Part One- Arrival

The adventure starts after landing. Your ship cannot proceed towards Glamis Town without experiencing
problems, first the ship’s shroud will go down, then the engines, forcing you to land a few miles outside of
town. The adventure will start on the road as the characters hike towards the town of Glamis. Read the Italic
Text when you’re ready to begin.

The distant rumblings of thunder echo through the sky with the promise of rain. You trudge along on
well rutted roads and hear the distant barking of dogs, or maybe wolves. You pass an old farmstead
on the left, abandoned. The rotting carcasses of several slaughtered cattle lay in a field, the stench of
decomposition wafting over you. As you come to a fork in the road you hear a cry for help down the
right fork.

Running to the person’s aid, you see a large tree cut down on the road in front of a large coach. The bodies
of several men lay on the ground, their horses standing at a distance. You notice that bandits stand around 9
the coach, pointing their weapons at it. The bandits will notice the PCs unless they try to sneak up on them.
Place the bandits however you wish.
Bandits are equal to the number of player characters.
If no one is ambushed. The Characters can have a few lines of dialogue to learn that Archibald Douglas is in the
coach. They can then fight the bandits. Archie will use his commander Edge to grant the characters bonuses
during the fight.
Use the Initiative rules found in the starter kit, keep track of the bandits actions. If the bandits are going first,
they might not establish defense, trying to kill as many characters as possible. If they lose half their numbers,
they will flee unless there are fewer player characters than the remaining bandits. If the bandits are captured
they will say that they are starving and thought to make a little coin. They work for the Children of the Morri-
gan and won’t divulge their outpost but will treat the characters favorably if they are spared or saved in any way.
Characters can attempt to win through roleplay, intimidating or charming the bandits to leave. Once combat
ensues the Bandits will be less likely to talk but use your best judgment.
1. Archie is visiting his wife at Glamis after a long peri-
od apart.
2. He doesn’t know how the Strathmores feel towards
him anymore.
3. His wife has made references to their child, though
she is not pregnant, and they’ve never had any offspring.
4. He is coming from London as he has just been Lord-
ed with land and title.
5. After they have spent one night in the town Archibald
10 will invite them to go to Glamis Castle with him to meet
his wife and see if everything is ok.

Archibald Douglas
Potence: 3 Finesse: 4 Endurance: 3 Savvy: 5 Cunning:3 Willpower: 4
Resistance Rolls- Grit +7 Haste +8 Bastard +8
Charm +11 Insight +7 Empathy +7 Subterfuge +9 Clubwork +8 Brawling +4
Blades +10 Archery +8 Leadership +11 Intimidation +9 Dodge +8 Education +11
Armor Soak Melee- 1D6+1D10 Ballistic- 1D6+1D10
Social Soak- 1D10+1D8
Weapon Damage-Longsword- 2D10 Pierce(1)
Longbow- 2D8 Pierce(1)
Social Damage- 1D8+1D10
Edges-Noble Mien: Soothing Acumen, Disparaging Gaze Blades: Quick Draw, Binding Strike
Commander: Speed of Command, Melee Formation, Firing Formation
Gear- Longsword, Longbow, 100 Currency Points (in his coach), Padded Clothing.
Bandits (Children of the Morrigan).
Potence: 3 Finesse: 2 Endurance: 2 Savvy: 1 Cunning: 2 Willpower: 2
Resistance Rolls- Grit +4 Haste +4 Bastard +3
Insight+4 Archery +6 Subterfuge +3 Clubwork+6 Brawling +4 Stealth +6
Blades +4 Survival +4
Armor Soak Melee- 1D6+1D8 Ballistic- 1D6+1D8
Social Soak- 1D8
Weapon Damage- Longsword 2D10 Pierce (1)
Weapon Damage-Axe- 1D12+1D10 Pierce (1)
Bow Damage- 2D8 Pierce (1)
Edges- Blades: Binding Strike Archery: Aim

The Bandits- These are members of the Children of Morrigan. They didn’t know that Archie Douglas was in the
carriage or the significance of the man. They thought it was another Albion Noble arriving to hurt their people.
Their plans were to rob him or ransom him back to his family. The players can talk to them and convince them
to leave if they are winning in the fight.

Developments 11
If the Player Characters are killed, they will resurrect normally on their ship. If the players decide to trail the
bandit back to their lair, they will know that it’s in a series of caves north east of Glamis Town they will learn that
this is one of many outposts belonging to the Children of the Morrigan.

There are traps out in the woods surrounding the bandit camp (pit traps, bear traps, Crossbow Traps). DC:15
to spot with Insight or Survival. If they fail to spot the traps its a Haste Resistance roll DC:18 to avoid. +3D8
Damage Dice Piercing/Slashing/Impact requiring a melee soak. Any traps that get tripped will alert the bandits.
The bandits will come to fight the characters. The PCs might want to run in this case and any goodwill sparing a
bandit might have generated is wasted.

The Caves - The Outpost hosts a series of caves the PCs can explore if they wish. If they do this, Archibald
Douglas will wait for them. The cave consists of three chambers. The main chamber has some basic weapons,
swords, axes, crossbows, etc. It contains a fire pit and several cots for sleeping. X bandits sit here talking about
what may result if the Lord of Glamis is allowed to live. With a DC:15 Insight skill check they will overhear that
there is a person on the inside of Glamis Castle who is reporting back to King Corax (the alias they use for Hez-
ria), and things may come to a head in the next couple of days.
X=Number of PCs -2. (They have fewer reserves after the battle).
1. If the PCs listen in they will learn that the alias of King Corax is still holding up and the Albion nobility have
no idea who their leader truly is.
2. There is a spy within the Lord Strathmore’s staff who is reporting back to them (Connel Bruenor), but they
won’t mention him by name. If the PCs attack and overwhelm them they can demand the bandits reveal
their contact’s name.
3. If they show up openly they can talk to the Children of the Morrigan (DC:16 Charm Check) to learn that the
Children are fighting back against the Albion Nobility and their Lyressian allies. Many of the townsfolk are
suffering and they want to help them.
4. If the PCs kill all the Children here, it won’t be reported back to the rest of the organization as they won’t
have the means to know.

Read This if they go into the cave.

rickety table standsbefore
table stands beforethem,
you adorned
a rough with a rough
sheepskin mapsheepskin
sits on themap.
table,Cave features
barely are barely
lit by fading tallowlit
by fading tallow candles. A chest sits next to several stockpiles of rusted battered weapons.
candles. A chest sits next to several stockpiles of rusted battered weapons. Foodstuffs and rags line some ofFoodstuffs
and rags line some
the perimeter of thisofroom,
the perimeter of thisofroom,
and the stench hard and
livingthe stenchyour
berates of hard living
senses. Theberates your senses.
map outlines dotted The
map outlines dotted camps here and there;
here and there belonging to their operatives. seemingly belonging to their operatives.

In the Right Chamber- The PCs will find a chest with 100 Draichs in it, which will be strange. More bedding
and foodstuffs, rags and battered weapons and armor. If the PCs take the map and turn it into the mayor or
Lord Strathmore, the movement will be crushed.
Read this if they go into the left chamber.
The floor is covered with loose musty straw and reeds. In one corner sits an old rotting chest, iron clad
with a shoddy lock. Before you stands a painted effigy of a woman surrounded by flocks of savage crows,
a spear held menacingly in her slender hands. Blood is spattered before this altar, whether animals or
humans, you’re not entirely sure.

In the Left chamber is a shrine to The Morrigan. With a DC:16 Education check they will learn that the Morrig-
an is a goddess of war driving the Gael people to fight back against the oppression of the Albion Empire. With a
successful Temporal Lore roll DC:20 they will recognize similarities with the Void Walker known as the Hex-
encrow, a powerful temporal manipulator who uses crows to spy for her. Searching this place they will find 2
doses of Blood Weed I. A locked chest (DC:14 Burglary) has 2 Local currency points inside.

If they share with Archie that they found a map, he will beg them to keep it to themselves, at least for the time
being. Things aren’t as cut and dry here, as he’s been told, and even though they threatened his life, he doesn’t
want additional pain to come to his countrymen.

-Arrival to Town- 13

The town of Glamis is a shabby affair. Dilapidated huts and stone cottages line the outer ring of the
town, weather worn and ill-repaired. Towers stand here and there, each with several fierce-eyed archers at
guard. Beggars line several of the streets, many with untreated injuries. The rain starts in earnest as you move
down the main road.
Town encounters can be done in any order, feel free to describe things beyond what is provided and put your
own narrative flair to these encounters as you wish. There is a tower to the left of the road and a few town
guards will try to find out their business until Archibald steps in and admits his compatriots.

Encounters in Town-
1. The Moldy Dog Inn and Tavern.
2. The Dagdan Church.
3. Esa Bogwater’s fish stall.
4. Kit Burngallow by the well.
5. Eric Nornstar- Sitting drinking against a wall.
6. Eldor Caibarien and the Black Market.
7. Hezria Nurin’s Herb shop.
8. Mayor’s House.
9. Lyenne Duvraise- A local captain of the Scorned Oath.
10. The Cemetery- A place where the dead are buried.

2 3

14 10


Road To Glamis

-The Moldy Dog-
The Moldy Dog Inn is a welcome sight as many of you are chilled to the bone. The inn keep is a rotund man of
forty odd years of age with a thick bushy beard and a large work apron. He looks tired but kindly as you settle
your things. The common room is a well lit and homely place. Many sit and drink on round wooden tables and
you notice that the inn keep doesn’t seem to be charging many of the poorer patrons. This establishment holds
a lot of town gossip and only a few threats. The proprietor is Arford Mclellen, and is a kind man who wants his
country back. A community figure of great renown, Arford wants nothing more than to take care of people,
make sure that they leave his place feeling a little better than when they came in.
The Moldy Dog doesn’t see a lot of Inn patronage, but plenty of drinking patronage. It isn’t uncommon for the
locals to break out into song to keep their spirits up and it isn’t uncommon for some arguments to blossom into
fist fights. When this happens, Arford does his best to calm the participants down, wanting them to end up at
home rather than in the stocks for the evening. This is a center for gossip and information, so the players can go
to work, trying their best to ascertain what is going on in the city.
This Inn has eight rooms for rent, each one costing 1 local currency point. If the characters don’t have
enough coin (They should based on what’s been given them for this mission), Archibald will cover their first
night. The characters could try to sleep out in the woods but if they do, feel free to attack them with another
group of bandits. Arford Mclellen is a well meaning man and will hear
their story with empathy and kindness.
Arford Mclellen
Potence:3 Finesse:2 Endurance:3 Savvy:3 Cunning:2 Willpower:2
16 Resistance Rolls- Grit +5 Haste +4 Bastard +5
Charm +7 Insight+6 Empathy+6 Subterfuge +5 Clubwork+6
Brawling +8
Armor Soak Melee-1D6+1D10 Ballistic- 1D6+1D10
Social Soak-1D8
Physical Damage- Fists 1D10
Social Damage-1D10

Old Mag- An old woman by the fire will speak to anyone who is nice to
her. She will say that her son was killed in the mines. She says that he was a
good boy named Giles. She will spit at the name of the Albion empire.
If a character passes a DC: 15 Charm roll with her, she will say that he found a secret way into the mine. He
had a map but it’s on his body buried in the cemetery.
Notes: The players can go to the cemetery to dig up the body if they wish. There will be an encounter with
grave robbers there. They will not immediately be able to go to the mine as there are too many troops about.
Old Mag
Potence:1 Finesse:2 Endurance:2 Savvy:2 Cunning:2 Willpower:4
Resistance Rolls- Grit +6 Haste +4 Bastard +4
Charm+4 Insight+6 Empathy+6 Survival+4
Armor Soak- Melee-1D6+1D8 Ballistic-1D6+1D8
Social Soak-1D10+1D8
Social Damage- 1D8
Sari Dunn- This young mercenary woman has a shock of red hair and seems to be arm wrestling some of the
lads. She is dressed a little roguish with studded leather armor and several daggers at her belt. If the characters
can beat her at a Drinking contest. Three rounds of Grit Resistance rolls DC 13, then 15, then 17, she will let
them know that she heard the Children of the Morrigan were looking to kill Lord Strathmore in the coming
week (She is drunk and isn’t keeping secrets well). She will tell them that Esa Bogwater isn’t to be trusted, as she
informs on the town. She will say that Eric is a good man, just lost in his way. If the PCs can give him a good
bout, he may have decent information for them. She will say that the mayor is a complete piece of human gar-
bage who deserves the headsman’s axe.
1. If the PCs fail the drinking contest, she won’t reveal any information but says they can challenge her later in
an hour. The drunk character can roleplay being drunk for a while.
2. If they Pay Sari 5 Currency points she will help them for the rest of the adventure as she is a mercenary.

Sari Dunn
Potence:2 Finesse:2 Endurance:4 Savvy:3 Cunning:2 Willpower:3
Resistance Rolls- Grit +7 Haste +4 Bastard +5
Charm +7 Insight +6 Empathy +7 Survival +8 Archery +8 Blades+6
Armor Soak Melee- 1D6+1D8+1D10 Ballistic- 1D6+1D8+1D10
Social Soak- +1D10
Weapon Damage- Bow-2D8 Pierce(1)
Weapon Damage-Dagger 1D8+1D6
Social Damage- 1D10
Hardship -2
Wounds- 4
Gear- Dagger, Longbow, Leather Armor

Connel Bruenor- This middle aged man with rough hands and a ratty workman’s garb is at the bar and is
short of money. He will talk about working at the castle sometimes. He will say that there are ghosts walking
the halls and that Elizabeth seems able to speak to them (Undone she can see). If the PCs order him some food,
he’ll also let them know that there is a crumbled bit of wall in the dungeons that can be used to leave the castle
discretely. Connel works at the keep and is actively spying for the Children of the Morrigan.

1. Connel likes Lady Elizabeth better than any of the other local nobility. She’s been kind to many in the town.
He wants nothing bad to happen to her.
2. He will tell the PCs if they want to sneak in or out of the castle, they can do so in the dungeon.
3. If they Defeat Connel in an Empathy vs Subterfuge roll they will realize there is something secretive and
watchful about him.

Connel Bruenor
Potence:2 Finesse:2 Endurance:2 Savvy:2 Cunning:2 Willpower:2
Resistance Rolls- Grit +4 Haste +4 Bastard +4
Charm+4 Insight+6 Empathy+6 Survival+4 Dodge+6
Brawling +6 Subterfuge+6
Armor Soak -Melee -1D6+1D8 Ballistic- 1D6+1D8
Social Soak-1D8
Social Damage-1D8
-Mayor Robert Kaerr-
If the PCs encounter the mayor read the following.
A stout rotund man stands before you with a well manicured beard, rich red noble robes, rings on
his fingers and a broad silver necklace adorned with a bright red ruby. He smiles at you and ap-
proaches, reaching for a fat coin purse as he does. “Are you new to our fair city? Let me purchase
you a round of drinks at the Moldy Dog, or perhaps some more rare fineries at my home.”

The Mayor- Robert Kaerr- The mayor will make a visit to the Moldy Dog and offer a late night drink to
the PCs and Archie. Archie will turn this down as he’s had too much going on and needs to sleep. The
Mayor will invite them to his home for a drink and a meal. If they choose this option they may learn a
little more about what’s going on in town. The mayor will offer the PCs 10 chunks of voidstone to dis-
cover who the leader of the Children of the Morrigan is and kill them.
The mayor is definitely growing fat off the labor of his countrymen. His small keep is decadent and lav-
ish with gold and goods. The food is dripping with fat and butter and the scotch is delicious. Paintings
of Robert’s forebears line the walls.
If the PCs snoop around his home without his knowledge they can find his leisure room which contains
18 plans.
1. The workforce for the mine are all going to be slaughtered once the project is complete. Shallow
graves have already been dug.
2. He will be given a large estate in London and in Lyresse for his service to the cause.
3. He suspects that the leader of the Children of the Morrigan is a powerful warrior, King Corax.
4. If the players know that Hezria is the leader of the Children of the Morrigan, they can turn her in.
The Mayor’s men will go and attempt to seize her. She will call down the Hexencrow’s power, sum-
moning a massive murder of crows to kill all the Mayor’s men and she will flee. The Children of the
Morrigan will be hostile to the PCs no matter what they do from there on in.

5. If the players intend to kill the Mayor they can do so by trick-

ing him into a private area (Subterfuge DC:19) and murdering
him. They could poison him if they want. News will reach the
Strathmores if the mayor vanishes or is killed, but nothing more.
The Mayor Robert Kaerr
Potence:1 Finesse: 2 Endurance: 2 Savvy: 4 Cunning: 3
Willpower: 4
Resistance Rolls- Grit +6 Haste +5 Bastard +7
Charm +10 Insight +9 Empathy +10 Survival +5
Subterfuge +10 Leadership +6
Armor Soak -Melee-1D6+1D8 Ballistic -1D6+1D8
Social Soak- 1D10+1D8
Social Damage- 2D8+1D10+1D6
Edges- Noble Mien: Soothing Acumen, Disparaging Gaze
Gear- Fine Clothing, Basic Pheromones, Signet Ring, 500 Local
Currency (Currently in a chest in the basement).
New Gear: The Mayor has some interesting gear not covered in the free rules of Chrono-Rogue.

Basic Pheromones
Rank: 1
Cost: 50 Draichs
These are scents and smells that can help you blend in and make yourself attractive to others. Sometimes these
basic niceties are just enough to make you smell clean or appropriately dirty. Gain +1D8 Social Damage Dice.
Gain a +1 to all charm rolls.

-The Dagdan Church-

The Argyle Brotherhood occupy this church, holding fast to their ancient traditions, acting as a balm to the suf-
fering of the local population. They would see Gael free from the oppression that Albion and Lyresse had forced
upon it.
Read the following as the characters come in sight of the Dagdan Church.

The towering bell tower of the Dagdan church competes in the sky with the Mayor’s house for dominance.
Ancient stones support a menagerie of dazzling stained glass, gargoyles, and prayer. The massive double
doors open as if inviting you in as a monk steps out to sweep the front steps.

The Dagdan Church holds the old religions within its walls, the worship of old pagan gods. The brotherhood
of St. Argyle keeps old relics and lore within its walls and can help those in need of guidance. The church has
been trying to offset the oppression of the Gaelish people but with no success. The Monks know who is the
leader of the Children of the Morrigan, they know that something bad is going to happen to the town when
the mine is finished. In this timeline, the Gaelish have a strong connection with Ireland, and the two shared
religion and protection as much as possible. The Treaty of the Golden Stag was an alliance made in secret,
where the priests of both Ireland and Scotland would seek to help end the oppression of Albion for the better-
ment of both peoples. Religious figures are shared between the two islands as a source of spiritual strength.
1. Brother Dunmoore will not reveal the identity of the leader of the Children of the Morrigan unless the
party does a few good deeds around town. The storyteller will be the judge of that based on what they do.
2. They know that Elizabeth is in great danger and will die within the next day or so, and they don’t have the
strength to help her.
3. If they determine the characters are there to help the town, they will give the characters some rank 1 elix-
irs and drugs for free. One each of the following, with the exception being Onyx Salt, each of them gets 2
doses of that (See next page).
4. With a DC:17 Temporal Lore or Education roll, you can tell the characters about the Treaty of the Golden
Stag in this timeline.
New Gear: Brotherhood has some interesting gear not covered in the free rules of Chrono-Rogue.

Stone Skin Elixir

Duration: 3 rounds
Resistance Roll: NA
Special Rules: Paradox Bleed(1) Stack
Effect: This grants you +1D10 to Melee and Ballistic Armor.

Stillness Elixir
Duration: 1 hour
Resistance Roll: NA
Special Rules: Paradox Bleed(1) Stack
Effect: Gain +1D4 Skill Dice on Stealth checks for an hour.

Grey Coal-Drug
Rank: 1
Duration: 1 Day.
Rules: Gain a +2 to all resistances against poisons or effects that inflict a Toxin Stack. Grants the subject an
20 immediate re-roll to resist a Toxin Stack.

Onyx Salt-Drug
Duration: Instant
Rules: Generate 1 point of Hardship. This has no effect if the subject has sustained a single wound. You may
take up to 6 doses of this per day for the purposes of generating additional Hardship points.

Brother Roderick Dunmoore

Potence:2 Finesse:2 Endurance:2 Savvy:3 Cunning:5 Willpower:4
Resistance Rolls- Grit +6 Haste +7 Bastard +8
Charm +7 Insight +11 Empathy +11 Clubwork +6 Brawling +6
Temporal Lore +7 Education +9
Armor Soak- Melee-1D8 Ballistic-1D8
Social Soak- 1D10+1D8
Social Damage-1D10
Weapon Damage-Cudgel 1D6+1D8
Status- 4
Gear- Monks Robes, Cudgel
Read this as they are about to leave:

As you are about to depart, shadows begin to cling to one of the statues, shifting into a murder of crows
that flow around the room, taking purchase wherever they can. Standing before the statue is a woman,
pale with flashing dark eyes wearing a cloak of crow feathers and bone. “Help my children,” she whispers.
“The champion of Gael must be protected. She who is foretold.” You watch as the shadows fade and figure
vanishes. The monks smile at this strange presence.
“The Lady watches over us and protects us as she may.” Says brother Dunmoore.

If the characters ask more, the brotherhood will tell them it was the Lady Morrigan, the goddess of war and
death here to protect them. An Education Roll DC:15 will reveal that the Morrigan is a Gaelic war goddess, but
that something is off about her presentation. With a DC:20 Temporal-Lore roll they will find influences of the
Hexencrow, a Void Walker.
Void Walker-These beings seem capable of walking through time at will. Some see them as the ultimate
evolution of Paradox, capable of stopping and starting time as they see fit. Some offer gifts in exchange for
tasks performed, these gifts often come at a cost. No one who has openly attacked a void walker has lived to
tell of it. Some worship these entities as gods, and many cults have sprung up in the Chronoliths claiming alle-
giance to these creatures, some performing strange acts and rituals, some engaging in butchery, and few shield-
ing their fellow mortals with mind and body. 21

-Esa Bogwater-
Read the following if the characters get within visual sight of Esa.
You see an old ragged woman struggling with a wagon outside a fish stall and cottage. She gives you all a
toothy grin and says “Welcome to Glamis dearies, welcome. If you want some fish I’ll be open in the morn-
ing. If you want stew and a drink, I can offer you some inside.” She moves to the door of her cottage and
opens it, glancing back at you all to follow her in. “I’m Esa Bogwater, who are you?”

Esa Bogwater- Esa is a fisher who fishes the Glamis Burn (a small river), and what meager living she can
catch is sold to locals at a hefty price. She has a bad reputation in the town as many suspect she is spying for
the Albion nobility on her neighbors. She is suspicious of people and doesn’t speak much to those who know
her. She will approach the PCs early on and offer them some free fish stew. She will attempt to be nice to them,
trying to find out what they’re doing there so she can rat them out to Pierre Le Monete. If the PCs do accept her
hospitality and offer up some of their goals, she will immediately tell Lyenne who will find them later and de-
mand they answer some questions. If they eat the stew they will notice that she has some nice possessions, nicer
than a fishmonger could afford (bribes for informing on her fellow townsfolk). They will see in one room the
names of many townspeople, some with a black crow’s feather pinned below the name (Her own personal list of
suspects as to town sympathizers to the Children of the Morrigan).
1. Defeating Esa in an Empathy vs Insight roll will inform them she’s up to no good and will probably turn
them in if possible.
2. If Archie is with them when Lyenne starts stuff, he will tell Lyenne to leave them be as he is of higher
status than she.
3. If the PCs do go with Lyenne to answer some questions, she will bring them to the road leading to
the mine to interrogate. If her interrogation goes poorly, she will attack the PCs with X Soldiers X=to the num-
ber of PCs.
4. If the PCs manage to defeat Lyenne in an opposed Subterfuge against her Empathy. She will immedi-
ately drag Esa Bogwater out of her hut and execute her on the spot for wasting her time. This is also to demon-
strate the casual brutality of the Scorned Oath.
5. If the PCs kill Esa they can loot her home taking two rank 1 trade goods (3D4X100 Draichs). A gold
plate studded with gems, and a silver chalice. They will also find 10 local currency points in a chest at the foot
of her bed.
Esa Bogwater
Potence: 1 Finesse: 2 Endurance: 2 Savvy: 2 Cunning: 2 Willpower: 4
Resistance Rolls- Grit +6 Haste +4 Bastard +4
Charm +4 Insight +8 Empathy +6 Survival +4 Subterfuge +6
Armor Soak- Melee -1D8 Ballistic-1D8
Social Soak- 1D10+1D8
Social Damage-1D8
-Eric Nornstar-
As the characters wander around the Moldy Dog read the following.
As you walk around you see a huge pale man sprawled against a wall. A well kept longsword sits next to
him. He takes pulls from a sour smelling wineskin. “None of this should’ve happened.” He mutters. When
he makes eye contact with you he scowls. “What do you want?” He snarls. “Lady Elzybeth wouldn’t look at
me like that.”

Eric Nornstar- A drunken Norseman who lives in the town. Characters may encounter him drinking
outside the Moldy Dog, or picking a fight out in a market square. If they listen to him, he’ll mutter that none of
this is real or supposed to happen. He is armed, which is strange for a civilian. If the Characters try to question
him, he says he’ll trust a warrior’s heart and nothing less. He will say that Elizabeth told the truth, and will tell
the characters about Elizabeth if one of them can defeat him in single combat. Defeating him in combat means
wearing down his hardship, not wounds.
1. If the PCs manage to beat him in combat or defeat him in social combat, he will tell them that Lady Eliz-
abeth can see the past that has been unwoven around us. She tried to warn us all about things that never
were but she was immediately put under guard at the castle. Eric was concerned and managed to sneak in
to see her and saw that she had strange skin, grey and rubbery. She injected something into her flesh and
became normal once more. She’s been swapped out for a changeling. A Chronotech roll DC:15 will reveal
the tell tale signs of labor clone tech. This Elizabeth has been swapped out for a double. Finding the real
Elizabeth will be difficult, but not impossible.
2. If they tell Archie about Elizabeth being a changeling, he will be skeptical but will be far more guarded
when going to Glamis castle.
Eric Nornstar
Potence:3 Finesse:2 Endurance:3 Savvy:1 Cunning:2 Willpower:3
Resistance Rolls- Grit +5 Haste +4 Bastard +3
Charm+3 Insight+6 Empathy+6 Subterfuge +5 Clubwork+6
Brawling +6 Blades+6 Dodge +8 Intimidation+9
Armor Soak -Melee- 1D6+2D10 Ballistic- 1D6+1D10
Social Soak- 1D10
Weapon Damage Sword- 2D10 Pierce(1)
Social Damage-1D6
Edges- Blades: Binding Strike, Quick draw
Status- 3
Gear- Studded leather armor, longsword, 3 local currency points.

-Kit Burngallow-
Kit Burngallow- This bright eyed young lad lost his ring down the southern well and desperately needs it
back. If he doesn’t get it back, his dad will be quite cross with him. If the players help him get his ring back, he
will tell them about the Cairn Stone ghost on the hill close to Glamis castle. DC:14 Athletics roll to climb down
and fetch the ring. Failure will result in falling and hurting one’s self. +2D8 damage dice soakable with melee 23
armor. A player can teleport down to the ring if they have hop or other appropriate displacement power so long
as Kit doesn’t see it happen (he’ll scream and run away if you do). The ring is made of a dull gold and almost

“There is a ghost that wanders the Cairn behind Glamis castle. I’ve seen it, a strange woman who walks in amid
the trees and the standing stones. I never had the courage to approach her. She used to live in town, and had a
strange belt that sometimes glowed.”

A DC:13 Chronotech roll will reveal that he is describing an everyman suit (A Chronotech paradox suit). A
device meant to keep people alive from the ravages of paradox. This person was probably a Chrono-Rogue of
some kind, and became an undone (someone who was unmade by time and now only a temporal echo remains).
Encourage the players that this might be worth checking out.

Kit Burngallow
Potence:1 Finesse:2 Endurance:1 Savvy:2 Cunning:2 Willpower:1
Resistance Rolls- Grit +2 Haste +4 Bastard +4
Charm+6 Insight+4 Empathy+6 Survival+4
Armor Soak Melee - 1D6 Ballistic- 1D6
Social Soak-1D6
Social Damage- 1D8
Damage- None.
-Eldor Caibarien-
Eldor Caibarien- This man owns the local black market. Eldor is a Chrono-Rogue originally from Umbra
Tempestes. He settled here some time ago and is interested in buying chunks of voidstone to bring back to his
Chronolith. His ship is hidden out in the wilderness in a large cave. Any chunks of voidstone the PCs find can
be sold to him for 50 Draichs a chunk. The PCs can also purchase any rank 1 item they want or basic weapon.
He will also exchange Draichs for local currency at a rate of 10 Draichs per point of local currency. He can
deliver items to their rooms if they wish.
Eldor isn’t an ally, but he isn’t an enemy. He will offer them a little information if they want, but he won’t active-
ly help them kill anyone or even hurt anyone. He is there to make money, nothing more.

Eldor Caibarien
Potence:1 Finesse:4 Endurance:2 Savvy:4 Cunning:4 Willpower:4
Resistance Rolls- Grit +6 Haste +8 Bastard +8
Charm+10 Insight+8 Empathy+10 Survival+4 Chronotech+10
Chronotech Weapons+10 Dodge+8 Scrounge+10 Subterfuge+8
Armor Soak Melee +1D6+1D8 Ballistic +1D6+1D8
Social Soak- 1D10+1D8 Social Damage- 1D8+1D10
Invocation Dice-3D10
Dissipation Dice-1D8+1D6
Weapon Damage- Kinetic Accelerator 2D10 Pierce(1)
Edges- Chronotech: Overcharge, Engraving, Iron Sights
Invocations- Anarchy- Touch of Anarchy
Gear-Kinetic Accelerator, Everyman Suit

Notes- Knocking over Eldor would be a bad idea. They will get 1000 Draichs in his stash, but feel free to boun-
ty hunt them afterwards for killing a sanctioned merchant.
-Hezria Nurin-
Read this as the characters approach Hezria’s home.
A humble herbalist shop sits a little ways from the main cluster of houses. Strong smelling herbs waft in
the night air from various garden boxes. A woman in her mid thirties looks out from the front door. She
has wild hair and a bronze necklace around her neck. She carries a staff with a strange bird head on it.
She brushes down her green dress and steps out into the night air. “Are you in need of healing?” She asks.

Hezria Nurin- A local herbalist who is also a worshiper of the Morrigan. She is the head of the Children of
the Morrigan hiding in plain sight. Her alias without the town is King Corax, a powerful warrior. If the charac-
ters come to speak to her and she works out that they are decent people, she will let them know that The Mor-
rigan is promised to empower a Gael champion to free Gael and bring them unity against the Lyressian Albion
Empire. Hezria is a direct conduit to the Hexencrow, a voidwalker. Hezria is a time traveler who used to live on
Pax Lumina, one of the Chronoliths. She settled here when she learned that a champion of great potential was to
be born and has been working to ensure that champion’s arrival.
She is a wiley rogue with not a lot of time for bullshit, but will help the crew if they show they really care about
the outcome.
1. If Hezria is warned about Elizabeth being swapped with a labor clone (See NPC Eric Nornstar for details).
She will offer to either attack the castle and kill all the guards, or hold back her forces to attack the Scorned
Oath Camp later, giving the PCs cover to enter the mine unchallenged.
2. If the PCs want to lend support, she will give them each a single dose of Blood Root I. They will be consid-
ered friendly by the Children of the Morrigan unless they attack one.
3. If they warn her about the Mayor’s plot to kill her, she will hire them to assassinate the mayor. She will pay
700 Draichs. This should be a simple matter of sneaking into his home and murdering him in his sleep.
4. She can sell them any rank 1 poison, rank 1 drug, or rank 1 elixir at half cost.

The Hexencrow is a powerful entity that enjoys tinkering with time. This being is beyond any of the PCs, they
will not really be able to work out her motivation other than she wishes for Elizabeth to survive so her child will
survive. Hezria is the closest they will get to this being. If they threaten Hezria, a murder of crows will cascade
down from the sky, pushing the PCs back. She will be whisked away with a teleport that can’t be countered,
and won’t show up for the rest of the adventure. If the PCs empathize with her, and treat her kindly, she will tell
them of the Douglas’ unborn champion.

Hezria Nurin
26 Potence:1 Finesse:4 Endurance:4 Savvy:5 Cunning:5 Willpower:4
Resistance Rolls- Grit +8 Haste +9 Bastard +10
Charm+9 Insight+9 Empathy+9 Survival+7 Pistols+8 Chronotech Weapons +10
Dodge +10 Temporal-Lore+9 Education +9 Leadership +11 Chronotech +9
Armor Soak- Melee -1D6+1D8+2D10 Ballistic- 3D10+1D8
Social Soak- 1D10+1D8
Social damage- 2D10
Weapon Damage- Kinetic Accelerator 2D8 Pierce(1)
Edges- Chronotech: From Another Time, Resourceful Circuitry. Chronotech Weapons:
Overcharge, Engraving. Stealth: Still as a Cat, From the Shadows
Invocations: Agitation: Sidestep Displacement: Hop, Darting Strikes. Conservation:
Shield of Ice
Gear- Time Twister, Copper Skulk Suit, Kinetic Accelerator, Flint Pistol (Hidden), 1500
Draichs hidden in her cottage

-Lyenne Duvraise-
Lyenne Duvraise- A local butcher of the Gael people. Lyenne is a knight belonging to the Scorned Oath. She
takes what she wants and kills anyone who gets in her way. She is always with a retinue of X guards (X being
the number of PCs-1). If the characters choose to kill her, there will be an investigation. If they manage to get
her away from her guards and hide her body, they will overhear speculation about murder or her running away,
but nothing more. She will only pick a fight with the PCs if they are rude to her, otherwise she won’t care about
them (with the exception of Esa’s betrayal). If they manage to kill Pierre Le Monete before the final encoun-
ter, Lyenne will be there instead. If Esa Bogwater rats out the PCs, Lyenne will try to draw them out of town to
interrogate them on the road and possibly kill them (See NPC Esa Bogwater for details).
1. They might come across Lyenne in the town, wandering with her soldiers. She will take what she wants
from people, eating food off of plates, or just taking goods that are in plain sight. If Archie is with them,
he can tell her to leave them alone, he is of higher status than she.
2. If the PCs try to interact with her, she will act like law enforcement. Demand where they came from, what
their business is in the city. She won’t openly attack them unless provoked.

Lyenne Duvraise
Potence:4 Finesse:4 Endurance:3 Savvy:2 Cunning:3 Willpower:3
Resistance Rolls- Grit +6 Haste +7 Bastard +5
Charm+6 Insight+7 Empathy+6 Subterfuge +6 Clubwork+8
Brawling +8 Blades +10 Lancer +10 Ride +10 Dodge+8
Armor Soak Melee- 3D10 Ballistic- 1D6+2D10
Social Soak- 1D10 Social Damage- 1D8
Weapon Damage-Mace-2D10+1D8 Pierce(1)
Weapon Damage- Longbow-2D8 Pierce(1)
Edges- Blades: Quick Draw, Binding Strike. Blunt Weapon: Pommel,
Crack the Weak Point, Charging Concussion
Gear- Platemail, Mace, Longbow, Dagger, 30 local currency points

-The Cemetery-
A low sloping hill leads the characters to the town cemetery. It is currently being robbed by grave robbers. The
characters can choose to fight the robbers, drive them off, or try to extract information from them.
The PCs can dig up some graves here without being noticed if they do it at night. They can locate Old Mag’s
son Giles’ grave. If they dig him up they will find the map on him. The map will show a secret way into the
Mine behind the waterfall. If the players try to use it immediately, have there be too many soldiers doing
drills, they will have to wait until the following day to attempt.
1. If the characters attack the grave robbers, they will fight until a few of them are killed and the rest will flee.
2. If the characters negotiate with them, they will leave with a DC: 14 Intimidation check, Charm check, or
Subterfuge check.
3. If they kill or drive off the robbers, the robbers will leave behind 3 doses of Onyx Salt, 1 dose of Blood Weed
I, and 8 Local Currency Points.

Grave Robbers
Potence:2 Finesse:2 Endurance:2 Savvy:1 Cunning:2 Willpower:1
Resistance Rolls- Grit +3 Haste +4 Bastard +3
Insight+4 Archery +6 Subterfuge +5 Clubwork+6 Brawling +6 Stealth +6
Blades +6 Survival +4
Armor Soak Melee- 1D6+1D8 Ballistic- 1D6+1D8
Social Soak- 1D8 Social Damage- 1D6
Weapon Damage- Shovel 2D8 (Clubwork)
Weapon Damage-Axe- 1D8+1D10 Pierce(1)

-Glamis Cemetery-
Part Two- Glamis Castle
Glamis Castle stands tall and proud above a gloomy forest. Rain stained battlements and a few tall guard
towers stand in dappled shadows cast by the thick clouds above. As your horses strain at the carriage, you
see several guards and servants prepare for your arrival at the front gate. Behind the keep on a low mist-
wreathed hill you notice several cairn stones standing, ancient grave sites or markers, you’re not sure which.

Within the Castle-

The castle walls are sparsely adorned and cold. Wall sconces burn every ten or so feet, illuminating the
echoing stone hallways. You notice that this castle does not have many windows, preferring to have multiple
fireplaces for light and warmth.

1. Great Hall- A low wooden pair of thrones sit at the head of a vast hallway. On one wall sits a massive
fireplace and within a roaring fire burns with an eerie purple light (voidstone).
2. Chapel- This site is dedicated to the Albion Church. A small room with a few pews, some gaudy objects
can be stolen. Two Rank 1 trade goods.
3. Under Hall- A place for the serving staff to eat and drink. The area is rougher than above with minimum
4. The Library- A low ceilinged room with several bookshelves full of books and scrolls. Elizabeth can be
found here looking over a map of the mine and the cairn stones behind the keep.
5. The Kitchens- A few fat cats and a lazy dog sit by a pleasant fireplace and the cook and servants bustle
around trying to put together the evening feast. Soups and stews, and a large roast are being cooked on
various fires. Rough pastry sits in piles, waiting to be worked for meat pies. If the PCs make small talk
with the serving staff, they will learn that they are all afraid, and that many of them have family working
at the mine.
6. Dining Room- A beautiful room bedecked with every comfort of the era. Thick rugs and elegant wooden
chairs sit around a mighty table. Ale, scotch, and other drinks are set out before you along with a steady
supply of nibbles from roast rabbit and potatoes to venison stew, pigeon pies, and a roast boar.
7. The Dungeon- One of the children of the Morrigan sits down below. Magdar Slythe. Inspection of the
space reveals a broken part of the wall that leads out into the hills behind the keep. Magdar has been
beaten and tortured and hasn’t had the chance to escape. If the PCs help him, he will report to the Chil-
dren of the Morrigan that they are allies.
8. The Bedrooms- Guest rooms and two master bedrooms. Searching the space will reveal little, the rooms
are all adequate with a few comforts, the staff are attentive and kind.
9. The Lords Private Chambers- A lavish room adorned in finery. Characters will find the plans for the
decimation of the Gael mining people once the mining operation is over (same copy as is in the Mayor’s
office). The surrounding farmland will be turned over to the Scorned Oath under the control of captain
10. Pierre’s Room- This lavish room is almost bigger than lord Strathmores. Within it they will find a Chro-
notech computer rig, and information that lord Strathmore will be killed after the voidstone is mined out.



9 4



Notes on Character Movements- Guards will question the PCs if they are going anywhere
without an escort. PCs can make a Stealth DC:16 roll to evade guards to get to somewhere they
aren’t supposed to be. If they fail, guards will escort them back to a more common area or their
rooms. If this happens too many times, they will inform Lord Strathmore who will question
the PCs as to their intentions.

The only places they will need to sneak into are Lord and Lady Strathmore’s room, Lord Mon-
ete’s room, and the dungeons.
-Maiven Strathmore-
Maiven Stratholme stands at her husband’s side, a slight woman of early thirties wearing scarlet and black
noble robes, she smiles at the PCs upon their arrival. She is looking forward to moving on from this meager
existence and learning what their new benefactors have to offer (Pierre Le Monete).
1. If the PCs manage to get her alone and defeat her in a Charm roll DC: 19 they can find out that Elizabeth
has been wandering at night, but the problem has been fixed with medicine from their new merchant friend
(Arthur Crown).
2. Maiven is unsure of the new alliance with Pierre. She knows that he is more than he appears and that her
husband is power hungry. She will do anything to keep her husband alive and in power. If the PCs reveal
that Pierre intends her husband ill. She will have Pierre’s food poisoned and he will die.
3. Maiven doesn’t want the people butchered after the voidstone is mined out. She would rather flee to Lyress
than go through with that level of murder.
4. If cornered and threatened she will beg for her life, she will agree to help the PCs get Elizabeth out (Maiven
doesn’t know she’s been replaced).

Maiven Strathmore
Potence:1 Finesse:4 Endurance:1 Savvy:4 Cunning:4 Willpower:4
Resistance Rolls- Grit +5 Haste +8 Bastard +8
32 Charm+8 Insight+8 Empathy+8 Subterfuge +8 Archery+8
High-Society +8 Blades +4 Stealth +10 Education +10
Armor Soak -Melee -1D6+1D6 Ballistic -1D6+1D6
Social Soak- 1D10+1D8 Social Damage-1D10+2D8
Weapon Damage-Dagger- 1D6+1D6
Weapon Damage-Crossbow-2D8 Pierce(1) Toxin 1 Stack Grit:15 Resis-
tance roll
Edges- Noble Mien: Soothing Acumen, Disparaging Gaze. Stealth: Still
as a Cat.
Gear- Light Crossbow(stowed nearby), Dagger, Toxin I (5 doses), 50
Local Currency Points worth of jewels in her room, Signet Ring, Lightly
padded clothing
-Donalbane Strathmore-
Lord Donalbane Strathmore- Lord Stratholme stands at the head of the main entrance. A command-
ing figure dressed in red and gold with armored greaves and a thick raiment of crimson. He wears a long-
sword at his hip and a small amulet of silver around his neck. He smiles at Archie at his arrival and the two
embrace as friends who are under a fair amount of tension.
1. If lord Donalbane Strathmore and his wife die, the title of Glamis will go to Archie. Donalbane doesn’t
want anything bad to happen to Archie, but he also doesn’t want to lose his title. If push comes to shove,
he will kill Archie and who he believes is Elizabeth and work out the details later.
2. He is suspicious of Pierre Le Monte, but eager to learn what this alliance will grant him in terms of power
and influence.
3. The Characters can bring forth news that the Children of the Morrigan plan on attacking the keep tonight,
Donalbane will be prepared for the assault and call in the Scorned Oath guard from the mine to help him.
The Children of the Morrigan will be decimated.
4. If the PCs find the evidence that Pierre is going to turn on the Strathmores then Donalbane will order his
men to attack Pierre and kill him. Pierre will flee at that point using his copper skulk suit stealth module.
5. Donalbane is planning on killing the mining force once they are done. The evidence is in his room.

Donalbane Strathmore
Potence:3 Finesse:4 Endurance:3 Savvy:4 Cunning:3
Willpower:4 33
Resistance Rolls- Grit +7 Haste +7 Bastard +7
Charm+8 Insight+7 Empathy+7 Subterfuge +8
Clubwork+4 Brawling +4 Blades +8 Leadership +8
Armor Soak-Melee-3D10 Ballistic-2D6+1D10
Social Soak- 1D10+1D8 Social Damage- 1D8+1D10
Weapon Damage- Longsword- 2D10 Pierce(1)
Edges-Noble Mien: Soothing Acumen, Disparaging Gaze
Blades: Quick Draw, Binding Strike
Gear- Chainmaille, Longsword, 500 Currency Points

Notes on Lord Strathmore-

Archie will introduce the PCs as his saviors on the road.
Lord Donalbane will question all of you about everything
that occurred. He will show particular interest in the Ban-
dits (Children of the Morrigan) and any answers the charac-
ters have learned.
-Pierre Le Monete-
Pierre Le Monete- a cruel faced man with a pencil thin mustache, and dark green and orange robes. He is
dripping with wealth and decadence. He will treat the PCs like trash unless one of them comes from a French
based timeline, then he will tolerate them. Pierre commands the Scorned Oath. He sees the mining of this
new mineral as the means to taking over more of Europe, with eyes on Italia and denizens of the Black Forest in
Germany. He plans on butchering everyone from Gael once the ore has been completely mined away. Pierre has
been granted certain gifts by his controllers on Aurugin Castellum (a Chronolith). A large chunk of the mine
shipments don’t go back to Lyresse, they go to the Chronolith. Pierre is the villain of this piece, having replaced
Elizabeth with a labor clone, he plans on using a powerful Chronotech dagger to stab Elizabeth during a ritual,
killing her in all timelines.
1. Pierre won’t stick around during the attack on Glamis, he will activate his copper Skulk suit and flee the area.
If evidence of his treachery is brought to Donalbane’s attention, Donalbane will order his head taken and he
will similarly escape and head off to the mine to finish the ritual.
2. Pierre can be poisoned or ambushed. If the PCs manage to kill him on the castle grounds, they can hide the
body, or come clean, hopefully finding the evidence that Pierre was going to kill Strathmore.
3. Archie Douglas will attempt to kill Pierre if he finds out the man stole his wife and swapped it with a replica.
When this occurs, Pierre will attempt to flee with his Copper Skulk Suit.
4. Pierre’s room is locked DC:16 Burglary check, and his Chronotech Rig requires a DC:15 Chronotech roll to
34 Pierre Le Monete
Potence:3 Finesse:4 Endurance:5 Savvy:3 Cunning:3 Willpower:4
Resistance Rolls- Grit +9 Haste +7 Bastard +6
Charm+7 Insight+7 Empathy+7 Subterfuge +9 Clubwork+8
Brawling +4 Blades +10 Archery +8 Temporal Lore+8 Leadership +9 Intimidation +9 Dodge+8
Armor Soak Melee 3D10+1D6 Ballistic 4D10
Social Soak- 1D10+1D8 Social Damage- 1D8+1D10
Weapon Damage- Longbow-2D8 Pierce (1) Toxin(1) Stack Grit: 15 Resistance roll
Weapon Damage-Longsword- 2D10 Pierce (1) Toxin(1) Stack Grit: 15 Resistance roll
Invocation Dice-1D10+2D8
Dissipation Dice-2D8
Edges-Noble Mien: Soothing Acumen, Disparaging
Blades: Quick Draw, Binding Strike
Archery: Rapid Shot, Aim
Invocations: Agitation: Bolt of Flame, Brand. Anar-
chy: Shardblade. Displacement: Hop
Gear- Longsword, Longbow, Toxin I (Applied to ar-
rows), 1200 Currency Points, 1000 Draichs (Current-
ly held within the mine), Copper Skulk Suit (Beneath
his clothes), Chronotech Data Storage device (in his
-Arthur Crown-
Arthur Crown- A merchant lord from London- He has a small retinue of attendants helping him in
the courtyard when the players arrive. He seems to be ordering and arranging medicines to be sent to the
Scorned Oath camp.
1. Arthur is part of a trade conglomerate that works throughout the Albion Empire known as the Grey Table.
They deal in a lot of goods both illicit and legitimate. He has access currently to any onyx salt and he will
sell them for 5 currency points a piece.
2. Arthur is a merchant and nothing really more. He will support the Strathmores in a fight, but only barely
as he just wants to make a profit and move on.
3. He will be pleasant to the characters, trying to get them to buy things and might be a contact for them in
later adventures that return to this era.

Arthur Crown
Potence:1 Finesse:3 Endurance:2 Savvy:4 Cunning:4 Willpower:4
Resistance Rolls- Grit +6 Haste +7 Bastard +8
Charm+8 Insight+8 Empathy+8 Subterfuge+8 High Society +8 Intimidation+6 Education +8
Scrounge +10
Armor Soak -Melee- 1D8 Ballistic- 1D8 35
Social Soak- 1D10+1D8 Social Damage- 1D8+1D10
Weapon Damage- None
Edges-Noble Mien: Soothing Acumen, Disparaging Gaze Bard: Inspiring Candle
-The Great Hall-

Read this as they enter

This chamber is vast and echoes to your footfalls as you enter. Two austere thrones command a central po-
sition, flanked by wall tapestries and sconces. A fireplace roars with eerie purple flame, casting off a strong
yet stimulating fume. Several doors lead off to other parts of the castle.

The Great Hall is a meeting place for courtly matters. More of a ceremonial room these days as the Strath-
mores don’t really hold court, for they do not care of the plight of their people. Archie will find the state of
things disturbing and may comment to the player characters about how this hall used to be a place of discourse
and hope. Now it is sullen and dark.
1. If the characters go investigate the fire, They will find that it replenishes them 1 Hardship immediately.
There are chunks of Voidstone within it.
2. This place still holds a little courtly force to it. If players engage in social combat here, grant them a +1
bonus to their Charm and Subterfuge Skill rating.


-The Chapel-
Read this as they enter
This simple chapel is dedicated to the Albion Church. The pews look mostly unused and a thick layer of
dust coats everything. Some scattered footprints show that servants may still find hope here, but for the
most part it is abandoned. Several glittering objects lay on the altar, bright despite the grime.

The Albion Church is very similar to the Church of England in our time. When they separated from Roma
control, they convinced Lyresse to leave as well, which started an ongoing war with Italia (Italy) and the Iberi-
an Throne (Spain).
1. If the characters want to know a little about the history here, they can pass a DC:13 Temporal Lore or Edu-
cation roll to know who are the factions involved in the ongoing wars here.
2. There are two rank 1 trade goods (An old book, and a scepter) on the altar. The Players can swipe these if
they wish. The book is a religious text detailing the destruction of old pagan gods.

Trade Goods-Rare tomes, jewels, ceremonial objects, tapestries, pieces of music, instruments, wine, etc.
These items are far more rare, and will grant you far more money when selling them at the market. These
items can be acquired over the course of the game, or some characters may start with them. Players are en-
couraged to try to come up with convincing stories for their items. Please note that master forgers can create
rare trade goods for the market, so long as they hold up to scrutiny. Rare trade goods are worth a good deal of
money for they are rare. These items must be covered in an etheric resin, to prevent them from being unmade
by time manipulation. To determine the value of the item, you can roll depending on the rank of the good.
Rank 1- They are worth- 3D4 X 100 Draichs. Roll for each.
-The Under Hall-

Read this as they enter

The Under Hall is a stark difference to the Great Hall above. This room is warm and far more relaxed. Ser-
vants run here and there preparing goods or sitting at their ease by the fire. There are several barrels of
wine, ale, and mead here for the drinking.

The Under Hall is rougher but warmer than the rooms above. This is the domain of the servants where they
do most of their own cooking, eating, sometimes sleeping. They can be themselves a little more down here and
may be able to open up a bit about the goings on if the player characters can convince them.
1. If the characters ask around, they can find out that Lady Elizabeth wasn’t able to sleep on account of seeing
ghosts here and there.
2. If the characters are sneaky, they will see Connel Bruenor sneak into the dungeon to bring some food to
Magdar Slythe.

-The Library & Elizabeth Douglas-

Read this as they enter 37
A well-loved, low-ceilinged room meets your eyes as you enter the library. Walls are covered with shelves
and the shelves are full of books and old scrolls. A woman sits here, an old leather-bound tome in her
hands. She looks up at you as you enter and gives a strained smile.

This is the first introduction of Elizabeth Douglas, or shall we say the clone of Elizabeth Douglas. This entity
doesn’t really know Archibald at all, having only imprints of information about him programmed into her.
She will do her best to throw off suspicion, but the players may be able to find out what’s wrong with her,
either from observation or from previous interactions with NPCs.
This Elizabeth isn’t real. She is a labor clone who has been brainwashed with basic information to
pass as Elizabeth. She has been set here by Pierre Le Monete’s masters on Aurugin Castellum. She is sup-
posed to keep her husband distracted and occupied until the sacrifice can be performed in the mine. When
she first sees Archie, she will be “delighted” that he came to visit, but that it was unnecessary, that she’s ab-
solutely fine. Archie will express concern about her letters and she will claim that she was sick but it’s been
corrected with medicine (a lie).
1. She has a tracking chip embedded in her skin. A DC: 15 Medicine check can remove the chip, and a
DC:16 Chronotech roll can connect into the system, showing the characters another signal deep in the
mine where the real Elizabeth is being kept.
2. This poor clone is prone to glitches. Sometimes she mutters about the steel room with the bright lights.
If the players aren’t able to work out where Elizabeth (the real one) is being kept you can have the clone
info dump that her twin sister is being kept in the mine before they destroy her.
3. If the Characters defeat her in social combat she will break down and reveal that she doesn’t know what’s
going on. She knows that she isn’t a real person. She will tell them that the real Elizabeth has been tak-
en. They plan to remove her from all timelines using a ritual. She isn’t sure who is responsible for this.
4. If the PCs defeat her in an Empathy check DC:19 they will realize that something is very off about her.
Every emotion is feigned, every intimate moment with her husband forced.
Elizabeth Douglas (Clone)
Potence:1 Finesse:3 Endurance:2 Savvy:3 Cunning:2
Resistance Rolls- Grit +6 Haste +5 Bastard +5
Charm+7 Insight+8 Empathy+7 Subterfuge+7 High Society +7
Education +8 Temporal-Lore+6 Chronotech +4
Armor Soak -Melee-1D6+1D8 Ballistic-1D6+1D8
Social Soak- 1D10+2D8
Social Damage- 1D10
Edges-Noble Mien: Soothing Acumen, My Word is My Armor
Status Wounds-5
Gear- Fine padded noble clothes. Implanted tracking chip. Everyman

Read this as they enter -The Kitchens-

A few fat cats and a lazy dog sit by a pleasant fireplace and the cook and servants bustle around trying
to put together the evening feast. Soups and stews, and a large roast are being cooked on various fires.
Rough pastry sits in piles, waiting to be worked for meat pies. Servants work hard and smile at you as you
38 enter.

The kitchens won’t yield too much information. Just that the staff are kind and want to help and there is
more than a little fear behind their employment.
1. If the PCs make small talk with the serving staff, they will learn that they are all afraid, and that many of
them have family working at the mine.

-The Dining Room-

Earlier in the day- Read this.
A large and pleasant room that has recently been cleaned for use. A long table dominates the room ca-
pable of hosting close to twelve people comfortably. A fire has been prepared here and the room is warm
and inviting.

Little else can be gleaned here. It is a rather large room but close to servants. Characters would be unwise to
discuss sensitive matters here.

Before the feast read this.

Thick rugs and elegant wooden chairs sit around a mighty table. Ale, scotch, and other drinks are set out
before you along with a steady supply of nibbles from roast rabbit and potatoes to venison stew, pigeon
pies, and a roast boar. The fire roars happily and the scents of food set your stomachs rumbling.

Once you read this description, skip to the Attack at Dinner and continue the adventure from there.
-The Guest Rooms-
These are the Character rooms that they won’t really have a chance to stay in. They have minimum comforts
and don’t really reveal anything untoward. If the characters want to, they can rifle through Arthur Crown’s
belongings and find that he is pretty much what he claims, a merchant.

-Lord Strathmore’s Room-

Read this as they enter
A lavish room adorned with a huge bed and vast finery. This room would make some nobles blush, and
should shame the man who owns it given the poverty you’ve all witnessed in the town. A table sits in one
corner, flooded with papers.

This room is decadent and lavish with thick tapestries and carpets lining the walls and floor.
1. A table in one corner contains plans to kill the miners once the voidstone has been mined out.
2. There is a rank one trade good on the table (A Silver Gaelic Knot inlaid with rubies).
3. A separate document details that the surrounding farmland will be turned over to the Scorned Oath under
the control of captain Lyenne Duvraise once the mining operation is complete. The Lyressian forces will
have control over this part of Gael, they will have their peasants move in to work the land.

-Lord Pierre Lemonete’s Room- 39

Read this as they enter
This room is decadent, full of gold and silver. A lovely bed commands one wall covered in silk sheets and
scented blankets. The walls contain paintings of Lyressian courtesans, knights, landscapes, and castles. A
wardrobe sits against one wall.

This room seems even nicer than Lord Strathmores. Paintings line the walls, there is a fine decanted wine on
the table.
1. Entering this room requires a DC:16 Burglary check
2. He has a Chronotech Rig stashed under his bed (a data storage device). It requires a DC:15 Chronotech
roll to operate. Within this device are the plans to kill Lord Strathmore after everything is finished. PCs
can detail a forged letter with this information with a DC:16 Forgery check and his paper (on a desk).
3. The Scorned Oath has been taking far more than they should for the Lyressian armies (the ledgers will
confirm this on the table). There will be some details here as to how to divide Strathmore lands too.
4. The characters will learn that Elizabeth will be killed in a ritual tonight (some errant letters reveal this).
The weapon that Lord Pierre will use will remove her from every timeline. It won’t reveal where she is.

-The Dungeons-
Within the dungeons, you will find Magdar Slythe, a prisoner. Magdar will have little to say since he is
heavily damaged. Treat him as being at 1 wound. If the PCs show him kindness, he will urge them to leave
before nightfall, as the keep will be attacked.
1. If they free him, he will also offer them information that Lady Elizabeth has something embedded under
her skin. He saw her picking at her forearm (the site of the tracking chip).
2. There is a broken chunk of wall stone in the dungeon, characters can remove it and break Magdar out.
It’s a DC:16 Athletics check to clear the stone. DC:15 Burglary check to remove his shackles.
3. If they don’t break Magdar out, he will be freed by the Children of the Morrigan when they attack the
Magdar Slythe
Potence:2 Finesse:3 Endurance:2 Savvy:2 Cunning:3
Resistance Rolls- Grit +4 Haste +6 Bastard +5
Charm+6 Insight+7 Empathy+7 Subterfuge+6 Survival +5
Stealth+7 Blades+7 Dodge +5 Burglary+7
Armor Soak Melee-1D6+1D8 Ballistic-1D6+1D8
Social Soak- 1D8 Social Damage-1D8
Weapon Damage- Dagger-1D6+1D8
Edges-Rogue: Hidden Pick, Boot Weapon Stealth: From the
Status Wounds-2
Gear- Lock picks, Hidden Dagger

-The Cairn Stones-
Behind the castle the characters can see a series of stacked Cairn Stones. If the characters wish, they can
freely take the 5 minute walk to check these out.

Read this as the characters approach the cairn stones

You wander up a foggy hill to see the silhouettes of standing stones emerge and disappear. Cold wind
bites into you as you start looking around, eager to be done with this place. As you stand there, you see
a hand print appear glowing on one of the stones, then another on a different one, then another on a
different one. It seems to be leading you towards a low grotto.

Read this as the characters approach the grotto.

The light shimmers and a transparent silvery blue form coalesces before you. The spiritual entity is a
woman in her thirties with long stringy brown hair and wearing baggy servant’s garb. She smiles before
you. “It’s about time someone showed up to save the bloody day.”

Veska is an undone- A time traveler who has been unmade by time, leaving behind a temporal echo. She came
here to watch over Elizabeth and make sure she was taken care of. When Le Monete found out about her, he
had her killed and her everyman suit deactivated. The players will find out she is from Umbra Tempestas, a
Chronolith that is usually sitting above Italy in the prime timeline, a favorite place for rogues. She wants to
ensure that Elizabeth’s daughter is born and she works for an organization called Black Flag.
1. She knows that the voidstone is gathering power into an artifact that they are going to use to kill Elizabeth
in all timelines. The artifact is being kept at the mine.
2. With a Temporal Lore DC:14 check, a character can know that Black Flag is an anarchist group that is ac-
tively trying to undo the nobility within the various Chronoliths and free the people to do what they want.
3. Veska will tell the PCs where they can find her nearby poison stash- 5 doses of Toxin I poison. With
that, they could probably kill Le Monete. Players can sneak into the Kitchen and find out which dish
is his to poison.

Potence:1 Finesse:3 Endurance:2 Savvy:4 Cunning:4 Willpower:3
Resistance Rolls- Grit +5 Haste +7 Bastard +8
Charm+8 Insight+8 Empathy+8 Subterfuge+8 High Society +8 Temporal Lore+12 Education +8
Dodge+5 Survival+8 Intimidation+8
Social Soak- 1D10
Social Damage- 1D8+1D10
Status Wounds-3
As an Undone- Veska can’t really help the PCs other than with information. She can’t really leave the area of
her death, but the information she gives will be vital.

Notes on Chronoliths

Chronoliths are massive floating cities that sit in the sky stabilizing the prime timeline from being erased.
These each have their own cultures and politics. They have a loose alliance with one another, but some do try 41
to kill one another behind the scenes. Each Chronolith houses three noble families, charged with the protec-
tion of humanity, and the continued harvest of the past. These noble houses command mighty military forces,
and ruthlessly hunt any Chrono-Rogue they come across.

Umbra Tempestes has been a seething den of politics, backstabbing, and rebellion. It is here that the
first great house denied the queen her machinations and sought to bring her low. Oculus is still loved
here for trying to liberate all its people, and even in exile, many whisper of their return in hope and
in fear of what it might bring.
Politics are still the bread and butter of this Chronolith, and many are fighting on the ladder of
power to gain respect and capital to execute their plans. Assassinations are still common on this
Chronolith, and the powerful nexus of Court of Silk holdings mean that a cutthroat is always avail-
able to deliver the kiss of steel in the night.
Many nobles have fallen out of grace in this Chronolith, but their decadence hasn’t. People still
cling to their wealth and luxury, hiding in dark manses deep within the city, surrounded by squalor.
Sometimes they hire gangs to protect their goods, creating a mighty pecking order of syndicates,
gangs, and corrupt black coats willing to beat one another to death for a fistful of Draichs.
Art and culture has permeated even to the lower classes, and some of the most potent theater
troupes, musical performances, and painters have been born in the dark hollows of Umbra Tempes-
tas, their desire for brilliance and color unswayed by the poverty they have been born into.
Sometimes slights are settled in the shadows, but Umbra Tempestas still has a vibrant dueling
culture, with many taking to the streets to kill one another or draw first blood to decide the outcome
of hostility. Because of this, many schools of blade and pistol have opened up, allowing its students to
become professional duelists. Some nobles will hire these individuals to fight their battles for them.
42 -Umbra Tempestas-

-Dinner and a Crow-

Once the players have had enough time to explore the keep, or even finished a few more things around town (it’s
a 20ish minute walk from the town to the keep).
As night falls Lord Strathmore will invite everyone to dinner in the dining room. Food has been set out for ev-
eryone to eat. Tension will be high as at this point Archibald will still be suspicious of what’s going on with his
wife. Lord Strathmore is more than aware of Archibald’s status and what he could do politically to him should
things go south. If Elizabeth hasn’t been exposed as a clone she will try to make slight pleasantries, commenting
on how delicious the food is. Maiven will be focusing her attention on Lord Le Monete, for she is suspicious of
his motivations and doesn’t quite trust him yet. Lord Le Monete will act as if everything is fine unless he has
reason to do otherwise. Arthur Crown will ask if expansion into more Lyressian markets would be possible and
if he could take back some offers to his trading company- The Grey Table.
Part way through dinner the Children of the Morrigan will attack the keep. This should start with a resounding
boom as they break into Dungeon area.

Things to keep in mind-

1. If the Characters have betrayed the Children of the Morrigan and given the map of their camps to the May-
or or Lord Strathmore, An elite squad of Morrigan bandits will be the attacking force, with Hezria Nurin
at their fore. She will not hold back in killing both lord Strathmore, Lady Strathmore, Le Monete, and the
Characters. There will be X Children of the Morrigan X= to the number of PCs.
2. If the Characters told Lord Strathmore of Le Monete’s betrayal, he will have his guards attempt to seize the
Lyressian Lord. He will attempt to cut a deal with the Children in exchange for Le Monete.
3. If the Characters told Maiven only she will poison Lord Le Monete and he will die during dinner. Note: This
will update the ending confrontation having captain Lyenne be at the final area.
4. If Magdar hasn’t been saved yet, the Children of the Morrigan will get him out first.
5. Arthur Crown will be relatively oblivious throughout this entire dinner, just enjoying himself. He
will surrender immediately and offer them coin to set him free.
6. The attacking force- If the Children of the Morrigan haven’t been decimated yet, they will attack in
full force. The Children will breach the keep in the basement area and start flooding upwards. They
will not be killing servants, but helping them escape the carnage. They will kill Strathmore’s guards

Running the combat- Have the major NPCs roll Haste for Initiative and the player characters as well.
The Children of the Morrigan go on Initiative:15.
Strathmore Guards go on Initiative: 12 as they are relatively surprised.

There will be two waves of 2 followed by a wave of X (X=to the amount of PCs). The PCs should turn on
the Strathmores at this point, attempting to kill Strathmore guards and lord Strathmore if possible. But
anything is possible. Le Monete will probably try to flee the moment the fight starts going badly for him.

Children of the Morrigan

Potence:3 Finesse:2 Endurance:2 Savvy:1 Cunning:2 Willpower:2
Resistance Rolls- Grit +4 Haste +4 Bastard +3
Insight+4 Archery +6 Subterfuge +5 Clubwork+6 Brawling +6 Stealth +6
Blades +4 Survival +4 43
Armor Soak Melee- 1D6+1D8 Ballistic- 1D6+1D8
Social Soak- 1D8
Weapon Damage- Longsword 2D10 Pierce (1)
Weapon Damage-Axe- 2D10 Pierce:1
Bow Damage- 2D8 Pierce(1)
Edges- Blades: Binding Strike Archery: Aim

Children of the Morrigan Elites

Potence:4 Finesse:3 Endurance:3 Savvy:2 Cunning:3 Willpower:2
Resistance Rolls- Grit +5 Haste +6 Bastard +5
Insight+5 Archery +7 Subterfuge +6 Clubwork+5 Brawling +5 Stealth +5
Blades +7 Survival +4
Armor Soak Melee- 1D8+1D10 Ballistic- 1D6+1D10
Social Soak- 1D8
Weapon Damage- Longsword 2D10+1D8 Pierce (1)
Weapon Damage-Axe- 2D10 +1D12 Pierce (1)
Bow Damage- 2D8 Pierce (1)
Edges- Blades: Binding Strike Archery: Aim

Strathmore Guards- There are 3 guards to begin with. The rest are engaged with the Children of the
Morrigan in various places around the castle.
Potence:3 Finesse:2 Endurance:3 Savvy:1 Cunning:2 Willpower:1
Resistance Rolls- Grit +4 Haste +4 Bastard +3
Insight+4 Archery +6 Subterfuge +5 Clubwork+6 Brawling +6 Stealth +6 Blades +4
Survival +4
Armor Soak- Melee- 1D8+1D10 Ballistic- 1D6+1D10
Social Soak- 1D6
Weapon Damage- Longsword 2D10 Pierce (1)
Bow Damage- 2D8 Pierce (1)
Edges- Blades: Binding Strike Archery: Aim

Archibald & Elizabeth Douglas- Archie will try not to harm the Children of the Morrigan, but will go
on full defense, occupying as many combatants as possible.
1. If the characters turn on Strathmore and Le Monete and haven’t convinced Archibald of what’s happening,
Archibald will be confused and will try to protect his wife (The player characters did save his life after all).
2. If Archibald knows that his wife isn’t who she says she is, he will join the players and try to help them.
3. If Archibald knows that Le Monete will turn on Lord Strathmore, he will take this opportunity to kill Le
Monete. His actions will be to attack Le Monete.
4. The Children are under strict orders not to harm Archibald, which will become apparent when they won’t
attack him (They learned from their mistakes before). One will even offer help to Archibald, apologizing for
the attack before. They thought he was another English Noble come up from the south to dictate terms to
the Gael people.
5. Cloned Elizabeth will know that the true Elizabeth is being held in the mine. Use this only if the PCs hav-
44 en’t worked it out yet.

Lord Strathmore- He will grab a sword off the wall and try to attack the nearest group of Children of Mor-
rigan. He will kill them without a care. He will defend himself if either Archibald or Le Monete become hostile
towards him. He will try to help his wife if she is in danger. If she is taken prisoner by a PC, he will immediate-
ly surrender. If a Child of the Morrigan takes her prisoner he will move to kill that attacker. If the characters
choose to trick Lord Strathmore they can do so by offering to bring him to safety where they can surround and
kill him quickly away from his guards.

Lady Maiven Strathmore- She will go for one of her hidden crossbows and start fighting. If a bandit
makes it into melee combat with her, she will surrender unless her husband is still standing. If he falls, she will
beg for his life.
If Lady Maiven is left alone, she will be taken prisoner by The Children. The players can try to negotiate for her
release if they want to for any reason.

Lord Le Monete- If Lord Le Monete is alive he will engage in killing the Children of the Morrigan for one
round and then flee. Using his Copper Skulk Suit to cloak himself.
If Archibald is attacking Le Monete, he will defend himself by going on Full Defense, and flee at the first chance.
If Lord Strathmore is attacking him he will also flee at the first chance.
If Maiven was told of his treachery, he will die from poison right before the Children attack.

If the characters ally with the Children of the Morrigan the fight is quick and brutal. The Children will butcher
the Strathmore Guards and seize Lady and Lord Strathmore for their crimes. Le Monete will escape.
If the characters ally with the Strathmores, have reinforcements arrive from the Mayor’s reserves. The Children
will get butchered quickly and Hezria will be forced to escape. Le Monete will escape.
If the characters have managed to upset everyone, they will probably be forced to flee. Keep feeding in guards
until they see they are outnumbered. Le Monete will escape.
-Part 3-And They Call it A Mine-
If Lord Le Monete has escaped, there is only one place he could be going to, the voidstone mine. This is where
the bulk of the Scorned Oath forces are encamped. It is a well enforced place full of soldiers. The characters
would be sure to perish if they attempted a front line assault. Their only options are to sneak in, wait for the
Children of the Morrigan to attack, lie about why they are there, or really sneak in using the secret passage by
the waterfall. The Scorned Oath Encampment- This rather large encampment is east of the town. Here some
50 soldiers make their home in a variety of timber cabins, tents, and captured stone houses. The Lyressian
soldiers are quite punishing to anyone encroaching on their territory. If the characters try to get in during the
day there are too many soldiers about and it becomes impossible to sneak in unspotted.

Read the following as they approach the camp.

As you approach the mine you see tents dotting the grounds. Low burning fires smoke amid several carts full of
chunks of voidstone. A few members of the Scorned Oath stand watch, but the vast majority of the forces are
sleeping. A slow thundering waterfall fills the air with a dull roar.

Some things to keep in mind when infiltrating the camp.

1. If they steal Lyressian military garb, they get +1D4 Skill Dice to all Subterfuge Skill rolls to convince the
army that they belong there.
2. The proximity of the waterfall grants a +1D6 Skill Dice to all Stealth Skill rolls to sneak in, so long as they
attempt to hide in cover (The sound covers their footsteps).
3. If the characters wait until the camp starts to be attacked, increase their Skill Dice to +1D8 for Stealth Skill
rolls. If they wait, you might want to give them fewer rounds to save Elizabeth.
4. If the characters learned about the secret entrance behind the waterfall they can do a Survival Skill roll
DC:10 to locate the entrance. If they do this, they can get a free ambush round within the cave.
5. If the characters or anyone else successfully killed Le Monete, they will be going here to save Elizabeth be-
fore the ritual takes place. Lyenne will be performing it in Le Monete’s stead if he is dead. If they are somehow
both dead, A Lyressian captain will be performing the ritual.
6. If they have allied with the Children of the Morrigan, they will start off this encounter by assaulting the en-
46 campment. The PCs can just run in through the main entrance, as the soldiers will be busy.

-Old Ben-
Old Ben is a water carrier outside the encampment. He will ask the PCs if they need water or food, what little
he has he can offer them. He will tell them that several of the tents have the pay of the entire company, and if
the PCs want to rob the pay chest, they can get 100 local currency points. If the players accept his hospitality,
they will notice that he has two chunks of voidstone in his ramshackle stone cottage that he obviously stole.
1. Ben will tell the Characters that Devina is a good person and watches out for the miners.
2. If the players explain they are here to help, Ben will give them the voidstone chunks in thanks for their
3. If the Players want to rob the pay chest, they must pass a Stealth check Difficulty:16 followed by a burglary
check Difficulty:14 to open it. If either fails they are discovered by 2 Scorned Oath Soldiers.

Old Ben
Potence:1 Finesse:2 Endurance:2 Savvy:2 Cunning:2
Resistance Rolls-Grit +5 Haste +4 Bastard +4
Charm+6 Insight+6 Empathy+6 Subterfuge +6
High Society +6
Armor Soak Melee- 1D8 Ballistic- 1D8
Social Soak- 1D10
Social Damage- 1D8
Status Wounds-3
Gear- Nothing of note
-Devina Rachard-
A captain within the Scorned Oath who doesn’t like the casual brutality that the Gael people have been fac-
ing. She does her best to keep Gael safe when she can without raising suspicions as to her motivations. If the
characters pay attention they will see that she is paying particular care to a farmer (James Andrews). A man
she married in secret.
1. She will be a potential ally if the players talk to her, she doesn’t like what Lyresse is doing here and wants
to give Gael back to its people. Have the players see her helping the miners rather than harming them as
a potential hint to her intentions.
2. She can smuggle them into the mine if they convince her to. Either dressing them up as miners or Lyres-
sian soldiers.
3. If they reveal what is going to happen to the people, she will join them during the final battle in the mine
as her husband will also die. Alternatively when the Children of the Morrigan attack, you can have her
throw off her Lyressian coat of arms and start fighting her countrymen. She might just run into the mine
to help.

Devina Rachard
Potence:4 Finesse:4 Endurance:3 Savvy:2 Cunning:2 Willpower:2
Resistance Rolls-Grit +5 Haste +6 Bastard +4
Charm+6 Insight+6 Empathy+6 Subterfuge+6 Clubwork+6 Brawling +8
Blades +10 Lancer +8 Ride+8 Intimidation+10 47
Armor Soak Melee 1D8+3D10 Ballistic 2D6+1D10
Social Soak- 1D8
Social Damage-2D8
Weapon Damage- Longsword 2D10+1D8 Pierce(1)
Edges-Noble Mien: Soothing Acumen, Disparaging Gaze Blades: Quick Draw, Binding Strike
Gear- Longsword, Chainmaille

Notes- If the Children of the Morrigan weren’t ratted out

to anyone who mattered, they will move on to this loca-
tion and begin to fight the Scorned Oath after rallying
the town. They will not arrive at the encampment until
the PCs successfully infiltrate the mine. This will cause
enough chaos that the characters can slip away after-
wards if they so choose.
-Sacrifices Within-
Within the Mine- If the players take the secret entrance, they can automatically perform an ambush on the
occupants of the sacrificial chamber, if not, then it’s a straight fight. If the Characters brought Archie along he
will help them in the fight by issuing commands using his Commander Edge. If they get Devina to help them,
she will be there as well. Add 1 guard per NPC for this conflict. If by some miracle they have killed both Lord
Le Monete and Lyenne, it will be a generic Scorned Oath Captain fulfilling their lord’s last order.


4 1
Read this as they enter.
After several twisting tunnels the characters find a wide chamber of stone. One wall is obviously the voidstone,
a twisting black and purple marbled rock that pulses and undulates with eerie light. Laying on a stone slab of
voidstone is Elizabeth Douglas, bound and prepared for some horrible ritual. Several guards stand at the ready
as <Either Lord Le Monete, Lyenne Duvraise or a Scorned Oath Captain> raise a wicked looking dagger above
Elizabeth Douglas, prepared to strike. The dagger glows with rising crimson power.

Mine Interior places of interest.

1. Main Entrance to the Mine
2. Secret Entrance to the Mine
3. The Ritual platform with Elizabeth
4. 1,000 Draichs hidden in one of the boxes.

-It’s the Final Combat-

Combatants- Either Le Monete or Lyenne or Scorned Oath Captain, X-1 Scorned Oath Soldiers (X being the
number of Player Characters). After calculating this add 1 soldier for each NPC the players have recruited to
come along. Archibald will definitely be there so long as the players haven’t completely destroyed things with
him. You might even have Lord Strathmore on the player’s side if things go really weirdly and the players ally
with him for some reason (darkest timeline).
The fight is pretty straight forward, run it as a normal combat. Le Monete (or his replacement) will try to fight 49
at range as much as possible, but he will be low on power for his Copper Skulk Suit and won’t be able to use it
to escape. If Lyenne is the final combatant, she will engage with the strongest melee opponent and try to kill
them as quickly as possible.
Whittling out the lesser fighters is important to winning the day. They will spread out and attempt to kill the
PCs, either swarming one or two, or going toe to toe evenly with them.
Lord Le Monete will retreat to higher ground the moment someone attacks him, sheathing the dagger so the
PCs can’t get it. Archibald will prioritize his wife, trying desperately to get to Elizabeth to shield her with his
body. If players are dropped and not helped with Blood Weed or Medicine Checks they will resurrect at their
ship. Since the ritual has been started, the power has been drawn temporarily from the voidstone and the
players ship will be able to fly to the camp and instantly deploy a character after 1 round. So they will die and
be able to re-enter combat a round later (remember to record 1 permanent
paradox for every death). There is a more concise list of combatants on page

Elizabeth Douglas (Real)

Potence:1 Finesse:3 Endurance:2 Savvy:4 Cunning:4
Resistance Rolls-Grit +6 Haste +7 Bastard +8
Charm+10 Insight+8 Empathy+8 Subterfuge+8
High Society +8 Education +12 Leadership+8 Temporal-Lore+6
Armor Soak Melee- 1D8 Ballistic - 1D8
Social Soak- 1D10+2D8
Social Damage- 1D10+1D8
Edges-Noble Mien: Soothing Acumen, My Word is My Armor
Status Wounds-5
Gear- Fine noble clothes. Implanted tracking chip
Aftermath- If the players manage to kill the soldiers and save Elizabeth they can get her safely out of harm’s
way through the secret passage. You can either return them to Glamis Castle at the head of the Children of the
Morrigan, or you can tell them what is going on in the world, that you’re time travelers and that Elizabeth will
have a very important daughter. The characters will return to the Void Baron and receive their payment.
Your characters can negotiate to take up to 50 lbs of voidstone to be sold later (Worth an additional 500 Draic-
1. As Pierre is dying they might have a few moments to speak to him. He will say that a god revealed himself
to Pierre with such impossible gifts. All he had to do was kill a woman and ultimate power would be his. A
city in the sky was where he was going. A floating city full of bright gold. He’ll die then.
2. Archibald Douglas will thank the characters for saving his wife. He will not understand most of what went
on, but will make sure she is protected.
3. The dagger that was going to be used in the ritual is destroyed, the buildup of energy with nowhere to go
overloaded the artifact. It cannot be used in the future.
4. Elizabeth will ask why they saved her and risked so much. The characters can be honest and say they did it
for money but they might let her know that her daughter is going to save Gael.
5. After searching Le Monete they will find a broken comm system but with a Chronotech roll DC:14 they can
salvage a frequency off of it. You can have this be part of the next phase of hunting down the villain behind
this entire affair, or have it lead to an entirely new adventure. The choice is up to you.
6. With the ritual subsided, the characters are free to move about in their ship if they wish, but they will proba-
bly want to leave to get paid.
50 7. If the characters are still on good terms with Hezria Nurin, she will be very grateful for what they have done,
and she will be willing to help them in the future if they need her.
8. The Void Baron will pay them what is owed to them and depending how the adventure went, will be quite
pleased with the outcome. They could give him the frequency for the contact Pierre had.

Archibald Douglas Sari Dunn

Potence:3 Finesse:4 Endurance:3 Savvy:5 Potence:2 Finesse:2 Endurance:4 Savvy:3 Cun-
Cunning:3 Willpower:4 ning:2 Willpower:3
Resistance Rolls- Grit +7 Haste +7 Bastard +8 Resistance Rolls- Grit +7 Haste +4 Bastard +5
Charm +11 Insight +7 Empathy +7 Subterfuge Charm +7 Insight +6 Empathy +7 Survival +8
+9 Clubwork +8 Brawling +4 Archery +8 Blades+6
Blades +10 Archery +8 Leadership +11 Intimi- Armor Soak Melee- 1D6+1D8+1D10
dation +9 Dodge +8 Education +11 Ballistic - 1D6+1D8+1D10
Armor Soak Melee- 1D6+3D10 Social Soak- 1D10
Ballistic- 3D6+1D10 Weapon Damage- Bow-2D8 Pierce(1)
Social Soak- 1D10+1D8 Weapon Damage-Dagger 1D8+1D6
Weapon Damage-Longsword- 2D10 Pierce (1) Social Damage- 1D10
Longbow- 2D8 Pierce(1) Hardship -2
Social Damage- 1D8+1D10 Wounds- 4
Edges-Noble Mien: Soothing Acumen, Disparaging Status-3
Gaze Blades: Quick Draw, Binding Strike Gear- Dagger, Longbow, Leather Armor
Commander: Speed of Command, Melee Forma-
tion, Firing Formation
Gear- Longsword, Longbow, 100 Currency Points
(in his coach), Chain Maille
Pierre Le Monete Lyenne Duvraise
Potence:3 Finesse:4 Endurance:5 Savvy:3 Cun- Potence:4 Finesse:4 Endurance:3 Savvy:2
ning:3 Willpower:4 Cunning:3 Willpower:3
Resistance Rolls- Grit +9 Haste +7 Bastard +7 Resistance Rolls- Grit +6 Haste +7 Bastard +5
Charm+7 Insight+7 Empathy+7 Subterfuge+9 Charm+7 Insight+7 Empathy+6 Subterfuge
Clubwork+8 Brawling +4 Blades +10 Archery+8 +6 Clubwork+8 Brawling +8 Blades +10 Lanc-
Temporal Lore+8 Leadership +9 Intimidation +9 er +10 Ride +10 Dodge+8
Dodge+8 Armor Soak Melee- 3D10
Armor Soak Melee- 3D10+1D6 Ballistic- Ballistic- 1D6+2D10
4D10+1D6 Social Soak- 1D10
Social Soak- 1D10+1D8 Weapon Damage-Mace-1D10 Pierce(1)
Weapon Damage- Longbow-2D8 Pierce (1) Toxin(1) Weapon Damage- Longbow-2D8 Pierce(1)
Stack Grit: 15 Resistance roll Edges- Blades: Quick Draw, Binding Strike
Weapon Damage-Longsword- 2D10 Pierce (1) Toxin(1) Blunt Weapon: Pommel, Crack the Weak Point,
Stack Grit: 15 Resistance roll Charging Concussion
Social Damage- 1D8+1D10 Hardship-4
Invocation Dice-1D10+2D8 Wounds-3
Dissipation Dice-2D8 Gear- Platemail, Mace, Longbow, Dagger, 30 local
Edges-Noble Mien: Soothing Acumen, Disparaging currency points
Blades: Quick Draw, Binding Strike
Archery: Rapid Shot, Aim 51
Invocations: Agitation: Bolt of Flame, Brand.
Anarchy: Shardblade. Displacement: Hop Scorned Oath Captain
Hardship-6 Potence:3 Finesse:3 Endurance:3 Sav-
Wounds-5 vy:2 Cunning:2 Willpower:3
Status-4 Resistance Rolls- Grit +6 Haste +5 Bastard +4
Gear- Longsword, Longbow, Toxin I (Applied to ar- Insight+6 Archery +7 Subterfuge +4
rows), 1200 Currency Points, 1000 Draichs (Currently Clubwork+7 Brawling +7 Stealth +5
held within the mine), Copper Skulk Suit (Beneath his Dodge +9 Intimidation+6 Blades+7
clothes), Chronotech Data Storage device (in his room) Leadership +8
Armor Soak Melee-1D8+2D10
Ballistic- 2D6+1D10
Scorned Oath Soldiers Social Soak- 1D8
Potence:2 Finesse:3 Endurance:2 Savvy:2 Longsword Damage- 2D10 Pierce (1)
Cunning:2 Willpower:1 Axe Damage- 2D10 Pierce (1)
Resistance Rolls- Grit +3 Haste +4 Bastard +4 Bow Damage- 2D8 Pierce (1)
Insight+6 Archery +7 Subterfuge +4 Clubwork+5 Edges-Blades: Binding Strike, Scorn. Archery:
Blades +5 Stealth +5 Aim Commander: Speed of Command, Melee
Dodge +5 Formation
Armor Soak Melee- 1D6+1D8 Ballistic- 1D6+1D8 Hardship-4
Social Soak- 1D6 Wounds-3
Sword Damage- 1D8+1D10 Pierce (1) Status-3
Axe Damage- 1D10+1D8 Pierce (1) Gear- Chain maille, Longsword
Bow Damage- 2D8 Pierce (1)

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