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Chet Sheet

Energy consumption can be simply said to be the use of a specific amount of energy or power
output. This can be the energy consumption related to the consumption of electrical power
generated by power plants or the energy derived from food in the case of biological living
organisms. Although both are energy consumption and both of them have their unique
formulas, here we are primarily going to discuss the energy consumption regarding the
consumption of an electrical output or the energy generated by a power plant.

As mentioned, energy consumption is the use of the power of the energy of any system by
making use of the supplied power. Energy is measured in terms of Joules as it is the standard
Unit of Energy measurement, and so the energy consumption is typically observed in Gigajoules
per year which is kilograms of the oil equivalent per year and in Watts. Hence, the energy
calculation formula or the formula of energy consumed for determining energy consumption is
obtained by calculating the number of power units consumed over a given period.

Energy Consumption Formula

As mentioned above in the introduction, energy consumption is measured by multiplying the
number of power units consumed within the period over which it has been consumed. Hence,
the energy consumption formula or the power consumption formula is given as below:

E = P*(t/1000); where E = energy measured in Joules or kilowatt-hours (kWh), P = power units in

watts, and t = time over which the power or energy was consumed.

Thus, whenever someone asks you how to calculate power consumption, you can calculate and
answer using the above equation.

Energy consumption can be widely classified based on several factors such as worldwide energy
consumption, its impact on the environment, etc.

Based on the idea of demographic usage, energy consumption can be divided into the following

Worldwide Energy Supply: The worldwide energy supply is a vast area that is defined based on
the factors such as the global production and preparation of the fuel, generation of the
electricity using that fuel, the transport of energy and energy consumption.

Worldwide Energy Consumption: It is the overall energy consumed of the total available output
of the energy produced which is huge in number. This is done by using the power consumption
formula and calculating the total power consumption at different levels of demographics.
Domestic Energy Consumption: Domestic energy consumption is defined as the total amount of
energy consumed by a given household or for household work. Usually, the power consumption
of a household activity calculated using the above-given power consumption formula may be
small but when multiplied by the number of households of the population in a given
demographic the number becomes significant.

Electric Energy Consumption: This classification is defined based specifically on the consumption
of electrical energy consumed. It does not include the amount of mechanical energy that is used
to perform work. Here, the energy consumed formula or power consumed formula can be
applied by taking the values of power units based on the meter readings installed at various
places such as household or industrial locations.

Energy consumption has been central to the development of human civilizations. White’s Law
named after Leslie white and published in 1943 states that with most of the other factors
remaining constant, “culture evolves as the amount of energy harnessed per capacity per year is
increased or as the efficiency of the instrumental means of putting the energy to work is

There are widespread effects of energy consumption worldwide. The impact of the energy
industry on the environment has been huge and mostly negative. The ever-increasing amounts
of energy being produced and the increasing rate at which the energy is consumed has resulted
in the generation of harmful factors that have immensely contributed to the rise of Earth’s
temperature significantly within a few years. Because of coal and petroleum products being
used more and more until recently to produce and fulfil the immense needs of energy, there has
been a continuous release of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and different oxides of
nitrogen that have contributed significantly to the greenhouse effect. Not only the production
but the consumption of energy ranging from household activities to industrial activities have
generated and released immense amounts of heat energy into the atmosphere. Therefore,
unchecked production from non-renewable sources and the unchecked consumption of energy
has resulted in global warming which needs to be taken seriously and taken care of.

Energy consumption
Energy consumption defines the use of energy. It is the use of energy specifically for a definite
amount. This is related to the energy consumption of electrical power generated through power
plants or energy used by any living creature. Both types of consumption of energy vary from
each other. Joules is the term used to scale energy as a standard unit of measurement, hence
the energy is generally observed as gigajoules per year. The formula to calculate energy is
derived for the calculation of consumed energy in a specific period.

The formula for Energy Consumption

The formula of energy is used to calculate the use of energy for a given period. The
consumption of energy is measured by multiplying the number of power units consumed in a
given period. The formula for consumption of energy is given below-

E = P*(t/100)

In this formula, E refers to the measured Joules or kilowatt per hour (kWh).

P refers to power used per unit in watts.

t refers to the time over which the power is consumed.

Hence, to calculate the consumption of energy one can use this formula.

The consumption of energy is classified into several factors, some of them as discussed below -

Worldwide energy supply - as the name specifies, the world is a large area to discover. Hence,
the supply of energy is also vast that has to be defined based on the factors like global
preparation and production of fuel generation for electricity, energy consumption, and the
energy used for transportation.

World energy consumption - the energy consumed as compared to the energy available the use
of all over the world. This energy is calculated by using the energy consumption formula i.e. E =
P*(t/100) at different levels of demographics.

Domestic energy consumption - domestic energy consumption is the consumption of energy

used by the household or by the household work. Generally, the formula of energy
consumption is used to calculate the domestic energy consumption by multiplying it with the
number of households of the population given demographics.

Electric energy consumption - in this classification, specifically the consumption of energy in the
form of electricity is considered. It does not include any other type of energy that is used to
perform work. Also, the formula for the energy consumption can be used here by taking the
value of power units based on the meter readings.

To curb and control the harmful effects of energy consumption, energy conservation is
necessary. Energy conservation is the practice of decreasing the total quantity of energy or
using the energy more efficiently and avoiding any wastage of energy. This not only addresses
the challenge of wastage of energy resulting inequitable distribution of energy amongst the
people but also in providing a cap on the energy requirements and the energy generated by the
industries so that there is less release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere thus, in turn,
helping the environment and the planet from not going to the verge of drastic environmental
changes and extinction of most of the species.

Bisa dimasukin ke bab 3 bagian data

apakah kelompok negara maju lebih banyak menggunakan energi terbarukan dikarenakan
ekonomi mereka cenderung lebih stabil

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