Guidance On Machinery Safety SSA

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Policy Area: Occupational Health & Safety

Guidance: Guidance on Machinery Safety

Effective from: May 2023

Revision & date: May 2023

Document owner: Safety and Health Leadership Team


This document has been prepared by SSA for the sole use of SSA Group companies
and authorised third parties engaged by the SSA Group. The information contained
in this document constitutes confidential information of the SSA Group and must not
be copied or disclosed to any third party. This document, the information contained
within it and all intellectual property rights relating to it are the property of the SSA

Only those parties that are expressly authorised in writing by a SSA Group company
may use this document provided that they only do so for the specific purpose
authorised in writing and they accept that this document is not intended to constitute
a definitive, accurate or complete statement of the practices to be followed. No other
person may use this document or place any reliance whatsoever on the contents of
it. SSA Group companies accept no liability to any third party for the contents of this
document or any reliance on it.

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Contents Page

Introduction 3

General Requirements for the Safe Operation of Machinery 4

Risk Assessment for Machinery 8

Machinery and Area Guarding 10

Energy and Machinery Isolation – Safe State Isolation 15

Definitions 19

Appendix 1 21

Appendix 2 24

Appendix 3 27

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In recent years a significant number of fatalities and permanently disabling injuries

within SSA have arisen from the hazards associated with the operation of
machinery used by SSA in the production of its products.

This general guidance document has been published to support SSA’s Functional
SHE Standard on Machinery Safety which details SSA’s mandatory requirements
regarding the safe operation of newly acquired and existing machinery.

This same standard also mandates the deployment of effective operational controls
(e.g. safe systems of work, procedures, and method statement and work
instructions) which are designed to ensure that all work on machinery is undertaken

The standard is relevant and applicable to all SSA organisations even where partof a
site's operation, maintenance, or even the ownership of its machinery has been
outsourced to a third party.

The only allowed exceptions are those organisations designated by their Region as
"low risk non-manufacturing, technical and/or administrative organisations.

Further information regarding specific good practices on this topic can be found in
other related SSA guideline documents.

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General Requirements for the Safe Operation of Machinery

Extract from the Standard - All SSA organisations must design/select, install, operate
and then maintain machinery using robust risk based safe systems of work, so as to
protect the health and safety of employees and others who may be affectedby its

Wherever practicable, robust fixed enclosures and fixed guarding must be used on
machinery to prevent injury. Such guards must be inspected periodically to ensure
that they remain effective.

In addition to fixed enclosures and guards, modern machinery often requires the use
safety interlocked guards and other safety devices to enable safe access inside the
machine for routine cleaning, repair and adjustment. Such safety interlocked guards
and safety devices must be robust, suitable for purpose, regularly tested, inspected
and maintained to ensure that they remain fully operational at all times.

Unsafe machinery must not be used until adequate steps can be taken to reduce the
risk to an acceptable level.

Employees who operate machinery, and those who supervise their work, must be
trained and competent to do so.

Incidents which give rise to injury/ill health or arising from deviations from the
intended safe system of work must be thoroughly investigated and corrective action
taken to prevent reoccurrence.

Any planned modification to machinery must first be risk assessed by a competent

person to ensure that the planned changes do not compromise existing machinery
health & safety standards.

Every relevant organization must have a named competent person (own staff or third
party) for machinery safety.

In the context of the standard and this guideline - What is machinery?

Machines and machinery include, but are not limited to, production equipment, case
packers, palletizers, pallet wrapping, automated robotic carton loaders/case handling
systems as well as support and maintenance equipment such as drills, presses,
grinders, lathes and saw tables etc.

Outside the scope of the standard and this guidance document are all powered (plug
and socket) and manual hand tools, all heavy lifting equipment, all vehicles and all
static and mobile access equipment.

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Why is machinery safety important?

Moving machinery can cause injuries in many ways:

• People can be struck and injured by moving parts of machinery or ejected

material. Parts of the body can also be drawn in or trapped between rollers, belts
and pulley drives
• Sharp edges can cause cuts and severing injuries, sharp-pointed parts can cause
stabbing or puncture the skin, and rough surface parts can cause friction or
• People can be crushed, both between parts moving together or towards a fixed
part of the machine, wall or other object, and two parts moving past one another
can cause shearing
• Parts of the machine, materials and emissions (such as steam or water) can be
hot or cold enough to cause burns or scalds and electricity can cause electrical
shock and burns
• Injuries can also occur due to machinery becoming unreliable and developing
faults or when machines are used improperly through inexperience or lack of
• There are also non mechanical hazards (noise, vibration, manual handling,
chemical, and biological and radiation sources).
• There are often slip, trip and fall, ergonomic and access/egress hazards from
accessing areas above, below or inside machinery, sometimes involving the use
of moveable platforms and/or ladders.

Before you start

Before you start using any machine you need to think about what risks may occur
and how these can be managed. You should therefore do the following:

• Check that the machine is complete, with all safeguards fitted, and free from
defects. The term ‘safeguarding’ includes guards, interlocks, two-hand controls,
light guards, pressure-sensitive mats etc. The supplier should have provided the
right safeguards and have informed the buyer of any risks ('residual risks') that the
users need to be aware of and manage because they could not be designed out.
• Produce a safe system of work for using and maintaining the machine.
Maintenance may require the inspection of critical features where deterioration
would cause a risk. Also look at the residual risks identified by the manufacturer in
the information / instructions provided with the machine and make sure they are
included in the safe system of work
• Ensure every static machine has been installed properly and is stable (usually
fixed down)
• Choose the right machine for the job and do not put machines where customers or
visitors may be exposed to risk
• Note that new machines in Europe should be CE marked and supplied with a
Declaration of Conformity and operating instructions in the national language.

Make sure the machine is:

• safe for any work that must be done when setting up, during normal use, when
clearing blockages, when carrying out repairs for breakdowns, and during planned
• properly switched off, isolated or locked-off before taking any action to remove
blockages, clean or adjust the machine

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Also, make sure you identify and deal with the risks from:

• electrical, hydraulic, or pneumatic power supplies

• badly designed safeguards. These may be inconvenient to use or easily over-
ridden, which could encourage your workers to risk injury. If they are, find out why
they are doing it and take appropriate action to deal with the reasons/causes

Preventing access to dangerous parts

Think about how you can make a machine safe. The measures you use to prevent
access to dangerous parts should be in the following order. In some cases it may be
necessary to use a combination of these measures:

• Use fixed guards (e.g. secured with screws or nuts and bolts) to enclose the
dangerous parts, whenever practical. Use the best material for these guards –
plastic may be easy to see through but may easily be damaged. Where you use
wire mesh or similar materials, make sure the holes are not large enough to allow
access to moving parts
• If fixed guards are not practical, use other methods, e.g. interlock the guard so
that the machine cannot start before the guard is closed and cannot be opened
while the machine is still moving. In some cases, trip systems such as
photoelectric devices, pressure-sensitive mats or automatic guards may be used if
other guards are not practical
• Where guards cannot give full protection, use jigs, holders, push sticks etc., if it is
practical to do so
• Control any remaining risk by providing the operator with the necessary
information, instruction, training, supervision and appropriate safety equipment

Other things you should consider

• If machines are controlled by programmable electronic systems, changes to any

programmes should be carried out by a competent person (someone who has the
necessary skills, knowledge, and experience to carry out the work safely). Keep a
record of such changes and check they have been made properly
• Ensure control switches are clearly marked to show what they do
• Have emergency stop controls where necessary, e.g. red mushroom-head push
buttons within easy reach
• Make sure operating controls are designed and placed to avoid accidental
operation and injury, use two-hand controls where necessary and shroud start
buttons and pedals
• Do not let unauthorised, unqualified or untrained people use machinery – never
allow children to operate or help at machines. Some workers, e.g. new starters,
young people or those with disabilities, may be particularly at risk and need
instruction, training and supervision
• Adequate training should ensure that those who use the machine are competent
to use it safely. This includes ensuring they have the correct skills, knowledge and
experience – sometimes formal qualifications are needed.
• Ensure the work area around the machine is kept clean and tidy, free from
obstructions or slips and trips hazards, and well lit.

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Dos and don’ts of machinery safety for workers


• check the machine is well maintained and fit to be used, i.e. appropriate for the job
and working properly and that all the safety measures are in place – guards,
isolators, locking mechanisms, emergency off switches etc.,
• use the machine properly and in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions
• make sure you are wearing the appropriate protective clothing and equipment
required for that machine, such as safety glasses, hearing protection and safety


• use a machine or appliance that has a danger sign or tag attached to it. Danger
signs should only be removed by an authorised person who is satisfied that the
machine or process is now safe
• wear dangling chains, loose clothing, rings or have loose, long hair that could get
caught up in moving parts
• distract people who are using machines
• remove any safeguards, even if their presence seems to make the job more

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Risk Assessment for Machinery

Extract from the Standard – In order to avoid serious machinery related incidents, a
risk assessment must be undertaken on all items of workplace machinery to identify
the health & safety hazards and potential risks associated with its operation.

Sufficient controls must then be put in place to reduce the identified risks to an
acceptable level.

For new or modified machinery, it is essential that an initial health & safety
riskassessment is undertaken during the design phase.

A further risk assessment must then be undertaking prior to bringing the machinery
into operation and then again if the machinery or the way in which it is to be operated
is changed.

The final risk assessment must be undertaken prior to the dismantling and disposal
of the machinery to ensure that these activities are properly controlled.

In undertaking the risk assessments, all the potential hazards e.g. mechanical,
electrical, thermal, chemical, physical (noise and vibration), biological etc., to which
people might be exposed must be identified and the associated risks assessed.

The risk assessment must address:

• Severity: e.g. the most likely injuries and the number of people affected,

• Likelihood: e.g. the frequency and duration of exposure, probability of

occurrence, possibility to avoid or limit harm,

• The reliability of safeguards: e.g. components and systems, potential for the
safeguards to be defeated, ease of inspection and maintenance,

• Human factors: e.g. operating procedures, knowledge and experience of

operators, language and literacy, supervision, possibility of human error,
adequacy of lighting, presence of noise, high or low temperature
environments, use of PPE, suitability of the layout of controls and displays,
likelihood of presence of factors likely to distract or impair perception and

• The varying conditions during start-up, shutdown, normal running, jams and
breakdowns and finally any reasonably foreseeable misuse.

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What risks are there from using machinery?

Many things can cause a risk, for example:

• not fitting adequate guards on machines, leading to accidents caused by

entanglement, shearing, crushing, trapping or cutting;
• not fitting adequate controls, or the wrong type of controls, so that equipment
cannot be turned off quickly and safely, or starts accidentally;
• not properly maintaining guards, safety devices, controls etc., so that
machines or equipment become unsafe;
• not providing the right information, instruction and training for those using the
• not maintaining work machines or carrying out regular inspections and
thorough examinations;
• not providing the personal protective equipment needed to use certain
machines safely, e.g. gloves, hearing protection
• Misuse of the equipment leading to exposure to harm

When identifying the risks, think about the following:

• all the work which has to be done with the machine during normal use and
also during setting-up, maintenance, repair, breakdowns and removal of
• who will use the machine, including inexperienced workers, workers with
language difficulties, new starters, people who have changed jobs within the
company or those who may have particular difficulties, e.g. those with
impaired mobility or poor readers;
• young people, who may be inexperienced and lack knowledge or awareness
of existing or potential risks;
• workers who may act foolishly or carelessly or are likely to make mistakes;
• whether guards or safety devices are poorly designed and inconvenient to
use or are easily defeated (this could encourage workers to risk injury);
• the type of power supply, e.g. electrical, hydraulic or pneumatic – each type
has different risks and ways to control them.
• Other non-mechanical hazards i.e. (noise, vibration, manual handling,
chemical, and biological and radiation sources).

A comprehensive list of all machinery related hazard is listed in Appendix 1.

A useful tool for performing a full machinery risk assessment can be found in
Appendix 2.

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Machinery and Area Guarding

Extract from the Standard - Machinery guarding must be installed and properly
maintained in order to prevent serious injury from machinery hazards e.g. dangerous
moving parts. Specific attention must be given to the guarding of the operating zone
of equipment and other high hazardous areas (e.g. robot enclosures, automatic
palletizing and pallet wrapping areas etc.)

Access to hazardous areas must be guarded with enclosures and fixed guards
whenever reasonably practicable.

Enclosures and fixed guards must be designed to exclude any deliberate or

accidental access to machinery hazards e.g. dangerous moving machinery.

Fixed guards must be properly fastened and secured. If fixings are used, they must
require tools to remove them and the issue of these tools must be restricted to a few
competent and authorised persons.

In situations where frequent access is required to part of a machine, then a safety

interlocked guard must be provided.

The simplest physical safety interlocked guards are those which stop the machine
when they are opened. They must be designed to ensure that the exposed work
area remains safe until the interlocked guard is closed again and the machine
restarted manually i.e. simply closing the safety interlocked guard must not in itself
restart the machine.

Where regular access is required either into a machinery enclosure (including

cleaning and adjustment) or within a large/more complex machine (i.e. where a
person can enter beyond the guard into a hazardous area, rather than just reach
through) then such installations must be designed to facilitate their safe energy
isolation using trapped key interlocks or key in pocket systems. (See section later on
“Energy and Machinery Isolation – Safe State Isolation”.)

The use of light guards must be restricted to the absolute minimum and used only
where temporary disablement of the guard is required to let large (human) sized
objects pass through the guard. This is because the accidental resetting of an
activated light guard can lead to a very dangerous situation. The reset button of a
light guard must not be reachable whilst being inside the machinery.

The design of any safety interlocked guards and safe energy isolation systems must
ensure that the machinery comes to a completed stop, that any stored (residual)
energy is released, that the exposed work area is free from other hazards e.g. very
hot or cold surfaces, hazardous substances, sharp edges, etc., and that after the
intervention the machinery cannot be restarted until all the machinery’s fixed guards
and safety interlocks have been restored.

Closing the safety interlocked guard must not in itself restart the machine. Safety
interlocked guards must be robust and convenient to use and must always fail to a
safe condition (“fail safe”).

The physical condition of fixed, safety interlocked guards and light guards must be
routinely monitored and maintained to a good standard and this requirement must be

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built into all maintenance procedures (e.g. Autonomous and Planned Maintenance).
Any deviations found must be corrected immediately and must be reported to

As a very last resort, where fixed or safety interlocked guards cannot give full
protection, and yet access is still required then alternatives such as jigs, holders,
push sticks etc., must be used to manoeuvre the work piece. Each task must be
individually risk assessed and a method statement prepared which details how the
task can be undertaken safety. The method statement must then be used to train the

Every machine must be equipped with one or more emergency stop controls (unless
their operation would not reduce the risk) to bring its moving parts to a complete stop
safely. Resetting the emergency stop must not in itself restart the machine.
Emergency stops must not be used routinely to stop a machine for purely operational

There must be in place a system to ensure that the integrity of guarding is

maintained after any modification of the machine. This requirement must be built into
all management of change procedures (e.g. Focussed Improvement checklists).

How to make sure machinery is safe

Appropriate controls should be put in place to reduce identified health & safety risks
to an acceptable level. The generally accepted hierarchy of controls are, in
descending order:

1. Technical: e.g. complete enclosure where reasonably practicable, or if not,

the use of robust fixed guards and/or safety interlocked guards.
2. Procedural: e.g. safe systems of work, procedures, method statements,
work instructions together with acoustic warnings and hazard signage
where applicable
3. Behavioural: e.g. employee selection and assignment, training, provision
of information, instruction, supervision, discipline, promotion of safety
culture, behavioural based safety

A comprehensive Machine Guarding Checklist can be found in Appendix 3.

You should check the machinery is suitable for the work – think about how and
where it will be used. All new machinery should be:

• safe, that means provided complete with all necessary guards and protective
• CE marked in Europe (CE marking is not a guarantee that the machinery is
safe, only the manufacturer’s claim that the product meets all relevant
European Supply Directive requirements);
• provided with an EC Declaration of Conformity within Europe (ask for a copy
if you have not been given one);
• provided with instructions in your national language. These should state how
to assemble, install, use, adjust and maintain the machinery, including
dealing with blockages. The instructions should also give details on the
protective measures to take, such as when personal protective equipment
should be provided and used; warn of ways in which machinery must not be

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used; and of any remaining residual risks that need to be controlled by safe
systems of work.

If you think that machinery you have bought is not safe then do not use it. Contact
the manufacturer or supplier to discuss your concerns.

Remember, it is your responsibility as an employer or a subcontractor to ensure you

do not expose others to risk.

Guard dangerous parts of machines

Controlling the risk often means guarding the parts of machines and equipment that
could cause injury. Remember:

• use fixed guards wherever possible, properly fastened in place with screws or
nuts and bolts which need tools to remove them;
• if employees need regular access to parts of the machine and a fixed guard
is not possible, use an interlocked guard for those parts. This will ensure that
the machine cannot start before the guard is closed and will stop if the guard
is opened while the machine is operating;
• in some cases devices such as photoelectric systems or automatic guards
may be used instead of fixed or interlocked guards;
• check that guards are convenient to use and not easy to defeat, otherwise
they may need modifying;
• think about the best materials for guards – plastic may be easy to see
through but can be easily scratched or damaged. If wire mesh or similar
materials are used, make sure the holes are not large enough to allow
access to the danger area. As well as preventing such access, a guard may
also be used to prevent harmful fluids, vapours, dust etc., from escaping;
• make sure the guards allow the machine to be cleaned and maintained
• where guards cannot give full protection, use jigs, holders, push sticks etc., to
move the work piece.

Do not accept any deviations on guards. If you find a deviation on a guard,

stop the machine immediately, report to management and ensure that the
machine will be not re-started until the physical condition of the guard is
corrected to normal standard.

Selecting the right controls

In the field of occupational health & safety there exists as a matter of principle a
hierarchy of preferred control measures. These are as follows:

• Eliminate or reduce the hazard; that is design it out or remove it if reasonably

practicable, if not then-

• Eliminate the need for persons to be exposed; that is remove the need for
operator intervention if possible, if not then-

• Use guards; that are fixed or interlocked and which form a barrier between
persons and the hazard if possible, if not then-

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• Reduce the probability of occurrence by altering the task, the method used or
the use of jigs, holders, push sticks etc. If not then-

• Reduce the degree of harm; that is by reducing the area of the hazard that
can do harm or slow down the speed of approach of the hazard or use
different components that present a lower degree of harm; the provision of
personnel protective clothing, if not then -

• Warn and inform (only if adequate safety can be achieved by these

measures); that is warning notices, training, information for safe use, etc.

Some risks can be reduced by careful selection and siting of the controls for
machinery and equipment, for example:

• position ‘hold-to-run’ and/or two-hand controls at a safe distance from the

danger area;
• make sure stop and start buttons are readily accessible;
• ensure control switches are clearly marked to show what they do;
• make sure operating controls are designed and placed to avoid accidental
operation, e.g. by shrouding start buttons and pedals;
• interlocked or trapped key systems for guards may be necessary to prevent
operators and maintenance workers from entering the danger areas before
the machine has stopped;
• where appropriate, have emergency stop controls within easy reach,
particularly on larger machines so they can be operated quickly in an
• ensure that a machine can only be restarted following a stoppage by use of
the start control. It should not be possible to restart the machine simply by
resetting a device such as an interlock guard or trip bar.

Note: Before fitting emergency stop controls to machines that have not previously
had them, it is essential to check that fitting them will not cause other risks. For
example, some machines need the power supply to be on to operate the brakes.
This power could be lost if the machine were to be stopped using the emergency
stop control.

European CE marked equipment should have all the necessary guards, protective
measures and controls for safety when supplied. If not you will need to take action,
such as getting the supplier to correct the defect.

Make sure machinery is maintained in a safe condition

To control the risk you should carry out regular maintenance and preventive checks,
and inspections where there is a significant risk. Some types of machine are also
required by law to be thoroughly examined periodically by a competent person.

Inspections should be carried out by a competent person at regular intervals to make

sure the machine is safe to operate. The intervals between inspections will depend
on the type of machine, how often it is used and environmental conditions.

Inspections should always be carried out before the machine is used for the first time
or after major repairs. Keep a record of inspections made as this can provide useful
information for maintenance workers planning maintenance activities and can help
make sure that any defects identified get resolved.

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• Make sure the guards and other safety devices (e.g. photoelectric systems)
are routinely checked and kept in working order. They should also be
checked after any repairs or modifications by a competent person;
• Check what the manufacturer’s instructions say about maintenance to ensure
it is carried out where necessary and to the correct standard;
• Routine daily and weekly checks may be necessary, e.g. fluid levels,
pressures, brake function, guards.
• Some machinery, e.g. will need a preventive maintenance (servicing) so that
it does not become unsafe;
• Some machines e.g. power presses should be thoroughly examined by a
competent person at regular intervals specified in law or according to an
examination scheme drawn up by a competent person. Your insurance
company may be able to advise on who would be suitable to give you this

You should integrate all relevant checks into the TPM activities on planned
maintenance, autonomous maintenance and focused improvement

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Energy and Machinery Isolation – Safe State Isolation

Extract from the Standard - Employees and contractors must ensure that before
performing work (e.g. cleaning, adjusting, retooling, un-jamming, inspection,
maintenance etc.) on potentially energized machinery (electrical, hydraulic,
pneumatic, mechanical energy etc.) they follow a pre-defined safe system of work in
order to ensure the machinery is in a “safe state” prior to performing the intended

Another common term for “safe state isolation” is “zero energy”.

Safe Access to Machinery.

Where a task requires the removal or bypass of a machine guard or other safety
device, or that one or more persons place any part of their body in a hazardous zone
associated with a machine’s operation then a robust safe system of work must be in
place to safeguard all the people who may be affected by such activities.

A. Tasks not requiring a documented Lock-Out and Tag Out procedure

Where a single, competent and authorised person needs access to a machine and
there is single point of control for all the machine’s energies (electrical or pneumatic),
then access can be provided using:

I. a single trapped key interlock system or

II. a single key in the pocket system, where the person who is to undertake
the work is able to isolate the single point of control for all the machine’s
energies using their own padlock and key.

If the task requires the person to enter the machine/machinery enclosure to

undertake the work then that person must enter and leave the machine by the same
entrance and hold the key on their person at all times.

No one else must be allowed enter the machine/machinery enclosure. At the

conclusion of the work the entire machine/machinery enclosure must be checked
before the isolation is removed and the machine put back into operation to ensure
that no one else has accidentally entered the machine/machinery enclosure.

The use of a documented Lock-Out and Tag Out procedure is also not required
where safe access for one person, to a very limited area of the machine, is provided
using a simple safety interlocked guard (i.e. where it is physically impossible for
someone to actually enter inside the machine with the full body). Once again, simply
closing the safety interlocked guard after the task has been completed must not in
itself restart the machine, which must be started manually.

Using the emergency stop button or any other control circuit is not an acceptable
means of isolation.

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B. Tasks requiring a documented Lock-Out and Tag Out procedure

Where work by more than one person is to be undertaken on machinery, or where

multiple points of control for all energies (electrical or pneumatic) need to be isolated,
or where disassembly of machinery is required, then a documented Lock-Out and
Tag Out procedure must be used.

The Lock-Out / Tag Out procedure is designed to ensure that all sources of energy
are securely isolated / disconnected (Lock-Out) and labelled (Tagged) and all
sources of stored (residual) energy are released before any work is started.

The Lock-Out & Tag Out procedure must ensure the following:

• A safe method of energy isolation must be defined for each item, or class, of
machinery. This must ensure that stored (residual) energy is discharged). Using
the emergency stop button or any other control circuit is not an acceptable
means of isolation.

• All points of isolation must be secured by all the persons who will be undertaking
work on the machinery using a multi padlock lockout hasp where every person
involved in the work attaches their own personal lock.

• A test must be undertaken by a competent and authorised person to ensure that

all the isolations are effective and the isolations are labelled as such i.e.
“Tagged” before work is started.

• The effectiveness of these isolations must be monitored periodically during the

course of the work and arrangements made to ensure continuity of safety, for
example at shift handovers.

• Prior to re-commissioning the machinery all guarding and safety systems etc.,
must be re-established by competent and authorised persons before the
isolations and tags are removed.

At the conclusion of the work, the last person to remove their personal lock and tag
must first check the entire machine/machinery enclosure to ensure that it is clear of
people before re-energising the machine and putting it back into operation.

In addition to the above, some machinery may need other isolations to make it safe
for entry e.g. hot water/steam, inert gases, hazardous chemicals etc. These
isolations and their ultimate removal must also be undertaken by competent and
authorised persons and for these more complex tasks the whole activity must be
coordinated using a Permit to Work System linked to the Lock-Out Tag Out

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Each organisation must clearly define any specific engineering activities that are
exempt from the Lock-Out / Tag Out procedure e.g. machinery inching adjustment; in
these cases it must be ensured that suitable alternative safety precautions are put in
place (e.g. a permit to work or a safe operating procedure that defines a safe
“inching” procedure e.g. where both hands are required to trigger the inching
procedure, to keep them out of harm’s way.)

Lock-Out / Tag Out is not required for work on simple plug and socket equipment
where the device can be easily and visibly unplugged from the power supply before
any necessary maintenance or repair work is undertaken.

Carry out maintenance work safely

Many accidents occur during maintenance work. Controlling the risk means following
safe working practices, for example:

• Carry out maintenance on machinery with the power to the machine locked
off, especially where access is required to dangerous parts of the machine.
• Where work by more than one person is to be undertaken on machinery, or
where multiple sources of energy need to be isolated, then a documented
Lock-Out and Tag Out procedure must be used.
• Break all electrical phases and lock off the machine using lockable isolators
and a padlock. If more than one person is involved then use a multi-hasp lock
off system where applicable.
• Make sure that all points of isolation are within easy reach and designed to
facilitate the easy fitting of secure isolation devices e.g. padlocks
• Always check that the machinery won’t restart before working on it;
• Where applicable, isolate all machinery and pipelines containing pressurised
fluid, gas, steam or hazardous materials. Isolating valves should be locked off
and the system depressurised.
• Support parts of the machine which could fall;
• Allow moving parts of the machine to stop;
• Allow components which operate at high temperatures time to cool;
• To prevent fire and explosions, thoroughly clean vessels that have contained
flammable solids, liquids, gases or dusts and check them before hot work is
carried out. Even small amounts of flammable material can give off enough
vapour to create an explosive air mixture which could be ignited by a hand
lamp or cutting/welding torch;
• Where maintenance work has to be carried out at height, ensure that a safe
and secure means of access is provided that is suitable for the nature,
duration and frequency of the task.
• Where a Lockout / Tag Out procedure has been followed then before
reenergizing the machine:
• Clear all tools and materials from the machines.
• Clear all employees and contractors from the area around the

Guidance on Machinery Safety Page 17 of 28

• Remove the lockout and/or tagout devices as specified in the Lockout
/ Tag Out procedure
• Energize the machine and proceed with testing or positioning.
• If additional service or maintenance is required then de-energize all
systems and isolate the machine once again from the energy source.

Where inching mode is required to adjust the machine, both hands should be used to
trigger the inching, if there is a risk of moving parts being uncovered in that situation.

Instruct and train employees

Make sure employees have the knowledge they need to use and maintain machinery

• give them the information they need, e.g. manufacturer’s instructions,

operating manuals, training courses and check they understand them;
• instruct them on how to avoid known risks
• an inexperienced employee may need some further instruction and close
• as well as instruction, appropriate training will often be necessary, particularly
if control of the risk depends on how an employee uses the machine;
• only competent workers should operate work machinery;
• never assume an employee can use work machinery safely, especially if they
have just started work, even if they have used similar machinery elsewhere.

Training may be needed for existing staff as well as inexperienced staff or new
starters (do not forget temporary staff), particularly if they have to use powered
machinery. The greater the danger, the better the training needs to be.

(This guidance is based primarily on the on UK HSE booklet “Using Work Equipment

Guidance on Machinery Safety Page 18 of 28


Machinery - Machines and machinery include, but are not limited to, production
equipment, case packers, palletizers, pallet wrapping, automated robotic carton
loaders/case handling systems as well as support and maintenance equipment such
as drills, presses, grinders, lathes and saw tables etc.

Outside the scope of the standard and this guidance document are all powered (plug
and socket) and manual hand tools, all heavy lifting equipment, all vehicles and all
static and mobile access equipment.

Fixed Guard - As its name implies, a fixed guard is a permanent part of the
machine. It is not dependent upon moving parts to function. It may be constructed of
any material that is substantial enough to withstand whatever impact it may receive
and to endure prolonged use. This guard is usually preferable to all other types
because of its relative simplicity. It can only be removed using a special tool.

Safety Interlocked Guard - When this type of guard is opened or removed, the
power automatically shuts off or disengages, the moving parts of the machine are
stopped, and the machine cannot cycle or be started until the guard is closed. An
interlocked guard may use electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, or pneumatic power or
any combination of these. Simply closing the guard should not in itself automatically
restart the machine.

Stored (Residual) Energy – When isolating equipment hazards associated with

conventional energy sources such as electricity, steam, gas, compressed air and
hydraulic systems are normally readily apparent. Hazards resulting from residual or
stored energy sources such as capacitors, charged springs, elevated machine
members, rotating fly wheels, sudden release of hydraulic/air/gas/water/steam
pressure, unexpected motion, fuming, heat, radiation etc., may be less obvious.

Lock Out - The placement of a lockout device on an energy-isolating device, in

accordance with an established procedure, ensuring that the energy-isolating device
and the equipment being controlled cannot be operated until the lockout device is

Lockout device: Any device that uses positive means, such as a lock to hold an
energy-isolating device in a safe position, thereby preventing the energizing of
machinery or equipment.

Trapped Key Interlocks - Trapped key interlocking utilizes locks and keys for
sequential control of equipment and machinery to ensure safe operation. Trapped
key interlocks are widely used to ensure safe access to potentially live or dangerous
plant or equipment in an industrial setting.

The trapped key interlocking method requires a key to be released from a retaining
clamp only when all the power to the machine has been completely removed. The
electrical supply to a machine is turned off, allowing the trapped key to be accessed
that unlocks a guard that allows the operator to enter the machine. To return power
to the machine, the trapped key is used to lock the guard and is then returned to the
retaining clamp before the electrical circuit can be closed and power restored to the

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Single Padlock and Key Isolation – “Key in Pocket” – Single padlock and key
isolation allows a single padlock to be used to isolate one energy source. The single
padlock is placed through the isolating point and the person carrying out the
maintenance or service work attaches and locks in place their own unique
individually keyed padlock. This ensures the worker's safety as the energy cannot be
restored until the work is finished and the padlock has been removed.

Multi Padlock Lockout Hasp – Multi padlock lockout hasps allow multiple padlocks
to be used when isolating one energy source. The multi padlock lockout hasp is
placed through the isolating point and each person carrying out maintenance or
service work attaches and locks in place their own unique individually keyed padlock
through the lockout hasp. This ensures each worker's safety as the energy cannot
be restored until the work is finished and all padlocks have been removed.

Tagout: The placement of a tagout device on an energy isolating device, in

accordance with an established procedure, to indicate that the energy isolating
device and the equipment being controlled may not be operated until the tagout
device is removed.

Tagout device: Any prominent warning device, such as a tag and a means of
attachment that can be securely fastened to an energy isolating device to indicate
that the machine or equipment to which it is attached may not be operated until the
tagout device is removed.

Guidance on Machinery Safety Page 20 of 28

Appendix 1: - Categorised Hazards

1 Mechanical hazards
1.1 Crushing hazard
1.2 Shearing hazard
1.3 Cutting or severing hazard
1.4 Entanglement hazard
1.5 Drawing-in or trapping hazard
1.6 Impact hazard
1.7 Stabbing or puncture hazard
1.8 Friction or abrasion hazard
1.9 High pressure fluid injection or ejection hazard

2 Electrical hazards
2.1 Contact of persons with live parts (direct contact)
2.2 Contact of persons with parts which have become live under faulty conditions (indirect
2.3 Approach to live parts under high voltage
2.4 Electrostatic phenomena
2.5 Thermal radiation or other phenomena such as the projection of molten particles and
chemical effects from short circuits, overloads, etc.

3 Thermal hazards, resulting in:

3.1 Burns, scalds and other injuries by a possible contact of persons with objects or materials
with an extreme high or low temperature, by flames or explosions and also by the radiation of
heat sources
3.2 Damage to health by hot or cold working environment

4 Hazards generated by noise, resulting in:

4.1 Hearing loss (deafness), other physiological disorders (e.g. loss of balance, loss of
4.2 Interference with speech communication, acoustic signals, etc.

5 Hazards generated by vibration

5.1 Use of hand-held machines resulting in a variety of neurological and vascular disorders
5.2 Whole body vibration, particularly when combined with poor postures

6 Hazards generated by radiation

6.1 Low frequency, radio frequency radiation, micro waves
6.2 Infra-red, visible and ultraviolet light
6.3 X ray and gamma ray
6.4 Alpha, beta rays, electron or ion beams, neutrons
6.5 Lasers

7 Hazards generated by materials and substances (and their constituent elements)

processed or used by the machinery
7.1 Hazards from contact with or inhalation/ ingestion and subcutaneous of harmful fluids, gases,
mists, fumes, and dusts
7.2 Fire or explosion hazard
7.3 Biological or microbiological (viral or bacterial) hazards

8 Hazards generated by neglecting ergonomic principles in machinery design e.g.

hazards from:
8.1 Unhealthy postures or excessive effort
8.2 Inadequate consideration of hand-arm or foot-leg anatomy

Guidance on Machinery Safety Page 21 of 28

8.3 Neglected use of personal protection equipment
8.4 Inadequate local lighting
8.5 Mental overload and under load, stress
8.6 Human error, human behaviour
8.7 Inadequate design, location or identification of manual controls
8.8 Inadequate design or location of visual display units

9 Combination of above hazards

10 Unexpected start-up unexpected over-run/over-speed (or any similar malfunction)

10.1 Failure/disorder of the control system
10.2 Restoration of energy supply after an interruption
10.3 External influences on electrical equipment
10.4 Other external influences (gravity, wind, etc.)
10.5 Errors in the software
10.6 Errors made by the operator (due to mismatch of machinery with human characteristics and
abilities, see 8.6)
11 Impossibility of stopping a machine in the best possible conditions
12 Variations in the rotational speed of tools
13 Failure of the power supply
14 Failure of the control circuits
15 Errors of fitting
16 Break-up during operation
17 Falling or ejected objects or fluids
18 Loss of stability / overturning of machinery
19 Slip, trip and fall of persons (related to machinery)

20 Additional hazards, hazardous situation and hazardous events due to mobility

20.1 Relating to the travelling function
20.2 Movement when starting the engine
20.3 Movement without a driver at the driving position
20.4 Movement without all parts in safe position
20.5 Excessive speed of pedestrian controlled machinery
20.6 Excessive oscillations when moving
20.7 Insufficient ability of machinery to be slowed down, stopped and immobilised

21 Hazards linked to the work position (including driving station) on the machine
21.1 Fall of persons during access to (or at/from) the work position
21.2 Exhaust gases/lack of oxygen at the work position
21.3 Fire (flammability of the cab, lack of extinguishing means)
21.4 Mechanical hazards at the work position: contact with the wheels, rollover, fall of objects,
penetration by objects, break-up of parts rotating at high speed,
contact of persons with machine parts or tools (pedestrian controlled machines)
21.5 Insufficient visibility from the work positions
21.6 Inadequate lighting
21.7 Inadequate seating
21.8 Noise at the work position
21.9 Vibration at the work position
21.10 Insufficient means for evacuation/emergency exit)

22 Hazards due to the control system

22.1 Inadequate location of manual controls
22.2 Inadequate design of manual controls and their mode of operation

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23 Hazards from handling the machine (lack of stability)

24 Hazards due to the power source and to the transmission of power

24.1 Hazards from the engine and the batteries
24.2 Hazards from transmission of power between machines
24.3 Hazards from coupling and towing

25 Hazards from/to third persons

25.1 Unauthorised start-up/use
25.2 Drift of a part away from its stopping position
25.3 Lack or inadequacy of visual or acoustic warning means
25.4 Insufficient instructions for the driver/operator

26 Hazards, hazardous situations and hazardous events due to lifting

26.1 Mechanical hazards and hazardous events
26.2 From load falls, collisions, machine topping caused by:
26.2.1 Lack of stability
26.2.2 Uncontrolled loading – overloading – overturning moments exceeded
26.2.3 Uncontrolled amplitude of movements
26.2.4 Unexpected/unintended movement of loads
26.2.5 Inadequate holding devices/accessories
26.2.6 Collision of more than one machine
26.3 From access of persons to load support
26.4 From derailment
26.5 From insufficient mechanical strength of parts
26.6 From inadequate design of pulleys, drums
26.7 From inadequate selection of chains, ropes, lifting and accessories and their inadequate
integration into the machine
26.8 From lowering of the load under the control of friction break
26.9 From abnormal conditions of assembly/testing/use/maintenance
26.10 From the effect of load on persons (impact by load or counterweight)
26.11 Electrical hazards
26.12 From lightning
26.13 Hazards generated by neglecting ergonomic principles
26.14 Insufficient visibility from the driving position

27 Hazards, hazardous situations and hazardous events due to the lifting or moving of
27.1 Mechanical hazards and hazardous events due to:
27.2 Inadequate mechanical strength – inadequate working coefficients
27.3 Failing of loading control
27.4 Failing of controls in person carrier (function, priority)
27.5 Over speed of person carrier
27.6 Falling of person from person carrier
27.7 Falling or overturning of person carrier
27.8 Human error, human behaviour
27.9 Seismic hazards

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Appendix 2

Preliminary Hazard Analysis - Utilising The Hazard Rating Number System (HRN)

With this method you’re asked to assign numerical values to phrases relating to the:-

Likelihood of Occurrence (LO)

Frequency of Exposure (FE)
Degree of Possible Harm (DPH)
Number of People at risk at any one time (NP)

Likelihood of Occurrence: The chances of a person(s) coming into contact with the
hazard or being in a situation that they are exposed to a hazard.

Frequency of Exposure: How often a person(s) is exposed to a hazard.

Degree of Possible Harm: The maximum degree of injury or damage to health that could
be caused.

Number of People at risk at any one time: The number of people that are exposed to
the hazard at any one time.

Firstly, the hazard has to be identified. Using Figure 1 (Key to Risk Assessment below)
and knowledge of how the machine operates, the likelihood of a person or persons
coming into contact with the hazard has to be decided and the relevant numerical value
from the chart allocated.

When this decision is made the same thought process is used to determine the frequency
of exposure to the hazard, the degree of injury or damage to health that could be caused
should the person or persons come into contact with the hazard, and how many people
are exposed to the hazard at any one time.

The next step is to multiply all the numbers together to give the hazard rating number
(HRN). From this and using the table shown as Figure 1, the degree of risk from
negligible to unacceptable can be determined.

It should be borne in mind that when carrying out a risk assessment on machinery that
has existing control measures, for example guards, light curtains, pressure mats,
interlocks etc., these control measures should be disregarded for the purposes of risk
assessment only. The reason for this is that after carrying out the initial assessment the
existing control measures can be introduced and a re-assessment completed to ascertain
whether or not the control measures are adequate and reduce the risk to an acceptable

Guidance on Machinery Safety Page 24 of 28

Figure 1 - Key to Risk Assessment

LO Likelihood of Occurrence Frequency of Exposure

0 Impossible cannot happen 0.1 Infrequently

0.1 Almost unlikely possible in extreme 0.2 Annually
0.5 Highly unlikely though conceivable 1 Monthly
1 Unlikely but could occur 1.5 Weekly
2 Possible but unusual 2.5 Daily
5 Even chance could happen 4 Hourly
8 Probable not surprised 5 Constantly
10 Likely to be expected
15 Certain no doubt

DPH Degree of Possible Harm NP Number of Persons at risk

0.1 Scratch or bruise 1 1-2 persons

0.5 Laceration or mild ill health effect 2 3-7 persons
1 Break of a minor bone or minor illness 4 8-15 persons
2 Break of a major bone or minor illness 8 16-50 persons
4 Loss of Limb or eye / serious illness of a 12 50 + persons
temporary nature
8 Loss of Limbs or eyes / serious illness of
permanent nature
15 Fatality

RISK Negligible Very Low Low Significant High Very Extreme Unacceptable
HRN 0-1 1-5 5-10 10-50 50-100 100-500 500-1000 Above 1000

For guidance only the following table gives typical suggested time periods in which
corrective action(s) for the various degrees of risk should be implemented.

Figure 6.0.2 Guidance Timeframes

RISK Negligible Very Low Significant High Very Extreme Unacceptable

Low High
Time Accept Risk <1 < 3 Months < 1 Month <1 < 1 Day Immediate Stop Activity
Year Week

Guidance on Machinery Safety Page 25 of 28


Nature of the hazard

Moving machinery inside the packaging machine. Access can be gained through the entry
for the in feed conveyor and exit for the out feed conveyor. Cutting or severing hazards.
Crushing hazard.

5 X 5 X 4 X 1 = 100

Degree of risk = High / Very high

Suggested time periods = < 1 Week / < 1 Day

From this example it can be seen that there is a borderline in the degree of risk
between high and very high. When a situation like this arises the highest degree of
risk must be selected. Now that the degree of risk has been determined the existing
control measures if there are any can be introduced, or suggested control measures
if there are no existing measures can be considered.

Control Measure
The present tunnel guarding, partially fitted, restricts access to the moving parts but
is not in compliance with the relevant standards.

2 X 5 X 4 X 1 40

Degree of risk = Significant

Suggested time period = < 1 month

Clearly from this example we can see that the existing guarding, whilst offering a
certain amount of protection, is not adequate and the degree of risk can be reduced
further by fitting a guard that completely prevents contact with the hazard but does
not affect the production.

Control Measure
Fitting a tunnel guard that complies with relevant standards for guarding and safety
distances, and prevents all access to the moving parts.

0.1 0.1 4 1 0.04

Degree of risk = Negligible

Guidance on Machinery Safety Page 26 of 28

Appendix 3 - Machine Guarding Checklist

Requirements for all safeguards

• Do the safeguards prevent workers' hands, arms, and other body parts
from making contact with dangerous moving parts?
• Are the safeguards firmly secured and not easily removable?
• Do the safeguards ensure that no objects will fall into the moving parts?
• Do the safeguards permit safe, comfortable, and relatively easy
operation of the machine?
• Can the machine be lubricated without removing the safeguard?
• Is there a system for shutting down the machinery before safeguards
are removed?
• Can the existing safeguards be improved?

Mechanical Hazards -
(Point of operation i.e. the area where the work actually takes place)

• Is there a point-of-operation safeguard provided for the machine?

• Does it keep the operator's hands, fingers, body out of the danger
• Is there evidence that the safeguards have been tampered with or
• Could you suggest a more practical, effective safeguard?
• Could changes be made on the machine to eliminate the point-of-
operation hazard entirely?

Power transmission apparatus

• Are there any unguarded gears, sprockets, pulleys, or flywheels on the

• Are there any exposed belts or chain drives?
• Are there any exposed set screws, key ways, collars, etc.?
• Are starting and stopping controls within easy reach of the operator?
• If there is more than one operator, are separate controls provided?
• Other moving parts:
• Are safeguards provided for all hazardous moving parts of the machine,
including auxiliary parts?

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Electrical Hazards

• Is the machine installed in accordance with internationally recognised

Electrical Codes
• Are there loose conduit fittings?
• Is the machine properly grounded?
• Is the power supply correctly fused and protected?
• Do workers occasionally receive minor shocks while operating any of
the machines?


• Do operators and maintenance workers have the necessary training in

how to use the safeguards and why?
• Have operators and maintenance workers been trained in where the
safeguards are located, how they provide protection, and what hazards
they protect against?
• Have operators and maintenance workers been trained in how and
under what circumstances guards can be removed?
• Have workers been trained in the procedure to follow if they notice
guards that are damaged, missing, or inadequate?

Protective Equipment and Proper Clothing

• Is protective equipment required?

• If protective equipment is required, is it appropriate for the job, in good
condition, kept clean and sanitary, and stored carefully when not in
• Is the operator dressed safely for the job (i.e., no loose-fitting clothing or

Machinery Maintenance and Repair

• Have maintenance workers received up-to-date instruction on the

machines they service?
• Do maintenance workers lock-out the machine from its power sources
before beginning repairs?
• Where several maintenance persons work on the same machine, are
multiple lockout devices used?
• Is the maintenance equipment itself properly guarded?

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